Breaking: Trump gets marching orders from NRA

No, they are not. The NRA was originally founded as a social organization to teach gun safety.
Not as a lobbying firm to boost weapon sales when gun manufacturers don't have a war to cater to.
And Planned Parenthood started as an organization that stressed birth control and education. Only later did it become an abortion mill.
Organizations often morph as they grow and issues change.
NRA warned Trump about support for background checks: Washington Post - CNNPolitics

Without instructions from Wayne LaPierre, Trump would have obviously said something to piss off the NRA. He was probably told that any support of gun control of any kind, would not go over well with the NRA.

So, we now know, in addition to Putin, where Trump gets his orders from. But not to worry, Republicans in Congress will straighten Trump out. Ops, my bad, they will be quiet as little church mice.

LaPierre was just reminding Trump that $30 million ain't chump change

In the 2016 election, the NRA spent $11,438,118 to support Donald Trump’s campaign and donated $19,756,346 to groups opposing Hillary Clinton’s. However, the bulk of the contributions have gone to House and Senate members. Here is a look at the top 10 recipients of NRA contributions.

Who are the top 10 recipients of NRA money?
Its not a marching right off the bat its a phony thread....the NRA just like any other PAC will give presidents advise and suggestions daily when appropriate....nothing new here at all...

THE LEFT: Devoid of any real topics they can claim any sort of victory over much less reason to actually vote for THEM; so far they've failed at:
  1. The Clown In A Teacup ploy
  2. The Mexican Derision Ploy
  3. The Big Hands Ploy
  4. The Megyn Kelly Ploy
  5. The Orange Man Ploy
  6. The McCain War Vet Ploy
  7. The He'll Ruin The GOP Ploy
  8. The Beauty Pageant Video Ploy
  9. The Hillary Ploy
  10. The Obama Ploy
  11. The No Inauguration Ploy
  12. The No State of The Union Ploy
  13. The Foreign Puppet Ploy
  14. The Comey Ploy
  15. The Wiretap Ploy
  16. The News Leak Ploy
  17. The Environmental Horror Ploy
  18. The Trump College Ploy
  19. The No European Friend Ploy
  20. The Nork Missile Ploy
  21. The Unpaid Subcontractors Ploy
  22. The World's A Shithole Ploy
  23. The Gorsuch Ploy
  24. The Harass All Trumpsters Ploy
  25. The Impeach 45 Ploy
  26. The Obese Fast Food Ploy
  27. The Trump Incompetent Ploy
  28. The Misogynist Ploy
  29. The No Muslim From 5-Nation Ploy
  30. The Sanctuary Ploy
  31. The What-You-Don't-See-Proves-There-Must-Be-Something-There Ploy
  32. The Border Wall Block Ploy
  33. The White House In Disorder Ploy
  34. The Disrupt Rally Ploy
  35. The Fox News Ploy
  36. The Golfer's Delight Ploy
  37. The Everyone's Bailing On Trump Ploy
  38. The Trump's Crazy and Dangerous Ploy
  39. The Late Night Host Ploy
  40. The Hollywood Derision Ploy
  41. The Xenophobe Ploy
  42. The Old Girlfriends and Lovers Ploy
  43. The D. Trump Jr. Ploy
  44. The Ivanka Ploy
  45. The Illegitimate President Ploy
  46. The Beloved Dead John McCain Ploy
  47. The Kavanaugh Ploy
  48. The Melania Sleaze Ploy
  49. The Electoral College Ploy
  50. The Putin Puppet Ploy
  51. The Banking Ploy
  52. The Swamp-Em With Illegals Ploy
  53. The Trump Racist Ploy
  54. The Tax Return Ploy
  55. The Foreign Made Hat Ploy
  56. The Cheap Labor Ploy
  57. The Poor Children In Cages Ploy
  58. The Bob Mueller Mueller Mueller Ploy
  59. The Chinese Tariff Ruination Ploy
  60. The White Supremacist Ploy
  61. The California Ballot Ploy
  62. And now this week it is time to try out the Trump/NRA Anti-Gun-Grabber Ploy
The Left averages a new Trump topical scandal about ever 18-19 days to test on the public and media. Nope. Still haven't found one yet to hit out of the ballpark.
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NRA warned Trump about support for background checks: Washington Post - CNNPolitics

Without instructions from Wayne LaPierre, Trump would have obviously said something to piss off the NRA. He was probably told that any support of gun control of any kind, would not go over well with the NRA.

So, we now know, in addition to Putin, where Trump gets his orders from. But not to worry, Republicans in Congress will straighten Trump out. Ops, my bad, they will be quiet as little church mice.
This might be a stupid question, but why does Trump care what the NRA says? I thought he funded his own campaign? Is he beholden to the NRA? Won't his supporters continue to love him no matter what he does?

Wayne LaPierre et al. are warning Trump that he will erode his beloved base if he encourages any kind of regulation on guns and background checks.
Hey! Wouldn't it be great if Trump insisted on background checks and his supporters, who defend him for all his horseshit, actually defended him on this, too?
That would be awesome.

Um, there are already background checks. Nationwide.
Have you ever seen the form?
It appears all the recent shooters filled out the form and passed the background check.
NRA warned Trump about support for background checks: Washington Post - CNNPolitics

Without instructions from Wayne LaPierre, Trump would have obviously said something to piss off the NRA. He was probably told that any support of gun control of any kind, would not go over well with the NRA.

So, we now know, in addition to Putin, where Trump gets his orders from. But not to worry, Republicans in Congress will straighten Trump out. Ops, my bad, they will be quiet as little church mice.
This might be a stupid question, but why does Trump care what the NRA says? I thought he funded his own campaign? Is he beholden to the NRA? Won't his supporters continue to love him no matter what he does?

Wayne LaPierre et al. are warning Trump that he will erode his beloved base if he encourages any kind of regulation on guns and background checks.
Hey! Wouldn't it be great if Trump insisted on background checks and his supporters, who defend him for all his horseshit, actually defended him on this, too?
That would be awesome.

Um, there are already background checks. Nationwide.
Have you ever seen the form?
It appears all the recent shooters filled out the form and passed the background check.

Nah, I've never seen the forms. I live in the Appalachians - we can buy firearms at flea markets. Ain't no forms.
The pharmacy called. Your prescription of stupid pills has been refilled.

Your post should be deleted for personal attack without addressing the topic of the NRA's message to Trump. Let's see if these moderators here are up to the job or if they're like the Republican congress: partisan cowards.

The info in the post is fake
So there's that.
NO RESTRICTIONS TO GUNS! Move out! If you don’t like our culture
NRA warned Trump about support for background checks: Washington Post - CNNPolitics

Without instructions from Wayne LaPierre, Trump would have obviously said something to piss off the NRA. He was probably told that any support of gun control of any kind, would not go over well with the NRA.

So, we now know, in addition to Putin, where Trump gets his orders from. But not to worry, Republicans in Congress will straighten Trump out. Ops, my bad, they will be quiet as little church mice.
Trump is a coward.
Cool. They are doing their job.

No, they are not. The NRA was originally founded as a social organization to teach gun safety.
Not as a lobbying firm to boost weapon sales when gun manufacturers don't have a war to cater to.
Yet that is what they are now, and there's no sense wishing we were dealing with the "old" NRA. We aren't.
The gun manufacturers injected much welcome money into the NRA's coffers. Now, like any politicians anywhere, they sing the gun manufacturers' song.

Did they now or is the truth really that individual donors (i.e. members) are the ones funding the NRA...

The money powering the NRA

The NRA exists to teach gun safety & to promote every citizen's 2nd Amendment.
Its not a marching right off the bat its a phony thread....the NRA just like any other PAC will give presidents advise and suggestions daily when appropriate....nothing new here at all...

It's a warning.
NRA warned Trump about support for background checks: Washington Post - CNNPolitics

Without instructions from Wayne LaPierre, Trump would have obviously said something to piss off the NRA. He was probably told that any support of gun control of any kind, would not go over well with the NRA.

So, we now know, in addition to Putin, where Trump gets his orders from. But not to worry, Republicans in Congress will straighten Trump out. Ops, my bad, they will be quiet as little church mice.
----------------------------------- GOOD on your entire post if its True AstroS !!
NRA warned Trump about support for background checks: Washington Post - CNNPolitics

Without instructions from Wayne LaPierre, Trump would have obviously said something to piss off the NRA. He was probably told that any support of gun control of any kind, would not go over well with the NRA.

So, we now know, in addition to Putin, where Trump gets his orders from. But not to worry, Republicans in Congress will straighten Trump out. Ops, my bad, they will be quiet as little church mice.
This might be a stupid question, but why does Trump care what the NRA says? I thought he funded his own campaign? Is he beholden to the NRA? Won't his supporters continue to love him no matter what he does?
------------------------------------ maybe many or most but this might be a close election and i think that TRUMP wants or needs as many votes as he can get . I want no background checks at all so i certainly don't want Extended and i don't want any other laws , but we will see OldLady .
Cool. They are doing their job.

No, they are not. The NRA was originally founded as a social organization to teach gun safety.
Not as a lobbying firm to boost weapon sales when gun manufacturers don't have a war to cater to.
Yet that is what they are now, and there's no sense wishing we were dealing with the "old" NRA. We aren't.
The gun manufacturers injected much welcome money into the NRA's coffers. Now, like any politicians anywhere, they sing the gun manufacturers' song.
----------------------------- your opinion plus remember . Guns are a legal product and NRA can advocate for what it like OldLady .
NRA warned Trump about support for background checks: Washington Post - CNNPolitics

Without instructions from Wayne LaPierre, Trump would have obviously said something to piss off the NRA. He was probably told that any support of gun control of any kind, would not go over well with the NRA.

So, we now know, in addition to Putin, where Trump gets his orders from. But not to worry, Republicans in Congress will straighten Trump out. Ops, my bad, they will be quiet as little church mice.
This might be a stupid question, but why does Trump care what the NRA says? I thought he funded his own campaign? Is he beholden to the NRA? Won't his supporters continue to love him no matter what he does?

Wayne LaPierre et al. are warning Trump that he will erode his beloved base if he encourages any kind of regulation on guns and background checks.
Hey! Wouldn't it be great if Trump insisted on background checks and his supporters, who defend him for all his horseshit, actually defended him on this, too?
That would be awesome.

Um, there are already background checks. Nationwide.
Have you ever seen the form?
It appears all the recent shooters filled out the form and passed the background check.

Nah, I've never seen the forms. I live in the Appalachians - we can buy firearms at flea markets. Ain't no forms.
------------------------------ sounds like America where RIGHTS are still Respected JMiller .
NRA warned Trump about support for background checks: Washington Post - CNNPolitics

Without instructions from Wayne LaPierre, Trump would have obviously said something to piss off the NRA. He was probably told that any support of gun control of any kind, would not go over well with the NRA.

So, we now know, in addition to Putin, where Trump gets his orders from. But not to worry, Republicans in Congress will straighten Trump out. Ops, my bad, they will be quiet as little church mice.
Trump is a coward.

Says the one that scampers off every time he's engaged on here.

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The pharmacy called. Your prescription of stupid pills has been refilled.

Your post should be deleted for personal attack without addressing the topic of the NRA's message to Trump. Let's see if these moderators here are up to the job or if they're like the Republican congress: partisan cowards.
By your own standards, YOUR post should be deleted. Also for trying to manipulate the mods.
NRA warned Trump about support for background checks: Washington Post - CNNPolitics

Without instructions from Wayne LaPierre, Trump would have obviously said something to piss off the NRA. He was probably told that any support of gun control of any kind, would not go over well with the NRA.

So, we now know, in addition to Putin, where Trump gets his orders from. But not to worry, Republicans in Congress will straighten Trump out. Ops, my bad, they will be quiet as little church mice.
This might be a stupid question, but why does Trump care what the NRA says? I thought he funded his own campaign? Is he beholden to the NRA? Won't his supporters continue to love him no matter what he does?
It is, but I'll answer for you.

"The NRA" is MILLIONS of Trump supporters. Hopefully our input matters. He is squishy on this issue though.
Trump, being a New York billionaire probably has no convictions whatsoever on guns. He doesn't shoot them himself and he is rich enough to provide all the security he needs.

However, as a political candidate he knows he needs the Conservative gun community to vote for him.

He is probably outsourcing his convictions to the NRA. In his mind they speak for the gun community. If the NRA tells him something is OK he will support it. If they tell him no then he will oppose it.

The stupid NRA gave him permission to go with the bump stock ban so he did.

If they tell him they support a UBC law then he will support it.

If the NRA tells him another AWB is OK he will support it.

No different than Obama doing whatever the filthy unions or other despicable Left Wing special interest groups told him to do.
NRA warned Trump about support for background checks: Washington Post - CNNPolitics

Without instructions from Wayne LaPierre, Trump would have obviously said something to piss off the NRA. He was probably told that any support of gun control of any kind, would not go over well with the NRA.

So, we now know, in addition to Putin, where Trump gets his orders from. But not to worry, Republicans in Congress will straighten Trump out. Ops, my bad, they will be quiet as little church mice.

The bill that article references also includes provisions for some gun-bans, which are a huge no-no. That's probably the major reason it failed to pass. Rather stupid to write an article like that and say it was about a background check bill.

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