Breaking: Trump gets marching orders from NRA

The pharmacy called. Your prescription of stupid pills has been refilled.

Your post should be deleted for personal attack without addressing the topic of the NRA's message to Trump. Let's see if these moderators here are up to the job or if they're like the Republican congress: partisan cowards.
By your own standards, YOUR post should be deleted. Also for trying to manipulate the mods.

Why does the pharmacy have e.a. blair on speed dial?
NRA warned Trump about support for background checks: Washington Post - CNNPolitics

Without instructions from Wayne LaPierre, Trump would have obviously said something to piss off the NRA. He was probably told that any support of gun control of any kind, would not go over well with the NRA.

So, we now know, in addition to Putin, where Trump gets his orders from. But not to worry, Republicans in Congress will straighten Trump out. Ops, my bad, they will be quiet as little church mice.
This might be a stupid question, but why does Trump care what the NRA says? I thought he funded his own campaign? Is he beholden to the NRA? Won't his supporters continue to love him no matter what he does?

if you have to ask you are far to stupid to understand the answer
This might be a stupid question, but why does Trump care what the NRA says? I thought he funded his own campaign? Is he beholden to the NRA? Won't his supporters continue to love him no matter what he does?

Wayne LaPierre et al. are warning Trump that he will erode his beloved base if he encourages any kind of regulation on guns and background checks.
Hey! Wouldn't it be great if Trump insisted on background checks and his supporters, who defend him for all his horseshit, actually defended him on this, too?
That would be awesome.

Um, there are already background checks. Nationwide.
Have you ever seen the form?
It appears all the recent shooters filled out the form and passed the background check.

Nah, I've never seen the forms. I live in the Appalachians - we can buy firearms at flea markets. Ain't no forms.
------------------------------ sounds like America where RIGHTS are still Respected JMiller .

It's moonshine country. Disrespect for the law is our heritage.
NRA warned Trump about support for background checks: Washington Post - CNNPolitics

Without instructions from Wayne LaPierre, Trump would have obviously said something to piss off the NRA. He was probably told that any support of gun control of any kind, would not go over well with the NRA.

So, we now know, in addition to Putin, where Trump gets his orders from. But not to worry, Republicans in Congress will straighten Trump out. Ops, my bad, they will be quiet as little church mice.
This might be a stupid question, but why does Trump care what the NRA says? I thought he funded his own campaign? Is he beholden to the NRA? Won't his supporters continue to love him no matter what he does?

Wayne LaPierre et al. are warning Trump that he will erode his beloved base if he encourages any kind of regulation on guns and background checks.
Hey! Wouldn't it be great if Trump insisted on background checks and his supporters, who defend him for all his horseshit, actually defended him on this, too?
That would be awesome.

What background checks would you like to see?

Especially since all of the recent shooters passed their background checks with flying colors?

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