Breaking: Trump leads Nevada poll with overwhelming support from Hispanic Bloc (Jeb Bush Pissed Off)


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
I am not surprised. Contrary to popular belief, there are many Americanized or "White-washed" Hispanics/Latinos who are against illegal immigration.


Trump Leads Nevada Poll with Overwhelming Hispanic Support -- WASHINGTON July 16 2015 PRNewswire --
So 16% identified themselves as Hispanic, but it broadly asks the question are you or anyone in your family from a Hispanic, Latino or Spanish speaking background. So If I married a Hispanic chick I would be in effect counting my vote as Hispanic. Then it says it polled 1,276 registered voters and included voters who cannot vote in a Nevada Republican primary and 416 Democrats who very likely won't vote for Trump and you're looking at a poorly devised poll with questionable results.
I employ a number of people of Latino/Mexican descent. They are all here legally (we use e-verify). They came here legally, jumped through all of the hoops, and are either citizens or have green cards that allow them to work here.

Every single one of them resent illegals. They don't think it's right that they had to work so hard to become legal while the illegals stroll across the border with no consequences.

So yeah, it makes good sense that Trump or anyone else that promises to end illegal immigration will get lots of support from LEGAL Latinos.
Heck I am thinking of changing my registration to Republican just to vote for Trump in the primaries.

If I was asked, I would certainly say yes- a Trump candidacy would be great news for the DNC.
Of course MANY Hispanics/latinos supports him and Republicans. so don't believe a word from those snake Democrats mouths

they don't like the FACT these Illegals are able to jump AHEAD of them and the fact Obama and the Democrat party is PUSHING this off on the rest of us
I also think they (latinos/Hispanics) are tired of being USED for the dirty politics of the left/democrats.
go vote out the Progressive Obama/ Hillary Clinton party come 2016

lets roll folks
So 16% identified themselves as Hispanic, but it broadly asks the question are you or anyone in your family from a Hispanic, Latino or Spanish speaking background. So If I married a Hispanic chick I would be in effect counting my vote as Hispanic. Then it says it polled 1,276 registered voters and included voters who cannot vote in a Nevada Republican primary and 416 Democrats who very likely won't vote for Trump and you're looking at a poorly devised poll with questionable results.

Actually they only asked the question about Trump to the GOP primary voters. So Trump got 31% of the conservative/Republican Hispanics.

If you believe the poll.
Democrats (Socialists) won't know whether to shit or go blind over this poll.

But, they still have the Homosexuals and the Muslims locked in.

Politics make strange bedfellows.
Democrats (Socialists) won't know whether to shit or go blind over this poll.

But, they still have the Homosexuals and the Muslims locked in.

Politics make strange bedfellows.
We also have the youth vote, the Hispanic vote, the women vote, and everyone turned off by Jeb Bush, Donald Trump and Scott Walker. That doesn't leave you with anyone but old white men and between now and November 2016 about 600,000 will have died off. But hey, keep the faith.
That Nevada poll is looking pretty milquetoast compared to this just released news.

Trump’s extraordinary climb in the polls in the wake of his explosive rhetoric on illegal immigrants has many in his party worried about the drift of the campaign – but it’s also cause for celebration among Democrats.

The Washington Post reports that Hillary Clinton’s campaign is thrilled with the contrast between Trump’s take-no-enemies approach and Clinton’s more seasoned and sober leadership style and fluency in discussing domestic and foreign policy issues.

In a hypothetical general election matchup, Clinton would clobber Trump among Hispanic voters, 70 percent to 16 percent, notwithstanding Trump’s inexplicable declaration that he would “win the Latino vote.”

It’s hard to exaggerate the importance of Hispanic voters to the outcome of the 2016 presidential election – or the uphill battle Republicans face in trying to win Latino votes.


Read more: As Trump Surges in the Polls Hispanic Voters Flock to Hillary Clinton - Yahoo Finance
Democrats (Socialists) won't know whether to shit or go blind over this poll.

But, they still have the Homosexuals and the Muslims locked in.

Politics make strange bedfellows.
We also have the youth vote, the Hispanic vote, the women vote, and everyone turned off by Jeb Bush, Donald Trump and Scott Walker. That doesn't leave you with anyone but old white men and between now and November 2016 about 600,000 will have died off. But hey, keep the faith.

The "Youth "don't vote, especially for some boring old white bitch.
"Hispanics" are concentrated in states that are not up for grabs.
"Women" are not some monolithic group that check with their vaginas before deciding on a candidate.

PS- every Democrat candidate is OLD and WHITE.
Democrats (Socialists) won't know whether to shit or go blind over this poll.

But, they still have the Homosexuals and the Muslims locked in.

Politics make strange bedfellows.
We also have the youth vote, the Hispanic vote, the women vote, and everyone turned off by Jeb Bush, Donald Trump and Scott Walker. That doesn't leave you with anyone but old white men and between now and November 2016 about 600,000 will have died off. But hey, keep the faith.

The "Youth "don't vote, especially for some boring old white bitch.
"Hispanics" are concentrated in states that are not up for grabs.
"Women" are not some monolithic group that check with their vaginas before deciding on a candidate.

PS- every Democrat candidate is OLD and WHITE.

Nevada is very much up for grabs and could make the difference between who wins the presidency, just like one state made the difference in 2000.
So 16% identified themselves as Hispanic, but it broadly asks the question are you or anyone in your family from a Hispanic, Latino or Spanish speaking background. So If I married a Hispanic chick I would be in effect counting my vote as Hispanic. Then it says it polled 1,276 registered voters and included voters who cannot vote in a Nevada Republican primary and 416 Democrats who very likely won't vote for Trump and you're looking at a poorly devised poll with questionable results.
Mexican American CITIZENS of which I AM one HATE ILLEGALS.
Got that stupid?
Democrats (Socialists) won't know whether to shit or go blind over this poll.

But, they still have the Homosexuals and the Muslims locked in.

Politics make strange bedfellows.
We also have the youth vote, the Hispanic vote, the women vote, and everyone turned off by Jeb Bush, Donald Trump and Scott Walker. That doesn't leave you with anyone but old white men and between now and November 2016 about 600,000 will have died off. But hey, keep the faith.

The "Youth "don't vote, especially for some boring old white bitch.
"Hispanics" are concentrated in states that are not up for grabs.
"Women" are not some monolithic group that check with their vaginas before deciding on a candidate.

PS- every Democrat candidate is OLD and WHITE.

Young people are going for Hillary Trump’s extraordinary climb in the polls in the wake of his explosive rhetoric on illegal immigrants has many in his party worried about the drift of the campaign – but it’s also cause for celebration among Democrats.

The Washington Post reports that Hillary Clinton’s campaign is thrilled with the contrast between Trump’s take-no-enemies approach and Clinton’s more seasoned and sober leadership style and fluency in discussing domestic and foreign policy issues.

In a hypothetical general election matchup, Clinton would clobber Trump among Hispanic voters, 70 percent to 16 percent, notwithstanding Trump’s inexplicable declaration that he would “win the Latino vote.”

It’s hard to exaggerate the importance of Hispanic voters to the outcome of the 2016 presidential election – or the uphill battle Republicans face in trying to win Latino votes.


Read more: As Trump Surges in the Polls Hispanic Voters Flock to Hillary Clinton - Yahoo Finance
61% of Hillary Clinton donors are women. Here s how Hillary Clinton knows that 61 percent of her donors were women - The Washington Post
The Democratic candidates may be old and white but they are beating the crap out of young white and Hispanic Republicans.
So 16% identified themselves as Hispanic, but it broadly asks the question are you or anyone in your family from a Hispanic, Latino or Spanish speaking background. So If I married a Hispanic chick I would be in effect counting my vote as Hispanic. Then it says it polled 1,276 registered voters and included voters who cannot vote in a Nevada Republican primary and 416 Democrats who very likely won't vote for Trump and you're looking at a poorly devised poll with questionable results.
Mexican American CITIZENS of which I AM one HATE ILLEGALS.
Got that stupid?
Don't make me get nasty we were having a good discussion.

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