Hispanics stick with Trump despite tough border stance

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Hispanics stick with Trump despite tough border stance
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President Trump is poised to launch his 2020 reelection as popular with Hispanic voters as other Republicans, bucking predictions that provocative nationalist rhetoric and hard-line border policies would crater his support with this critical bloc......

......Available polling consistently shows Hispanic support for the president at around 30% — about the same as it has been for many Republican politicians post-George W. Bush and pre-Trump. Indeed, Some party insiders focused on improving Hispanic support for the GOP now contend that he has room to grow with this cohort in next election.

“He starts in a much better place for reelection than when he launched his 2016 campaign,” said Daniel Garza, a Bush administration veteran who runs the Libre Initiative, a Koch network group that encourages Hispanics to embrace conservative policies. “One would think immigration would be a major anchor for him, but he’s turned it into at least a push,” he said, suggesting his policies would neither harm nor help the president. That’s quite a turnabout for Garza. Here is what he told the Washington Examiner about Trump in August 2015: “His positions are indefensible. I would actually rise up against him.”........
Trump's looking very good on the Black and Hispanic vote. Except for AOC.

Ocasio-Cortez Claims Border Patrol Agents Turned Her Into A Newt.
Is today one of those days were polls are believable and not fake news? It's so hard to keep track around here anymore.
Hispanics are very family oriented, liberals are pushing infanticide. They won't support that.

The theory seems plausible....BUT these savages will attend mass on Saturday and be involved in drive-by shooting Saturday night. These awesome Democrats are probably at mass every week.
Hispanics stick with Trump despite tough border stance
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President Trump is poised to launch his 2020 reelection as popular with Hispanic voters as other Republicans, bucking predictions that provocative nationalist rhetoric and hard-line border policies would crater his support with this critical bloc......

......Available polling consistently shows Hispanic support for the president at around 30% — about the same as it has been for many Republican politicians post-George W. Bush and pre-Trump. Indeed, Some party insiders focused on improving Hispanic support for the GOP now contend that he has room to grow with this cohort in next election.

“He starts in a much better place for reelection than when he launched his 2016 campaign,” said Daniel Garza, a Bush administration veteran who runs the Libre Initiative, a Koch network group that encourages Hispanics to embrace conservative policies. “One would think immigration would be a major anchor for him, but he’s turned it into at least a push,” he said, suggesting his policies would neither harm nor help the president. That’s quite a turnabout for Garza. Here is what he told the Washington Examiner about Trump in August 2015: “His positions are indefensible. I would actually rise up against him.”........
Trump's looking very good on the Black and Hispanic vote. Except for AOC.

Ocasio-Cortez Claims Border Patrol Agents Turned Her Into A Newt.
OC( Occasional Constipation) is full of shit. Most long term or born here Latinos do as well as the rest of us. In certain cities they do better than many of us(Miami-Houston-New Joizzzy). They hate riff raff as much as anyone. So do the zillions of successful Black( no African) Americans in places like Hotlanta. They don't have any desire to adopt a bunch of Somalians, Hatians or other useless eaters.
Work hard and win mentality. THAT is where it's at ! They get it done !
Good ole Americans with different appearance as to the Euros that generally run the show.....not for long. Look at the Vietnamese on the Gulf of Mexico. Workin motherfuckers and nice people........overall.
Is today one of those days were polls are believable and not fake news? It's so hard to keep track around here anymore.
Hispanics are very family oriented, liberals are pushing infanticide. They won't support that.

The theory seems plausible....BUT these savages will attend mass on Saturday and be involved in drive-by shooting Saturday night. These awesome Democrats are probably at mass every week.
Fuck those motherfuckers. Shoot'em and let them lay. Then go get some good American soul food.........
Is today one of those days were polls are believable and not fake news? It's so hard to keep track around here anymore.
Hispanics are very family oriented, liberals are pushing infanticide. They won't support that.

The theory seems plausible....BUT these savages will attend mass on Saturday and be involved in drive-by shooting Saturday night. These awesome Democrats are probably at mass every week.

Many Hispanic families like many families of all races have been corrupted by Liberalism
Legal Hispanics hate illegals.

Those legal American citizens spend thousands of dollars and spent years to become legal.

Its no wonder they dislike illegals who cost us billions each year.

"Undocumented Immigrant" Is a Made-Up Term That Ignores the Law
"Undocumented Immigrant" Is a Made-Up Term That Ignores the Law

The news media is reporting that an internal email at the Justice Department has reminded its lawyers that the legally correct term they should be using in their briefs is “illegal alien,” not the euphemism “undocumented immigrant.”

The Justice Department leadership is correct. Illegal alien is the correct legal term that should be used.

“Undocumented immigrant” is a politically correct, made-up term adopted by pro-illegal alien advocacy groups and liberal media outlets to obscure the fact that such aliens have violated U.S. immigration law and are in the country illegally.

Precision in the law is a vital principle, since the exact words used in statutes, regulations, contracts, guidance documents, and policy statements can significantly affect how they are applied and interpreted.

If we are going to discuss and debate the issue of immigration and what our public policy should be, we should at least use accurate, precise terms, and talk about, for example, legal aliens vs. illegal aliens.

Government lawyers in particular have an obligation to use the correct language of the federal statutes they are sworn to uphold and enforce.

Federal immigration law uses the term “illegal alien.” For example, 8 U.S.C. §1365 is a provision that deals with a reimbursement program the federal government has for states that are incarcerating illegal aliens. Its very title refers to “illegal aliens,” and that term is used in the statute itself, which defines an illegal alien as anyone “who is in the United States unlawfully.”

“Alien”—rather than “immigrant”—is the correct legal term, since “alien” is defined in 8 U.S.C. §1101 (a)(3) as “any person not a citizen or national of the United States.”

The Supreme Court, which has decided numerous cases involving federal immigration law, also uses the correct, precise legal term of “illegal alien.”
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