Breaking: Trump pledges to eliminate taxes on overtime work

Great idea! What better way to reward hard working Americans than make their overtime tax-free! Trump cares about the working class. Democrats crap all over them.
Donald Trump will go down as one of the most remarkable political figures this nation has ever seen. His ideas, his timing and his approach are absolutely brilliant. At the rate this campaign is going, Kamala is going to paint herself orange and start wearing a MAGA hat in TV ads by early October.
Both candidates can take a hike as far as I'm concerned. It's been 31 years since any serious action has been taken to practice any financial discipline back there in Washington.
Both candidates can take a hike as far as I'm concerned. It's been 31 years since any serious action has been taken to practice any financial discipline back there in Washington.
It's not just the candidates. Aren't you concerned about the Democrat takeover of the media, the justice system and the intelligence agencies?

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