BREAKING: Trump Shared Highly Classified Info With Russians!

Is donnie begging for impeachment?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 52.9%
  • No

    Votes: 24 47.1%

  • Total voters
Some thing should be done to WAPO. They should not be allowed to get away with this. If it were a private citizen, the Post's last printing press would be sold to pay that judgement.
For reporting the truth? Lol
How do you know it's a lie?
If we don't have a free press we're Russia which we're on the road to becoming which will make you cheer.
The President has the authority to declassify anything. If it's true that he did this, and I have no reason to take the Washington Post all that seriously, then he has the authority to do so.

LMAO, The POTUS can do many things not granted him/her in Art. II; but providing classified information which offers aid or comfort to a foreign power can be an impeachable offense, i.e. a high crime or misdemeanor. Also, Art. I, Sec. 9, clause 8 (the Emolument Clause) can be ground for impeachment too.

Tits on a bull, aka Speaker Ryan, may be engaged in nonfeasance on this issue, since money from foreign powers is going into Trump's coffers, and has been since Jan 20th, 2017.
Washington Post article has been debunked by everyone who was in the room.

Do you really think that will stop anyone, ABC news lead with the story, then gave McMasters account. Shows where their bias is.

The Washington Post broke the story. The NYT shortly followed.

Yep, WAPO seems to have more spies than Russia.

Post prints false story...liberals go bonkers over it. Dummies.
Why? Why is it fake? You can't explain why and you know it.
It has already been debunked by everyone that was at the fucking meeting. Catherine Herridge at FOX who has covered Pentagon for years has contacted her sources and they have said story has no merit.
The President has the authority to declassify anything. If it's true that he did this, and I have no reason to take the Washington Post all that seriously, then he has the authority to do so.

LMAO, The POTUS can do many things not granted him/her in Art. II; but providing classified information which offers aid or comfort to a foreign power can be an impeachable offense, i.e. a high crime or misdemeanor. Also, Art. I, Sec. 9, clause 8 (the Emolument Clause) can be ground for impeachment too.

Tits on a bull, aka Speaker Ryan, may be engaged in nonfeasance on this issue, since money from foreign powers is going into Trump's coffers, and has been since Jan 20th, 2017.
Washington Post article has been debunked by everyone who was in the room.

I think you mean denied. Not debunked.


Bill Mitchell @mitchellvii

So Trump has two named sources, McMaster and Tillerson saying it DID NOT HAPPEN. WAPO has an unnamed spy.
6:45 PM · May 15, 2017
We love you this country, we hate you criminals who try to destroy it.

Through voter suppression, collusion with the Russians and an entire litany of hate.

Oh, wait, that would be Republicans.

What voter suppression, are you being racist and saying blacks are to stupid to vote?

And what collusion with the Russians?
17 intelligence agencies have confirmed Russia influenced our election in Trump's favor.
Don't they cover this 8 month old news on Fox?

How did they do it , be specific?

Shad dup.

What's the matter you don't want to tell the truth?

Come on just tell us....:)


A new un-doctored photo of Michael Obama PROVES he's a man!!

(CNN) Our unnamed sources have confirmed that this is a real photo and Michael Obama is a man!! This is verified, true, REAL NEWS! Our reliable source says this photo was taken at a Satanic Meeting in secret when Michael wasn't looking. The meeting was for Devil worship advocates who are now attempting to immanentize the eschaton and bring about a new transexual world. Babies will be made in vats.
Some thing should be done to WAPO. They should not be allowed to get away with this. If it were a private citizen, the Post's last printing press would be sold to pay that judgement.
Nothing needs to be done. That's borderline dictatorial bullshit. If they broke some legal code let Trump sue them.
Other than that just stop giving them your attention. You & others like you control their bottom line with your dollars. Learn how to effectively use those dollars.
The President has the authority to declassify anything. If it's true that he did this, and I have no reason to take the Washington Post all that seriously, then he has the authority to do so.

LMAO, The POTUS can do many things not granted him/her in Art. II; but providing classified information which offers aid or comfort to a foreign power can be an impeachable offense, i.e. a high crime or misdemeanor. Also, Art. I, Sec. 9, clause 8 (the Emolument Clause) can be ground for impeachment too.

Tits on a bull, aka Speaker Ryan, may be engaged in nonfeasance on this issue, since money from foreign powers is going into Trump's coffers, and has been since Jan 20th, 2017.
Washington Post article has been debunked by everyone who was in the room.

I think you mean denied. Not debunked.
McMaster: The Washington Post story that came out is false
Post prints false story...liberals go bonkers over it. Dummies.
Why? Why is it fake? You can't explain why and you know it.
It has already been debunked by everyone that was at the fucking meeting. Catherine Herridge at FOX who has covered Pentagon for years has contacted her sources and they have said story has no merit.
Fox? The official media of the Trump White House?
Ha ha ha ha ha


Bill Mitchell @mitchellvii

So Trump has two named sources, McMaster and Tillerson saying it DID NOT HAPPEN. WAPO has an unnamed spy.
6:45 PM · May 15, 2017

It's already esteblished the only TASS was in the room with Trump and the two Russians.

McMaster and Tillerson were not there.

A blatant lie.
The President has the authority to declassify anything. If it's true that he did this, and I have no reason to take the Washington Post all that seriously, then he has the authority to do so.

LMAO, The POTUS can do many things not granted him/her in Art. II; but providing classified information which offers aid or comfort to a foreign power can be an impeachable offense, i.e. a high crime or misdemeanor. Also, Art. I, Sec. 9, clause 8 (the Emolument Clause) can be ground for impeachment too.

Tits on a bull, aka Speaker Ryan, may be engaged in nonfeasance on this issue, since money from foreign powers is going into Trump's coffers, and has been since Jan 20th, 2017.
Washington Post article has been debunked by everyone who was in the room.

I think you mean denied. Not debunked.
McMaster: The Washington Post story that came out is false
You don't think the orange clown ordered him out to lie for him?
YOU are one naive mfer.
Some thing should be done to WAPO. They should not be allowed to get away with this. If it were a private citizen, the Post's last printing press would be sold to pay that judgement.
For reporting the truth? Lol
How do you know it's a lie?
If we don't have a free press we're Russia which we're on the road to becoming which will make you cheer.

You only want free speech if it doesn't include information leaked out about your corrupt DNC and canidates.

Admit it.

lactatedakota stands for nothing

so of course she falls for anything

another fake story


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