BREAKING: Trump Shared Highly Classified Info With Russians!

Is donnie begging for impeachment?

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This does not appear to be intentional by our President. Just a glaring example of how inept he is in handling classified information.

He seemed compelled to brag in front of the Russians. Guess what I know?

So I guess you're saying he's innocent since there was no intent, RIGHT? LMAO The hildabitch defense.

mcmaser on stage a few minutes ago , he said nothing happened .

The only other people Trump would let in were the Russian news right? He wouldn't let the US have any news reporters in..Who would have leaked it Pismoe?
'former' US officials?

they were included as sources by the Post, remember.

Ok....look at this coming out.

'The president and the foreign minister reviewed a range of common threats to our two countries, including threats to civil aviation. At no time — at no time — were intelligence sources or methods discussed,' McMaster said.

The Post story didn't say Trump revealed sources and methods – but rather that he passed on to the Russians highly classified information obtained from an ally.

'The president did not disclose any military operations that were not already publicly known,' McMaster added, something the Post story never contended occurred.

Read more: McMaster denies Trump leaked classified info to Russians | Daily Mail Online

Mc-Master of covering for Trump twisted the news story... And refused to answer any questions~

Do you recall Trump just last week embarrassed Pence and all of the others who came out for him after the Comey fire?
I am going to let this play out before drawing any conclusion. Also, a President can declassify material if he wishes. Clinton gave N. Korea and China supposedly classified information. Best to sit back and relax.
mcmaser on stage a few minutes ago , he said nothing happened .

The only other people Trump would let in were the Russian news right? He wouldn't let the US have any news reporters in..Who would have leaked it Pismoe?
'former' US officials?

they were included as sources by the Post, remember.

Ok....look at this coming out.

'The president and the foreign minister reviewed a range of common threats to our two countries, including threats to civil aviation. At no time — at no time — were intelligence sources or methods discussed,' McMaster said.

The Post story didn't say Trump revealed sources and methods – but rather that he passed on to the Russians highly classified information obtained from an ally.

'The president did not disclose any military operations that were not already publicly known,' McMaster added, something the Post story never contended occurred.

Read more: McMaster denies Trump leaked classified info to Russians | Daily Mail Online

Mc-Master of covering for Trump twisted the news story... And refused to answer any questions~

Do you recall Trump just last week embarrassed Pence and all of the others who came out for him after the Comey fire?

twisted it?

by giving more information than needed?


There was treason and it wasn't Trump. Someone, NOT at the meeting was an obama or clinton operative, they leaked the information including the name of the city. There was an informant who is likely on the run tonight. McMasters could not have been more clear. Trump did not disclose anything. Certainly not the name of the city.
Dana Perino on the Five just stated it was most likely an Obama official leaked it from a source from one of the intelligence departments.

Well at least they are admitting that it Didn't Trump clean the WH of Obama spies already?
---------------------------------------------- nope , they are all over the government and throughout the USA . Its the Fifth Column that is at work EWings !!
mcmaser on stage a few minutes ago , he said nothing happened .

The only other people Trump would let in were the Russian news right? He wouldn't let the US have any news reporters in..Who would have leaked it Pismoe?
'former' US officials?

they were included as sources by the Post, remember.

Ok....look at this coming out.

'The president and the foreign minister reviewed a range of common threats to our two countries, including threats to civil aviation. At no time — at no time — were intelligence sources or methods discussed,' McMaster said.

The Post story didn't say Trump revealed sources and methods – but rather that he passed on to the Russians highly classified information obtained from an ally.

'The president did not disclose any military operations that were not already publicly known,' McMaster added, something the Post story never contended occurred.

Read more: McMaster denies Trump leaked classified info to Russians | Daily Mail Online

Mc-Master of covering for Trump twisted the news story... And refused to answer any questions~

I wouldn't waste time with those fuckhead "journalists" either.
Anonymous sources from a former administration asked the crazy 8 ball and it told them "it seem's possible."
Post prints false story...liberals go bonkers over it. Dummies.
Why? Why is it fake? You can't explain why and you know it.

You mean other than people who were in the room said it didn't happen? It's fake.

Obviously people close to him would deny it happened lol

And of course people who were not in the room know everything that happened, LMAO.

Except that the report came from someone people in the room you doofus.
Post prints false story...liberals go bonkers over it. Dummies.
Why? Why is it fake? You can't explain why and you know it.

You mean other than people who were in the room said it didn't happen? It's fake.

Obviously people close to him would deny it happened lol

And of course people who were not in the room know everything that happened, LMAO.

Except that the report came from someone people in the room you doofus.

Not according to the people in the room
Why were the Russians in the Oval Office after they hacked our election?
How much does Putin have on Trump?
Why did trump wait 18 days to fire Flynn after he knew he was a Russian agent.

No theres no Trump/ Russian connection. Lol
Special prosecutor on the way.

How much does Putin have on Trump?

Again how come the sanctions are not lifted?

They would be if the Putin Trump romance wasn't in the spotlight

So that's your "proof" in a court of law..?

No that's just common sense. The proof is coming and when it rains it pours.
Okay, imagine if Obama did this, what the Trumpbots in this thread would be saying.
CNN is reporting McMaster is calling the Washington Post article, false...

McMaster: Washington Post story is false - CNN Video
McMaster wasnt in the room. If the American press wasn't banned we'd have pictures of the whole room to prove it.
The fact Putin's Puppet let the Russian press in instead of the American press speaks volumes.
If you have some data showing that McMasters lied when he said he was there, let's see it.

LOL, how funny is it that the Birthers are suddenly demanding facts!

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