BREAKING: Trump Shared Highly Classified Info With Russians!

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Really? Please quote even one time where I've been proven wrong - other than Adolf Trump cheating Hillary out of the presidency.

It would be simpler to point to where you have not been wrong.

(Billy starts to unfold one finger, then stops. And laughs.)
We are supposed to take the unsupported word of the Washington Post that this happened?
I'm not that gullible. More fake news.
Only Russian journalist allowed in there no Americans LOL

That's a lie, both had official photographers in the room. There were no reporters.


Trump blocked all US reporters, but let the Russians in

From your link: My bold.

But the Russians, who have a largely state-run media, brought their own press contingent in the form of an official photographer.

According to Spicer, both Trump and the Russians had official photographers in the room for the photo op. No one was in the actual meeting except the officials and staff.

Jeffrey Lord, Trump stooge, just contradicted you and Spicey.


I am beginning to wonder if any of these outlets have any degreed journalists on staff. If they do, we need to know what schools they graduated from so they can be exposed.
Okay, imagine if Obama did this, what the Trumpbots in this thread would be saying.
CNN is reporting McMaster is calling the Washington Post article, false...

McMaster: Washington Post story is false - CNN Video
McMaster wasnt in the room. If the American press wasn't banned we'd have pictures of the whole room to prove it.
The fact Putin's Puppet let the Russian press in instead of the American press speaks volumes.
If you have some data showing that McMasters lied when he said he was there, let's see it.
NOW: Rachel Maddow is interviewing Greg Jaffe who broke the Washington Post story. Even he will not repeat what Trump told the Russians for national security reasons.
Even he will not repeat what Trump told the Russians for national security reasons.
How does he know?

was he there?

Were you?

I didn't claim I was there, nor did I break the story to the media.

He did.

Was he there?
NOW: Rachel Maddow is interviewing Greg Jaffe who broke the Washington Post story. Even he will not repeat what Trump told the Russians for national security reasons.
Even he will not repeat what Trump told the Russians for national security reasons.
How does he know?

was he there?

Were you?

Stupidest response I've read here in awhile. You must first provide a positive.
There was treason and it wasn't Trump. Someone, NOT at the meeting was an obama or clinton operative, they leaked the information including the name of the city. There was an informant who is likely on the run tonight. McMasters could not have been more clear. Trump did not disclose anything. Certainly not the name of the city.
Dana Perino on the Five just stated it was most likely an Obama official leaked it from a source from one of the intelligence departments.

Trump Reportedly Revealed "Highly Classified Information" During Meeting With Russian Officials

Russian media was allowed in last week’s meeting, but American outlets were not.

President Donald Trump revealed “highly classified information” last week during a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak, The Washington Post reported Monday.

The Post, citing current and former U.S. officials with ties to the administration, reports that the information “jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State.” The publication did not elaborate on what the president’s disclosure entailed due to the sensitive nature of the information.

A White House spokeswoman did not immediately return a request for comment.

Read the Washington Post’s full report here.

Trump Reportedly Revealed Classified Info During Meeting With Russian Officials

Well, this doesn't sound good. I wonder what "highly classified information" Trump shared with the Russians? This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

BuzzFeed later confirmed the Post’s report, quoting an official who said the president’s disclosure is “far worse than what has already been reported.”
You're a huge idiot and you are always proved wrong. Go away.

Really? Please quote even one time where I've been proven wrong - other than Adolf Trump cheating Hillary out of the presidency.

I proved you wrong like 20 times in the past few days with your lie that we didn't Know about the FBI investigations into Trump before March.
The American press has lost all pretense of integrity. They need to be banned everywhere. Revoke all press passes.
NOW: Rachel Maddow is interviewing Greg Jaffe who broke the Washington Post story. Even he will not repeat what Trump told the Russians for national security reasons.
Even he will not repeat what Trump told the Russians for national security reasons.
How does he know?

was he there?

Were you?

I didn't claim I was there, nor did I break the story to the media.

He did.

Was he there?

No, but his source was there.

Trump Reportedly Revealed Classified Info During Meeting With Russian Officials

Russian media was allowed in last week’s meeting, but American outlets were not.

President Donald Trump revealed “highly classified information” last week during a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak, The Washington Post reported Monday.

The Post, citing current and former U.S. officials with ties to the administration, reports that the information “jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State.” The publication did not elaborate on what the president’s disclosure entailed due to the sensitive nature of the information.

A White House spokeswoman did not immediately return a request for comment.

Read the Washington Post’s full report here.

Trump Reportedly Revealed Classified Info During Meeting With Russian Officials

Well, this doesn't sound good. I wonder what "highly classified information" Trump shared with the Russians? This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

And the Hill
Report: Trump revealed highly classified info to Russians
The HIll is parroting the Post

This just may be true ... it has been reported that a WH assistant needed to call the CIA to report a possible compromise

It said they got the info from the Post in the link
NOW: Rachel Maddow is interviewing Greg Jaffe who broke the Washington Post story. Even he will not repeat what Trump told the Russians for national security reasons.
Even he will not repeat what Trump told the Russians for national security reasons.
How does he know?

was he there?

Were you?

I didn't claim I was there, nor did I break the story to the media.

He did.

Was he there?

No, but his source was there.

His source?

Who was his source?
mcmaser on stage a few minutes ago , he said nothing happened .

The only other people Trump would let in were the Russian news right? He wouldn't let the US have any news reporters in..Who would have leaked it Pismoe?
'former' US officials?

they were included as sources by the Post, remember.

Ok....look at this coming out.

'The president and the foreign minister reviewed a range of common threats to our two countries, including threats to civil aviation. At no time — at no time — were intelligence sources or methods discussed,' McMaster said.

The Post story didn't say Trump revealed sources and methods – but rather that he passed on to the Russians highly classified information obtained from an ally.

'The president did not disclose any military operations that were not already publicly known,' McMaster added, something the Post story never contended occurred.

Read more: McMaster denies Trump leaked classified info to Russians | Daily Mail Online
There was treason and it wasn't Trump. Someone, NOT at the meeting was an obama or clinton operative, they leaked the information including the name of the city. There was an informant who is likely on the run tonight. McMasters could not have been more clear. Trump did not disclose anything. Certainly not the name of the city.
Dana Perino on the Five just stated it was most likely an Obama official leaked it from a source from one of the intelligence departments.

Well at least they are admitting that it Didn't Trump clean the WH of Obama spies already?
The President has the authority to tell the Russians anything he wants, including the nuclear codes.

You guys can go fuck yourselves.

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