BREAKING: Trump Shared Highly Classified Info With Russians!

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"Since their candidate for the presidency had been spilling some of the highest level classified information for a year and half and the Democrats pretended it wasn't a problem or that it should be ignored; it's rather unseemly." By the way, if Trump did release info it would have been legal, since the President has broad authority to declassify intelligence, but Hillary Clinton was not afforded the same authority. Hers would have been illegal (and probably was).

Krauthammer: 'Unseemly' if Dems Criticize Trump Info Release

I have no idea if he actually did disclose classified information. It seems inevitable that he will because of the way he runs the White House. Trump says whatever he feels like saying and no one is going stop him in a meeting. He uses whatever information he has to make his point. That's just the way Trump is. This is one of the reasons that meetings with presidents and foreign officials are kept at a high level and policy orientated.

Also, keep in mind that a president can disclose classified information because of his position. As long the disclosure is intentional, then one must assume the president knows what he's doing and understands the ramifications. However, if the information is disclosed inadvertently, then that's another issue.

Tell that to the foreign sources he has put in danger.
Whether we like it or not, a president can blab classified information because he is the highest authority in regard to security. It is not a legal matter. It is a political matter. If the voters elect someone this incompetent, then the fault ultimately lies with the voters that elected him.
I have no idea if he actually did disclose classified information. It seems inevitable that he will because of the way he runs the White House. Trump says whatever he feels like saying and no one is going stop him in a meeting. He uses whatever information he has to make his point. That's just the way Trump is. This is one of the reasons that meetings with presidents and foreign officials are kept at a high level and policy orientated.

Also, keep in mind that a president can disclose classified information because of his position. As long the disclosure is intentional, then one must assume the president knows what he's doing and understands the ramifications. However, if the information is disclosed inadvertently, then that's another issue.

Tell that to the foreign sources he has put in danger.

The Post report alleged that Trump revealed information, including the city in ISIL-controlled territory where the U.S. intelligence partner said the threat originated, that hadn’t been shared with the United States’ “own allies.” He also reportedly told the visitors about the measures the U.S. has taken or is considering taking to counter the threat, according to the report, despite his frequent refusal to publicly telegraph his military strategy.

Reports: Trump Revealed Highly Classified Info To Top Russian Officials
The Post report alleged that Trump revealed information

Definition of alleged

  1. 1 : accused but not proven or convicted an alleged burglar

  2. 2 : asserted to be true or to exist an alleged miracle an alleged conspiracy

  3. 3 : questionably true or of a specified kind : supposed, so-called bought an alleged antique vase
No, it wasn't. Their photographer, just as the White House photographer was, were there doing a photo op.

Q And I want to also ask about the meeting yesterday between President Trump and the Russian Foreign Minister. Can you walk us through how a photographer from either a Russian state news outlet or the Russian government got into that meeting and got those photographs out?

MS. SANDERS: Yeah. The same way that they would — whoever the President was meeting with when it comes to a foreign minister or a head of state. Both individuals had official photographers in the room. We had an official photographer in the room, as did they.
Look at the date of this report:

US bans laptops, iPads in carry-on bags from airports in 8 Islamic countries due to bomb fears

This shit has been in the news for a couple of months.


Is that the info Trump gave to the Russians Texas?

According to your links that's what everyone is bitching about. They discussed common terrorist threats including threats to civil aviations. According to McMasters and Tillerson who were in the room, no sources or methods were discussed. What exactly is bad about talking about something that has been in the news since at least March 21st?

Prove they were in the room. Oh wait you can't. The American press wasn't permitted in.
Very convenient when they want to lie about important things, right?

Feel free to point to any high level meeting with foreign officials where official business was being discussed where the press was allowed. Just one.

The Russian press was allowed.
The highly classified information that Trump shared with the Russians was not ours to share. It was from a foreign partner. Now that foreign partner is at risk.

Trump Reportedly Revealed "Highly Classified Information" During Meeting With Russian Officials

Russian media was allowed in last week’s meeting, but American outlets were not.

President Donald Trump revealed “highly classified information” last week during a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak, The Washington Post reported Monday.

The Post, citing current and former U.S. officials with ties to the administration, reports that the information “jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State.” The publication did not elaborate on what the president’s disclosure entailed due to the sensitive nature of the information.

A White House spokeswoman did not immediately return a request for comment.

Read the Washington Post’s full report here.

Trump Reportedly Revealed Classified Info During Meeting With Russian Officials

Well, this doesn't sound good. I wonder what "highly classified information" Trump shared with the Russians? This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

BuzzFeed later confirmed the Post’s report, quoting an official who said the president’s disclosure is “far worse than what has already been reported.”
Maybe Trump shouldn't be impeached?

In light of these recent developments, maybe Trump should be tried like the Rosenberg's?
No, it wasn't. Their photographer, just as the White House photographer was, were there doing a photo op.

Q And I want to also ask about the meeting yesterday between President Trump and the Russian Foreign Minister. Can you walk us through how a photographer from either a Russian state news outlet or the Russian government got into that meeting and got those photographs out?

MS. SANDERS: Yeah. The same way that they would — whoever the President was meeting with when it comes to a foreign minister or a head of state. Both individuals had official photographers in the room. We had an official photographer in the room, as did they.
Is that the info Trump gave to the Russians Texas?

According to your links that's what everyone is bitching about. They discussed common terrorist threats including threats to civil aviations. According to McMasters and Tillerson who were in the room, no sources or methods were discussed. What exactly is bad about talking about something that has been in the news since at least March 21st?

Prove they were in the room. Oh wait you can't. The American press wasn't permitted in.
Very convenient when they want to lie about important things, right?

Feel free to point to any high level meeting with foreign officials where official business was being discussed where the press was allowed. Just one.

The Russian press was allowed.
Considering the White House staff leaks information like a sieve, the story may well be true. I don't give a lot of credence to any one story but when you consider the number of stories coming out from different sources, you should consider the possibility that they are at least partially true and certainly not all false news.

Fucking RWNJ traitors.

What happened to you people? How did you come to hate your own country THIS MUCH?

We love you this country, we hate you criminals who try to destroy it.

Through voter suppression, collusion with the Russians and an entire litany of hate.

Oh, wait, that would be Republicans.

What voter suppression, are you being racist and saying blacks are to stupid to vote?

And what collusion with the Russians?
Someone could grab your fat face, slam it down into a pile of pig sh!t and smear is all over and if you decided you didn't want to see it, you would walk around all day with your face covered in pig sh!t and refuse to either see it or smell it. But that doesn't mean everyone else doesn't see it.

Your the one who is claiming it...where is the proof?

Shad dup.
No, it wasn't. Their photographer, just as the White House photographer was, were there doing a photo op.

Q And I want to also ask about the meeting yesterday between President Trump and the Russian Foreign Minister. Can you walk us through how a photographer from either a Russian state news outlet or the Russian government got into that meeting and got those photographs out?

MS. SANDERS: Yeah. The same way that they would — whoever the President was meeting with when it comes to a foreign minister or a head of state. Both individuals had official photographers in the room. We had an official photographer in the room, as did they.
According to your links that's what everyone is bitching about. They discussed common terrorist threats including threats to civil aviations. According to McMasters and Tillerson who were in the room, no sources or methods were discussed. What exactly is bad about talking about something that has been in the news since at least March 21st?

Prove they were in the room. Oh wait you can't. The American press wasn't permitted in.
Very convenient when they want to lie about important things, right?

Feel free to point to any high level meeting with foreign officials where official business was being discussed where the press was allowed. Just one.

The Russian press was allowed.
Considering the White House staff leaks information like a sieve, the story may well be true. I don't give a lot of credence to any one story but when you consider the number of stories coming out from different sources, you should consider the possibility that they are at least partially true and certainly not all false news.
but when you consider the number of stories coming out from different sources


the ones I've seen all have WaPo as their source
No, it wasn't. Their photographer, just as the White House photographer was, were there doing a photo op.

Q And I want to also ask about the meeting yesterday between President Trump and the Russian Foreign Minister. Can you walk us through how a photographer from either a Russian state news outlet or the Russian government got into that meeting and got those photographs out?

MS. SANDERS: Yeah. The same way that they would — whoever the President was meeting with when it comes to a foreign minister or a head of state. Both individuals had official photographers in the room. We had an official photographer in the room, as did they.
Prove they were in the room. Oh wait you can't. The American press wasn't permitted in.
Very convenient when they want to lie about important things, right?

Feel free to point to any high level meeting with foreign officials where official business was being discussed where the press was allowed. Just one.

The Russian press was allowed.
Considering the White House staff leaks information like a sieve, the story may well be true. I don't give a lot of credence to any one story but when you consider the number of stories coming out from different sources, you should consider the possibility that they are at least partially true and certainly not all false news.
but when you consider the number of stories coming out from different sources


the ones I've seen all have WaPo as their source

It's also been confirmed by Buzzfeed and The New York Times. Maybe even others by now.
No, it wasn't. Their photographer, just as the White House photographer was, were there doing a photo op.

Q And I want to also ask about the meeting yesterday between President Trump and the Russian Foreign Minister. Can you walk us through how a photographer from either a Russian state news outlet or the Russian government got into that meeting and got those photographs out?

MS. SANDERS: Yeah. The same way that they would — whoever the President was meeting with when it comes to a foreign minister or a head of state. Both individuals had official photographers in the room. We had an official photographer in the room, as did they.
Feel free to point to any high level meeting with foreign officials where official business was being discussed where the press was allowed. Just one.

The Russian press was allowed.
Considering the White House staff leaks information like a sieve, the story may well be true. I don't give a lot of credence to any one story but when you consider the number of stories coming out from different sources, you should consider the possibility that they are at least partially true and certainly not all false news.
but when you consider the number of stories coming out from different sources


the ones I've seen all have WaPo as their source

It's also been confirmed by Buzzfeed and The New York Times. Maybe even others by now.


"The disclosures were first reported by the Washington Post, which cited current and former US officials who said the information was considered so sensitive that some details had been withheld from American allies and was restricted within the US government."


Oops again

"The Washington Post first reported Mr. Trump’s disclosure."

Lakhota loses again
Regardless letting Russian media in the Oval office, and not letting American media in kind of tells the story doesn't it.

Everything this dumbass does--blows back on himself---:dig:

When you elect a clown, you can count on the circus showing up.

Simple solution then. Who was in the room? Post says "russian press were in the room". Were they there DURING the actual meeting? Or was that just casting aspersions and pumping up the story by the dissident Post? Go ask the Russian media what transpired. Who was in the room? That's not classified. If there's an anonymous source -- It's not very anonymous.

Ever occur to the LEFTY "clowns" that whole leak is a punk from the Russian Media. . Just to stir the pot and feed the stupid primitive tribal political war here in the US? Or maybe the Russians are just enjoying this reality show too much and are contributing to these fake news stories?

Go find the anonymous source. Probably 6 people in the room. 4 of them I KNOW from the "allegation".

Let me ask, was it fair to not let the US into the rooms , but he allowed the Russian's? Why is that ok with you.

It was for a photo op. Not to brief them. So I don't think it matters. It's a daily occurence for WH US press, a RARE opportunity for Russian press. Didn't want partisan whore journalists screaming off-topic questions at him in a dignified Intl relations meeting..

So then it doesn't concern you that the Comrade probably gave up more information with one cough-cough private session with the Russians than was tortured out of John McCain over 5 years.

Trump being the braggart that he clearly is--was to have supposedly given them enough red button classified information--that the Russians could easily backtrack to whomever found this information & could easily out them, get them killed and whomever else they're associated with.

Not to mention the country who puts lives at risk--installs their agents into very dangerous terrorist organizations to give us intelligence to save our lives, probably won't give us any more information again.

I am just wondering when you're going to tire of always having to defend the indefensible--and the actions of this Ass Clown that is sitting in the Oval Office--that have been continual non-stop since he was sworn in the Oval office.

Frankly, I am totally surprised that someone hasn't put Trump in a straight jacket--taped his mouth shut and stuffed him in a closet. Trump is an emotionally unstable male drama queen, and should NOT have access to ANY classified information. He is unfit to be POTUS and he always has been.


We are Americans FIRST and it's high time you Trump supporters start acting like Americans.

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There is currently, a paid vendetta to take down this admin and anything conservative, or even moderate at this time and those paying for that campaign has no scruples or morals and never has. They worry their plans could be exposed an d their accomplishments to this point destroyed. They also feel they are a god in which they have the right to bring about their form of socialism to any place and person they feel like.
No, it wasn't. Their photographer, just as the White House photographer was, were there doing a photo op.

Q And I want to also ask about the meeting yesterday between President Trump and the Russian Foreign Minister. Can you walk us through how a photographer from either a Russian state news outlet or the Russian government got into that meeting and got those photographs out?

MS. SANDERS: Yeah. The same way that they would — whoever the President was meeting with when it comes to a foreign minister or a head of state. Both individuals had official photographers in the room. We had an official photographer in the room, as did they.
According to your links that's what everyone is bitching about. They discussed common terrorist threats including threats to civil aviations. According to McMasters and Tillerson who were in the room, no sources or methods were discussed. What exactly is bad about talking about something that has been in the news since at least March 21st?

Prove they were in the room. Oh wait you can't. The American press wasn't permitted in.
Very convenient when they want to lie about important things, right?

Feel free to point to any high level meeting with foreign officials where official business was being discussed where the press was allowed. Just one.

The Russian press was allowed.
Considering the White House staff leaks information like a sieve, the story may well be true. I don't give a lot of credence to any one story but when you consider the number of stories coming out from different sources, you should consider the possibility that they are at least partially true and certainly not all false news.
No, it wasn't. Their photographer, just as the White House photographer was, were there doing a photo op.

Q And I want to also ask about the meeting yesterday between President Trump and the Russian Foreign Minister. Can you walk us through how a photographer from either a Russian state news outlet or the Russian government got into that meeting and got those photographs out?

MS. SANDERS: Yeah. The same way that they would — whoever the President was meeting with when it comes to a foreign minister or a head of state. Both individuals had official photographers in the room. We had an official photographer in the room, as did they.
The Russian press was allowed.
Considering the White House staff leaks information like a sieve, the story may well be true. I don't give a lot of credence to any one story but when you consider the number of stories coming out from different sources, you should consider the possibility that they are at least partially true and certainly not all false news.
but when you consider the number of stories coming out from different sources


the ones I've seen all have WaPo as their source

It's also been confirmed by Buzzfeed and The New York Times. Maybe even others by now.


"The disclosures were first reported by the Washington Post, which cited current and former US officials who said the information was considered so sensitive that some details had been withheld from American allies and was restricted within the US government."


Oops again

"The Washington Post first reported Mr. Trump’s disclosure."

Lakhota loses again
Reuters just released an article with additional information.
Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office: officials

It seems like every Trump screw up is being classified as fake news by the white house.

As one sources said about Trump, “He has no filter; it’s in one ear and out the mouth.”

Some years ago, a Russia official describing American intelligence said, "We don't need spies anymore. We just read American newspapers."
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