Breaking! Trump's Call With Georgia Secretary Of State Brad Raffensperger Was Illegally Recorded Blowing Up Fanni Willis' Case

Favorito then shares at the 32:20 mark this shocking revelation:

Let me just add one more point to what you just said…but here’s the other thing. There is one thing that is illegal about this call and that was the recording of the call, which the evidence indicates down here was the recording was made by the Assistant Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs when she was in Florida. And that is, Florida is a two-way state and therefore recording of the call without notifying the parties, if you’re recording from a two-way state, that is a violation of federal law.

And that is one of the things that I believe Fanni Willis covered up and prevented the grand jury from knowing that information. And if you remember it was generally accepted down here and in other circles that it was Jordan Fuchs who leaked the information to the Washington Post and distorted the story and then the Washington Post had to back peddle about what it had previously written about that call.
When asked about how he knew this, Favorito shares that “that’s where she was (Florida) at the time of the call.”

Favorito shares that there are social media posts showing that she was in Florida at the time of the call on January 2, 2021.

Yes, democrats caught committing a crime :safetocomeoutff:
I agree, he was saying to find 11k “illegal votes”, meaning declare some votes illegal and disenfranchise the citizens without due process.

Also highly illegal and corrupt.
He did NOT say that; that's just your NARRATIVE.
Laws are unfamiliar to libs feelings
Of the participants in the undisclosed recording, at least one was in FL. Game over, you lose, although you feel losing is unfair.

What does one person being in Florida have to do with anything? Explain this legal theory of yours where Georgia gives a shit about Florida law.
Favorito then shares at the 32:20 mark this shocking revelation:

When asked about how he knew this, Favorito shares that “that’s where she was (Florida) at the time of the call.”

Favorito shares that there are social media posts showing that she was in Florida at the time of the call on January 2, 2021.

Yes, democrats caught committing a crime :safetocomeoutff:
Ok so they knew it was illegal but so what-Orange Man Bad.
What you going to run with now lib loon liars?
Favorito then shares at the 32:20 mark this shocking revelation:

When asked about how he knew this, Favorito shares that “that’s where she was (Florida) at the time of the call.”

Favorito shares that there are social media posts showing that she was in Florida at the time of the call on January 2, 2021.

Yes, democrats caught committing a crime :safetocomeoutff:
And confessing they knew they were
Trump was certainly in Florida, and it's been established that Fuchs was in Florida. Fuchs facilitated the call, so she certainly was aware that it was being recorded. President Trump had no idea that it was being recorded. In Florida, both parties must consent to the recording of a conversation.

Ahhh .... Pour me a straight one barkeep! Only one ice cube please!
He did NOT say that; that's just your NARRATIVE.
That was the only way to fulfill Trump’s demand. Raffensperger kept telling him the votes were legal. Trump said to keep checking until they found what he wanted.

When someone tells you that, they’re telling you they dont care about the truth.

What does one person being in Florida have to do with anything? Explain this legal theory of yours where Georgia gives a shit about Florida law.
It’s called being required to follow the laws of the state you are in when eavesdropping or recording phone calls
It’s called being required to follow the laws of the state you are in when eavesdropping or recording phone calls
So then Florida can go ahead and prosecute that one person who was in Florida for recording a phone call without consent. Again, why do you think Florida laws matter to criminal prosecutions going on in Georgia? Georgia follows it's own laws on what kind of recordings are allowed.
All this BULLSHIT in Georgia "doesn't have standing".
The word FIND does NOT in any way equal CREATE FAKE BALLOTS.
The cheating democRATS FIND ballots in trunks of cars and who knows where every tight election.

It's just more documentation of the PROJECTION from the demented LEFT.
All this LAWFARE against Trump is falling apart and making him a stronger candidate.

The wannabe Bolshevik IDIOTS of the 21st century don't even know any better than from what they were taught by the last generation of brainwashed subverted morons. They all have this notion of the OPPRESSOR vs. the OPPRESSED (them) bolstered by stupidity and emotion.

These neo-Marxists tend to forget they need MASS-MURDER to get their way as was proven in the 20th century, and every one of the rEvOlUtIoNs for this flawed ideology ultimately FAILED in the long run leaving behind MILLIONS of MURDERED PEOPLE by them.

"One way or another, this darkness got to give...." :eusa_whistle:
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That was the only way to fulfill Trump’s demand. Raffensperger kept telling him the votes were legal. Trump said to keep checking until they found what he wanted.

When someone tells you that, they’re telling you they dont care about the truth.
🥨 🥨 🥨
Trump was certainly in Florida, and it's been established that Fuchs was in Florida. Fuchs facilitated the call, so she certainly was aware that it was being recorded. President Trump had no idea that it was being recorded. In Florida, both parties must consent to the recording of a conversation.

There was nothing wrong with the call where Trump asked him to find votes. Trump never asked him to do anything illegal, just see if he could find votes which were not counted.
Jordan Fuchs is reportedly the one who taped the call, and he was in Florida at the time, which can be corroborated by his social media posts.
I know the orange douchebag lawyers are pretty inept but even they have not brought this up. But you believe some blog post?

But hey, no problem. Prove it. Prove that Fuchs not only was the one who taped it but was currently in Florida when she did. Go.
Does not matter where Trump was.
The point is that Fuchs was in Florida when she recoded the call.
Therefore, she then was required by Florida law, to get permission from Trump, to record.

On January 2, 2021, Trump held a one-hour phone call with Raffensperger.[5][40] Trump was joined by chief of staff Mark Meadows, trade adviser Peter Navarro, Justice Department official John Lott, law professor John C. Eastman, and attorneys Rudy Giuliani, Cleta Mitchell, Alex Kaufman, and Kurt Hilbert. Raffensperger was joined by his general counsel Ryan Germany.[41][42] Jordan Fuchs, a Republican operative and chief of staff to Brad Raffensperger, while listening on mute, recorded the phone conversation, while visiting her grandparents in Florida.[43][44][45][46]

On January 3, The Washington Post and other media outlets obtained a recording of this phone conversation.
Trump–Raffensperger phone call - Wikipedia
Ok, thanks. I agree that Fuchs was in Florida when she made the call. But here's the nub... from your link...

But even were a Florida prosecutor to choose to try to bring a case—as a first offense, it would be only a misdemeanor charge—Fuchs would have an effective defense: Florida law grants an exemption for law enforcement purposes. As administrator and enforcer of Georgia election laws, the Secretary of State’s office is a law enforcement agency.

So, nope. No way will the case against the orange douchebag will be overturned because his call was taped.

But, it is funny though... that you idiots are so hell-bent on making the tape go away all the while acknowledging that what your orange fuhrer did was a crime...trying to intimidate the governor of state just so that he would cheat on his behalf.

That pretty much tells me all I need to know about your traitors.
Ok, thanks. I agree that Fuchs was in Florida when she made the call. But here's the nub... from your link...

But even were a Florida prosecutor to choose to try to bring a case—as a first offense, it would be only a misdemeanor charge—Fuchs would have an effective defense: Florida law grants an exemption for law enforcement purposes. As administrator and enforcer of Georgia election laws, the Secretary of State’s office is a law enforcement agency.

So, nope. No way will the case against the orange douchebag will be overturned because his call was taped.

But, it is funny though... that you idiots are so hell-bent on making the tape go away all the while acknowledging that what your orange fuhrer did was a crime...trying to intimidate the governor of state just so that he would cheat on his behalf.

That pretty much tells me all I need to know about your traitors.

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