Breaking: Two Police Officers Shot Outside Ferguson Police Department

Thats what you tell yourself. We both know is because you want to be white.
Uh huh. Repeating yourself doesn't make you less of an ass. In fact, it works the other way.
Didnt you say you were catholic as well? The pope considered you a savage.
So does my mother in law. So what? The Catholics were the first to reach out and peacefully coexist with my people. They didn't Manifest Destiny us onto shitty reservations. French and Spanish Catholics lived side by side with us and many converted. I can trace my Catholic heritage for over 10 generations.
Calling you a savage isnt peacefully coexisting. Sorry bub. I'm proud of my NA ancestors. They actually fought whites. Too bad there too many uncle Geronimos like you hanging around.
I don't accept your claim that the pope called us savages, and I'm more concerned with the deeds of Catholics. We were treated far more kindly by them than the Manifest Destiny Protestants.
I didnt ask you to accept it. I was just telling you. You can look for it if you wish. Just remember, Columbus day was pushed for by the Catholics.
Uh huh. Repeating yourself doesn't make you less of an ass. In fact, it works the other way.
Didnt you say you were catholic as well? The pope considered you a savage.
So does my mother in law. So what? The Catholics were the first to reach out and peacefully coexist with my people. They didn't Manifest Destiny us onto shitty reservations. French and Spanish Catholics lived side by side with us and many converted. I can trace my Catholic heritage for over 10 generations.
Calling you a savage isnt peacefully coexisting. Sorry bub. I'm proud of my NA ancestors. They actually fought whites. Too bad there too many uncle Geronimos like you hanging around.
I don't accept your claim that the pope called us savages, and I'm more concerned with the deeds of Catholics. We were treated far more kindly by them than the Manifest Destiny Protestants.
I didnt ask you to accept it. I was just telling you. You can look for it if you wish. Just remember, Columbus day was pushed for by the Catholics.
I celebrate Columbus Day too, it was the beginning of the end of our cruel, short, brutish, pointless lives. Because in fact, we WERE savages, you dope. Killing each other in interminable and pointless wars and never evolving.

You want to bitch about what white people did to blacks? Go live in Africa and see what a shit hole existence you would have had without their intervention.
Didnt you say you were catholic as well? The pope considered you a savage.
So does my mother in law. So what? The Catholics were the first to reach out and peacefully coexist with my people. They didn't Manifest Destiny us onto shitty reservations. French and Spanish Catholics lived side by side with us and many converted. I can trace my Catholic heritage for over 10 generations.
Calling you a savage isnt peacefully coexisting. Sorry bub. I'm proud of my NA ancestors. They actually fought whites. Too bad there too many uncle Geronimos like you hanging around.
I don't accept your claim that the pope called us savages, and I'm more concerned with the deeds of Catholics. We were treated far more kindly by them than the Manifest Destiny Protestants.
I didnt ask you to accept it. I was just telling you. You can look for it if you wish. Just remember, Columbus day was pushed for by the Catholics.
I celebrate Columbus Day too, it was the beginning of the end of our cruel, short, brutish, pointless lives. Because in fact, we WERE savages, you dope. Killing each other in interminable and pointless wars and never evolving.

You want to bitch about what white people did to blacks? Go live in Africa and see what a shit hole existence you would have had without their intervention.
Thanks uncle Geronimo. Told you that you wanted to be white so bad you could taste it.
I guess it too bad I dont care what you doubt. Youre a cave monkey. What you think doesnt matter.

You've probably used that word close to 40 times in this thread, can you find some new material? No offense, but that word is pretty stale now.
is your avatar your IQ...30 below zero seems kinda high...
btw cave monkey is two words.
I guess it too bad I dont care what you doubt. Youre a cave monkey. What you think doesnt matter.

You've probably used that word close to 40 times in this thread, can you find some new material? No offense, but that word is pretty stale now.
He is only capable of expressing himself in a very limited number of ways. It's an IQ thing.
So jaywalking is a crime that deserve punishment? Seriously, they were stopping people and harassing them for literally walking. Do you not understand why that would piss people off?

Obama's racist rhetoric? Oh okay, so it has nothing to do with the Ferguson police officers calling Obama a chimp or that no black man can hold a job for 4 years? Yeah Obama made that up. Okay buddy.

Jaywalking is against the law. Let "against the law, aka, illegal" sink in for a minute.

Obama shouldn't get involved in anything where he has to choose a side within the country he is supposed to be leading, unless he sides AGAINST illegal activity.

He has jumped to conclusions several times about race related events. He publicly sided with the racist Harvard professor, Travon Martin's parents, Michael Brown's parents, and Bowe Bergdahl's parents just to name a few. Not only should he have never been involved in any of those, but they were all proven to be the agitators in the situations, and one deserter that he traded 5 terrorists for.

So yeah, that's racist rhetoric at it's finest on Obama's part.
I guess it too bad I dont care what you doubt. Youre a cave monkey. What you think doesnt matter.

You've probably used that word close to 40 times in this thread, can you find some new material? No offense, but that word is pretty stale now.
is your avatar your IQ...30 below zero seems kinda high...
btw cave monkey is two words.
As long as we're playing gotcha, monkeys don't live in caves.

Maybe the cops should consider halting their shakedowns, robberies and extortion of citizens in Ferguson. Perhaps they could replace the judge and other officials that are being forced into retirement and fired with officials that are not criminals and thugs. It sucks that the 2nd Amendment is being used by blacks against white racist government officials.
You asshole. What did those cops do to get shot? Cheering the cop killers on? Fuck you and die very, very soon.

Camp's only quoting(sorta) Holder. The "die soon" bit is a tad harsh. lol

Actually it doesn't go far enough. I'm down on my knees praying something very big and heavy drops on top of him. People who cheer on cop killers are worse than scum.
People that cheer on cops are ignorant, blind, and void of any reasoning. The damage they do is ridiculous. Their mentality is that of barbaric animalistic social misfits. The brutality, rape, child molestation, spousal abuse, stealing, lying in court, lying to cover for each other, taking bribes from pimps and drug dealers, slaughtering family pets that haven't harm anyone, writing BS quota tickets, ganging up on individuals already handcuffed and on the ground, and other shameful acts should be punished, but rarely are. How many cops are in our prison system? How many cops are tried and convicted for the same offenses they arrest others for? How many cops get a free pass in our judicial system? How many have murdered someone in cold blood and walked free? How many $Millions have been paid to settle cases where cops over-stepped the legal bounds?

You cop defenders should read more and do more research before placing a halo on their heads and worshipping them. It's well known and well documented concerning their brutality, and abuse of power and authority. Many videos have surfaced that verify unnecessary force and assault where none was called for. Dragging old ladies out of cars, shooting 12 year old kids playing the park, breaking into the wrong house and killing a 92 year old woman in her own home, and many more stories made public. Obviously, some of you haven't done your homework, either just turn a blind eye to what's really going on in this country, especially on Main Street America.

It's common knowledge that in our courts, judges take the word of a cop over anyone else. To our judicial system, a cop's word is gospel and not to be disputed. It takes a ton of money to defend yourself against what a cop claims you've done. And, chances are, the cop is guilty of doing the same things that he's out arresting others for doing. Cops aren't saints, they do their share of dirt. And, with more and more people armed with cell phones, posting pictures on the internet, we get to see exactly the mentality and actions of members of law enforcement. Yet, cops want respect and for us to look up to them as good public servants helping people and protecting. People earn respect, it's not given just because someone happens to have a badge and a gun. Cops have brought the disrespect on themselves. In addition, if there are so called good cops, why are they not policing their own profession?
You're a felon, aren't you? Only felons who deserved a negative interaction with cops hate them so much. The cops never bother me at all and by uncanny coincidence, I also obey the law...I wonder if there's a connection. And I'm not white, so there goes that stupid theory of yours.
FYI - I never ever mentioned a race, nationality, nor any other descriptive. Also, I'm no felon. I have never served time in prison, not I have ever been convicted of a crime. My record is clean as a whistle. I can count the number of traffic tickets on one hand. And, I'm 67 years young and been driving since I was 16 years old. My negative response to police and all law enforcement agencies is due to the fact that I live in reality and not a fairy tale world. I see and hear what goes on, especially on Main Street America. I have been following events for many years now, and have seen and heard enough to make an educated summary of the situation.

I do not bury my head in the sand, nor do I turn a blind eye and deaf ear to reality. I do not make this stuff up, it happens, and happens more than you may realize. I have no reason to fabricate stories about law enforcement personnel. I also obey the law. I'm not a trouble maker, I don't drink alcoholic beverages, and do not take illegal drugs of any kind. I live a peaceful normal existence, and mind my own businesses. So, what I say about cops has absolutely nothing to do with an attack on me, rather I speak of an attack on society. I have followed events, read the news, watched videos, and know that all of it is not phony, fabricated, made up, nor are they lies. Again, I live in reality and not some fairy tale world where everything is rosy and great.

Your race has absolutely nothing to do with my opinion, nor what I have said. I never mentioned race, nor implied race. I respect ALL people, regardless of race, nationality, or religion. I do not put myself above anyone. I was raised better than that. So, that becomes a moot point as far as I'm concerned. I have seen all races and nationalities fall victim to police brutality and injustice. My comments cover everyone, no exceptions. There is no connection, as you have mentioned, none. I am not a felon, nor a convict, nor a trouble maker. I obey the laws. Anything else? Please feel free to express anything. I'm not one that gets mad or offended in these conversations. I can discuss issues all day and remain civil and adult while talking about them. I do not engage in name calling, nor in personal attacks. So, feel free to say whatever is on your mind.
I guess it too bad I dont care what you doubt. Youre a cave monkey. What you think doesnt matter.

You've probably used that word close to 40 times in this thread, can you find some new material? No offense, but that word is pretty stale now.
is your avatar your IQ...30 below zero seems kinda high...
btw cave monkey is two words.
As long as we're playing gotcha, monkeys don't live in caves.

We are not playing gotcha. Monkeys do live in caves dummy.

I guess it too bad I dont care what you doubt. Youre a cave monkey. What you think doesnt matter.

You've probably used that word close to 40 times in this thread, can you find some new material? No offense, but that word is pretty stale now.
is your avatar your IQ...30 below zero seems kinda high...
btw cave monkey is two words.
As long as we're playing gotcha, monkeys don't live in caves.

false! some monkeys do...
Baboons live in caves in dry areas asshat...
You're a felon, aren't you? Only felons who deserved a negative interaction with cops hate them so much. The cops never bother me at all and by uncanny coincidence, I also obey the law...I wonder if there's a connection. And I'm not white, so there goes that stupid theory of yours.
You wish you were white. Youre an uncle Geronimo.
Why would I wish I were white, ass-lips?
Because you hate not being white. Bet your main goal in life was to marry a white woman and have children that were not all NA.
I married a white woman because that's who I fell in love with, and my half-breed kids are beautiful no matter what their skin color. Conservatives see people not races, something a Leftist racist bigot like you could never understand.
Thats what you tell yourself. We both know is because you want to be white.
A very cruel and uncalled for remark. It embarrasses me and I'm not the one you directed that remark to.
I guess it too bad I dont care what you doubt. Youre a cave monkey. What you think doesnt matter.

You've probably used that word close to 40 times in this thread, can you find some new material? No offense, but that word is pretty stale now.
is your avatar your IQ...30 below zero seems kinda high...
btw cave monkey is two words.
As long as we're playing gotcha, monkeys don't live in caves.

We are not playing gotcha. Monkeys do live in caves dummy.

Those are zoo monkeys, ass-lips.
A thread about 2 cops being shot has morphed into a thread about monkeys in caves, with videos I might add.

Gotta love freedom of speech.
So what do you think of my M1 theory? If the shooter was indeed a professional then dropping a few 9 mm casings on the ground is very possible. I do not want to get into conspiracy here but an amateur with a .22 Short is not an option.

I've kind of chuckled at the whole gun theory being expressed. I respect the ideas, but in reality it was more than likely a thug that pulled the trigger and I can guarantee you that there aren't any thugs out there that can purposely hit what they were aiming at. They shoot worse than my girlfriend, and she's only shot my pistol one time and hit the tree 2 yards to the right of the target that was 35 feet away, bless her heart.

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