Breaking: Two Police Officers Shot Outside Ferguson Police Department

Race relations have become far worse since the Obama administration. That has been the greatest of his failures.

And there's no observer more tuned in to what's going on in U.S. race relations than a poster who lives in ... central Europe.

based on his posts and your posts, he is more intuned than you are. Either that or you are nothing but a disengenuous partisan asshole.

I'm in North Carolina. That's one of the 57 states.
Where is the Czech Republic then?

Wall St or the Mint in Philadelphia, Denver, San Francisco, and West Point, New York and a bullion depository at Fort Knox, Kentucky.??

I hate these trick questions!!!

I shifted blame where it belongs. The racist PD.

At least you admit that you're a hypocrite.
I never called you a hypocrite. I just placed blame on the responsible party.

It's not the shooter's crime but that of the victim's?? How stupid!!

No. Whats stupid is blaming this on Holder when the culprit is the racist PD.

The CULPRIT is the shooter; the Holder report is a slander. I would like to see that go to court. I would like the shooter brought to justice. Now what part of "peaceful protest" don't you get...apart from the peaceful bit!!

It wont go to court. They better worry about getting disbanded before they try the slander route. The real culprit is the racist PD that brought about this environment.
My firearm knowledge comes from many years of shooting, hunting, owning guns, and using different size and cal. of bullets. I have owned and shot 30.06, .270., 7 X 57 Mausers, .22, 12, 20, 16, and 410 shot guns, .308, 9mm pistols, 38 pistols, and 45 pistols. I presently have ( 2 ) 7mm Mausers and one .270 rifle. I started shooting when I was 6 or 7 years old. I have hunted all of my life, and continue to do so. I have shot at targets, animals, and mistletoe hanging in trees. Anything else you'd like to know? Oh, and I forgot an M1 while serving in the Marine Corps.
Ironic that you almost forgot the M1. Because that is exactly what it sounded like. So I was off by .08, shoot me. ah, wait...

The media is reporting that the shots are believed to be from a handgun, not a rifle.

He said officers had seen muzzle flashes, and later found shell casings that might have been from the shooting. Based on the sound of the shots and the officers’ wounds, he said, the weapon was a handgun, not a rifle.

I took a peek at Chuck Hawks handgun max point black range chart, and it is definitely possible...Handgun Trajectory Table

OK, theoretically it is possible, maybe. From the article the witnesses say 220 yards, Chief Belmar estimates 125 yards. The officers were standing side by side so the grouping was less than 3 feet. Shots were fired rapidly. Here is a video of a pistol hitting a target at 125 yards. Full daylight, with time to readjust, and no distractions. Theoretically possible? Yes. Realistic? Probably not.

Anyone who can hit with a pistol at that range knows their shit.
If they'd hit once I'd call it luck,but two hits tells me he's an accomplished shooter or he should play the lotto tonight.

I agree, 2 hits from 3 shots @ 125 yards. How about a Hi-point like 9mm carbine?

I watched some videos of that weapon. It does not look like that weapon would be high enough quality. Even with a scope it takes too long to resight at that distance. I think it was of that class but well designed for that kind of shot.

If the shooter was 125 yards out there is all kinds of stuff he could use to disguise himself and the weapon.
Ironic that you almost forgot the M1. Because that is exactly what it sounded like. So I was off by .08, shoot me. ah, wait...

The media is reporting that the shots are believed to be from a handgun, not a rifle.

He said officers had seen muzzle flashes, and later found shell casings that might have been from the shooting. Based on the sound of the shots and the officers’ wounds, he said, the weapon was a handgun, not a rifle.

I took a peek at Chuck Hawks handgun max point black range chart, and it is definitely possible...Handgun Trajectory Table

OK, theoretically it is possible, maybe. From the article the witnesses say 220 yards, Chief Belmar estimates 125 yards. The officers were standing side by side so the grouping was less than 3 feet. Shots were fired rapidly. Here is a video of a pistol hitting a target at 125 yards. Full daylight, with time to readjust, and no distractions. Theoretically possible? Yes. Realistic? Probably not.

Anyone who can hit with a pistol at that range knows their shit.
If they'd hit once I'd call it luck,but two hits tells me he's an accomplished shooter or he should play the lotto tonight.

I agree, 2 hits from 3 shots @ 125 yards. How about a Hi-point like 9mm carbine?

Could be,but thats not really a gun you'd expect a gangster type to own.
As was mentioned the shooter didnt have to aim left right only for elevation if the cops were in a line.
With a rookie shooter the tendency to hit low anticipating recoil is usually the problem so you'd think they'd hit the officer in the foot if anything.

Maybe the shooter was attempting to fire over the officers heads. Trying to scare them didn't take into account those variables and hit the officers by accident.
Check this out:

My Way News - 2 officers shot in ambush outside Ferguson PD

Authorities believe the shots came from a handgun fired about 120 yards away.

That's a crock. Do you know how difficult it is to hit a target the size of a mans face at 50 yards with a handgun, much less at 120? And not do it once, do it twice? Why are they stuck on this handgun thing? That is so improbable.

It does sound unlikely.
But Shepard Smith just said the bullet lodged behind the ear of the officer shot in the head. Unless it went through and lodged on the other side,a pistol would have been the most likely type firearm used.
The media is reporting that the shots are believed to be from a handgun, not a rifle.

He said officers had seen muzzle flashes, and later found shell casings that might have been from the shooting. Based on the sound of the shots and the officers’ wounds, he said, the weapon was a handgun, not a rifle.

I took a peek at Chuck Hawks handgun max point black range chart, and it is definitely possible...Handgun Trajectory Table
OK, theoretically it is possible, maybe. From the article the witnesses say 220 yards, Chief Belmar estimates 125 yards. The officers were standing side by side so the grouping was less than 3 feet. Shots were fired rapidly. Here is a video of a pistol hitting a target at 125 yards. Full daylight, with time to readjust, and no distractions. Theoretically possible? Yes. Realistic? Probably not.

Anyone who can hit with a pistol at that range knows their shit.
If they'd hit once I'd call it luck,but two hits tells me he's an accomplished shooter or he should play the lotto tonight.

I agree, 2 hits from 3 shots @ 125 yards. How about a Hi-point like 9mm carbine?

Could be,but thats not really a gun you'd expect a gangster type to own.
As was mentioned the shooter didnt have to aim left right only for elevation if the cops were in a line.
With a rookie shooter the tendency to hit low anticipating recoil is usually the problem so you'd think they'd hit the officer in the foot if anything.

Maybe the shooter was attempting to fire over the officers heads. Trying to scare them didn't take into account those variables and hit the officers by accident.

That could very well be true.
I shifted blame where it belongs. The racist PD.

At least you admit that you're a hypocrite.
I never called you a hypocrite. I just placed blame on the responsible party.

It's not the shooter's crime but that of the victim's?? How stupid!!

No. Whats stupid is blaming this on Holder when the culprit is the racist PD.
How is the PD racist, ass-lips?
Shep on Fox just said the bullet lodged behind the ear of the officer shot in the head.
That would indicate a pistol at that range.

Assuming of course it didnt go all the way through his head before stopping on the other side.
Fuck! Bullet went into the check bone below the eye and to the back of the ear. No pistol at that range that was.
The media is reporting that the shots are believed to be from a handgun, not a rifle.

He said officers had seen muzzle flashes, and later found shell casings that might have been from the shooting. Based on the sound of the shots and the officers’ wounds, he said, the weapon was a handgun, not a rifle.

I took a peek at Chuck Hawks handgun max point black range chart, and it is definitely possible...Handgun Trajectory Table
OK, theoretically it is possible, maybe. From the article the witnesses say 220 yards, Chief Belmar estimates 125 yards. The officers were standing side by side so the grouping was less than 3 feet. Shots were fired rapidly. Here is a video of a pistol hitting a target at 125 yards. Full daylight, with time to readjust, and no distractions. Theoretically possible? Yes. Realistic? Probably not.

Anyone who can hit with a pistol at that range knows their shit.
If they'd hit once I'd call it luck,but two hits tells me he's an accomplished shooter or he should play the lotto tonight.

I agree, 2 hits from 3 shots @ 125 yards. How about a Hi-point like 9mm carbine?

Could be,but thats not really a gun you'd expect a gangster type to own.
As was mentioned the shooter didnt have to aim left right only for elevation if the cops were in a line.
With a rookie shooter the tendency to hit low anticipating recoil is usually the problem so you'd think they'd hit the officer in the foot if anything.

Maybe the shooter was attempting to fire over the officers heads. Trying to scare them didn't take into account those variables and hit the officers by accident.

I think that's the case. He just shot in the general direction and happened to hit.
Fuck! Sorry to repeat myself. Second office was shot on shoulder came out near spine. Damn high powered rounds.
Maybe the cops should consider halting their shakedowns, robberies and extortion of citizens in Ferguson. Perhaps they could replace the judge and other officials that are being forced into retirement and fired with officials that are not criminals and thugs. It sucks that the 2nd Amendment is being used by blacks against white racist government officials.
You asshole. What did those cops do to get shot? Cheering the cop killers on? Fuck you and die very, very soon.

Camp's only quoting(sorta) Holder. The "die soon" bit is a tad harsh. lol

Actually it doesn't go far enough. I'm down on my knees praying something very big and heavy drops on top of him. People who cheer on cop killers are worse than scum.
People that cheer on cops are ignorant, blind, and void of any reasoning. The damage they do is ridiculous. Their mentality is that of barbaric animalistic social misfits. The brutality, rape, child molestation, spousal abuse, stealing, lying in court, lying to cover for each other, taking bribes from pimps and drug dealers, slaughtering family pets that haven't harm anyone, writing BS quota tickets, ganging up on individuals already handcuffed and on the ground, and other shameful acts should be punished, but rarely are. How many cops are in our prison system? How many cops are tried and convicted for the same offenses they arrest others for? How many cops get a free pass in our judicial system? How many have murdered someone in cold blood and walked free? How many $Millions have been paid to settle cases where cops over-stepped the legal bounds?

You cop defenders should read more and do more research before placing a halo on their heads and worshipping them. It's well known and well documented concerning their brutality, and abuse of power and authority. Many videos have surfaced that verify unnecessary force and assault where none was called for. Dragging old ladies out of cars, shooting 12 year old kids playing the park, breaking into the wrong house and killing a 92 year old woman in her own home, and many more stories made public. Obviously, some of you haven't done your homework, either just turn a blind eye to what's really going on in this country, especially on Main Street America.

It's common knowledge that in our courts, judges take the word of a cop over anyone else. To our judicial system, a cop's word is gospel and not to be disputed. It takes a ton of money to defend yourself against what a cop claims you've done. And, chances are, the cop is guilty of doing the same things that he's out arresting others for doing. Cops aren't saints, they do their share of dirt. And, with more and more people armed with cell phones, posting pictures on the internet, we get to see exactly the mentality and actions of members of law enforcement. Yet, cops want respect and for us to look up to them as good public servants helping people and protecting. People earn respect, it's not given just because someone happens to have a badge and a gun. Cops have brought the disrespect on themselves. In addition, if there are so called good cops, why are they not policing their own profession?
You're a felon, aren't you? Only felons who deserved a negative interaction with cops hate them so much. The cops never bother me at all and by uncanny coincidence, I also obey the law...I wonder if there's a connection. And I'm not white, so there goes that stupid theory of yours.
Shep on Fox just said the bullet lodged behind the ear of the officer shot in the head.
That would indicate a pistol at that range.

Assuming of course it didnt go all the way through his head before stopping on the other side.
Fuck! Bullet went into the check bone below the eye and to the back of the ear. No pistol at that range that was.

A rifle would have gone through in most cases unless it was a .22 but it didnt sound like one,I'm thinking pistol round.
Maybe the cops should consider halting their shakedowns, robberies and extortion of citizens in Ferguson. Perhaps they could replace the judge and other officials that are being forced into retirement and fired with officials that are not criminals and thugs. It sucks that the 2nd Amendment is being used by blacks against white racist government officials.
You asshole. What did those cops do to get shot? Cheering the cop killers on? Fuck you and die very, very soon.

Camp's only quoting(sorta) Holder. The "die soon" bit is a tad harsh. lol

Actually it doesn't go far enough. I'm down on my knees praying something very big and heavy drops on top of him. People who cheer on cop killers are worse than scum.
People that cheer on cops are ignorant, blind, and void of any reasoning. The damage they do is ridiculous. Their mentality is that of barbaric animalistic social misfits. The brutality, rape, child molestation, spousal abuse, stealing, lying in court, lying to cover for each other, taking bribes from pimps and drug dealers, slaughtering family pets that haven't harm anyone, writing BS quota tickets, ganging up on individuals already handcuffed and on the ground, and other shameful acts should be punished, but rarely are. How many cops are in our prison system? How many cops are tried and convicted for the same offenses they arrest others for? How many cops get a free pass in our judicial system? How many have murdered someone in cold blood and walked free? How many $Millions have been paid to settle cases where cops over-stepped the legal bounds?

You cop defenders should read more and do more research before placing a halo on their heads and worshipping them. It's well known and well documented concerning their brutality, and abuse of power and authority. Many videos have surfaced that verify unnecessary force and assault where none was called for. Dragging old ladies out of cars, shooting 12 year old kids playing the park, breaking into the wrong house and killing a 92 year old woman in her own home, and many more stories made public. Obviously, some of you haven't done your homework, either just turn a blind eye to what's really going on in this country, especially on Main Street America.

It's common knowledge that in our courts, judges take the word of a cop over anyone else. To our judicial system, a cop's word is gospel and not to be disputed. It takes a ton of money to defend yourself against what a cop claims you've done. And, chances are, the cop is guilty of doing the same things that he's out arresting others for doing. Cops aren't saints, they do their share of dirt. And, with more and more people armed with cell phones, posting pictures on the internet, we get to see exactly the mentality and actions of members of law enforcement. Yet, cops want respect and for us to look up to them as good public servants helping people and protecting. People earn respect, it's not given just because someone happens to have a badge and a gun. Cops have brought the disrespect on themselves. In addition, if there are so called good cops, why are they not policing their own profession?
You're a felon, aren't you? Only felons who deserved a negative interaction with cops hate them so much. The cops never bother me at all and by uncanny coincidence, I also obey the law...I wonder if there's a connection. And I'm not white, so there goes that stupid theory of yours.
You wish you were white. Youre an uncle Geronimo.
Shep on Fox just said the bullet lodged behind the ear of the officer shot in the head.
That would indicate a pistol at that range.

Assuming of course it didnt go all the way through his head before stopping on the other side.
Fuck! Bullet went into the check bone below the eye and to the back of the ear. No pistol at that range that was.
Oh, yeah. Pistol for sure. A rifle round wouldn't have stopped at that range. Straight thru and out the back. No doubt in my mind now.
You asshole. What did those cops do to get shot? Cheering the cop killers on? Fuck you and die very, very soon.

Camp's only quoting(sorta) Holder. The "die soon" bit is a tad harsh. lol

Actually it doesn't go far enough. I'm down on my knees praying something very big and heavy drops on top of him. People who cheer on cop killers are worse than scum.
People that cheer on cops are ignorant, blind, and void of any reasoning. The damage they do is ridiculous. Their mentality is that of barbaric animalistic social misfits. The brutality, rape, child molestation, spousal abuse, stealing, lying in court, lying to cover for each other, taking bribes from pimps and drug dealers, slaughtering family pets that haven't harm anyone, writing BS quota tickets, ganging up on individuals already handcuffed and on the ground, and other shameful acts should be punished, but rarely are. How many cops are in our prison system? How many cops are tried and convicted for the same offenses they arrest others for? How many cops get a free pass in our judicial system? How many have murdered someone in cold blood and walked free? How many $Millions have been paid to settle cases where cops over-stepped the legal bounds?

You cop defenders should read more and do more research before placing a halo on their heads and worshipping them. It's well known and well documented concerning their brutality, and abuse of power and authority. Many videos have surfaced that verify unnecessary force and assault where none was called for. Dragging old ladies out of cars, shooting 12 year old kids playing the park, breaking into the wrong house and killing a 92 year old woman in her own home, and many more stories made public. Obviously, some of you haven't done your homework, either just turn a blind eye to what's really going on in this country, especially on Main Street America.

It's common knowledge that in our courts, judges take the word of a cop over anyone else. To our judicial system, a cop's word is gospel and not to be disputed. It takes a ton of money to defend yourself against what a cop claims you've done. And, chances are, the cop is guilty of doing the same things that he's out arresting others for doing. Cops aren't saints, they do their share of dirt. And, with more and more people armed with cell phones, posting pictures on the internet, we get to see exactly the mentality and actions of members of law enforcement. Yet, cops want respect and for us to look up to them as good public servants helping people and protecting. People earn respect, it's not given just because someone happens to have a badge and a gun. Cops have brought the disrespect on themselves. In addition, if there are so called good cops, why are they not policing their own profession?
You're a felon, aren't you? Only felons who deserved a negative interaction with cops hate them so much. The cops never bother me at all and by uncanny coincidence, I also obey the law...I wonder if there's a connection. And I'm not white, so there goes that stupid theory of yours.
You wish you were white. Youre an uncle Geronimo.
Why would I wish I were white, ass-lips?
Camp's only quoting(sorta) Holder. The "die soon" bit is a tad harsh. lol

Actually it doesn't go far enough. I'm down on my knees praying something very big and heavy drops on top of him. People who cheer on cop killers are worse than scum.
People that cheer on cops are ignorant, blind, and void of any reasoning. The damage they do is ridiculous. Their mentality is that of barbaric animalistic social misfits. The brutality, rape, child molestation, spousal abuse, stealing, lying in court, lying to cover for each other, taking bribes from pimps and drug dealers, slaughtering family pets that haven't harm anyone, writing BS quota tickets, ganging up on individuals already handcuffed and on the ground, and other shameful acts should be punished, but rarely are. How many cops are in our prison system? How many cops are tried and convicted for the same offenses they arrest others for? How many cops get a free pass in our judicial system? How many have murdered someone in cold blood and walked free? How many $Millions have been paid to settle cases where cops over-stepped the legal bounds?

You cop defenders should read more and do more research before placing a halo on their heads and worshipping them. It's well known and well documented concerning their brutality, and abuse of power and authority. Many videos have surfaced that verify unnecessary force and assault where none was called for. Dragging old ladies out of cars, shooting 12 year old kids playing the park, breaking into the wrong house and killing a 92 year old woman in her own home, and many more stories made public. Obviously, some of you haven't done your homework, either just turn a blind eye to what's really going on in this country, especially on Main Street America.

It's common knowledge that in our courts, judges take the word of a cop over anyone else. To our judicial system, a cop's word is gospel and not to be disputed. It takes a ton of money to defend yourself against what a cop claims you've done. And, chances are, the cop is guilty of doing the same things that he's out arresting others for doing. Cops aren't saints, they do their share of dirt. And, with more and more people armed with cell phones, posting pictures on the internet, we get to see exactly the mentality and actions of members of law enforcement. Yet, cops want respect and for us to look up to them as good public servants helping people and protecting. People earn respect, it's not given just because someone happens to have a badge and a gun. Cops have brought the disrespect on themselves. In addition, if there are so called good cops, why are they not policing their own profession?
You're a felon, aren't you? Only felons who deserved a negative interaction with cops hate them so much. The cops never bother me at all and by uncanny coincidence, I also obey the law...I wonder if there's a connection. And I'm not white, so there goes that stupid theory of yours.
You wish you were white. Youre an uncle Geronimo.
Why would I wish I were white, ass-lips?
Because you hate not being white. Bet your main goal in life was to blend into the white population.

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