BREAKING: University of Missouri football team on strike until president resigns!! Over racism

Don't you ever get tired of being a victim?

Well, I'm not personally involved so I'm not the victim of this witch hunt.

I'm just speaking out against the injustice and the damage to society of it all.

That doesn't make sense to you? SPeaking out against injustice?

I think you need your confederate handkerchief to dry your eyes, because white people have always had it so rough. It just breaks my heart to see you this way. :D

They are having it rough now.

And this witch hunt that has cost two men their jobs, ruined the final season of several students, and insulted and slandered the entire white population of that school is just one example.

So fuck you dickhead.

can you manage to post without hurling expletives at people just because they don't agree with your extreme pov?

which is to say pretty much everyone normal.

I always strive to treat people with the respect, or lack there of they show me.

Carla, dismissed my completely reasonable, valid on topic response with a very thinly veiled implication that I was a racist.

As you libs tend to use "racist" not in it's original meaning of having anything to do with Race but merely as a vicious slander, I responded appropriately.

YOu libs might think that you have the right to go around viciously slandering conservatives you disagree with and be treated with completely civility in return.

I strongly disagree and will act accordingly.

YOu want a civil conversation? Then stop calling people names.


(That was gauged to be equivalent to your "normal" crack)

If it was "thinly veiled" I wasn't doing my job, because you are a racist boob. And listen up, moron, the word "racist" has the same exact meaning its always had.
They are having it rough now.

And this witch hunt that has cost two men their jobs, ruined the final season of several students, and insulted and slandered the entire white population of that school is just one example.

So fuck you dickhead.

can you manage to post without hurling expletives at people just because they don't agree with your extreme pov?

which is to say pretty much everyone normal.

I always strive to treat people with the respect, or lack there of they show me.

Carla, dismissed my completely reasonable, valid on topic response with a very thinly veiled implication that I was a racist.

As you libs tend to use "racist" not in it's original meaning of having anything to do with Race but merely as a vicious slander, I responded appropriately.

YOu libs might think that you have the right to go around viciously slandering conservatives you disagree with and be treated with completely civility in return.

I strongly disagree and will act accordingly.

YOu want a civil conversation? Then stop calling people names.


(That was gauged to be equivalent to your "normal" crack)

i stopped reading at your disrespectful spewing of the word "libs".

you think you're more polite than you are.

because you aren't polite at all. saying disgusting things in a nice way is no less rude.

Then you cheated yourself.

YOu LIBERALS are the ones who are so blind that you think you are being polite while you are calling people the most venomous names with little if any justification.

I will not join you in your fantasy that my disagreement with you makes me a bad person, and if you insult me without cause I will insult you back.

YOu want a civil conversation? Then stop calling people names.

not reading your spew is most definitely NOT cheating myself.

it is sparing myself wingnuttery.

now, when you're a good boy who learns how to have civil discussion, no doubt you'll find people to engage you.

good luck.

Yes, it is.

You LIBERALS, desperately need someone to challenge your preconceived notions, and your pompous self images, and I am just the man to do it.

Introspection is good for you, and you LIBERALS need a freaking lot of it.

An unexamined life is not worth living.

And you LIBERALS haven't examined or questioned anything for a very, very long time.
Well, I'm not personally involved so I'm not the victim of this witch hunt.

I'm just speaking out against the injustice and the damage to society of it all.

That doesn't make sense to you? SPeaking out against injustice?

I think you need your confederate handkerchief to dry your eyes, because white people have always had it so rough. It just breaks my heart to see you this way. :D

They are having it rough now.

And this witch hunt that has cost two men their jobs, ruined the final season of several students, and insulted and slandered the entire white population of that school is just one example.

So fuck you dickhead.

can you manage to post without hurling expletives at people just because they don't agree with your extreme pov?

which is to say pretty much everyone normal.

I always strive to treat people with the respect, or lack there of they show me.

Carla, dismissed my completely reasonable, valid on topic response with a very thinly veiled implication that I was a racist.

As you libs tend to use "racist" not in it's original meaning of having anything to do with Race but merely as a vicious slander, I responded appropriately.

YOu libs might think that you have the right to go around viciously slandering conservatives you disagree with and be treated with completely civility in return.

I strongly disagree and will act accordingly.

YOu want a civil conversation? Then stop calling people names.


(That was gauged to be equivalent to your "normal" crack)

If it was "thinly veiled" I wasn't doing my job, because you are a racist boob. And listen up, moron, the word "racist" has the same exact meaning its always had.

I challenge you to support your claim that I am a "racist".

This is a rhetorical question, in that I know that you cannot, and that any attempt on your part will reveal that "racist" has become nothing but a personal slur to libs today.

Hence, my practice of responding to personal slurs, with personal slurs.

You fucking ****.

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