BREAKING: University of Missouri football team on strike until president resigns!! Over racism

Their coach fully supports them:

The Mizzou Family stands as one. We are united. We are behind our players. #ConcernedStudent1950 GP

9:39 AM - 8 Nov 2015

Coach Gary Pinkel (@GaryPinkel) on Twitter
Of course he supports them. He knows he relies upon the athletic talent of black players if he is to compete at that level. All successful coaches pander to black racist politics for recruiting enhancement. That's how Notre Dame and Duke became competitive again.
Everytime a white person defends a black person people like RoshawnMarkwees always say it's out of fear. Like no white people could possibly see it their way using logic.
Missouri football players to strike, want removal of president for 'widespread racism;' Missouri responds

OH MY GOD THIS SHIT IS HILARIOUS!! These clowns have issued a "List of Demands"!!!


- President must "admit his white male privilege"!! HA!!
- Create retention strategies for blacks (aka....dont fail them)
- Create a board of trustees for racial issues on campus...comprised only of black students and staff

So these clowns were given FREE education, dorm, food, clothing, campus fame, NFL caliber workouts, etc etc etc....just because they're good at playing a game....and THEY are bitching about "white privilege"??

With thugs like this on the wonder they have gone from 2013/2014 SEC East SEC doormats in just 12 months!!

Accusing Missouri of racial intolerance. HA. THIS is the same campus that celebrated gay black player Michael Sam!

More "social justice", or rather social terrorism, by the left.

Progressives have to be loving this kind of shit.
FTA: The most recent racist incident came Oct. 24 when a swastika was drawn with human feces on a college dorm's white wall.


Junior cornerback John Gibson tweeted that the Tigers' coaching staff and white teammates were also in support of the strike. And offensive lineman Paul Adams, a white player, expressed his support publicly on Twitter.

But here the problem I have with the OP. HE quoted the story and asks this:

I'm not sure what they expect him to do....over the than kick whites off campus maybe. Not sure. Wonder how much of this is inspired from Ferguson down the road.

When he knew that the white people complained and supports them too.

OP duped the idiots again with raw meat and dog whistles.

Is the football team mostly black Jews?
Easy solution let the Black players go to play at other schools, that ARE NOT RACIST, and let the team replace all the Black players with whites:rofl:, they will probably lose the rest of their games..

I have never heard of a school with all white players compete ,probably because crackers can't play football like Blacks can, they are slower, less athletic, can't jump or run as fast, whitey has no game compared to the Negro, stick to golf..:woohoo:
Peyton Manning just laughed at you.
What has Manning done lately besides make lame commercials?? oh yea he laid a big ol dump on the field in super bowl 48, in which his team was thrashed by the Seahawks which BTW had a Black QB:clap2::rofl:HOW DOES 43-8 sound..

Nearly 70% of the NFL and 80% of the NBA are Black, guess that has nothing to do with Blacks being superior athletically, of course the Crackers will try to argue and spin it another way:hellno:

Hell Mannings kid brother is better than him..
Missouri football players to boycott until president Tim Wolfe resigns

Wow. Craziness. Most of the Missouri Tigers football team is going on a strike/boycott until their demand of the school president resigns.....over claims he hasn't done enough about racial incidents. Some include racist graffiti on walls.

I'm not sure what they expect him to do....over the than kick whites off campus maybe. Not sure. Wonder how much of this is inspired from Ferguson down the road.

So...maybe Missouri is forfeiting the rest of their games????

Missouri was the 2013 and 2014 SEC East Division Champions.

This year....they're second from dead last in the conference.

Can't help but think their "cause" would be different if they were in 1st place.

So...This team is 0 for whatever this year and figured they'd polish a turd? :)
Missouri football players to boycott until president Tim Wolfe resigns

Wow. Craziness. Most of the Missouri Tigers football team is going on a strike/boycott until their demand of the school president resigns.....over claims he hasn't done enough about racial incidents. Some include racist graffiti on walls.

I'm not sure what they expect him to do....over the than kick whites off campus maybe. Not sure. Wonder how much of this is inspired from Ferguson down the road.

So...maybe Missouri is forfeiting the rest of their games????

Missouri was the 2013 and 2014 SEC East Division Champions.

This year....they're second from dead last in the conference.

Can't help but think their "cause" would be different if they were in 1st place.

So...This team is 0 for whatever this year and figured they'd polish a turd? :)
Everytime a white person defends a black person people like RoshawnMarkwees always say it's out of fear. Like no white people could possibly see it their way using logic.
You can't rebut my post. Because it's totally accurate.
Coaches pander to black politics because they need that inherent skill.

There's nothing to rebut, just you making allegations that always says when a white person sides with blacks on any issue you claim it's out of fear. Everytime.
Everytime a white person defends a black person people like RoshawnMarkwees always say it's out of fear. Like no white people could possibly see it their way using logic.
You can't rebut my post. Because it's totally accurate.
Coaches pander to black politics because they need that inherent skill.

There's nothing to rebut, just you making allegations that always says when a white person sides with blacks on any issue you claim it's out of fear. Everytime.
I didn't say that at all. That's your own draconian view of race manifesting itself. I said coaches are opportunists who know they must pander to the black racism politic in order to enhance recruiting chances.
Everytime a white person defends a black person people like RoshawnMarkwees always say it's out of fear. Like no white people could possibly see it their way using logic.
You can't rebut my post. Because it's totally accurate.
Coaches pander to black politics because they need that inherent skill.

There's nothing to rebut, just you making allegations that always says when a white person sides with blacks on any issue you claim it's out of fear. Everytime.
I didn't say that at all. That's your own draconian view of race manifesting itself. I said coaches are opportunists who know they must pander to the black racism politic in order to enhance recruiting chances.
You ignore the possibility that coaches, in this particular case gary pinkel, sympathize with and/or agree with the players.

You assume they are "pandering"
Missouri football players to boycott until president Tim Wolfe resigns

Wow. Craziness. Most of the Missouri Tigers football team is going on a strike/boycott until their demand of the school president resigns.....over claims he hasn't done enough about racial incidents. Some include racist graffiti on walls.

I'm not sure what they expect him to do....over the than kick whites off campus maybe. Not sure. Wonder how much of this is inspired from Ferguson down the road.

So...maybe Missouri is forfeiting the rest of their games????

Missouri was the 2013 and 2014 SEC East Division Champions.

This year....they're second from dead last in the conference.

Can't help but think their "cause" would be different if they were in 1st place.


"Yer on a football scholarship. You ain't playin' football. Yer off the team. Bye."

If they "strike", that's the same as saying I quit.

President says he ain't quitting.
Easy solution let the Black players go to play at other schools, that ARE NOT RACIST, and let the team replace all the Black players with whites:rofl:, they will probably lose the rest of their games..

I have never heard of a school with all white players compete ,probably because crackers can't play football like Blacks can, they are slower, less athletic, can't jump or run as fast, whitey has no game compared to the Negro, stick to golf..:woohoo:
Peyton Manning just laughed at you.

Peyton Manning

Joe Montana

Brian Urlacher

Terry Bradshaw

Tom Brady

Many more white athletes are laughing at that stupid comment by the other poster.

Whites can play Football, Baseball, and Hockey ( Which to me take more talent than playing football ) and some are good at Basketball too...

I guess some want to make this a white versus black nonsense, and when they do they come off as petty individuals...
Easy solution let the Black players go to play at other schools, that ARE NOT RACIST, and let the team replace all the Black players with whites:rofl:, they will probably lose the rest of their games..

I have never heard of a school with all white players compete ,probably because crackers can't play football like Blacks can, they are slower, less athletic, can't jump or run as fast, whitey has no game compared to the Negro, stick to golf..:woohoo:
Peyton Manning just laughed at you.

Peyton Manning

Joe Montana

Brian Urlacher

Terry Bradshaw

Tom Brady

Many more white athletes are laughing at that stupid comment by the other poster.

Whites can play Football, Baseball, and Hockey ( Which to me take more talent than playing football ) and some are good at Basketball too...

I guess some want to make this a white versus black nonsense, and when they do they come off as petty individuals...

Very true. Whites play football well. One difference is many whites have pussy liberals as parents and won't allow them to play football. Blacks...not so much.
Everytime a white person defends a black person people like RoshawnMarkwees always say it's out of fear. Like no white people could possibly see it their way using logic.
You can't rebut my post. Because it's totally accurate.
Coaches pander to black politics because they need that inherent skill.

There's nothing to rebut, just you making allegations that always says when a white person sides with blacks on any issue you claim it's out of fear. Everytime.
I didn't say that at all. That's your own draconian view of race manifesting itself. I said coaches are opportunists who know they must pander to the black racism politic in order to enhance recruiting chances.

Wow. You would have been better off, not posting anything.

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