Breaking: Van mows down people walking on London Bridge.

Should the practice of Islam be banned in Western / civilized nations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • No

    Votes: 28 36.4%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters

Enough is enough. The courts wanted evidence proving the need for Trump's travel ban, well in the United Kingdom there have been four terrorist attacks over the span of less than three months that have killed scores of people. Here's your evidence. Here's the need. Do you want that happening here? Really? Are you so freaking PC to the point of endangering our country's safety for the sake of keeping your arms wide open? Generosity and altruism have limits.

The religion of Islam needs to address this. The world is getting leery of radical Islamic terrorists murdering people for the sake of their twisted interpretation of Islam. I'm done. Through. I want this travel ban upheld in the Supreme Court. I want to be protected from this madness.
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The Brits, French, Germans and Swedes all deserve their fate for letting all that sub human garbage into their countries......

It's their globalist agenda.

Open borders and all that madness.

Europe is doomed.
Family who lives there is all accounted for. They're just bewildered as to what to do.
I'm trying to find the people from my office. So far not everyone is accounted for yet.

London police are recommending running and hiding.
The time for running and hiding is over. It's time to fight back!

Well, A country could Start by closing all Mosque within its' borders. Ban the Koran and Burka. Simply declare islam is NOT a religion. It is a cult used for political takeover. A Criminal Terrorist organization. Almost Like the DNC? Maybe they will then leave to move to ME countries? If not .............. jail them if found to practice cult in public or organized gatherings. step 1. Or let your Children become Lebanon.

I have a religion too. Church of Golf. Several meetings a week. I am more religious than islam. I don't want you to convert. Can I be tax-exempt also? Where does the IRS draw the line? The religion of shopping?
Is this what you Liberals want. Where everyone is afraid to go to a concert for fear of a terrorist attack? Paranoia in the streets. Fear to go to any crowded venue. I say hell no! arm up and take your streets back.
Yea, that's what Liberals want. Are you nuts?
Sounds like the progressives over there in socialized Europe are reaping what they sow... karma is a bitch
^ Now THERE's someone celebrating.
Details are sketchy but multiple reports claim some number of people have been hit by a van on the London Bridge. But this is the new normal, right? Just get used to it.
I don't feel sorry for the British anymore, because the Brits like liberals, have a death wish, which was why they voted for a Muslim Mayor. Elections have consequences, they always have and always will, and just like the FOOLS who voted for Hope and Change, many of the tards suffered worse, while the liberal RICH got much RICHER. The war is on, right now it is Muslims vs the world, but what we are seeing in the US is liberalism run amok. Better get prepared, it is going to get a much worse here. God bless you all.
^ and ANOTHER one celebrating.
It is very revealing that none of the anti-Muslim bigots started a topic about the terrorist bombing in Kabul which killed many, many more people.

But the people killed were Muslims, and darnit, that just does not fit the narrative!

One person did start a topic about the protests which took place after the bombing, and again, no one commented on it. And the topic got shoved into the Afghanistan section of this forum. Because it just doesn't fit the narrative.

90 percent of the victims of terrorism are Muslims, you ignorant fucks.

Enough is enough. The courts wanted evidence proving the need for Trump's travel ban, well in the United Kingdom there have been three terrorist attacks over the span of less than a month that have killed scores of people. Here's your evidence. Here's the need. Do you want that happening here? Really? Are you so freaking PC to the point of endangering our country's safety for the sake of keeping your arms wide open? Generosity and altruism have limits.

The religion of Islam needs to address this. The world is getting leery of radical Islamic terrorists murdering people for the sake of their twisted interpretation of Islam. I'm done. Through. I want this travel ban upheld in the Supreme Court. I want to be protected from this madness.

You ain't gonna get it.
People getting run over... cars are the weapon of choice.

Damn, another conservative religious nut on the loose.
Damn, go ahead and spell it out as it is. Another Muslim on the loose.

Isn't an Isamo-Fascist a conservative? How about Eric Rudolph or Scott Roeder - Christian, Conservative and killers of innocents - also nuts?
A conservative here isn't the same as a conservative in an Islamic state. As always, you are confused and can't draw distinctions.
True....con-servatives here are much more likely to just talk tough.
I look over at the TV........they have British Citizens marching down the street with hands on head? huh? something seems wrong with that picture.
It is very revealing that none of the anti-Muslim bigots started a topic about the terrorist bombing in Kabul which killed many, many more people.

But the people killed were Muslims, and darnit, that just does not fit the narrative!

One person did start a topic about the protests which took place after the bombing, and again, no one commented on it. And the topic got shoved into the Afghanistan section of this forum. Because it just doesn't fit the narrative.

90 percent of the victims of terrorism are Muslims, you ignorant fucks.

Why didn't you started the topic about the killing in Kabul then?

This is about the London killing.
Damn, go ahead and spell it out as it is. Another Muslim on the loose.

Isn't an Isamo-Fascist a conservative? How about Eric Rudolph or Scott Roeder - Christian, Conservative and killers of innocents - also nuts?
A conservative here isn't the same as a conservative in an Islamic state. As always, you are confused and can't draw distinctions.
Much like Hitler was a progressive left wing nut job, Muslims don't know what they are so they just kill everybody they disagree with
^^ Ignorant projection
Hitler was a socialist, the very name of his party was socialist. Back to your safe space snowflake
Just like the People's Republic of China is a Republic.
It is very revealing that none of the anti-Muslim bigots started a topic about the terrorist bombing in Kabul which killed many, many more people.

But the people killed were Muslims, and darnit, that just does not fit the narrative!

One person did start a topic about the protests which took place after the bombing, and again, no one commented on it. And the topic got shoved into the Afghanistan section of this forum. Because it just doesn't fit the narrative.

90 percent of the victims of terrorism are Muslims, you ignorant fucks.

I know. I posted on it several times. I looked over the Terrorist murder list for 2017. Mostly muslims killed in mostly muslim countries. not even close.
just stop the immigration of future foreign muslims into the Western world and USA . Let existing muslims in the USA practice as they wish but no reinforcements .
To be honest, I'm not sure it's that's going to help, especially with regards to the British and French. They have tens of thousands that are already in.

Islam is a cancer to modern humanity.
Who is militarily occupying the planet shoog? Who sold North Korea nuclear reactors from a company Rumsfeld once sat on the board of directors of and ponied up US taxpayer funding to complete the deal? Who provides the Wahabist Saudis with the cluster bombs, known to have a 90% casualty rate in the field, that they rain down on Yemen? Who just completed another $110B arms deal selling weapons to the Wahabist Saudis?
Because people representing us in the past did stupid things we should just roll over and let them do whatever they want to do.

Let's repeat as if we were at a spelling b;

Who is militarily occupying the planet shoog? Who sold North Korea nuclear reactors from a company Rumsfeld once sat on the board of directors of and ponied up US taxpayer funding to complete the deal? Who provides the Wahabist Saudis with the cluster bombs, known to have a 90% casualty rate in the field, that they rain down on Yemen? Who just completed another $110B arms deal selling weapons to the Wahabist Saudis?

The answer to all is - The United States of America.

And for the bonus points, who can tell us which of these is current and not at all "in the past?

Who is militarily occupying the planet shoog? Who provides the Wahabist Saudis with the cluster bombs, known to have a 90% casualty rate in the field, that they rain down on Yemen? Who just completed another $110B arms deal selling weapons to the Wahabist Saudis?

I'm, sorry, thanks for competing, you will not be advancing to the next round, but you are certainly welcome to attempt to qualify again.
I look over at the TV........they have British Citizens marching down the street with hands on head? huh? something seems wrong with that picture.
Police don't know friend from I imagine it was standard procedure until they are checked before leaving bridge.....
Just as naturalized citizens have to say an oath that they are not and never been a member of the communist party. Any Muslim who wants to get a visa to the US or become a permanent resident should understand that Islam cannot be practiced in the US.
So my relatives should not enjoy their religion? I am an atheist so it don't matter to me.
That is the vision; theocracy.

Enough is enough. The courts wanted evidence proving the need for Trump's travel ban, well in the United Kingdom there have been three terrorist attacks over the span of less than a month that have killed scores of people. Here's your evidence. Here's the need. Do you want that happening here? Really? Are you so freaking PC to the point of endangering our country's safety for the sake of keeping your arms wide open? Generosity and altruism have limits.

The religion of Islam needs to address this. The world is getting leery of radical Islamic terrorists murdering people for the sake of their twisted interpretation of Islam. I'm done. Through. I want this travel ban upheld in the Supreme Court. I want to be protected from this madness.

You ain't gonna get it.
Of course not, you want us to be more like Europe. Well look at them now, plagued with terrorism. Generosity at the expense of human life. That's an unacceptable price to pay. But hey, you're willing to pay it.


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