Breaking: Van mows down people walking on London Bridge.

Should the practice of Islam be banned in Western / civilized nations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • No

    Votes: 28 36.4%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters
10,000 deaths a year from guns, and you have a problem only with the dozen or so dead from Terrorism..... what? How is that logical?

the Brits have a golden opportunity here to rise up and begin the extermination of Islam in they're country. that will force the Government into two problems. time for talk is over. for the sake of you're women and children rise and strike. leave no survivors
You going over to help?
And I don't support islamic terrorism. I don't support any terrorism. I know you just say that because it's your fear talking...I forgive you.

If you didn't support Islamic terrorism, you would not be attacking those who oppose it with every dirty little rhetorical trick in the book.

Mass murder is not enshrined in the first amendment. You are simply too utterly stupid to understand that.
"attacking"? You call a dialogue on an anonymous message board an "attack"? Oh really need to be made of sterner stuff. You're a cream puff.

Do you really think that nobody notices how you, Coyote and the rest of your repulsive ilk never spend so much as a nanosecond expressing any disapproval at all for the actions, yet have endless time devoted to posting reams of invective against those who do?

You are even less intelligent than I imagined.
You don't pay attention much do you. Well, being lost in your own fear to the point of getting tunnel vision will do that to you.
"more unvetted"? Who's been let in unvetted already?
There is no vetting to get into this country, they'll let just about anybody in


Yes, under Obama let in 1500 known terrorists under asylum, it would appear there is vetting and they prioritize terrorist entry.
"1500 known terrorists"...what are their names...or at least some of them....

Eat dicks treasonous scum.

U.S. Gives 1,519 Engaged in Terrorism “While Under Duress” Residency, Asylum
September 09, 2015

As if the President Obama’s sweeping amnesty measures haven’t compromised national security enough, the administration let 1,519 “inadmissible” foreigners embroiled in terrorism into the U.S. last year because the crimes were committed “while under duress.”

Before the Obama administration tweaked a federal law last year, these foreign nationals would have been banned from the country for supporting terrorist causes. But under the changes the Secretary of Homeland Security has “discretionary authority” to waive certain grounds of inadmissibility relating to terrorism. We’ve seen this discretionary authority abused in the last few years and in fact, the administration has eliminated a zero tolerance policy for granting asylum or residency to individuals who have provided any sort of terrorism-related support.

The government’s latest available figures for granting asylum or residency to individuals embroiled in terrorist causes are incredibly disturbing, especially since the agency charged with keeping the nation safe, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), appears to downplay the seriousness of the crimes. Judicial Watch obtained the numbers from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) annual report to Congress on the DHS secretary’s application of discretionary authority.

The biggest chunk of exemptions was processed for refugee applicants and lawful permanent resident status, with 806 and 614 respectively. The rest were processed under other DHS programs such as Temporary Protected Status (TPS), asylum and relief through a Justice Department initiative. The bottom line is that the U.S. government is allowing them all to stay in the country with rights and benefits afforded to legal residents despite their terrorist connections and associations.

More than half of the candidates rewarded by DHS last year provided material support to terrorist organizations, according to the DHS report. The others received military-type training from a terrorist organization, voluntarily provided medical care to members of a terrorist group and solicited funds or individuals for membership in a terrorist organization. After a case-by-case review, Obama’s DHS Secretary, Jeh Johnson, determined that the recently admitted terrorists only participated in these activities “while under duress.” So, welcome to America!

U.S. Gives 1,519 Engaged in Terrorism “While Under Duress” Residency, Asylum - Judicial Watch

Je Suis Breivik watch your back!
Watch my back? Why? As if you would do anything......but just whine on a message board.

There is this thing called illegal immigration you might have heard about.
I have....are you saying that's what we are talking about with "no vetting"?

I am saying that if your borders are not secure, you are not vetting immigrants as you should.
How's that wall working out?

When it gets built it will be a big is that immigration from 3rd world islamic terrorist nations working out....? You could ask the people on the bridge, but they might be a little traumatized from last night......
Eat dicks treasonous scum.


Here's someone accusing someone else of treason! What has she done that would constitute treason? Disagree with you?

Those who have allowed the enemy in the gates and who continue to advocate on their behalf will suffer the fate reserved for all traitors, Je Suis Breivik, if you think we can't find you you're wrong, if you think you're safe you're not, watch your back we are coming!
Scary....threatening people because they support the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the 1st Amendment. Such a tough guy you are. :lol:
I know you're not - I don't mean to imply you are. I am not sure how comparable we are to Europe for several reasons. One is our approach to immigration and integration is very different. The other is Europe has been overwhelmed by huge numbers of migrants, asylum seekers, refugees far faster than can be assimilated or vetted. In addition - in many European countries - immigrants have not integrated well, isolating themselves in enclaves and but also, they haven't been able to share in the same economic and job opportunities that native born citizens have.

You have precisely diagnosed the problem.

And yet I see some liberals on this board wanting to take the European approach to immigration. Just look at how that's turning out thus far. Instilling quotas would ensure that a country could vet asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants properly. Trump's travel ban, regardless of whether you think its a "Muslim ban" or not is what I see as an attempt to do just that. However, some believe that we are being bigoted and intolerant if we do.

I got some simple advice as a brash young teenager "don't bite off more than you can chew."

They aren't "Liberals" they are Leftists. They are our enemies, just like the child killing ali-babbas are. Make no mistake, they need to GTFO pieces of shit the lot of them.

I pray Shit doesn't hiot the fan, but I have a list.. some people need to die. Make a list and check it twice.
Suuuuuure.....a tough guy on the internet with a "list". Just like the terrorists with their lists, aren't you?
I know you're not - I don't mean to imply you are. I am not sure how comparable we are to Europe for several reasons. One is our approach to immigration and integration is very different. The other is Europe has been overwhelmed by huge numbers of migrants, asylum seekers, refugees far faster than can be assimilated or vetted. In addition - in many European countries - immigrants have not integrated well, isolating themselves in enclaves and but also, they haven't been able to share in the same economic and job opportunities that native born citizens have.

You have precisely diagnosed the problem.

And yet I see some liberals on this board wanting to take the European approach to immigration. Just look at how that's turning out thus far. Instilling quotas would ensure that a country could vet asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants properly. Trump's travel ban, regardless of what if you think its a "Muslim ban" or not is what I see as an attempt to do just that. However, some believe that we are being bigoted and intolerant if we do.

I got some simple advice as a brash young teenager "don't bite off more than you can chew."

Pardon mouth is full and I'm having trouble chewing....burp...that's better :p

I don't believe in unlimited immigration either. But, in reality we take in VERY few refugees - a fraction of what other countries have to contend with yet we have more resources and space to deal with it. So I'm not concerned that we'll be over run faster than we can assimilate. I support it, as long as they are well vetted and within our capacity to integrate. And part of that reason is also, because our actions have in part led to the disintegration of those countries - we bear some responsibility for the refugee situation that other countries - less well equipt then we are, are having to bear the brunt of.
What would be the harm of taking none for five years?
Ok...none. Not just from a SELECT few nations. None. I'd support that.

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