Breaking: Van mows down people walking on London Bridge.

Should the practice of Islam be banned in Western / civilized nations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • No

    Votes: 28 36.4%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters
People getting run over... cars are the weapon of choice.

Damn, another conservative religious nut on the loose.
Damn, go ahead and spell it out as it is. Another Muslim on the loose.

Isn't an Isamo-Fascist a conservative? How about Eric Rudolph or Scott Roeder - Christian, Conservative and killers of innocents - also nuts?
You better hope you never end up in a Muslim controlled country, christians are the first target and fucked up progressives like you are likely their second...
This is ludicrous.

You value the constitution so much yet here you are so easily willing to defy it.

Government (Congress) shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.

And Islam is a religion, no matter what you think it is.
Theresa May is stating it is being treated as an act of terrorism.
just stop the immigration of future foreign muslims into the Western world and USA . Let existing muslims in the USA practice as they wish but no reinforcements .
To be honest, I'm not sure it's that's going to help, especially with regards to the British and French. They have tens of thousands that are already in.

Islam is a cancer to modern humanity.
Who is militarily occupying the planet shoog? Who sold North Korea nuclear reactors from a company Rumsfeld once sat on the board of directors of and ponied up US taxpayer funding to complete the deal? Who provides the Wahabist Saudis with the cluster bombs, known to have a 90% casualty rate in the field, that they rain down on Yemen? Who just completed another $110B arms deal selling weapons to the Wahabist Saudis?
Just as naturalized citizens have to say an oath that they are not and never been a member of the communist party. Any Muslim who wants to get a visa to the US or become a permanent resident should understand that Islam cannot be practiced in the US.
So my relatives should not enjoy their religion? I am an atheist so it don't matter to me.
just stop the immigration of future foreign muslims into the Western world and USA . Let existing muslims in the USA practice as they wish but no reinforcements .
To be honest, I'm not sure it's that's going to help, especially with regards to the British and French. They have tens of thousands that are already in.

Islam is a cancer to modern humanity.
The real cancer on humanity is conservatism!
just stop the immigration of future foreign muslims into the Western world and USA . Let existing muslims in the USA practice as they wish but no reinforcements .
To be honest, I'm not sure it's that's going to help, especially with regards to the British and French. They have tens of thousands that are already in.

Islam is a cancer to modern humanity.
--------------------------------------------- correct , but keep in mind that i am an American and we have too many muslims BUT its still only maybe 1 percent , maybe a little more .
I'm an American too. We have, depending on which estimates you go with, anywhere between three to six million Muslims in the USA. If we outlaw Islam it will be much easier to smoke out the ones that are potential terrorists. Right now, everybody, including the USA is shooting in the blind, nobody can truly tell when, where and how the next event will occur.
As we can see, Muslim animals are attempting to show us just how peaceful of a time Rama-dung and their religion is by massacring yet another group of totally innocent people, this time in London.

If we are to survive this cancer, the practice of Islam should be banned from all civilized nations.
How will that work in the US with that pesky First Amendment thingie?
If islam was ruled a terrorist group and NOT a religion by the courts it COULD be legally barred.
Is this what you Liberals want. Where everyone is afraid to go to a concert for fear of a terrorist attack? Paranoia in the streets. Fear to go to any crowded venue. I say hell no! arm up and take your streets back.
Just as naturalized citizens have to say an oath that they are not and never been a member of the communist party. Any Muslim who wants to get a visa to the US or become a permanent resident should understand that Islam cannot be practiced in the US.
So my relatives should not enjoy their religion? I am an atheist so it don't matter to me.
Well you're on the top of the list those that have to be killed. Islam should first behave like a religion that intends to coexist, before it is given the same rights as other religions.
Libs are sucidal for wanting to let more muslims in this country

Nope. We have a history of letting all kinds of people in. It is who we are. That won't change. Why do you hate America?

I hate America because I don't want to let bat shit crazy savages in the country who will indiscriminately murder American citizens. Got to love liberal logic.

You overstate the threat and understate our greatness. It's what you do.

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