Breaking: Van runs into crowd outside N. London Mosque

Seem to be a lot of disgraceful pieces of shit amused by terrorism here.
Fuck off with your bullshit. I defy you to show me a post, any post, of you being this outraged after a Muslim Attack
Seem to be a lot of disgraceful pieces of shit amused by terrorism here.
And you talk about how much you love chocolate on a thread about Isis dissolving people in acid, and DO NOTHING but make excuses for Muslim terrorists when they kill and maim innocent men, women and children.
I've only ever seen you say that something ' breaks your heart' once -
was it for the 8 yr old girl and the other children blown up in Manchester? No.
Was it for the people mown down and having their throats slashed in London?
You said your heart broke for the families of Muslim extrmists!!!
YOU are the biggest hypocrite on this board bar none and your crap on this thread is just astonishing in light of all your previous behaviour.
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If a non Moslem did this then watch the outrage from Moslems.
Who cares? They're like the left, they bitch & whine about everything anyways.
Well, their outrage will undoubtedly manifest as blowing us up, mowing us down, and cutting our throats.

And watch the Left claim it was justified in the face of Islamophobia.

But the facts aren't in yet. May be Moslem on Moslem.

I see VERY few actually claim that it's EVER justified.

You seem to be one of those.
why do I get the feeling that all next week.....CNN/PMS-NBC will create stories on how Trump is responsible for tonights/last night terror attack :popcorn:
For Moslems, terrorism isn't terrorism unless it's directed at Moslems.

Well the sad part is there are good Muslims who want no part of terrorisim, the problem is the " Radical Muslims" who are dragging the good Muslims right down with them because as soon as ppl hear the world Muslim they are all tied to it.

Kind of like the LGBT wants no part of the perverts because if they accept them into it, then that makes all gays look like they're child molesters.

A good Moslem is one following the teachings of Muhammad and fighting in Allah's Cause. Allah's Cause is the domination of the world of the unbelievers. A bad Moslem is an apostate.

yeah, like how many even know that bitch Clinton was in the Muslim Brotherhood, well sisterhood which is " RADICAL" .... those Gov. fks man those pricks need bitch slapped.

The Islamic doctrine is itself radical. Islam is radical. There is no peaceful or moderate Islam.
Seem to be a lot of disgraceful pieces of shit amused by terrorism here.
Fuck off with your bullshit. I defy you to show me a post, any post, of you being this outraged after a Muslim Attack

Fuck off yourself.

My outrage, as you put it - is over the reactions. I've said the same thing I've always said when there is a terrorist attack.

On the other hand, this is the first thread on a POSSIBLE terrorist attack (we don't know that, we don't know the motive, we don't know the identity of the person who did it but everyone is jumping to conclusions - could have been a drunk driver) - but here you are CELEBRATING because it killed Muslims or might have at least included some the number of casualties and are even more gleeful that it might be a "revenge attack". Seriously dude. That is sick.

I know when I heard the Flight 93 story I was sickened to my core. How dare those bastards fight back against the Al Qadea muslim terrorists.

They should have all sung John Lennon's "Imagine" and tried to hug it out of the islamic terrorists.

I have no problem with killing terrorists.

But I've never heard to express outrage over Islamic terrorism against non Moslems.

Then I doubt you've read my posts.
If a non Moslem did this then watch the outrage from Moslems.
Who cares? They're like the left, they bitch & whine about everything anyways.

My point was, Moslems never get outraged when it's Moslems doing the terrorism against free (aka non Moslem aka infidel) people

100% correct........and now people have said fuck this and are going to be taking things into their own hands. Fucking duh......only bubble dwellers didn't see this coming.:up:

Multiculturalism is ghey:gay::up:
give it a few days, the Governor of Virginia will speak about this tragedy and how 93 Million Americans are getting hit by vehicles a day,,,so we also share the same dilemma
Seem to be a lot of disgraceful pieces of shit amused by terrorism here.
Fuck off with your bullshit. I defy you to show me a post, any post, of you being this outraged after a Muslim Attack

Fuck off yourself.

My outrage, as you put it - is over the reactions. I've said the same thing I've always said when there is a terrorist attack.

On the other hand, this is the first thread on a POSSIBLE terrorist attack (we don't know that, we don't know the motive, we don't know the identity of the person who did it but everyone is jumping to conclusions - could have been a drunk driver) - but here you are CELEBRATING because it killed Muslims or might have at least included some the number of casualties and are even more gleeful that it might be a "revenge attack". Seriously dude. That is sick.

I know when I heard the Flight 93 story I was sickened to my core. How dare those bastards fight back against the Al Qadea muslim terrorists.

They should have all sung John Lennon's "Imagine" and tried to hug it out of the islamic terrorists.

I have no problem with killing terrorists.

So, if you're okay with killing terrorists, how about the killing of US troops who are invading a country, or occupying a country?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------its ok with me , that is of course my reasoning for the USA killing ALL enemies with extreme prejudice Fridgid . [no Quarter]
Fuck off with your bullshit. I defy you to show me a post, any post, of you being this outraged after a Muslim Attack

Fuck off yourself.

My outrage, as you put it - is over the reactions. I've said the same thing I've always said when there is a terrorist attack.

On the other hand, this is the first thread on a POSSIBLE terrorist attack (we don't know that, we don't know the motive, we don't know the identity of the person who did it but everyone is jumping to conclusions - could have been a drunk driver) - but here you are CELEBRATING because it killed Muslims or might have at least included some the number of casualties and are even more gleeful that it might be a "revenge attack". Seriously dude. That is sick.

I know when I heard the Flight 93 story I was sickened to my core. How dare those bastards fight back against the Al Qadea muslim terrorists.

They should have all sung John Lennon's "Imagine" and tried to hug it out of the islamic terrorists.

I have no problem with killing terrorists.
I thought you were leaving? I thought white outrage was too much for you?

Nope. Why give you the satisfaction while I can sit here eat popcorn, and watch you extol the virtues of killing innocent people?:popcorn:

Is it even better if kids get killed?
I spent the day with my grandson and you ask me that on father's day?

Be happy your pathetic ass wasn't under the tread of a Muslims tire. Course we all know if it was one of yours you'd take it lying down.
For Moslems, terrorism isn't terrorism unless it's directed at Moslems.

Well the sad part is there are good Muslims who want no part of terrorisim, the problem is the " Radical Muslims" who are dragging the good Muslims right down with them because as soon as ppl hear the world Muslim they are all tied to it.

Kind of like the LGBT wants no part of the perverts because if they accept them into it, then that makes all gays look like they're child molesters.

A good Moslem is one following the teachings of Muhammad and fighting in Allah's Cause. Allah's Cause is the domination of the world of the unbelievers. A bad Moslem is an apostate.

yeah, like how many even know that bitch Clinton was in the Muslim Brotherhood, well sisterhood which is " RADICAL" .... those Gov. fks man those pricks need bitch slapped.

The Islamic doctrine is itself radical. Islam is radical. There is no peaceful or moderate Islam.

This lady is Muslim and I really like her this is just one of her many videos.------------- They are also the makers of " Obsession" radical Islam
It amazes me what people are outraged over. And the utter LACK of ANY sort of discomfort with people on this thread JUSTIFYING and even CELEBRATING killing innocent people. That is really a new low. Can't find that in any of the other threads on terrorist incidents.
Tomorrow on ABC News,,,,,,Our top story tonight,,,,,according to some of our unreliable sources, last nights terror attack in London was enticed by a devoted follower of Sarah Palin.
Fuck off yourself.

My outrage, as you put it - is over the reactions. I've said the same thing I've always said when there is a terrorist attack.

On the other hand, this is the first thread on a POSSIBLE terrorist attack (we don't know that, we don't know the motive, we don't know the identity of the person who did it but everyone is jumping to conclusions - could have been a drunk driver) - but here you are CELEBRATING because it killed Muslims or might have at least included some the number of casualties and are even more gleeful that it might be a "revenge attack". Seriously dude. That is sick.

I know when I heard the Flight 93 story I was sickened to my core. How dare those bastards fight back against the Al Qadea muslim terrorists.

They should have all sung John Lennon's "Imagine" and tried to hug it out of the islamic terrorists.

I have no problem with killing terrorists.
I thought you were leaving? I thought white outrage was too much for you?

Nope. Why give you the satisfaction while I can sit here eat popcorn, and watch you extol the virtues of killing innocent people?:popcorn:

Is it even better if kids get killed?
I spent the day with my grandson and you ask me that on father's day?

Be happy your pathetic ass wasn't under the tread of a Muslims tire. Course we all know if it was one of yours you'd take it lying down.

True, it was a low blow. But what if a kid was among the casualties?
This is what happens when Muslims commit acts of violence, too often, in a land not their own.

Eventually, the backlash begins.

May God rest the souls of those who perished (if any), and give comfort to their families, and to those who were injured by that supposed right-wing Brit.

Still, given how often the Muzzies have savaged their Euro-neighbors in recent months and years, this had to start, sooner or later.

Not with respect to the victims themselves, but to the Islamic community at-large... in a very real sense, they have brought this upon themselves.

It did not have to come to this, but it was their choice, to maim and kill again and again and again, until somebody or another, on the other side, struck back.
--------------------------------- the muslims and their foreign ways should not be imported to Western lands !! These problems are all caused by Western governments Kondor .
No, the problems are caused by Islam.

By its dogma, its scripture, its founder, and its philosophical writings - all of which blend into a Warrior Religion which promises Paradise for those who die advancing it.

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