Breaking: Van runs into crowd outside N. London Mosque

I know when I heard the Flight 93 story I was sickened to my core. How dare those bastards fight back against the Al Qadea muslim terrorists.

They should have all sung John Lennon's "Imagine" and tried to hug it out of the islamic terrorists.

I have no problem with killing terrorists.
I thought you were leaving? I thought white outrage was too much for you?

Nope. Why give you the satisfaction while I can sit here eat popcorn, and watch you extol the virtues of killing innocent people?:popcorn:

Is it even better if kids get killed?
I spent the day with my grandson and you ask me that on father's day?

Be happy your pathetic ass wasn't under the tread of a Muslims tire. Course we all know if it was one of yours you'd take it lying down.

True, it was a low blow. But what if a kid was among the casualties?
Then I will feel horrible. I live and die with my own mistakes.
It amazes me what people are outraged over. And the utter LACK of ANY sort of discomfort with people on this thread JUSTIFYING and even CELEBRATING killing innocent people. That is really a new low. Can't find that in any of the other threads on terrorist incidents.
We are reacting to the lack of outrage by people like you when Innocent "infidels" are brutally murdered by these Turd World barbarians.
It amazes me what people are outraged over. And the utter LACK of ANY sort of discomfort with people on this thread JUSTIFYING and even CELEBRATING killing innocent people. That is really a new low. Can't find that in any of the other threads on terrorist incidents.
We are reacting to the lack of outrage by people like you when Innocent "infidels" are brutally murdered by these Turd World barbarians.

You confuse lack of outrage with unwillingness to jump on the All-Muslims-are-Evil bandwagon.

Now keep on celebrating the killing of innocent people.
If a non Moslem did this then watch the outrage from Moslems.
Who cares? They're like the left, they bitch & whine about everything anyways.
Well, their outrage will undoubtedly manifest as blowing us up, mowing us down, and cutting our throats.

And watch the Left claim it was justified in the face of Islamophobia.

But the facts aren't in yet. May be Moslem on Moslem.

I see VERY few actually claim that it's EVER justified.

You seem to be one of those.

Of course I'm not one of those. And I see Liberals make excuses for Moslems all the time.
...Interesting. They brought this on themselves....
Yes, isn't it?

...Isn't that what people accused the west of - that their actions in the mideast brought these terror attacks on them?...
Islam has been at-war with the rest of the world for 1400 years.

...You can't say on the one hand - god rest their souls and then on the other - they brought it on themselves...
Sure I can... just did... I feel bad for them and their families... and that they belong to an alien cult that has been killing Westerners in their own environs.

...These are just ordinary people living ordinary lives who had nothing to do with what terrorists took upon themselves to do.
They share the same Warrior Cult... the so-called "home grown" branch of Islamic Terror stems from their communities... Guilt by Association.
What the fuck is a mosque doing in England? Or anywhere in the Western World.

It's that whole freedom of religion thing that fascists like you don't understand.
If a non Moslem did this then watch the outrage from Moslems.
Who cares? They're like the left, they bitch & whine about everything anyways.
Well, their outrage will undoubtedly manifest as blowing us up, mowing us down, and cutting our throats.

And watch the Left claim it was justified in the face of Islamophobia.

But the facts aren't in yet. May be Moslem on Moslem.

I see VERY few actually claim that it's EVER justified.

You seem to be one of those.

Of course I'm not one of those. And I see Liberals make excuses for Moslems all the time.

I've never seen anyone make excuses for Islamic terrorists other than a handful who try to claim it's justified by western actions in the Middle East. If you can find an example of a liberal making excuses for terrorists - post it.
If a non Moslem did this then watch the outrage from Moslems.
Who cares? They're like the left, they bitch & whine about everything anyways.
Well, their outrage will undoubtedly manifest as blowing us up, mowing us down, and cutting our throats.

And watch the Left claim it was justified in the face of Islamophobia.

But the facts aren't in yet. May be Moslem on Moslem.

I see VERY few actually claim that it's EVER justified.

You seem to be one of those.

Of course I'm not one of those. And I see Liberals make excuses for Moslems all the time.

I've never seen anyone make excuses for Islamic terrorists other than a handful who try to claim it's justified by western actions in the Middle East. If you can find an example of a liberal making excuses for terrorists - post it.
The Guardian’s crime correspondent Vikram Dodd writes:

Counter-terrorism police are investigating a major incident in the Finsbury Park area of north London after a van hit pedestrians leaving a number of casualties. The Guardian understand that counter terrorism officers have joined regular police looking at the incident which is in its early stages. Officers are investigating whether the collision was accidental or deliberate and it is understood that armed officers have been deployed as a precaution.
Fuck off with your bullshit. I defy you to show me a post, any post, of you being this outraged after a Muslim Attack

Fuck off yourself.

My outrage, as you put it - is over the reactions. I've said the same thing I've always said when there is a terrorist attack.

On the other hand, this is the first thread on a POSSIBLE terrorist attack (we don't know that, we don't know the motive, we don't know the identity of the person who did it but everyone is jumping to conclusions - could have been a drunk driver) - but here you are CELEBRATING because it killed Muslims or might have at least included some the number of casualties and are even more gleeful that it might be a "revenge attack". Seriously dude. That is sick.

I know when I heard the Flight 93 story I was sickened to my core. How dare those bastards fight back against the Al Qadea muslim terrorists.

They should have all sung John Lennon's "Imagine" and tried to hug it out of the islamic terrorists.

I have no problem with killing terrorists.

So, if you're okay with killing terrorists, how about the killing of US troops who are invading a country, or occupying a country?

That's war and troops get killed in war.

I don't support wars of choice however.

So it's okay if a govt says "Let's go kill some people" because it's war, but it's not okay to fight back to that war if it's not with government troops?

I mean, from a country where having arms to fight against a tyrannical govt is encouraged, to then turn around and say people taking up arms to fight that very same tyrannical govt and its allied governments, is a little hypocritical, don't you think?
what happened in London probably happens time to time in season when the eldery {over 95} drivers from the northeast are driving the busy roads of Florida {that why I never walk here !!! just drive}
Who cares? They're like the left, they bitch & whine about everything anyways.
Well, their outrage will undoubtedly manifest as blowing us up, mowing us down, and cutting our throats.

And watch the Left claim it was justified in the face of Islamophobia.

But the facts aren't in yet. May be Moslem on Moslem.

I see VERY few actually claim that it's EVER justified.

You seem to be one of those.

Of course I'm not one of those. And I see Liberals make excuses for Moslems all the time.

I've never seen anyone make excuses for Islamic terrorists other than a handful who try to claim it's justified by western actions in the Middle East. If you can find an example of a liberal making excuses for terrorists - post it.

ANYONE who has ever used the term 'Islamophobia' has made excuses. I'm pretty certain this includes you.
when they built the giant 300 sq foot obama library,,i wonder if it will be able to take a head on collision from an angry driver.
Fuck off yourself.

My outrage, as you put it - is over the reactions. I've said the same thing I've always said when there is a terrorist attack.

On the other hand, this is the first thread on a POSSIBLE terrorist attack (we don't know that, we don't know the motive, we don't know the identity of the person who did it but everyone is jumping to conclusions - could have been a drunk driver) - but here you are CELEBRATING because it killed Muslims or might have at least included some the number of casualties and are even more gleeful that it might be a "revenge attack". Seriously dude. That is sick.

I know when I heard the Flight 93 story I was sickened to my core. How dare those bastards fight back against the Al Qadea muslim terrorists.

They should have all sung John Lennon's "Imagine" and tried to hug it out of the islamic terrorists.

I have no problem with killing terrorists.

So, if you're okay with killing terrorists, how about the killing of US troops who are invading a country, or occupying a country?

That's war and troops get killed in war.

I don't support wars of choice however.

So it's okay if a govt says "Let's go kill some people" because it's war, but it's not okay to fight back to that war if it's not with government troops?

I mean, from a country where having arms to fight against a tyrannical govt is encouraged, to then turn around and say people taking up arms to fight that very same tyrannical govt and its allied governments, is a little hypocritical, don't you think?

Targeting civilians is never ok in my book.
i pray that Micheal Moore never gets into a crowd of about 3000 people in london and rips a mega japanese food fart,,,,,they wont have enough EMT's.
If this is a non Moslem attack against this mosque then this is an indication that people are fed up to the point of violence with MOSLEM terrorism. As long as our leadership refuses to do their job and protect our people then we will see more and more of this.

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