Breaking: Van runs into crowd outside N. London Mosque

why do I get the feeling that all next week.....CNN/PMS-NBC will create stories on how Trump is responsible for tonights/last night terror attack :popcorn:

Because they said he was responsible for Kathy Griffin - by extension..
Who is "they"? Name names.

Lisa Bloom
Kathy Griffin
et. al.
Kathy Griffin said trump was responsible for Kathy Griffin? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I know, right?

Kathy Griffin blames Trump
Apparently the man yelled "I want to kill Muslims," if that is the case he is a hero and martyr in the war against the Islamic Imperialist invaders, he should be given a posthumous medal. Death to Islam and death to pedophile worshippers Jes Suis Breivik!
Is he a hero for doing something you admire but would never have the courage to do yourself tho you talk the talk?

He missed the most important one. Cults are easy to join but invoke very harsh penalties for leaving.

There isn't anything more harsh than supporting death for apostates as does Islam.

The British Marxist Party leader this Jeremy Mohammed bin Corbyn, never met a Radical Terrorist he doesn't like.



You're working very hard to disparage anyone and everyone except the attacker.

The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.
Apparently the man yelled "I want to kill Muslims," if that is the case he is a hero and martyr in the war against the Islamic Imperialist invaders, he should be given a posthumous medal. Death to Islam and death to pedophile worshippers Jes Suis Breivik!

The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim. are YOU actively doing to make that happen? Or are you all talk while hiding behind your safe keyboard?
Apparently the man yelled "I want to kill Muslims," if that is the case he is a hero and martyr in the war against the Islamic Imperialist invaders, he should be given a posthumous medal. Death to Islam and death to pedophile worshippers Jes Suis Breivik!
Is he a hero for doing something you admire but would never have the courage to do yourself tho you talk the talk?

He's a hero for fighting back against tge pedophile worshipping Islamic Imperialist invaders who you so love.
Apparently the man yelled "I want to kill Muslims," if that is the case he is a hero and martyr in the war against the Islamic Imperialist invaders, he should be given a posthumous medal. Death to Islam and death to pedophile worshippers Jes Suis Breivik!

The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim. are YOU actively doing to make that happen?

None of your fucking business. The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim, Je Suis Breivik!
Damien Gayle

Jeremy Corbyn has just arrived at Finsbury Park mosque accompanied by Labour MP for Tottenham David Lammy. The labour leader walked past a scrum of reporters and passersby to enter by the men’s entrance. He did not say anything, but a passerby was heard shouting: “I love you!” A second man shouted: “All Muslims love you.”


"Jeremy Corbyn has just arrived at Finsbury Park mosque accompanied by Labour MP for Tottenham David Lammy."

Here I'll fix the error:

Jeremy Mohammed bin Corbyn has just arrived at Finsbury Park mosque accompanied by Labour MP for The Congo David Lammy. Upon entering Finsbury Park mosque David Lammy was heard to ask "Gibs me some food, do you have any Great Apes on the grill like we eat in The Congo?

OMG how RACIST of me :omg: :smoke:

David Lammy - Wikipedia

You are a racist. How do you get away with posting this shit ?

^ Tammy has an Internet crush on me, he follows me around the forum, he's obsessed with everything I post, he cannot get enough of me.

As a good Roman Catholic girl I suppose I'm flattered by occupying so much space in Tammy's head and it's only because I'm a generous person that I'm NOT demanding that he starts paying me rent for all that Head Space.

He missed the most important one. Cults are easy to join but invoke very harsh penalties for leaving.

There isn't anything more harsh than supporting death for apostates as does Islam.

The British Marxist Party leader this Jeremy Mohammed bin Corbyn, never met a Radical Terrorist he doesn't like.



You're working very hard to disparage anyone and everyone except the attacker.

The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.

They don't know what freedom is. They need a dictator the left can't function without a gov.
Apparently the man yelled "I want to kill Muslims," if that is the case he is a hero and martyr in the war against the Islamic Imperialist invaders, he should be given a posthumous medal. Death to Islam and death to pedophile worshippers Jes Suis Breivik!

The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim. are YOU actively doing to make that happen?

None of your fucking business. The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim, Je Suis Breivik!
oy vey goy boy

He missed the most important one. Cults are easy to join but invoke very harsh penalties for leaving.

There isn't anything more harsh than supporting death for apostates as does Islam.

The British Marxist Party leader this Jeremy Mohammed bin Corbyn, never met a Radical Terrorist he doesn't like.



You're working very hard to disparage anyone and everyone except the attacker.

No that's what you Leftist pro-Islamist Apologists do every time one of your Camel Jockey Kebab friends slaughters Western peoples on Western streets.

Fuck Islam. Fuck The Paedophile Prophet Mohammed. Fuck Leftist pro-Islamist Apologists.
Apparently the man yelled "I want to kill Muslims," if that is the case he is a hero and martyr in the war against the Islamic Imperialist invaders, he should be given a posthumous medal. Death to Islam and death to pedophile worshippers Jes Suis Breivik!

The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim. are YOU actively doing to make that happen?

None of your fucking business. The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim, Je Suis Breivik!
ov vey goy boy

Death to the pedophile worshipping death cult of Mohammad (may piss be upon him).

He missed the most important one. Cults are easy to join but invoke very harsh penalties for leaving.

There isn't anything more harsh than supporting death for apostates as does Islam.

The British Marxist Party leader this Jeremy Mohammed bin Corbyn, never met a Radical Terrorist he doesn't like.



You're working very hard to disparage anyone and everyone except the attacker.

The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.
The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.
Exactly what an ISIS leader would say.

He missed the most important one. Cults are easy to join but invoke very harsh penalties for leaving.

There isn't anything more harsh than supporting death for apostates as does Islam.

The British Marxist Party leader this Jeremy Mohammed bin Corbyn, never met a Radical Terrorist he doesn't like.



You're working very hard to disparage anyone and everyone except the attacker.

The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.
The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.
Exactly what an ISIS leader would say.

Collaborating scum are legitimate targets as well just like the treasonous whore Jo Cox, Je Suis Breivik!
What the fuck is a mosque doing in England? Or anywhere in the Western World.

You can't be serious. You must live in some rural hick town. There have been mosque in the western world for years.

You missed the point. The poster is well aware that fucking mosques are everywhere in the west.
He's asking why they are here in the first place since Islam and the west are incompatible.


Why were Muhammad Ali and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar ever allowed to worship freely in America anyways?

That whole "freedom of religion" thing in the Constitution is such a bother.

Constitution or no Constitution, the growth of Islam in America, and the west in general, is a huge concern if you have hopes for the survival of the west.
why do I get the feeling that all next week.....CNN/PMS-NBC will create stories on how Trump is responsible for tonights/last night terror attack :popcorn:

Because they said he was responsible for Kathy Griffin - by extension..
Who is "they"? Name names.

Lisa Bloom
Kathy Griffin
et. al.
Kathy Griffin said trump was responsible for Kathy Griffin? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

She did. She blamed Trump for her mental state.

He missed the most important one. Cults are easy to join but invoke very harsh penalties for leaving.

There isn't anything more harsh than supporting death for apostates as does Islam.

The British Marxist Party leader this Jeremy Mohammed bin Corbyn, never met a Radical Terrorist he doesn't like.



You're working very hard to disparage anyone and everyone except the attacker.

The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.
The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.
Exactly what an ISIS leader would say.

^ Disgusting, but typical for a Leftist, Leftists are morally bankrupt.

Likening Call Sign Chaos to an ISIS leader, yes where has Call Sign Chaos demanded that people have their heads cut off including children, where people are burned alive, where people are buried alive including children, where people are thrown off rooftops, where people are dissolved alive in vats of acid?

You people are such sick, twisted, perverted and vile puppies.

He missed the most important one. Cults are easy to join but invoke very harsh penalties for leaving.

There isn't anything more harsh than supporting death for apostates as does Islam.

The British Marxist Party leader this Jeremy Mohammed bin Corbyn, never met a Radical Terrorist he doesn't like.



You're working very hard to disparage anyone and everyone except the attacker.

No that's what you Leftist pro-Islamist Apologists do every time one of your Camel Jockey Kebab friends slaughters Western peoples on Western streets.

Fuck Islam. Fuck The Paedophile Prophet Mohammed. Fuck Leftist pro-Islamist Apologists.

Post up even one example of any leftist saying anything even close to these gems below, dope.

The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.

He's a hero for fighting back against tge pedophile worshipping Islamic Imperialist invaders who you so love.

Death to the pedophile worshipping death cult of Mohammad (may piss be upon him).

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