Breaking: Van runs into crowd outside N. London Mosque

He missed the most important one. Cults are easy to join but invoke very harsh penalties for leaving.

There isn't anything more harsh than supporting death for apostates as does Islam.

The British Marxist Party leader this Jeremy Mohammed bin Corbyn, never met a Radical Terrorist he doesn't like.



You're working very hard to disparage anyone and everyone except the attacker.

The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.
The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.
Exactly what an ISIS leader would say.

^ Disgusting, but typical for a Leftist, Leftists are morally bankrupt.

Likening Call Sign Chaos to an ISIS leader, yes where has Call Sign Chaos demanded that people have their heads cut off including children, where people are burned alive, where people are buried alive including children, where people are thrown off rooftops, where people are dissolved alive in vats of acid?

You people are such sick, twisted, perverted and vile puppies.

You don't believe an ISIS leader would characterize their attackers in the same way?

You dopes are exactly like them and are too dumb to even see it.
Make no mistake, this absolutely was a retaliatory attack.

There have been a multitude more since the Manchester bombing.

Vigilante justice..what happens when the government doesn't do its job.

They may eventually go for the corrupt government.

He missed the most important one. Cults are easy to join but invoke very harsh penalties for leaving.

There isn't anything more harsh than supporting death for apostates as does Islam.

The British Marxist Party leader this Jeremy Mohammed bin Corbyn, never met a Radical Terrorist he doesn't like.



You're working very hard to disparage anyone and everyone except the attacker.

No that's what you Leftist pro-Islamist Apologists do every time one of your Camel Jockey Kebab friends slaughters Western peoples on Western streets.

Fuck Islam. Fuck The Paedophile Prophet Mohammed. Fuck Leftist pro-Islamist Apologists.

Post up even one example of any leftist saying anything even close to these gems below, dope.

The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.

He's a hero for fighting back against tge pedophile worshipping Islamic Imperialist invaders who you so love.

Death to the pedophile worshipping death cult of Mohammad (may piss be upon him).

A leftist would never praise anyone standing up against Islam.

He missed the most important one. Cults are easy to join but invoke very harsh penalties for leaving.

There isn't anything more harsh than supporting death for apostates as does Islam.

The British Marxist Party leader this Jeremy Mohammed bin Corbyn, never met a Radical Terrorist he doesn't like.



You're working very hard to disparage anyone and everyone except the attacker.

No that's what you Leftist pro-Islamist Apologists do every time one of your Camel Jockey Kebab friends slaughters Western peoples on Western streets.

Fuck Islam. Fuck The Paedophile Prophet Mohammed. Fuck Leftist pro-Islamist Apologists.

Post up even one example of any leftist saying anything even close to these gems below, dope.

The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.

He's a hero for fighting back against tge pedophile worshipping Islamic Imperialist invaders who you so love.

Death to the pedophile worshipping death cult of Mohammad (may piss be upon him).
He missed the most important one. Cults are easy to join but invoke very harsh penalties for leaving.

There isn't anything more harsh than supporting death for apostates as does Islam.

The British Marxist Party leader this Jeremy Mohammed bin Corbyn, never met a Radical Terrorist he doesn't like.



You're working very hard to disparage anyone and everyone except the attacker.

The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.
The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.
Exactly what an ISIS leader would say.

^ Disgusting, but typical for a Leftist, Leftists are morally bankrupt.

Likening Call Sign Chaos to an ISIS leader, yes where has Call Sign Chaos demanded that people have their heads cut off including children, where people are burned alive, where people are buried alive including children, where people are thrown off rooftops, where people are dissolved alive in vats of acid?

You people are such sick, twisted, perverted and vile puppies.
But chemical castration is ok ?

He missed the most important one. Cults are easy to join but invoke very harsh penalties for leaving.

There isn't anything more harsh than supporting death for apostates as does Islam.

The British Marxist Party leader this Jeremy Mohammed bin Corbyn, never met a Radical Terrorist he doesn't like.



You're working very hard to disparage anyone and everyone except the attacker.

No that's what you Leftist pro-Islamist Apologists do every time one of your Camel Jockey Kebab friends slaughters Western peoples on Western streets.

Fuck Islam. Fuck The Paedophile Prophet Mohammed. Fuck Leftist pro-Islamist Apologists.

Post up even one example of any leftist saying anything even close to these gems below, dope.

The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.

He's a hero for fighting back against tge pedophile worshipping Islamic Imperialist invaders who you so love.

Death to the pedophile worshipping death cult of Mohammad (may piss be upon him).

Post where ANYONE has posted ANYTHING to get likened to an ISIS leader.


^ What Call Sign Chaos said :thup:

He missed the most important one. Cults are easy to join but invoke very harsh penalties for leaving.

There isn't anything more harsh than supporting death for apostates as does Islam.

The British Marxist Party leader this Jeremy Mohammed bin Corbyn, never met a Radical Terrorist he doesn't like.



You're working very hard to disparage anyone and everyone except the attacker.

No that's what you Leftist pro-Islamist Apologists do every time one of your Camel Jockey Kebab friends slaughters Western peoples on Western streets.

Fuck Islam. Fuck The Paedophile Prophet Mohammed. Fuck Leftist pro-Islamist Apologists.

Post up even one example of any leftist saying anything even close to these gems below, dope.

The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.

He's a hero for fighting back against tge pedophile worshipping Islamic Imperialist invaders who you so love.

Death to the pedophile worshipping death cult of Mohammad (may piss be upon him).

A leftist would never praise anyone standing up against Islam.

Of course you missed the point entirely.
He missed the most important one. Cults are easy to join but invoke very harsh penalties for leaving.

There isn't anything more harsh than supporting death for apostates as does Islam.

The British Marxist Party leader this Jeremy Mohammed bin Corbyn, never met a Radical Terrorist he doesn't like.



You're working very hard to disparage anyone and everyone except the attacker.

No that's what you Leftist pro-Islamist Apologists do every time one of your Camel Jockey Kebab friends slaughters Western peoples on Western streets.

Fuck Islam. Fuck The Paedophile Prophet Mohammed. Fuck Leftist pro-Islamist Apologists.

Post up even one example of any leftist saying anything even close to these gems below, dope.

The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.

He's a hero for fighting back against tge pedophile worshipping Islamic Imperialist invaders who you so love.

Death to the pedophile worshipping death cult of Mohammad (may piss be upon him).

Post where ANYONE has posted ANYTHING to get likened to an ISIS leader.

View attachment 134201

^ What Call Sign Chaos said :thup:

I just did, retard.
The British Marxist Party leader this Jeremy Mohammed bin Corbyn, never met a Radical Terrorist he doesn't like.



You're working very hard to disparage anyone and everyone except the attacker.

No that's what you Leftist pro-Islamist Apologists do every time one of your Camel Jockey Kebab friends slaughters Western peoples on Western streets.

Fuck Islam. Fuck The Paedophile Prophet Mohammed. Fuck Leftist pro-Islamist Apologists.

Post up even one example of any leftist saying anything even close to these gems below, dope.

The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.

He's a hero for fighting back against tge pedophile worshipping Islamic Imperialist invaders who you so love.

Death to the pedophile worshipping death cult of Mohammad (may piss be upon him).

Post where ANYONE has posted ANYTHING to get likened to an ISIS leader.

View attachment 134201

^ What Call Sign Chaos said :thup:

I just did, retard.

No you didn't, there is NOTHING in ANY of Call Sign Chaos comments to liken him to an ISIS leader.

Why don't you just go to Mecca and Praise Allah, you're already there in your hollow head as it is.
The British Marxist Party leader this Jeremy Mohammed bin Corbyn, never met a Radical Terrorist he doesn't like.



You're working very hard to disparage anyone and everyone except the attacker.

No that's what you Leftist pro-Islamist Apologists do every time one of your Camel Jockey Kebab friends slaughters Western peoples on Western streets.

Fuck Islam. Fuck The Paedophile Prophet Mohammed. Fuck Leftist pro-Islamist Apologists.

Post up even one example of any leftist saying anything even close to these gems below, dope.

The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.

He's a hero for fighting back against tge pedophile worshipping Islamic Imperialist invaders who you so love.

Death to the pedophile worshipping death cult of Mohammad (may piss be upon him).

A leftist would never praise anyone standing up against Islam.

Of course you missed the point entirely.

You don't ever have to worry about missing a point, considering you never have a point to begin with.
30 page thread and not one "christian" has apologised to the victims.

Isnt that what is supposed to happen ?

I am also interested to hear what "christians" are doing to curb extremism in their communities.

They can no longer turn a blind eye to this and are as guilty as the perp if they do not take action now.
Seem to be a lot of disgraceful pieces of shit amused by terrorism here.
Fuck off with your bullshit. I defy you to show me a post, any post, of you being this outraged after a Muslim Attack

Fuck off yourself.

My outrage, as you put it - is over the reactions. I've said the same thing I've always said when there is a terrorist attack.

On the other hand, this is the first thread on a POSSIBLE terrorist attack (we don't know that, we don't know the motive, we don't know the identity of the person who did it but everyone is jumping to conclusions - could have been a drunk driver) - but here you are CELEBRATING because it killed Muslims or might have at least included some the number of casualties and are even more gleeful that it might be a "revenge attack". Seriously dude. That is sick.

I know when I heard the Flight 93 story I was sickened to my core. How dare those bastards fight back against the Al Qadea muslim terrorists.

They should have all sung John Lennon's "Imagine" and tried to hug it out of the islamic terrorists.

I have no problem with killing terrorists.

So, if you're okay with killing terrorists, how about the killing of US troops who are invading a country, or occupying a country?
------------------------------- I of course am against any killing of USA troops. That being said , I think that the USA should wage TOTAL War on our enemies no matter where the enemy is . That action will of course limit the number of dead American soldiers because of the efficiency of Total War Fridgid .
By the way, the incident didn't happen outside a Mosque as the media claims. It was an entire block away.

Fake News strikes again.
The British Marxist Party leader this Jeremy Mohammed bin Corbyn, never met a Radical Terrorist he doesn't like.



You're working very hard to disparage anyone and everyone except the attacker.

No that's what you Leftist pro-Islamist Apologists do every time one of your Camel Jockey Kebab friends slaughters Western peoples on Western streets.

Fuck Islam. Fuck The Paedophile Prophet Mohammed. Fuck Leftist pro-Islamist Apologists.

Post up even one example of any leftist saying anything even close to these gems below, dope.

The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.

He's a hero for fighting back against tge pedophile worshipping Islamic Imperialist invaders who you so love.

Death to the pedophile worshipping death cult of Mohammad (may piss be upon him).

Post where ANYONE has posted ANYTHING to get likened to an ISIS leader.

View attachment 134201

^ What Call Sign Chaos said :thup:

I just did, retard.

You are a 5th columnist ISIS collaborator and a legitimate target.
30 page thread and not one "christian" has apologised to the victims.

Isnt that what is supposed to happen ?

I am also interested to hear what "christians" are doing to curb extremism in their communities.

They can no longer turn a blind eye to this and are as guilty as the perp if they do not take action now.

We don't need to do anything to "curb extremism" in our communities because there is none.

The only extremism is Islam, and we're doing everything we can to keep them out.

He missed the most important one. Cults are easy to join but invoke very harsh penalties for leaving.

There isn't anything more harsh than supporting death for apostates as does Islam.

The British Marxist Party leader this Jeremy Mohammed bin Corbyn, never met a Radical Terrorist he doesn't like.



You're working very hard to disparage anyone and everyone except the attacker.

No that's what you Leftist pro-Islamist Apologists do every time one of your Camel Jockey Kebab friends slaughters Western peoples on Western streets.

Fuck Islam. Fuck The Paedophile Prophet Mohammed. Fuck Leftist pro-Islamist Apologists.

Post up even one example of any leftist saying anything even close to these gems below, dope.

The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.

He's a hero for fighting back against tge pedophile worshipping Islamic Imperialist invaders who you so love.

Death to the pedophile worshipping death cult of Mohammad (may piss be upon him).

Leftist pro-Islamist Propagandist Apologists HATE Freedom of Speech, so:


Apparently the man yelled "I want to kill Muslims," if that is the case he is a hero and martyr in the war against the Islamic Imperialist invaders, he should be given a posthumous medal. Death to Islam and death to pedophile worshippers Jes Suis Breivik!

The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim. are YOU actively doing to make that happen?

None of your fucking business. The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim, Je Suis Breivik!
So, you are really just a little coward boy who can only play at violence thru your computer........:lol:
is it unimaginable to think that this van attack was something done by 'british government' itself so that that government can now go after the English with more rules and laws ??
You're working very hard to disparage anyone and everyone except the attacker.

No that's what you Leftist pro-Islamist Apologists do every time one of your Camel Jockey Kebab friends slaughters Western peoples on Western streets.

Fuck Islam. Fuck The Paedophile Prophet Mohammed. Fuck Leftist pro-Islamist Apologists.

Post up even one example of any leftist saying anything even close to these gems below, dope.

The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.

He's a hero for fighting back against tge pedophile worshipping Islamic Imperialist invaders who you so love.

Death to the pedophile worshipping death cult of Mohammad (may piss be upon him).

Post where ANYONE has posted ANYTHING to get likened to an ISIS leader.

View attachment 134201

^ What Call Sign Chaos said :thup:

I just did, retard.

No you didn't, there is NOTHING in ANY of Call Sign Chaos comments to liken him to an ISIS leader.

Why don't you just go to Mecca and Praise Allah, you're already there in your hollow head as it is.
Like I said earlier. You're too dumb to even see how you're just like them. :laugh2:
The British Marxist Party leader this Jeremy Mohammed bin Corbyn, never met a Radical Terrorist he doesn't like.



You're working very hard to disparage anyone and everyone except the attacker.

No that's what you Leftist pro-Islamist Apologists do every time one of your Camel Jockey Kebab friends slaughters Western peoples on Western streets.

Fuck Islam. Fuck The Paedophile Prophet Mohammed. Fuck Leftist pro-Islamist Apologists.

Post up even one example of any leftist saying anything even close to these gems below, dope.

The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.

He's a hero for fighting back against tge pedophile worshipping Islamic Imperialist invaders who you so love.

Death to the pedophile worshipping death cult of Mohammad (may piss be upon him).

A leftist would never praise anyone standing up against Islam.

Of course you missed the point entirely.

Quick all you Leftist pro-Islamist Propagandist Apologists better get into the below thread, this attack that has JUST happened in Paris has ALL the initial indicators it's one of your Camel Jockey Kebab pets, you better monitor the situation because you'll have to do what you did for Paris, Nice, San Bernardino, Manchester, London Bridge and that's DEFLECT, APOLIGISE, DERAIL, PROPAGANDISE:

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
is it unimaginable to think that this van attack was something done by 'british government' itself so that that government can now go after the English with more rules and laws ??

Not entirely, but that would be extremely stupid on their part when the population is already seething with anger against their policies. Could very well prove to be fatal.

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