Breaking: Van runs into crowd outside N. London Mosque

Damien Gayle

Jeremy Corbyn has just arrived at Finsbury Park mosque accompanied by Labour MP for Tottenham David Lammy. The labour leader walked past a scrum of reporters and passersby to enter by the men’s entrance. He did not say anything, but a passerby was heard shouting: “I love you!” A second man shouted: “All Muslims love you.”


"Jeremy Corbyn has just arrived at Finsbury Park mosque accompanied by Labour MP for Tottenham David Lammy."

Here I'll fix the error:

Jeremy Mohammed bin Corbyn has just arrived at Finsbury Park mosque accompanied by Labour MP for The Congo David Lammy. Upon entering Finsbury Park mosque David Lammy was heard to ask "Gibs me some food, do you have any Great Apes on the grill like we eat in The Congo?

OMG how RACIST of me :omg: :smoke:

David Lammy - Wikipedia

Apparently the man yelled "I want to kill Muslims," if that is the case he is a hero and martyr in the war against the Islamic Imperialist invaders, he should be given a posthumous medal. Death to Islam and death to pedophile worshippers Jes Suis Breivik!

The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim.



Islam isn't a race it is the largest hate group on the planet.
This will infurate the rightwing goyim


JUNE 19, 2017 12:20

“An attack on one religion is an attack on all religions and all people and faiths must stand together against terror.”

Jewish groups condemn London mosque attack, express solidarity with UK Muslims

Following the incident, the European Jewish Congress expressed its shock and condemned the attack.

“This is an unconscionable attack on Muslim worshippers during their holy month of Ramadan,” EJC President Dr. Moshe Kantor said. “We condemn this attack and its attempt to escalate tensions in the UK and we stand firmly besides our Muslim brothers and sisters in the aftermath of this attack.”
People arent supposed to get on.
People arent supposed to get on.

I can't believe some of you would actually celebrate and show support for the killing of innocent people. Quite frankly, I don't want any of these crazy, cowardly SOB's in society, I care little for their motives or ideology. Find them all and serve them the appropriate justice. This isn't the world we want to live, and it shouldn't be accepted by anyone.

Two wrongs don't make a right. If this is in fact a terror attack, we should all show humanity and have sympathy for any of the victims.
Muslims aren't innocent.
Neither are any followers of any religion if that is true.
Watching live coverage and they're screaming "WHITE TERRORIST" at the interviewer.
Hundreds of them have now gathered. I suspect something will kick off.
I'm watching a police line. It looks like one bearded cop is wearing a do-rag instead of a hat.
Ah yes....a Sikh is the same as a Muslim to you, aren't they?
their ignorance is astounding

How is your White Genocide Wet Dream coming along Guano darling? You haven't posted any of your racist threads lately where you dribble from the lips at the thought of White people dying out.

Or any fanatically anti-Christian hate threads you're so well known for posting.

A DNA Communist like you should be more organised.
thankfully the rightwing white christer trash are dying off
Damien Gayle

Jeremy Corbyn has just arrived at Finsbury Park mosque accompanied by Labour MP for Tottenham David Lammy. The labour leader walked past a scrum of reporters and passersby to enter by the men’s entrance. He did not say anything, but a passerby was heard shouting: “I love you!” A second man shouted: “All Muslims love you.”


"Jeremy Corbyn has just arrived at Finsbury Park mosque accompanied by Labour MP for Tottenham David Lammy."

Here I'll fix the error:

Jeremy Mohammed bin Corbyn has just arrived at Finsbury Park mosque accompanied by Labour MP for The Congo David Lammy. Upon entering Finsbury Park mosque David Lammy was heard to ask "Gibs me some food, do you have any Great Apes on the grill like we eat in The Congo?

OMG how RACIST of me :omg: :smoke:

David Lammy - Wikipedia

You are a racist. How do you get away with posting this shit ?
I know when I heard the Flight 93 story I was sickened to my core. How dare those bastards fight back against the Al Qadea muslim terrorists.

They should have all sung John Lennon's "Imagine" and tried to hug it out of the islamic terrorists.

I have no problem with killing terrorists.
I thought you were leaving? I thought white outrage was too much for you?

Nope. Why give you the satisfaction while I can sit here eat popcorn, and watch you extol the virtues of killing innocent people?:popcorn:

Is it even better if kids get killed?
I spent the day with my grandson and you ask me that on father's day?

Be happy your pathetic ass wasn't under the tread of a Muslims tire. Course we all know if it was one of yours you'd take it lying down.

True, it was a low blow. But what if a kid was among the casualties?
Remember Alex Jones saying that the KIDS killed at the Manchester concert "liberal trendies"?
If a non Moslem did this then watch the outrage from Moslems.
Who cares? They're like the left, they bitch & whine about everything anyways.
Well, their outrage will undoubtedly manifest as blowing us up, mowing us down, and cutting our throats.

And watch the Left claim it was justified in the face of Islamophobia.

But the facts aren't in yet. May be Moslem on Moslem.

I see VERY few actually claim that it's EVER justified.

You seem to be one of those.

Of course I'm not one of those. And I see Liberals make excuses for Moslems all the time.
And how about making excuses for christers all the time?
Damien Gayle

Jeremy Corbyn has just arrived at Finsbury Park mosque accompanied by Labour MP for Tottenham David Lammy. The labour leader walked past a scrum of reporters and passersby to enter by the men’s entrance. He did not say anything, but a passerby was heard shouting: “I love you!” A second man shouted: “All Muslims love you.”


"Jeremy Corbyn has just arrived at Finsbury Park mosque accompanied by Labour MP for Tottenham David Lammy."

Here I'll fix the error:

Jeremy Mohammed bin Corbyn has just arrived at Finsbury Park mosque accompanied by Labour MP for The Congo David Lammy. Upon entering Finsbury Park mosque David Lammy was heard to ask "Gibs me some food, do you have any Great Apes on the grill like we eat in The Congo?

OMG how RACIST of me :omg: :smoke:

David Lammy - Wikipedia

You are a racist. How do you get away with posting this shit ?
White Privilege!
If a non Moslem did this then watch the outrage from Moslems.
Who cares? They're like the left, they bitch & whine about everything anyways.

My point was, Moslems never get outraged when it's Moslems doing the terrorism against free (aka non Moslem aka infidel) people
Oh? A thousand Muslims just marched against Isis

Is that ALL they could get 1,000? People can get 250,000 on the streets to scream supporting for the Global Warming Scam, how many Muslims are there and only 1,000 march against ISIS, I suppose the other 2 MILLION are staying away because they are sympathetic to ISIS or if not there would be many more than 1,000 marching.

But nice attempt at pro-Islamist Propaganda Apology from you.

It was fake news anyway. Barely a hundred so-called "Muslims" lead the march, then the crowd "grew", meaning a bunch of Muslim loving liberals joined in. Just look at the picture, not one hijab. Completely manufactured "protest" in order to try and make Muslims look " good".

He missed the most important one. Cults are easy to join but invoke very harsh penalties for leaving.

There isn't anything more harsh than supporting death for apostates as does Islam.

The British Marxist Party leader this Jeremy Mohammed bin Corbyn, never met a Radical Terrorist he doesn't like.



You're working very hard to disparage anyone and everyone except the attacker.
This will infurate the rightwing goyim


JUNE 19, 2017 12:20

“An attack on one religion is an attack on all religions and all people and faiths must stand together against terror.”

Jewish groups condemn London mosque attack, express solidarity with UK Muslims

Following the incident, the European Jewish Congress expressed its shock and condemned the attack.

“This is an unconscionable attack on Muslim worshippers during their holy month of Ramadan,” EJC President Dr. Moshe Kantor said. “We condemn this attack and its attempt to escalate tensions in the UK and we stand firmly besides our Muslim brothers and sisters in the aftermath of this attack.”
People arent supposed to get on.
People arent supposed to get on.


Get along.
Damien Gayle

Jeremy Corbyn has just arrived at Finsbury Park mosque accompanied by Labour MP for Tottenham David Lammy. The labour leader walked past a scrum of reporters and passersby to enter by the men’s entrance. He did not say anything, but a passerby was heard shouting: “I love you!” A second man shouted: “All Muslims love you.”


"Jeremy Corbyn has just arrived at Finsbury Park mosque accompanied by Labour MP for Tottenham David Lammy."

Here I'll fix the error:

Jeremy Mohammed bin Corbyn has just arrived at Finsbury Park mosque accompanied by Labour MP for The Congo David Lammy. Upon entering Finsbury Park mosque David Lammy was heard to ask "Gibs me some food, do you have any Great Apes on the grill like we eat in The Congo?

OMG how RACIST of me :omg: :smoke:

David Lammy - Wikipedia

You are a racist. How do you get away with posting this shit ?

Funny how you never condemn racist comments from your left winger friends: Breaking: Van runs into crowd outside N. London Mosque

He missed the most important one. Cults are easy to join but invoke very harsh penalties for leaving.

There isn't anything more harsh than supporting death for apostates as does Islam.

The British Marxist Party leader this Jeremy Mohammed bin Corbyn, never met a Radical Terrorist he doesn't like.



You're working very hard to disparage anyone and everyone except the attacker.
She is waiting to see if he is a "muzzie".

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