Breaking: Van runs into crowd outside N. London Mosque

Apologies Lucy. It was black people you wanted rid of.

Not all of them, only one's like this freak need chemically castrating, ALL the others should just be sterilised, including the women, there's enough of them already, breeding like rabbits and essentially all Welfare Kings and Queens and the kidlets essentially to grow up like the adults....90% of them completely useless to ANY society.

I have already said several times, the ENTIRE African Continent should have been sterilised 30 years ago. This also would have helped very much with the Population problem there and also reduced many problems they've had since Africa was STUPIDLY De-Colonised.

Africa was much better when Europeans were in control of it.

Although I am guessing that there might be a few million muslims included in this. Nevertheless your humanity shines through like a beacon to all of us.

Post the LINK to that post, I said NO copy and paste, I said post a LINK, so do it you little Marxist Kebab and Chimpanzee lover.
Four Suspects in Custody in NY Park Gang Rape

Are you actually denying you said this ? Wow !!

Open up the discussion on post 12. You managed to get your own poison deleted but your views can still be seen as a response. Own your hate baby.

^ Every one READ the whole thread from the OP.

I have had no posts deleted, I have never asked for any of my posts to be deleted at this forum. Period.

Hate? Nobody is more vile and full of hate than you.

Also you are Off Topic with regard to the topic of this thread here.

Here is a link to the thread. Its on topic because it shows your attitude to people of colour and helps to explain the racist shit you spout at every opportunity.

Four Suspects in Custody in NY Park Gang Rape

You hate White people, you are a racist, you hate Protestants and non-Muslims, you are a bigot.

Pot meet kettle. Now stop derailing this thread, you will get no more responses.

Lol, I think that proves you are a racist shit who wants to chemically castrate black people.
The number of people being treated in hospital after the attack now stands at seven, down from eight this morning.

In an update NHS England said: “A total of seven patients are currently being treated in London hospitals. The three hospitals who have received patients are the Royal London, Whittington, and St Mary’s. The London Ambulance Service treated two and discharged at the scene.”

It does not say whether any of the wounded are in critical care. Earlier police said two people were seriously injured.
May has met religious leaders of many faiths at the Finsbury Park Mosque, including Mohammed Kozbar, chair of the mosque.


Nice pic of Mrs May for Tammy.
The number of people being treated in hospital after the attack now stands at seven, down from eight this morning.

In an update NHS England said: “A total of seven patients are currently being treated in London hospitals. The three hospitals who have received patients are the Royal London, Whittington, and St Mary’s. The London Ambulance Service treated two and discharged at the scene.”

It does not say whether any of the wounded are in critical care. Earlier police said two people were seriously injured.
7 more leaches on society who will spend the rest of their lives milking it collecting welfare.
That mosque has massive amounts of ties to terrorism. Just sayin..
Actually it doesnt.
They don't preach death to infidels or death to Jews in that mosque? Yes they do.
No they dont dummy.
FPM wins apology from Thomson Reuters | Finsbury Park Mosque

They took that shit to court and won.

It was only after the intervention of the BBC that we discovered we were labelled under ‘Terrorism’ by WorldCheck. We thank the BBC and especially Peter Oborne for telling the world about this clandestine financial compliance industry. Having found out about this false and defamatory WorldCheck profile we were able to bring legal proceedings which have resulted in these untrue allegations being removed. WorldCheck has today confirmed in court that it has withdrawn any allegation that the mosque has any current or suspected connections to terrorism, it has expressed its regret for publishing those false allegations and agreed to pay us damages and our legal costs.

You are badly informed dummy.
A little girl (probably around 11 or 12 years old) came into my place of work the other day and she was all wrapped up in her mummy clothes, as was her mother. Her father of course was wearing normal everyday clothes, shorts and a T shirt. It was like 98 degrees outside. The little girl had a black eye. I know the father did it. I just know it! I just stared him down the whole time he was there. Bastard. I'd love to give that misogynist douche a black eye!
Could you call CPS or the police? He needs to be questioned.
It's interesting really.

Muslims do this and this is evidence that we need to kick Muslims out of the country. White people do it and it's evidence that Muslims deserve.

They hate Muslims because they drive vans at people. They like white people because they drive vans at Muslims.

Yep, jihadists of a different stripe.
This thread should end once and for all the idea that liberals are apologists for terrorists.
That's all the wingers have done in this thread.

Oh come off it. The whole "Muslim apologist" crap is just the right trying to force people to accept their views. I'm not having it and others aren't taking your bait, sorry.

I agreed with you. I have never seen any liberal overtly applaud such an act as these righties are.

I wasn't necessarily arguing with you, it just annoys me what the right do.
May has met religious leaders of many faiths at the Finsbury Park Mosque, including Mohammed Kozbar, chair of the mosque.

View attachment 134191

Nice pic of Mrs May for Tammy.
Sitting down with "terrorists "?
You were complaining that she was nowhere to be seen, so here she is Tammy.
Tokenism. She is just after votes. Her advisors have told her to try and act human.
Oh OK, it's like what you said in another of your many failed threads - if she shows emotion she is faking it, and if she doesn't she's a monster.
Good Lord you are one dumb terrorist supporter.
May has met religious leaders of many faiths at the Finsbury Park Mosque, including Mohammed Kozbar, chair of the mosque.

View attachment 134191

Nice pic of Mrs May for Tammy.
Sitting down with "terrorists "?
You were complaining that she was nowhere to be seen, so here she is Tammy.
Tokenism. She is just after votes. Her advisors have told her to try and act human.
Oh OK, it's like what you said in another of your many failed threads - if she shows emotion she is faking it, and if she doesn't she's a monster.
Good Lord you are one dumb terrorist supporter.
She doesnt give a fuck what happens to any of us. The tories have cut the police and border security budgets for nearly a decade now. There will be a lot more of this and the blood is on her hands.
CNN is already jumping to conclusions that this was a "terror attack". What happened to "wait for the facts to come in"?
May has met religious leaders of many faiths at the Finsbury Park Mosque, including Mohammed Kozbar, chair of the mosque.

View attachment 134191

Nice pic of Mrs May for Tammy.
Sitting down with "terrorists "?
You were complaining that she was nowhere to be seen, so here she is Tammy.
Tokenism. She is just after votes. Her advisors have told her to try and act human.
Oh OK, it's like what you said in another of your many failed threads - if she shows emotion she is faking it, and if she doesn't she's a monster.
Good Lord you are one dumb terrorist supporter.
She doesnt give a fuck what happens to any of us. The tories have cut the police and border security budgets for nearly a decade now. There will be a lot more of this and the blood is on her hands.
You are unhinged.

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