Breaking: Van runs into crowd outside N. London Mosque

This is not possible. The London mayor said not to worry because it was safe. Must be fake news.

The Great Khan is a Paki, he means it's safe for his fellow Mooselimbs, he doesn't mean it's safe for the Native British who are White.

Get with the programme, in Londonstan the only people who should be protected are Brown and Black. Fuck White people.
Fascist Slag?
Its Nazi Slag here :spinner:

I found a better pic.
I think it's the one very kindly provided by our dearest Tammy earlier.

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This is not possible. The London mayor said not to worry because it was safe. Must be fake news.

you do not understand---"SAFE" in islam means --MUSLIMS ARMED TO THE TEETH ----
and kaffirin completely helpless--------denied even a knife.
The whole situation is so disgusting. I hate it and I hate Muslims. I don't care if these bunch of nerds call me a "bigot." I hate them based on their actions (and inactions), the way they treat women and especially little girls and boys, and a whole slew of other reasons. The religion (or CULT) inspires some disgusting activity and some disgusting behaviors. It is outdated and should be obsolete because of the ignorance of it all.
Would you like to see them all dead ? Lucy would.

"Would you like to see them all dead ? Lucy would."

Post links to where I've commented that I want ALL Muslims dead, actual links to full posts, not your usual copy and paste and rewritings of peoples posts within your copy and pasting that you have done with other people.
Lol, Tilly has proved that you dont have to post links.
Fascist Slag? its Nazi Slag here.
I found a better pic.
I think it's the one very kindly provided by our dearest Tammy earlier.

View attachment 134187

He's White, he looks drunk.

At the moment he might have lost control of the van because he was drunk. We only have the Kebabs who have said he shouted he wanted to kill all Muslims, so their word should be taken with the grains of salt.
The whole situation is so disgusting. I hate it and I hate Muslims. I don't care if these bunch of nerds call me a "bigot." I hate them based on their actions (and inactions), the way they treat women and especially little girls and boys, and a whole slew of other reasons. The religion (or CULT) inspires some disgusting activity and some disgusting behaviors. It is outdated and should be obsolete because of the ignorance of it all.
Would you like to see them all dead ? Lucy would.

"Would you like to see them all dead ? Lucy would."

Post links to where I've commented that I want ALL Muslims dead, actual links to full posts, not your usual copy and paste and rewritings of peoples posts within your copy and pasting that you have done with other people.
Lol, Tilly has proved that you dont have to post links.

It's okay Tammy darling, I already know that I have NEVER called for ALL Muslims to be killed.
Anybody got an update on the condition of the vehicle? Real hoping the guy didn't dent his van!:popcorn:

Fuck you.

Did he dent your sensibilities, cupcake? LOL
Never saw her express this outrage when it was WHITE PEOPLE getting mowed down.
I await with baited breath all the excuses the left will dream up for this perp. Or not :)
Beforehand, can you pull up all the excuses given for the last van attacker in London?
Fascist Slag? its Nazi Slag here.
I found a better pic.
I think it's the one very kindly provided by our dearest Tammy earlier.

View attachment 134187

He's White, he looks drunk.

At the moment he might have lost control of the van because he was drunk. We only have the Kebabs who have said he shouted he wanted to kill all Muslims, so their word should be taken with the grains of salt.
Yes it's very convenient, isn't it.
Muslim terrorists routinely scream 'Alahu Akhbar' so white terrorist shouts 'I want to kill all Muslims'.
Maybe that's the best way to deal with them. Play their dirty game.

If nothing else, we (conservatives) are having a moment of great humility and introspection

It is amazing how yesterday's incident demonstrates to me how some liberals feel about the congressional baseball practice shooting

I can fully understand, and even emphasize with their thoughts of not really being upset that people are hurt, but still frustrated & angry about the incident at the same time

there are other amazing parallels

the DC shooter was motivated by rage & irrational fears - he was driven by the propaganda that the American main stream media has been happily dishing out for quite some time - worked into a frenzy over histrionic and unhinged wailing

this is very similar to what happens with terrorists - they get into their "group=think" & get all fired up to bring down the great satan

in the UK - we see that after months & months of crazed & irrational attacks from the Muslim community, attacks that most Muslims don't seem to care about, a guy finally snapped. The Muslims are screaming bloody murder & demanding that this be treated as a "terrorist attack" - well NO

it was not a terrorist attack, it was a criminal attack by someone who is mentally unstable

he needs to be made an example of, I am confident he will be

but I want to see the same level of outrage from the "moderate Muslim" community about attacks committed in the name of Allah

either that, or I want to see them rounded up and shipped out

The news is calling this a terrorist attack now. Lol. I just watched some coverage on the Today show, and they said there is no doubt about it that this was a "terrorist attack."

Why is that funny to you?
Fascist Slag? its Nazi Slag here.
I found a better pic.
I think it's the one very kindly provided by our dearest Tammy earlier.

View attachment 134187

He's White, he looks drunk.

At the moment he might have lost control of the van because he was drunk. We only have the Kebabs who have said he shouted he wanted to kill all Muslims, so their word should be taken with the grains of salt.
Yes it's very convenient, isn't it.
Muslim terrorists routinely scream 'Alahu Akhbar' so white terrorist shouts 'I want to kill all Muslims'.

Yes and also the MSM always either play down or completely omit that the Kebab's shout Allahu Akbar.
Fascist Slag? its Nazi Slag here.
I found a better pic.
I think it's the one very kindly provided by our dearest Tammy earlier.

View attachment 134187

He's White, he looks drunk.

At the moment he might have lost control of the van because he was drunk. We only have the Kebabs who have said he shouted he wanted to kill all Muslims, so their word should be taken with the grains of salt.
Yes it's very convenient, isn't it.
Muslim terrorists routinely scream 'Alahu Akhbar' so white terrorist shouts 'I want to kill all Muslims'.

It's not the Mooselimbs who are the Islamic Terrorists with suicide back packs shouting Allahu Akbar, it's the White people who are committing the Islamic Terrorist attacks and Muh Poor Mooselimbs are being blamed, Muh Mooselimbs are gentle, innocent lambs.


It's interesting really.

Muslims do this and this is evidence that we need to kick Muslims out of the country. White people do it and it's evidence that Muslims deserve.

They hate Muslims because they drive vans at people. They like white people because they drive vans at Muslims.

Yep, jihadists of a different stripe.
This thread should end once and for all the idea that liberals are apologists for terrorists.
That's all the wingers have done in this thread.

Oh come off it. The whole "Muslim apologist" crap is just the right trying to force people to accept their views. I'm not having it and others aren't taking your bait, sorry.

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