Breaking: Van runs into crowd outside N. London Mosque

Fascist Slag? its Nazi Slag here.
I found a better pic.
I think it's the one very kindly provided by our dearest Tammy earlier.

View attachment 134187

He's White, he looks drunk.

At the moment he might have lost control of the van because he was drunk. We only have the Kebabs who have said he shouted he wanted to kill all Muslims, so their word should be taken with the grains of salt.
Yes it's very convenient, isn't it.
Muslim terrorists routinely scream 'Alahu Akhbar' so white terrorist shouts 'I want to kill all Muslims'.

Yes and also the MSM always either play down or completely omit that the Kebab's shout Allahu Akbar.
The man I saw interviewed who made this claim, also lied about how long it took the police to get there - he said it took an hour and he was intimating this was islamophobic because that didn't happen at London Bridge!
However, The first officers were there before the attack had even finished. So he seems unreliable.
Also none of the witnesses who were interviewed almost immediately mentioned the attacker speaking at all, some even said he never spoke.
One interviewer asked the man who claimed the perp had shouted about killing Muslims to see footage of it on his phone, but the man said it was out of battery.
I'm sure several people were filming the attack, as they always do, so if he did shout that out, there should be evidence of it surfacing at some point.
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The whole situation is so disgusting. I hate it and I hate Muslims. I don't care if these bunch of nerds call me a "bigot." I hate them based on their actions (and inactions), the way they treat women and especially little girls and boys, and a whole slew of other reasons. The religion (or CULT) inspires some disgusting activity and some disgusting behaviors. It is outdated and should be obsolete because of the ignorance of it all.
Would you like to see them all dead ? Lucy would.

"Would you like to see them all dead ? Lucy would."

Post links to where I've commented that I want ALL Muslims dead, actual links to full posts, not your usual copy and paste and rewritings of peoples posts within your copy and pasting that you have done with other people.
Lol, Tilly has proved that you dont have to post links.

It's okay Tammy darling, I already know that I have NEVER called for ALL Muslims to be killed.
Apologies Lucy. It was black people you wanted rid of.

Not all of them, only one's like this freak need chemically castrating, ALL the others should just be sterilised, including the women, there's enough of them already, breeding like rabbits and essentially all Welfare Kings and Queens and the kidlets essentially to grow up like the adults....90% of them completely useless to ANY society.

I have already said several times, the ENTIRE African Continent should have been sterilised 30 years ago. This also would have helped very much with the Population problem there and also reduced many problems they've had since Africa was STUPIDLY De-Colonised.

Africa was much better when Europeans were in control of it.

Although I am guessing that there might be a few million muslims included in this. Nevertheless your humanity shines through like a beacon to all of us.
He brings up a valid point. The world would be a better place if you simply sterilized the lot of them. Muzzies, Africans, all of them.
No doubt another crazed Amish jihadist

No doubt it's one of your 'jihad for Jesus'

You carry the banner proudly.

View attachment 134181
I dont see this character as a Christian any more than I see isis as Muslim. Despite anything that he,or they, spout in support of their murders.

I'm pointing more toward the inane hypocrisy of these righties than making a statement about religion. They elude to a vague idea that liberals are apologists where none is found while overtly applauding this attack.
I have never seen a liberal do this.
It's completely despicable.
No doubt another crazed Amish jihadist

No doubt it's one of your 'jihad for Jesus'

You carry the banner proudly.

View attachment 134181
I dont see this character as a Christian any more than I see isis as Muslim. Despite anything that he,or they, spout in support of their murders.

I'm pointing more toward the inane hypocrisy of these righties than making a statement about religion. They elude to a vague idea that liberals are apologists where none is found while overtly applauding this attack.
I have never seen a liberal do this.
It's completely despicable.

Yes, basically Nationalists and the like use EMOTION as their main weapon. They don't think things through on a practical level. They try and separate people, because they know it works. It worked for Hitler hating the Jews, it worked in Rwanda with the Hutus and Tutsis, it worked for the Serbs in the former Yugoslavia and I could go on and on. Divide and conquer.

The USSR failed and the right didn't know who to fight against, who to use as an excuse to spend loads of money on the military and the like. And when Islam came along, they've been so desperate to make it happen, and it's impossible to stop these people. They're so malleable, so willing for there to be conflict and division that it will always happen. It's sad. In the 1990s people thought the world had grown up.... it hasn't.
Would you like to see them all dead ? Lucy would.

"Would you like to see them all dead ? Lucy would."

Post links to where I've commented that I want ALL Muslims dead, actual links to full posts, not your usual copy and paste and rewritings of peoples posts within your copy and pasting that you have done with other people.
Lol, Tilly has proved that you dont have to post links.

It's okay Tammy darling, I already know that I have NEVER called for ALL Muslims to be killed.
Apologies Lucy. It was black people you wanted rid of.

Not all of them, only one's like this freak need chemically castrating, ALL the others should just be sterilised, including the women, there's enough of them already, breeding like rabbits and essentially all Welfare Kings and Queens and the kidlets essentially to grow up like the adults....90% of them completely useless to ANY society.

I have already said several times, the ENTIRE African Continent should have been sterilised 30 years ago. This also would have helped very much with the Population problem there and also reduced many problems they've had since Africa was STUPIDLY De-Colonised.

Africa was much better when Europeans were in control of it.

Although I am guessing that there might be a few million muslims included in this. Nevertheless your humanity shines through like a beacon to all of us.
He brings up a valid point. The world would be a better place if you simply sterilized the lot of them. Muzzies, Africans, all of them.

How about we sterilize the country that is the biggest threat to global security. The USA. Would you be happy then?
No doubt another crazed Amish jihadist

No doubt it's one of your 'jihad for Jesus'

You carry the banner proudly.

View attachment 134181
I dont see this character as a Christian any more than I see isis as Muslim. Despite anything that he,or they, spout in support of their murders.

I'm pointing more toward the inane hypocrisy of these righties than making a statement about religion. They elude to a vague idea that liberals are apologists where none is found while overtly applauding this attack.
I have never seen a liberal do this.
It's completely despicable.
If you dont want to see them all slaughtered then you are an apologist. Its an indictment of our educational standards.
It's interesting really.

Muslims do this and this is evidence that we need to kick Muslims out of the country. White people do it and it's evidence that Muslims deserve.

They hate Muslims because they drive vans at people. They like white people because they drive vans at Muslims.

Yep, jihadists of a different stripe.
This thread should end once and for all the idea that liberals are apologists for terrorists.
That's all the wingers have done in this thread.

Oh come off it. The whole "Muslim apologist" crap is just the right trying to force people to accept their views. I'm not having it and others aren't taking your bait, sorry.

I agreed with you. I have never seen any liberal overtly applaud such an act as these righties are.
The greatest myths and lies of all time:

"The Left is tolerant."

"Islam is a religion of peace"

"Friends was better than Seinfeld"
Muslims finally get a tiny taste of their own medicine and they cry foul. Fuck the muzzie scum.

Er... when Muslims do it, you scream and cry, and then when it happens to Muslims you rejoice..... er.... what?
I don't recall any of them screaming and shouting at their brother muslims terrorists for making them all look bad.
You live by the sword you die by the sword.
Senior Labour MP Diane Abbott and Met commissioner Cressida Dick were among several prominent figures seen joining an interfaith meeting at Finsbury Park mosque.

Earlier Theresa May was seen at the meeting with religious leaders (see earlier).

Jeremy Corbyn was not visible at the meeting. He may have continued upstairs to join the mosque’s congregation in their afternoon prayer.
Attacker not known to security services
The suspect in the attack was not known to the security services, according to security minister Ben Wallace.

“This man was not known to the authorities in the space of extremism or far-right extremism and he clearly took advantage of a simple weapon, a vehicle, to make an attack on people going about their business,” Wallace told Sky News.

He added: “There are no ifs no buts, this is a terrorist attack in the same way the bomber of Manchester blew up many people only recently. This is a pure terrorist attack designed to inflict terror and fear and also hurt people in some twisted cause.”

Makes a change.
Damien Gayle

Jeremy Corbyn has just arrived at Finsbury Park mosque accompanied by Labour MP for Tottenham David Lammy. The labour leader walked past a scrum of reporters and passersby to enter by the men’s entrance. He did not say anything, but a passerby was heard shouting: “I love you!” A second man shouted: “All Muslims love you.”


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