Breaking: Van runs into crowd outside N. London Mosque

This will infurate the rightwing goyim


JUNE 19, 2017 12:20

“An attack on one religion is an attack on all religions and all people and faiths must stand together against terror.”

Jewish groups condemn London mosque attack, express solidarity with UK Muslims

Following the incident, the European Jewish Congress expressed its shock and condemned the attack.

“This is an unconscionable attack on Muslim worshippers during their holy month of Ramadan,” EJC President Dr. Moshe Kantor said. “We condemn this attack and its attempt to escalate tensions in the UK and we stand firmly besides our Muslim brothers and sisters in the aftermath of this attack.”
If you were intelligent enough to grasp my intent here, I might be offended.

Your sarcasm is often too subtle for the conservative rage-cult mouth-breather wimps to grasp.

You fool me sometimes with the way you imitate their sick "I hate all the teachings of Christ" nature so well. I read it and think "yep, another hellbound conservative bedwetter making excuses for killing" ... and then I see your name and figure it out.
Seem to be a lot of disgraceful pieces of shit amused by terrorism here.
Fuck off with your bullshit. I defy you to show me a post, any post, of you being this outraged after a Muslim Attack

Fuck off yourself.

My outrage, as you put it - is over the reactions. I've said the same thing I've always said when there is a terrorist attack.

On the other hand, this is the first thread on a POSSIBLE terrorist attack (we don't know that, we don't know the motive, we don't know the identity of the person who did it but everyone is jumping to conclusions - could have been a drunk driver) - but here you are CELEBRATING because it killed Muslims or might have at least included some the number of casualties and are even more gleeful that it might be a "revenge attack". Seriously dude. That is sick.
They've been radicalized.....some of them might soon be manipulated to commit acts are we kidding. That would require getting out of mommy's basement.
Muslims finally get a tiny taste of their own medicine and they cry foul. Fuck the muzzie scum.

Er... when Muslims do it, you scream and cry, and then when it happens to Muslims you rejoice..... er.... what?
I don't recall any of them screaming and shouting at their brother muslims terrorists for making them all look bad.
You live by the sword you die by the sword.

Fine, but who is living by the sword? All Muslims? No, individuals are individuals, right?
This will infurate the rightwing goyim


JUNE 19, 2017 12:20

“An attack on one religion is an attack on all religions and all people and faiths must stand together against terror.”

Jewish groups condemn London mosque attack, express solidarity with UK Muslims

Following the incident, the European Jewish Congress expressed its shock and condemned the attack.

“This is an unconscionable attack on Muslim worshippers during their holy month of Ramadan,” EJC President Dr. Moshe Kantor said. “We condemn this attack and its attempt to escalate tensions in the UK and we stand firmly besides our Muslim brothers and sisters in the aftermath of this attack.”
People arent supposed to get on.
Senior Labour MP Diane Abbott and Met commissioner Cressida Dick were among several prominent figures seen joining an interfaith meeting at Finsbury Park mosque.

Earlier Theresa May was seen at the meeting with religious leaders (see earlier).

Jeremy Corbyn was not visible at the meeting. He may have continued upstairs to join the mosque’s congregation in their afternoon prayer.

"Met commissioner Cressida Dick"

A very unfortunate name to have.
Damien Gayle

Jeremy Corbyn has just arrived at Finsbury Park mosque accompanied by Labour MP for Tottenham David Lammy. The labour leader walked past a scrum of reporters and passersby to enter by the men’s entrance. He did not say anything, but a passerby was heard shouting: “I love you!” A second man shouted: “All Muslims love you.”


He should just call himself Mohammed Corbyn and go the full mile.

He's taken the day off from his near week long orgy of exploiting DEAD PEOPLE in Grenfell Tower, to now attempt to play politics with this by sucking up to the Kebabs.

Has he phoned his Hamas and Hezbollah friends yet I wonder?
Labour leader's 15 meetings with his 'friend' who wants to destroy Israel

Mr Corbyn captioned this photo on his Facebook page: "Really enjoyed Iftar supper at Finsbury Park Mosque with legendary Mohammed Kozbar and friends"

By Andrew Gilligan

10:26PM GMT 12 Mar 2016

...Mr Corbyn has spoken of his “friendship” with the “legendary” Mohammed Kozbar, chairman of the mosque and vice-president of the Muslim Association of Britain, which is closely linked to the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood.

Mr Kozbar claims that the Finsbury Park mosque, formerly notorious as the base of Abu Hamza, has turned over a new leaf under his leadership. Mr Corbyn, too, has praised it as a “wonderful place” which “guides me and many others”.

But in a demonstration in December 2011 Mr Kozbar called for the destruction of Israel, saying: “This time it will be the end of Israel, inshallah [God willing.]”

On October 11 last year, amid a wave of stabbings of Israelis by Palestinians in Jerusalem and elsewhere, he wrote that “Palestine is uprising, Alquds [Jerusalem] is uprising and our brothers and sisters are giving everything to defend Alaqsa Mosque [in Jerusalem]. The question is what are we doing to support them and show them that they are not alone on this.”

He has praised as “always cracking the words of truth” the extremist cleric and Muslim Brotherhood ideological leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who has supported suicide bombings of civilians and defended rape, saying that “to be absolved from guilt, the raped woman must have shown some sort of good conduct.”

...Under Mr Kozbar’s chairmanship Finsbury Park Mosque continues to host bigots, extremists and terrorist supporters. One of its other trustees, Mohammed Sawalha, is a leading activist and former commander in the terror group Hamas.

The mosque hosted as a guest-of-honour an Islamist leader, Abdullah Djaballah, who called on people to “wage holy Muslim war against the US and British invaders in Iraq.” Mr Djaballah was pictured with Mr Corbyn and Mr Kozbar on a visit to the mosque in 2014.

A regular preacher at the mosque, Fadel Soliman, says that wives who displease their husbands should be beaten, albeit that “the hitting must be done with a small stick”.

Mr Soliman ran a weekly lecture series at the mosque until six weeks ago.

Both Mr Kozbar and Mr Corbyn declined to comment when contacted by the Telegraph.

Jeremy Corbyn and the mosque leader who blames the UK for Isil
More Tilly lies exposed. You really are an agent for hate. People like you are terrorist enablers spreading lies.

Sunday Telegraph retracts false accusations on the chairman of Finsbury Park Mosque | Finsbury Park Mosque

The Sunday Telegraph published a statement on the 18th of September, which set the record straight on insidious accusations made by Andrew Gilligan in an article published on the 13th of March, defaming myself as well as Finsbury Park Mosque of which I am the Director.

Whilst I am pleased and satisfied with this conclusion of a 6 month struggle which has affected myself, my family as well as the Finsbury Park Mosque community, I am by no means happy with the state of affairs with certain sectors of the British media and their adherence to standards of accuracy, truth and professionalism. Had I not persevered with an almighty battle which consumed much of my time and effort and drained my family, and had I not enjoyed the backing of the FPM and the local Islington community, the allegations that Gilligan falsely made, would have remained and stuck. The fact that as far as I am aware, Mr. Gilligan was never reprimanded for his false claims, and that until this day I remain denied the right to reply on the pages of the Telegraph, are unacceptable by any means and reflect badly on the state of British Press and the standards of justice, truth and fairness.

Many thanks to those who stood by me and Finsbury Park Mosque which will remain in the pursuit of community cohesion, social harmony and equality.

The correction in relation to my complaint was published on Sunday 18th September on page 2.

Please also find attached a link to the stand-alone online correction

as well as the footnote correction on the original article
Damien Gayle

Jeremy Corbyn has just arrived at Finsbury Park mosque accompanied by Labour MP for Tottenham David Lammy. The labour leader walked past a scrum of reporters and passersby to enter by the men’s entrance. He did not say anything, but a passerby was heard shouting: “I love you!” A second man shouted: “All Muslims love you.”


He should just call himself Mohammed Corbyn and go the full mile.
Maybe he should be chemically castrated ?
Senior Labour MP Diane Abbott and Met commissioner Cressida Dick were among several prominent figures seen joining an interfaith meeting at Finsbury Park mosque.

Earlier Theresa May was seen at the meeting with religious leaders (see earlier).

Jeremy Corbyn was not visible at the meeting. He may have continued upstairs to join the mosque’s congregation in their afternoon prayer.

"Met commissioner Cressida Dick"

A very unfortunate name to have.

Ivanna would have been much better, true.
Seem to be a lot of disgraceful pieces of shit amused by terrorism here.
Fuck off with your bullshit. I defy you to show me a post, any post, of you being this outraged after a Muslim Attack

Fuck off yourself.

My outrage, as you put it - is over the reactions. I've said the same thing I've always said when there is a terrorist attack.

On the other hand, this is the first thread on a POSSIBLE terrorist attack (we don't know that, we don't know the motive, we don't know the identity of the person who did it but everyone is jumping to conclusions - could have been a drunk driver) - but here you are CELEBRATING because it killed Muslims or might have at least included some the number of casualties and are even more gleeful that it might be a "revenge attack". Seriously dude. That is sick.

I know when I heard the Flight 93 story I was sickened to my core. How dare those bastards fight back against the Al Qadea muslim terrorists.

They should have all sung John Lennon's "Imagine" and tried to hug it out of the islamic terrorists.

I have no problem with killing terrorists.

And apparently you have no problem importing them either.
If a non Moslem did this then watch the outrage from Moslems.
Who cares? They're like the left, they bitch & whine about everything anyways.

My point was, Moslems never get outraged when it's Moslems doing the terrorism against free (aka non Moslem aka infidel) people
Oh? A thousand Muslims just marched against Isis

Is that ALL they could get 1,000? People can get 250,000 on the streets to scream supporting for the Global Warming Scam, how many Muslims are there and only 1,000 march against ISIS, I suppose the other 2 MILLION are staying away because they are sympathetic to ISIS or if not there would be many more than 1,000 marching.

But nice attempt at pro-Islamist Propaganda Apology from you.
The whole situation is so disgusting. I hate it and I hate Muslims. I don't care if these bunch of nerds call me a "bigot."

It's not us you have to worry about. After all, unlike your death cult, the liberals are rational and peaceful. It's God's judgement that you have to worry about.

Unless you turn your life around, you're going to burn in Hell for eternity, along with the other disgusting pieces of human shit on this thread who are chortling over killing innocents and abetting the tactic by making excuses for it. Doesn't that concern you at all? It should. Eternity is a long time.

Remember, God wouldn't ever tell you to act like such a vile shitstain of a human being. The instructions you're all following come from Satan. He's got your souls snagged in his infernal vice-grip pliers. If any of you want to escape Hell, you need to repent, sincerely, and that means making your repentance public.
Watching live coverage and they're screaming "WHITE TERRORIST" at the interviewer.
Hundreds of them have now gathered. I suspect something will kick off.
I'm watching a police line. It looks like one bearded cop is wearing a do-rag instead of a hat.
Ah yes....a Sikh is the same as a Muslim to you, aren't they?
their ignorance is astounding

How is your White Genocide Wet Dream coming along Guano darling? You haven't posted any of your racist threads lately where you dribble from the lips at the thought of White people dying out.

Or any fanatically anti-Christian hate threads you're so well known for posting.

A DNA Communist like you should be more organised.
Nope. Why give you the satisfaction while I can sit here eat popcorn, and watch you extol the virtues of killing innocent people?:popcorn:


.....Says the poster who supports the peace prize for a Palestinian terrorist and who considers Pally terrorists to be heroic.

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