BREAKING: White Marine Vet To Be Charged In Death of Jordan Neely


He wasn't even using much force.

I've been choked out.

This is how long it takes...

The guy was choked to death. Clearly, enough force was used to kill him. Also seen on that video... the passengers had all left except for the few who wanted to remain to either restrain Neely or to watch. Whatever threat Neely may have been to other passengers was no longer a threat. Self defense only allows action to be taken to stop the threat. Penny persisted even after that point.
It wasn't 15 minutes.

It was three...and neely was awake and still struggling for almost all of it.

As soon as he becomes unresponsive, he is released and placed in a recovery position.

Watch the video.

The whole thing is here...

It was more than 3 minutes, ya lying scum. It was just 3 minutes on video. If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
It was an accidental death while trying to treat rain someone who was a threat to others. But, the race hustlers smell blood - white blood to be exact -and this is an opportunity to further divide US. It is also a reminder to avoid or limit your time in Democrat-run cities as their policies are proven failures.
How did the left discard him or use him?

Did you do anything to help him?

You should direct those questions to the (surprise), leftist crooks who apparently stole a fortune in taxpayers dollars intended to address mental health issues.

So, here we are. The left decides to keep a mentally defective career criminal on the streets because the funds for treatment have vanished. When the inevitable disaster happens, the left makes a hero of this career criminal and chooses to play the race card.

Are you (surprised), that in a leftist run Hell hole city no leftist hacks are demanding to know where the money went?

Where has $850m gone? Bill de Blasio's wife can't account for staggering amount of taxpayer money that the NY Mayor gave her for mental health project.

This is procedure to clear Penny
No it’s not….it’s the procedure to show what happens when a white man kills a black man, even when it’s unintentional and the black man is a dangerous criminal. Otherwise, why would the mayor make a point of declaring the dead man’s race?
This is a hard one, and it should be.

The dead man is a victim. He should have been in a residential treatment facility but people like him were put on the street by Reagan n the 80s.
The man who stopped him is a victim as well. Based on what I saw in the video he acted in self defense, and used his training to stop the attacker. If he were LE I'd support charging him because he'd be violating his training, procedures, and, as LE, he has options available beyond choking. But, this man will be forever labeled by racists on both sides as a villain/hero and he'll never escape the adoration/vilification he never sought.

If there's blame to place here it belongs with the government that failed both of them.

I was listening to the Dan Bongino show right after this happened. He said violence on the subway is nothing new. After Rudy took over, he concluded that the problem makers were those who would jump the turnstile because they weren't about to pay to start trouble. Bongino was a NYC police officer at the time.

Instead of ignoring the problem which was the norm for the subway, Rudy had those people arrested and put in jail. According to Bongino, subway violence plummeted.

It worked fine until DeBlazio got in and reversed the policy, and since then lowlifes like this guy with a rap sheet 40 charges long are back on the subway terrorizing paying riders, in some instances leading to the deaths or severe injuries of the innocents.

So it's the city and in particular the voters that are ultimately responsible for this happening. Had this guy not been on the subway in the first place it never would have happened. But when you vote Democrat, you are voting for the support of criminals.
People can be victims regardless of race or ethnicity. The left has chosen, as they usually do, to take sides based entirely on race. They are making a hero of a career criminal and vilifying a young man who chose not to be a victim based on playing / exploiting the race card.

The legal fund for Penny is approaching $750,000.

Thats a big F-U to Bragg and the pandering left.
Bragg gets a nod. For some reason Penny wanted attention.
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It was an accidental death while trying to treat rain someone who was a threat to others. But, the race hustlers smell blood - white blood to be exact -and this is an opportunity to further divide US. It is also a reminder to avoid or limit your time in Democrat-run cities as their policies are proven failures.
And if the screaming, threatening protestors who will be gathered outside the courtroom as the jury deliberates don’t get their way, we may see another long summer of savages burning, looting, and murdering their way across America.
Liberal New York Politicians just trying to placate the blacks in the hood
That’s because you‘re a brainwashed leftist, ready to side against whitey.

Do you also give Bragg a nod for reducing half of all felony charges to misdemeanors to get criminals back onto the street?
Another failed leftist policy of letting criminals free. If Neely had been locked up, he would not have been harassing people.
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