BREAKING: White Marine Vet To Be Charged In Death of Jordan Neely

Actually, I just read upthread that witnesses have testified that this deranged, homeless thug was making death threats. If they testify to that under oath, then it’s over: the Marine saved people from injury or death, and is a hero.

Also, it appears from the video - I saw it before YouTube removed it since it shows the Marine did the right thing - that Neely was still moving and breathing, but no longer fighting, when Penny put him into the recovery position. Any normal person would have recovered at that point, but years of abusing his own body took their toll.

Indeed, if this is true, and if they testify under oath that this is what happened in the moments leading up to the altercation, then I agree, it's probably over.

The curious thing, however, is that Penny was interviewed by police, and witnesses were interviewed by detectives as well. You'd think that if the reports are accurate that they would have encountered at least one person who would have said "This guy was dangerous". But it doesn't seem that they did.

I'm certainly willing to let this case play out.
The mayor of NY did the same thing when he gave his presser yesterday - all about how a BLACK man was killed. I’m surprised he didn’t say he looked like his son.
They (the leftist racist or other) are almost always guilty of what they accuse another of.

Matt Lauer for example became the poster boy for it, otherwise after he was found hypocritical with his hyper inflated accusations (throwing stones at Trump), that ultimately ended up forcing him out of the business because of his very hypocritical actions taken as such.
Indeed, if this is true, and if they testify under oath that this is what happened in the moments leading up to the altercation, then I agree, it's probably over.

The curious thing, however, is that Penny was interviewed by police, and witnesses were interviewed by detectives as well. You'd think that if the reports are accurate that they would have encountered at least one person who would have said "This guy was dangerous". But it doesn't seem that they did.

I'm certainly willing to let this case play out.
How do you know what the witnesses told the detectives?

I’d like to see the trial* moved to Staten Island, where the percentage of liberal and conservative is closer to even.

*In a fair world, there would be no trial based on the video. It shows Neely still alive when Penny turned him over to the recovery position. You have to use the “reasonable person” thing: would a reasonable person think that if a chokehold is released while the person is still alive that he would live?
They (the leftist racist or other) are almost always guilty of what they accuse another of.

Matt Lauer for example became the poster boy for it, otherwise after he was found hypocritical with his hyper inflated accusations (throwing stones at Trump), that ultimately ended up forcing him out of the business because of his very hypocritical actions taken as such.
Yes, they are masters of projection.

Nobody responded, but I gave the example of that out-of-control black bicyclist who sped through a crosswalk, killing an INNOCENT white woman. No charges were brought against him - not even negligent homicide.
Indeed, if this is true, and if they testify under oath that this is what happened in the moments leading up to the altercation, then I agree, it's probably over.

The curious thing, however, is that Penny was interviewed by police, and witnesses were interviewed by detectives as well. You'd think that if the reports are accurate that they would have encountered at least one person who would have said "This guy was dangerous". But it doesn't seem that they did.

I'm certainly willing to let this case play out.
A fair assessment..
How do you know what the witnesses told the detectives?

I’d like to see the trial* moved to Staten Island, where the percentage of liberal and conservative is closer to even.

*In a fair world, there would be no trial based on the video. It shows Neely still alive when Penny turned him over to the recovery position. You have to use the “reasonable person” thing: would a reasonable person think that if a chokehold is released while the person is still alive that he would live?
A fair assessment
When thugs (any race) get on trains, planes, go in fast foods, retail store and start thugging, it's no surprise when folks have had enough and do something about it. This Neely guy hit a 67 year old woman in the face as she waited for a train. He did the same to another guy. So he goes in the train and starts yelling and acting crazy. Who knows who he would have hurt next. So....marine steps in to put crazy dude out of commission to do harm and now they want to charge him with murder? Bullshit, says I.

Thugs better stop thugging. Citizens have had enough of their bullshit.
Compare and contrast how Alvin Bragg is treating this hero Marine who protected passengers on a subway train with how the French treated two vacationing American soldiers (an Airman First Class and an Army National Guard Specialist) who thwarted a mass shooting on a French train in 2015.

The French gave our soldiers the Chevalier of the Legion of Honour. Bragg gave the Marine a manslaughter charge.
How do you know what the witnesses told the detectives?

I don't. That's what the trial is for, to get the evidence out there. Exculpatory evidence will come out during discovery.

I’d like to see the trial* moved to Staten Island, where the percentage of liberal and conservative is closer to even.

Probably not going to happen, as Manhattan is the proper jurisdiction and there's no evidence that Penny can't get a fair trial. I'm generally not an advocate of moving trials based on demography. That's why the officers who beat the snot out of Rodney King got off, but shouldn't have.

*In a fair world, there would be no trial based on the video.

There won't be. The video is evidence, but it doesn't tell the whole story. Witness testimony and credibility will be the deciding factor most likely.

It shows Neely still alive when Penny turned him over to the recovery position. You have to use the “reasonable person” thing: would a reasonable person think that if a chokehold is released while the person is still alive that he would live?

Neely was clearly unconscious as a result of Penny applying a choke after he rolled to the side and was able to apply greater leverage. The choke wasn't in tight enough for most of the time, but it was in those last 60-90 seconds. It was lethal then. There's no debating this because he was rendered unconscious and died.

There's no questioning that lethal force was applied. You can't question it because you have a dead body.

The only questions to ask are was this the intended outcome? No, I don't believe it was, so for that reason, you can take intentional homicide off the table.

The next question is, was the use of force proportional to the threat? That is what this case is about. And the video won't show that; this is why the witnesses will be key. If witnesses say "Yeah, the guy threatened to kill us and he was getting in people's faces", well then it's going to be hard to get a conviction. But if nobody can substantiate that, if all he did was just yell and make people uncomfortable, then that might be a different story.

We'll see I guess.
You support the main thug in America, Trump. Neely hit no one when he was killed.

Manslaughter and if they killer had been black you'd be calling for the chair you racist....
You are the problem in this country. The sooner were rid of people like you the better for civilization
No I hate Christians I despise them.
de·spised, de·spis·ing. to regard with contempt, distaste, disgust, or disdain; scorn; loathe.

they are why we have NO DEMOCRACY.
Christians are the ONLY reason this country is still sort of together. As you succeed in making them irrelevant in this land God will remove His blessings in this nation. It is almost finished. You'll get your wish for a few short years -- a nation without Christian influence. The Bible calls it The Great Tribulation -a time of trouble such has never been seen, no, nor ever shall be again
Has absolutely nothing to do with race. This is the process for clearing the young Marine of homicide so there's no further jeopardy.
He shouldnt need to be cleared. The fact that this is going to trial at all is the issue. You surely must realize thast people are real tired of Democrat policies causing crime to skyrocket. When it comes to democrats throwing people in prison for defending themselves against violent criminals, people are IRATE over that. The damage this case is going to do to your party cannot be understated. Youll pretend like charging innocent people doesnt anger the entire nation, but it wont change the fact that it pisses everyone off. Your party is in for a rude awakening next election.
Has absolutely nothing to do with race. This is the process for clearing the young Marine of homicide so there's no further jeopardy.
If it has nothing at all with race, then why did the mayor go on the airwaves and make a bid deal about saying a BLACK man was killed? Of course it’s about race.

If a white bicyclist sped through a crosswalk, killing a law-abiding innocent black woman who had just finished shopping in a department store and was crossing the street, there would have been a trial for involuntary manslaughter at a minimum. Yet the killer was Black and the woman a lowly white, so no charges were even brought.
He shouldnt need to be cleared. The fact that this is going to trial at all is the issue. You surely must realize thast people are real tired of Democrat policies causing crime to skyrocket. When it comes to democrats throwing people in prison for defending themselves against violent criminals, people are IRATE over that. The damage this case is going to do to your party cannot be understated. Youll pretend like charging innocent people doesnt anger the entire nation, but it wont change the fact that it pisses everyone off. Your party is in for a rude awakening next election.
Even if the Marine is cleared, which I expect, he will have to watch his back the rest of his life. Remember that white cop who killed the big black thug who was trying to kill him? He was acquitted, but is now in Witness Protection.
If it has nothing at all with race, then why did the mayor go on the airwaves and make a bid deal about saying a BLACK man was killed? Of course it’s about race.

If a white bicyclist sped through a crosswalk, killing a law-abiding innocent black woman who had just finished shopping in a department store and was crossing the street, there would have been a trial for involuntary manslaughter at a minimum. Yet the killer was Black and the woman a lowly white, so no charges were even brought.
Blacks are being portrayed as victims.
Even if the Marine is cleared, which I expect, he will have to watch his back the rest of his life. Remember that white cop who killed the big black thug who was trying to kill him? He was acquitted, but is now in Witness Protection.
Its worse than that. If he is cleared, that doesnt help the next guy that democrats try to throw in prison for defending himself. It is clear that you are VERY likely to be charged if you defend yourself in NY. No one is going to help anyone going forward. Women will be on their own, everyone will be on their own. If a crazy homeless guy starts raping a woman on the train, and no one is going to do a thing about it now. An old man is being beaten by a thug, no one will lift a finger to help him. These prosecutions of law abiding citizens will have a chilling effect on the entire state..

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