BREAKING: White Marine Vet To Be Charged In Death of Jordan Neely

This guy was no good Samaraitan. Nor was this done in self defense. This white dude was probably some idiot who posted in places like this and felt he could kill a black dude and claim he was in danger. This white dude had to be a punk if he was scared of a skinny starving 140 pound man.

Now just remember all this shit you're talking when you see another video ran over and over showing blacks who "feared for their lives" beating up somebody white. Because the true history and modern reality of this country shows that we are in more danger from whites than vice versa.
When thugs (any race) get on trains, planes, go in fast foods, retail store and start thugging, it's no surprise when folks have had enough and do something about it. This Neely guy hit a 67 year old woman in the face as she waited for a train. He did the same to another guy. So he goes in the train and starts yelling and acting crazy. Who knows who he would have hurt next. So....marine steps in to put crazy dude out of commission to do harm and now they want to charge him with murder? Bullshit, says I.

Thugs better stop thugging. Citizens have had enough of their bullshit.
You support the main thug in America, Trump. Neely hit no one when he was killed.

Manslaughter and if they killer had been black you'd be calling for the chair you racist....
What's wrong with him being charged? He literally choked Neely to death. Sounds like manslaughter to me.

I wish he hadn't been killed. I think that Neely was a threat and his death was accidental.

The point is by charging and prosecuting the young Marine this homicide goes away permanently... No further jeopardy.

It's the best way to clear his name.
I would not jump into guard on a subway car with lots of people around. I would take his back take him down and hold him until we got to the next station then throw his ass off and if necessary kick his ass on the platform until the police arrive. Jumping in the guard and choking the guy to death was not a real well thought out approach.
So you're suggesting that you would do exactly what he did hold the attacker.
You know why they arent being charged. Everything boils down to race.

Has absolutely nothing to do with race. This is the process for clearing the young Marine of homicide so there's no further jeopardy.
They helped kill him.
That's true, because instead of holding his arms while the guy checks out, they could have recognized that the cat was all but out, and then assisted or convinced the one holding him to let him go. If you are holding someone in a hold, it's hard to tell what's happening until the body goes limp, but an assistant can tap the guy out for you by telling you "hey he's no danger now, we got him so you can let go of him now".

That's usually what happens, but if they all held him or even helped to hold him, then they all must have felt that he was a threat until it ended unfortunately in the way that it did.

Well I guess they gave the poor soul what he wished for, otherwise him undoubtedly wanting to check out of the miserable existence he was living in or that he was unfortunately begging on that day to end, otherwise by threatening people whom he didn't know, and worse they didn't know him. Bad situation.

If a person is threatening anyone around you, then you don't have time to see if the person is going to act quickly on the threat's, because that's what gets innocent people killed, and then the cops show up to do the sorting out afterwards. Our problem now, is that the justice system in this country has been high jacked, politicized, gone woke, and sadly in a lot of ways has become super corrupt in the top levels.
Just for some reference Neeley actually a broke an elderly woman's face and slugged another senior, and in another instance he attempted to kidnap a 7 year old girl off the street for who knows what. He got 4 months for that crime. This is who wacky people out there are protesting for? Be glad he's dead and not kidnapping your children or breaking your grandmothers face, idiots.
Yep, he got what he finally got as the old saying goes - Karma is a B - especially if he was doing all that... Wow.
When thugs (any race) get on trains, planes, go in fast foods, retail store and start thugging, it's no surprise when folks have had enough and do something about it. This Neely guy hit a 67 year old woman in the face as she waited for a train. He did the same to another guy. So he goes in the train and starts yelling and acting crazy. Who knows who he would have hurt next. So....marine steps in to put crazy dude out of commission to do harm and now they want to charge him with murder? Bullshit, says I.

Thugs better stop thugging. Citizens have had enough of their bullshit.
Our government empowering thugs and allowing border crossers full of bad people to just walk on in like it has since caused or it has been doing, uhhhhh needs to end also, because American's have had enough of that bull shite too. Biden and Mayorkas needs to be impeached so bad that it's not even funny... It's really pathetic what's going on everywhere now. Biden and the Democrat's are a complete failure.
Our government empowering thugs and allowing border crossers full of bad people to just walk on in like it has since caused or it has been doing, uhhhhh needs to end also, because American's have had enough of that bull shite too. Biden and Mayorkas needs to be impeached so bad that it's not even funny... It's really pathetic what's going on everywhere now. Biden and the Democrat's are a complete failure.
Biden and Mayorkas are light, instead in of darkness.
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Gothamist reports that the website "bills itself as a Christian fundraising platform and has supported several divisive right-wing cases." That includes fundraisers for the Jan. 6 defendants and Kyle Rittenhouse, who was acquitted of killing two men and shooting a third during unrest in Wisconsin in 2020.

those Christians are not acting Christianly.
I think he should be charged with murder.
Christian's ? What about the thug's and the all out bad guy's who do evil in this country everyday, and sadly are getting away with it more and more ? They do it to the good and innocent people in this country without fail, but do you got any bad thoughts about them or is it that you just hate Christian's ?? If you hate Christian's, then we know why that is, you don't have to tell us.
I wish he hadn't been killed. I think that Neely was a threat and his death was accidental.

The point is by charging and prosecuting the young Marine this homicide goes away permanently... No further jeopardy.

It's the best way to clear his name.
Neely was no threat. He was unarmed. There was no cause for what was done. People on the subway told him to stop but he didn't. His name should not be cleared for this unnecessary action. He should bear the responsibility for this killing.
No, that would be you, Gracie and every other right wing thug in this thread and forum who is cheering the fact that this white boy killed somebody black.
Only the white guy eh ? The people assisting the guy had nothing to do with it eh ?? Why do you put your racism on display for all to see, and then act like you aren't a racist when everyone knows better ??
Christian's ? What about the thug's and the all out bad guy's who do evil in this country everyday, and sadly are getting away with it more and more ? They do it to the good and innocent people in this country without fail, but do you got any bad thoughts about them or is it that you just hate Christian's ?? If you hate Christian's, then we know why that is, you don't have to tell us.
You voted a thug into office in 2016 and want to put him back in. People like you are the thugs.
Neely was no threat. He was unarmed. There was no cause for what was done. People on the subway told him to stop but he didn't. His name should not be cleared for this unnecessary action. He should bear the responsibility for this killing.
Were you actually there ? Thought not, but somehow you know all the details eh ?
Only the white guy eh ? The people assisting the guy had nothing to do with it eh ?? Why do you put your racism on display for all to see, and then act like you aren't a racist when everyone knows better ??
The racism is being displayed by people like you who are trying to make a hero out of this chump. You guys do this every time somebody white kills a black person. You are the racist, not me.

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