BREAKING: White Marine Vet To Be Charged In Death of Jordan Neely


A reminder:

Daniel Penny is, a twenty-four-year-old college student and decorated Marine veteran, facing a criminal investigation stemming from him protecting individuals on a NYC subway train from an assailant who later died. Funds are being raised to pay Mr. Penny’s legal fees incurred from any criminal charges filed and any future civil lawsuits that may arise, as well as expenses related to his defense. All contributions are greatly appreciated. Any proceeds collected which exceed those necessary to cover Mr. Penny’s legal defense will be donated to a mental health advocacy program in New York City.

***All funds will be sent to and managed by the law offices of Raiser & Kenniff, P.C***”
Retard, you claim Penny released him as soon as Neely became unresponsive; but then you post a video which shows Neely stop moving at the 2:00 mark while Penny doesn't release him until the 2:50 mark, at which point, Neely appears lifeless. Penny literally held him in a choke hold until he killed him.
You are delusional My Friend.

Neely threatened to kill the people on that train.

For all Penny knew, he had a gun and was going to use it.

Neely struggled until he was unconscious. Was he trying to reach a weapon? You have to assume in the moment that he is.

We Neely loses consciousness, Penny then released the pressure on Neely's hear the guy in the video say "he's not squeezing anymore".

And then he is released and placed in the recovery position.

There were SEVERAL placed where Neely could have 'tapped out'. Had he stopped struggling and said "ok, ok" the pressure would have eased and they would have waited for the police.

Your problem is, you live in a fantasy world where you just assume the guy who threatened to kill everyone doesn't have a knife, or a gun...surely he doesn't mean it...and you just hope for the best. Just let him go. It will be fine. :rolleyes:
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A correct assessment if it is found that heavy bias, especially political bias does enter the court room yet again. Outside political influence in order to keep with the narratives or agenda's that the Democrats are running, will be devastating to justice being served well or fair in the case. How this nation gets beyond the bull shite is anybody's guess at this point.
Yes, and outside leftist influences are using this to push the anti-white and oppressed black narrative. You can tell by how the mayor changed his tune.

When he first spoke about it, he sounded fair - saying let’s wait until the facts come in before we race to judgment. The second time, it was all about yet another BLACK man killed, with him emphasizing the word BLACK along with implication that race had anything to do with it. The powers that be got to him, and told him to make it all about the poor, victimized black man.

A reminder:

Daniel Penny is, a twenty-four-year-old college student and decorated Marine veteran, facing a criminal investigation stemming from him protecting individuals on a NYC subway train from an assailant who later died. Funds are being raised to pay Mr. Penny’s legal fees incurred from any criminal charges filed and any future civil lawsuits that may arise, as well as expenses related to his defense. All contributions are greatly appreciated. Any proceeds collected which exceed those necessary to cover Mr. Penny’s legal defense will be donated to a mental health advocacy program in New York City.

***All funds will be sent to and managed by the law offices of Raiser & Kenniff, P.C***”
I will donate.

I wish that the first $100,000 raised over the amount needed for Penny’s defense could remain with him - and any amount over that be donated to the mental health program. For all the demonization leftists are putting him through, at the least let him have the remainder of his college education paid for with some left over for a downpayment on a starter home one day. Remember, he will have to watch his back for the next 60 years.

P.S. If I had been one of the passengers Neely was threatening, I would give Penny $17,000 directly as a thank you for saving me.
You are delusional My Friend.

Neely threatened to kill the people on that train.

For all Penny knew, he had a gun and was going to use it.

Neely struggled until he was unconscious. Was he trying to reach a weapon? You have to assume in the moment that he is.

We Neely loses consciousness, Penny then released the pressure on Neely's hear the guy in the video say "he's not squeezing anymore".

And then he is released and placed in the recovery position.

There were SEVERAL placed where Neely could have 'tapped out'. Had he stopped struggling and said "ok, ok" the pressure would have eased and they would have waited for the police.

Your problem is, you live in a fantasy world where you just assume the guy who threatened to kill everyone doesn't have a knife, or a gun...surely he doesn't mean it...and you just hope for the best. Just let him go. It will be fine. :rolleyes:

You're still lying. It's on the video YOU linked. Neely stops moving at the 2 minute mark but Penny doesn't release him until the 2:50 mark.
You're still lying. It's on the video YOU linked. Neely stops moving at the 2 minute mark but Penny doesn't release him until the 2:50 mark.
But releases the pressure on his neck.

Watch it again.
Here is the rest of the video.

They check him for weapons and specifically put him in the First Responder recovery position to keep him safe while unconscious.

He is DEFINITELY still 100% alive here.


Click the link in the first tweet.
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