BREAKING: White Marine Vet To Be Charged In Death of Jordan Neely

It is good that now he is one less problem.
Except, thanks to leftists, we have a greater problem: Good Samaritans will be afraid to rescue innocent people from black attackers.

And I speak from experience, having been an innocent victim rescued from black attackers.
Neely was no threat. He was unarmed. There was no cause for what was done. People on the subway told him to stop but he didn't. His name should not be cleared for this unnecessary action. He should bear the responsibility for this killing.

Nah. Bernie Goetz got off and so should he.
So you get to decide who deserves to live? Is that how our justice system is supposed to work?
It seems leftist policies are intended to be precisely that.

They put career criminals on the streets and then circle like vultures when people step up to defend themselves.
I don't. That's what the trial is for, to get the evidence out there. Exculpatory evidence will come out during discovery.

Probably not going to happen, as Manhattan is the proper jurisdiction and there's no evidence that Penny can't get a fair trial. I'm generally not an advocate of moving trials based on demography. That's why the officers who beat the snot out of Rodney King got off, but shouldn't have.

There won't be. The video is evidence, but it doesn't tell the whole story. Witness testimony and credibility will be the deciding factor most likely.

Neely was clearly unconscious as a result of Penny applying a choke after he rolled to the side and was able to apply greater leverage. The choke wasn't in tight enough for most of the time, but it was in those last 60-90 seconds. It was lethal then. There's no debating this because he was rendered unconscious and died.

There's no questioning that lethal force was applied. You can't question it because you have a dead body.

The only questions to ask are was this the intended outcome? No, I don't believe it was, so for that reason, you can take intentional homicide off the table.

The next question is, was the use of force proportional to the threat? That is what this case is about. And the video won't show that; this is why the witnesses will be key. If witnesses say "Yeah, the guy threatened to kill us and he was getting in people's faces", well then it's going to be hard to get a conviction. But if nobody can substantiate that, if all he did was just yell and make people uncomfortable, then that might be a different story.

We'll see I guess.
Great analysis..
Its worse than that. If he is cleared, that doesnt help the next guy that democrats try to throw in prison for defending himself. It is clear that you are VERY likely to be charged if you defend yourself in NY. No one is going to help anyone going forward. Women will be on their own, everyone will be on their own. If a crazy homeless guy starts raping a woman on the train, and no one is going to do a thing about it now. An old man is being beaten by a thug, no one will lift a finger to help him. These prosecutions of law abiding citizens will have a chilling effect on the entire state..
A correct assessment if it is found that heavy bias, especially political bias does enter the court room yet again. Outside political influence in order to keep with the narratives or agenda's that the Democrats are running, will be devastating to justice being served well or fair in the case. How this nation gets beyond the bull shite is anybody's guess at this point.

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