BREAKING: White Marine Vet To Be Charged In Death of Jordan Neely

Obviously you care not a whit for any victims unless you can exploit their circumstances for your retrograde ideology.

You could have been honest and answered my question.
I will not answer your question until you answer mine. :hhello:
I asked my question before you did.

Hollie. If the Marine was black, and the victim was white, would you have donated?
Hey, why no response from this one?

Your posts convey ZERO sympathy for the dead man.
There is no way to buy yourself out of white guilt.

Or if it was black on black or black on asian, then you won't hear a peep from anyone. We see this all the time. One incident in particular that I remember was a white man who chased down and killed an asian delivery worker because he didn't give him enough sauce with his meal. The judge released him on bail and there wasn't a peep from the left, and at a guess, I'm sure AOC just pretended she didn't know anything about the story because I don't recall her saying a word about it, lmao.
Somehow I got this feeling the only verdict you will accept is "not guilty".
the only verdict the violent leftist mob will accept is guilty .
If I was made aware of it...without a doubt.

But I seriously doubt that... a) in that situation there would have been an arrest, because this seems open an shut justified... and b) that it would have made national headline news.

But, to answer your question fully...I would absolutely donate.

I'd feel bad for this hypothetical white guy, just like I feel sympathy for Jordan Neely. He had a rough go.

But you can't go around menacing and threatening innocent people. They have a right to feel safe from unprovoked threats of violence.

I agree in part with those who contend that the system failed Jordan Neely...but I'm also not a big fan of involuntarily locking people away due to mental illness.

So, what do you do?

Your posts convey ZERO sympathy for the dead man.
There is no way to buy yourself out of white guilt.
I will not answer your question until you answer mine. :hhello:
I asked my question before you did.

Hollie. If the Marine was black, and the victim was white, would you have donated?
I’ll require that you spam the thread at least a dozen more times with this same cut and paste waste of bandwidth.
I’ll require that you spam the thread at least a dozen more times with this same cut and paste waste of bandwidth.
cat has Hollies tongue. she is chickenshit to answer my question. she would be embarrassed and her racist white ass would really be exposed.

Hollie, I tell you how much I despise the ilk of you? the Racist Redneck Republican voters.
Your ilk has ruined my Republican party.

Hollie. If the Marine was black, and the victim was white, would you have donated?
cat has Hollies tongue. she is chickenshit to answer my question. she would be embarrassed and her racist white ass would really be exposed.

Hollie, I tell you how much I despise the ilk of you? the Racist Redneck Republican voters.
Your ilk has ruined my Republican party.

Hollie. If the Marine was black, and the victim was white, would you have donated?
You need to cut and paste your spam 11 more times.
  • Funny
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He punched through 6 major pieces of legislation before the House chickens started ruling the roost!
That is cool. He is my President. Not sure if he will be reelected, but I have only a few complaints.
Glad he got that Covid shit figured out. Tired of that face diaper that Trump stuck on my face.
I suspect he was not trying to kill the guy. The prosecutor seems to feel the same way or the charge would have been murder. The jury will decide if and how responsible.
Let's only hope that they do the right thing if the intent was just to restrain.
That is cool. He is my President. Not sure if he will be reelected, but I have only a few complaints.
Glad he got that Covid shit figured out. Tired of that face diaper that Trump stuck on my face.
You are so damned full of it that it ain't even funny. Go talk stupid in a leftist leaned forum, and do us all a favor here.
Picturing getting off the bullet train in Tokyo and seeing all the chaos in the USA on the big screens everywhere.

Must be embarrassing to be an American abroad these days.
Your posts convey ZERO sympathy for the dead man.
There is no way to buy yourself out of white guilt.
Sorry, I missed it.

1) I don't have any white guilt.

2) Race is not the issue here...only the actions of the participants. If both were purple, it should not sway anyone's opinion one iota. I believe there is a very bad precedent being set here that is being fueled by race and politics and is completely divorced from the facts.

3) I am discussing the law, not my personal feelings.

4) With all due respect...I believe your feelings are playing an oversized roll in your opinion making. Facts seem to hold no sway over your opinion.

You are making an assumption that race played a roll in Sgt. Penny's decision matrix...but there is not a lick of evidence to support that conclusion.

The man who recorded the video was Hispanic...he said he would not have believed Neely would die.

The 66 year old woman...the one who felt threatened...her race is not disclosed. Do you assume that she is white? Would it alter your opinion if it is revealed that she is a person of color?


Why would you assume I feel any white guilt?

Do you believe that I should?


You assume that I am white?

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