BREAKING: White Marine Vet To Be Charged In Death of Jordan Neely

And Penny performed his choke hold outside of the way he was trained. He violated the Marines own safety warnings on how it's done.

Chokeholds are dangerous. UFC has referees to stop the fight and the fighter is trained to tap when he starts slipping into never never land. The street isn't UFC.

There are ways to restrain someone without putting them in a choke. You can use your legs to take someone down. You can put someone in a full or half nelson. You can put someone face down and use your legs to control their legs. It's about leverage at that point.

But that takes training and skill, which brings me to my point: If you can't get someone under control with non-lethal force, then let the cops handle it. Choke holds are just as lethal as fists and knees to the skull.
Chokeholds are dangerous. UFC has referees to stop the fight and the fighter is trained to tap when he starts slipping into never never land. The street isn't UFC.

There are ways to restrain someone without putting them in a choke. You can use your legs to take someone down. You can put someone in a full or half nelson. You can put someone face down and use your legs to control their legs. It's about leverage at that point.

But that takes training and skill, which brings me to my point: If you can't get someone under control with non-lethal force, then let the cops handle it. Choke holds are just as lethal as fists and knees to the skull.
Damn straight. let the cops deal with it. Now we got a dead passenger.
Sounds like murder to me or homicide.. regardless a man is dead because of his actions.
I don't know how it will play out. I suspect there was no intent, but yes it has been ruled a homicide, and somebody is responsible, but to what degree, I am not sure. If the dead guy had actually attacked somebody, even if not the guy that choke him out, it would be justifiable. But, I have not read that being the case. The jury will decide this, and I will support with whatever they decide.
I would clarify further, that people found his actions and shouting threatening, whether he threatened anybody or not, which it does not sound like he did.

And if that's the case, Daniel Penny might have been justified in restraining Jordan Neely. The issue, then, is the restraint/manner of restraint or force used relative to the threat. If Penny had taken him down and put him in a full or half nelson instead of a chokehold off and on for 15 minutes, we're not having this discussion.

Daniel Penny to be charged with second-degree manslaughter in Jordan Neely’s death​

It was being investigated after the incident. People here and elsewhere just are blind to how it works. It was rules a homicide by the coroner. SO LE did an investigation before charging anyone.

that's how it's supposed to work.

“I don’t have food, I don’t have a drink, I’m fed up,” the man screamed, according to Vazquez. “I don’t mind going to jail and getting life in prison. I’m ready to die.”

Vazquez said Neely then “removed his jacket and aggressively whipped it to the floor” of the train. As Neely started shouting, much of the subway car cleared out, Vazquez said.

That’s when Penny pinned Neely to the ground and placed him in a chokehold while two other passengers helped restrain him, video recorded by Vazquez shows. Neely, video shows, flailed his arms, kicked his legs and struggled to free himself before Penny released him and put him on his side.

Neely, who appeared unconscious at the conclusion of the video, was pronounced dead at the hospital, authorities said.

Neely used to perform on the subway as a moonwalking Michael Jackson impersonator who had been placed in foster care after his mother was murdered when Neely was 14, Gothamist reported. Public records listed the Bronx as his address. ]
Well, apparently the trope is that you should let crazy people hurt other people around you and not do anything about it.

Leave it to the government, because they do such a stellar job. (cough) bullshit (cough)

That's fucked up. The dude did the right thing and now he's going to be prosecuted for it.
I don't know how it will play out. I suspect there was no intent, but yes it has been ruled a homicide, and somebody is responsible, but to what degree, I am not sure. If the dead guy had actually attacked somebody, even if not the guy that choke him out, it would be justifiable. But, I have not read that being the case. The jury will decide this, and I will support with whatever they decide.
If this turns out to be another "alec baldwin" deal, I would live to see my brothers and sisters RIOT.
Well, apparently the trope is that you should let crazy people hurt other people around you and not do anything about it.

Leave it to the government, because they do such a stellar job.

That's fucked up. The dude did the right thing and now he's going to be prosecuted for it.
The dude put Jordan Neely to sleep forever. that is a long time....
The dude put Jordan Neely to sleep forever. that is a long time....
Why was Jordan Neely out on the streets to begin with?

I reckon this guy didn't know how to do the sleeper hold proper..

I put a guy to sleep 4-5X in one night. He's still around and kickin'.

Idk if I even still know how to do that. Back then it was 2nd nature to stop a fight.

I never even used it in a fight, just to stop them.
I don't know how it will play out. I suspect there was no intent, but yes it has been ruled a homicide, and somebody is responsible, but to what degree, I am not sure. If the dead guy had actually attacked somebody, even if not the guy that choke him out, it would be justifiable. But, I have not read that being the case. The jury will decide this, and I will support with whatever they decide.

Based on what I've seen and read, the letter of the law would suggest that Penny committed manslaughter or negligent homicide. I agree he didn't intend to kill Neely, but it happened as a result of his application of force. There's evidence Neely made people uncomfortable - I don't think that's debatable. But force has to be relative to the actual threat. Neely didn't actually threaten or attack anyone.

That being said, who knows how jurors will see it.

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