BREAKING: White Marine Vet To Be Charged In Death of Jordan Neely

there's more: snippet:

[ Authorities have not said how long he had been in the chokehold, but Vasquez wrote on Facebook that the men were in that position “for about 15 minutes” while bystanders and the train operator called the police.

Days after the incident, Penny, whom authorities did not identify by then, released a statement saying that he acted in self-defense after Neely “aggressively” threatened him and other passengers. In the three paragraphs released on May 6 by his lawyers, Penny, a college student and Marine veteran, said that he “never intended to harm Mr. Neely and could not have foreseen his untimely death.”

Penny served in the Marines as a rifleman from 2017 to 2021, reaching the rank of sergeant, according to records provided by the service. A Marine Corps spokesperson said in an email that the service is aware of the incident involving Penny and will cooperate, if asked, with the agencies investigating the events.

“To be clear: the Marine Corps is not confirming any detail of any video you may have seen nor are we confirming any individual was involved,” the spokesperson said in an unsigned email responding to a query. “We are merely confirming that a person with the name you’ve presented us has served in the Marine Corps.”

Neely’s death generated outrage among some public officials. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) called the incident “disgusting” and labeled the man who placed Neely in the chokehold a “murderer.” The Rev. Al Sharpton had also urged authorities to pursue manslaughter or murder charges. ]
What I find really suspicious about this whole incident, is that there DOES appear to have been a video of what occurred, before the choking. . . it WAS posted to FB, but it was taken down, and the establishment, does not appear to want the public to see it. It was not up long enough, and no one has made a copy. I have not been able to locate it anywhere else.

I have watched some commentary, from the independent thinking left and right, and they both are thinking, that the establishment seems to be manipulating the public, the outgroup, into hating the ingroup, and the ingroup, into hating the outgroup. (And y'all are doing a very find job of that,) This, of course, is a common tactic of the state, the hegelian dialectic, for what ever reason. Problem/reaction/solution.

From this article, we KNOW, that the establishment knew, well before the public, who Daniel Penny was, but they were not saying.

". . . The straphanger, whose name hasn’t been released publicly, retained criminal defense attorney Thomas Kenniff — potentially setting up another showdown with Bragg should the DA’s office bring charges in Neely’s death.. . . "

So, the establishment knew who the guy was, as he was contacting the main rival of Alvin Bragg, for his defense. What does a Sergent, ex-Marine, and college student, get that kind of money, for that kind of defense? And why is the establishment playing cover, when they already knew, at this stage of the game, way back on May 4th, they they were going to charge him, and how they were going to antagonize, and propagandize this in both sides of the population???

(Already the community organizers and foundations, must have had their people getting ready, before the name was released, IMO)

". . . His client — identified by police sources as a 24-year-old from Queens — was taken into custody after Monday’s deadly encounter but was released without charges.

The DA’s office, as part of its probe, is now weighing whether to bring criminal charges against him over Neely’s death, which has been ruled a homicide.

A spokesman for Bragg confirmed the probe was ongoing Thursday.. . "

His givesendgo page has already raised $45K for his legal defense.


After uncovering all this information, I would very much like access to his military records. I am suspicious, WaPo and Task & Purpose, both state;

". . . Penny joined the Marine Corps in 2017 as a rifleman and separated in 2021 at the rank of sergeant, according to his service record. His last duty assignment was with the 1st Battalion, 2nd Marines, 2nd Marine Division at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina and he previously deployed with the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit from 2017 to 2019.. . "

That seems like a far cry from decorated and honorably discharged to me. :eusa_think:

Is the establishment, essentially, manipulating the emotions of all?

(here is the original post, as you can see, someone deleted it)

(Unfortunately, the WAYBACK, does not capture YouTube and FB video. . . but we still have the description of it . . . )

Thankfully, we have the description.)

Juan Alberto Vázquez / Nueva York
"¡¡No tengo comida, no tengo que beber, ya estoy harto... no me importa ir a la cárcel y que me den cadena perpetua..., gritaba un hombre que después se identificó como Jordan Neely de 30 años de edad. Un momento después la tensión se agravó cuando Jordan se quió la chamarra y agresivamente la azotó al piso del vagón.
El silencio dejaba oír las respiraciones por encima del tradicional ruido de las llantas girando sobre las vias.
Neely se metió al tren que estaba a punto de cerrar sus puertas en la estación 2nd Avenue e inició con un performance tétrico aunque desgarrador que, tras de tirar si chamarra al piso, motivó la huida de quienes estaban a su alrededor. Como yo aun lo tenía a unos cuatro metros y otros pasajeros mediante, no me moví de mi lugar.
Antes de que el show continuará, y pese a que hasta el momento Jordan no parecia querer agredir a nadie, un joven de cabello castaño y chamarra gris lo agarró por detrás del cuello y depositó en el piso mientras lo atenazaba con sus piernas.
Al llegar a Broadway Lafayette, las puertas se abrieron y la gente abandonó el vagón. Jordan y el Marine siguieron en esa postura al menos 5 minutos. Mientras otros pasajeros (me incluyo) y el operador del tren llamaba a la policía (como se escucha en el video).
Al regresar a la escena y mientras Neely luchaba por safarse de la llave, otros samaritanos se acercaron para auxiliar al Marine presuntamente buscando evitar que el otro escapara. Uno de ellos que recien habia abordado con una mujer, parecía mediar entre los dos que luchaban en el piso. El segundo si trataba de ayudar a que Jordan no escapara.
De repente decidi ingresar al vagon de nueva cuenta. Es un minuto y medio final muy dramatico. Jordan da sus últimos pataleo y luego, cuando deja de moverse, lo sueltan. En ese momento interrumpí la grabación. Al retirarme y buscar el transbordo hacia la línea 6, escuché la legada de la policía.habian pasado al menos 15 minutos desde que él Marine atenazó a Jordan.
Dos horas después a través del New York Post me entero que minutos después que los paramédicos llegaeon, nada pudieron hacer por él

. La policia policía detuvo al marine de 24 años y horas después lo soltó aunque la investigación sigue en marcha."


Juan Alberto Vázquez / New York

"I have no food, I have nothing to drink, I've had enough... I don't care about going to jail and getting life in prison...," shouted a man who later identified himself as 30-year-old Jordan Neely. A moment later the tension escalated as Jordan took off his jacket and aggressively slammed it to the floor of the car.

Breaths could be heard in the silence above the traditional sound of tires spinning on the tracks.

Neely jumped into the train that was about to close its doors at the 2nd Avenue station and began with a grim yet heartbreaking performance that, after throwing his jacket to the floor, caused those around him to flee. As I was still about four meters away from him and other passengers, I didn't move from my place.

Before the show went on, and even though so far Jordan didn't seem to want to assault anyone, a young man with brown hair and gray jacket grabbed him by the back of the neck and deposited him on the floor while he was pinning him with his legs.

As they reached Broadway Lafayette, the doors opened and people exited the car. Jordan and the Marine remained in that position for at least 5 minutes. While other passengers (including myself) and the train operator called the police (as heard in the video).

Upon returning to the scene and as Neely struggled to free himself from the key, other Samaritans came to the Marine's aid presumably seeking to prevent the other from escaping. One of them, who had just been approached by a woman, seemed to mediate between the two struggling on the ground. The second one was trying to help Jordan not to escape.

Suddenly I decided to enter the car again. It's a dramatic final minute and a half. Jordan gives his last kicks and then, when he stops moving, he is released. At that point I interrupted the recording. As I pulled out and looked for the transfer to the 6 line, I heard the police bequest. It had been at least 15 minutes since the Marine had tied Jordan up.

Two hours later I learned from the New York Post that minutes after the paramedics arrived, there was nothing they could do for Jordan.

. Police arrested the 24-year-old Marine and hours later released him, although the investigation is still ongoing."

Translated with (free version)

Why don't they want folks to see the entire incident? Are they afraid the public might find out about a manufactured reality? How many times are they going to do this before folks stop fighting and destroying our liberty & heritage for them?

Given the way the STATE is manipulating the population? I see not guilty verdict, more riots. . . . .

Yet another Soeos-backed DA is refusing to charge a black woman videotaped shooting a gun into a crowd in Cinco de Mayo.

They are making the shit up as they go, intentionally harming and making as many more victims as they can.

Congress should pass legislation officially identifying Socialist George Soros as a threat to this country and American, makibg it apply to any and all he gives money and helps get elected. Treat him like a terrorist / terrorist organization.
Yet another Soeos-backed DA is refusing to charge a black woman videotaped shooting a gun into a crowd in Cinco de Mayo.

They are making the shit up as they go, intentionally harming and making as many more victims as they can.

Congress should pass legislation officially identifying Socialist George Soros as a threat to this country and American, makibg it apply to any and all he gives money and helps get elected. Treat him like a terrorist / terrorist organization.
^ :cuckoo:
You can tell that Mayor Adams was not in favor of him being charged, as are most New Yorkers. The loud voices out there, like Al Sharpton and a few others, are in the minority of opinion.
Days after the incident, Penny, whom authorities did not identify by then, released a statement saying that he acted in self-defense after Neely “aggressively” threatened him and other passengers. In the three paragraphs released on May 6 by his lawyers, Penny, a college student and Marine veteran, said that he “never intended to harm Mr. Neely and could not have foreseen his untimely death.”
Hence the manslaughter charge.
I see its Manslaugter and not murder?
Still, wont even get a fair trial in NYC
PRobably get 5 years in the can
Those rear naked chokes can take you out in 10 seconds less.
Dude, that is why you should be suspicious of the entire narrative. He didn't need to kill him. It should have knocked him out quite quickly.

Something stinks about this whole phony con.
Yet another Soeos-backed DA is refusing to charge a black woman videotaped shooting a gun into a crowd in Cinco de Mayo.

They are making the shit up as they go, intentionally harming and making as many more victims as they can.

Congress should pass legislation officially identifying Socialist George Soros as a threat to this country and American, makibg it apply to any and all he gives money and helps get elected. Treat him like a terrorist / terrorist organization.
I've always said this... Soros should be on the FBI's most wanted list in my opinion. The man is pure poison for this COUNTRY, otherwise if he is guilty of all that he is being accused of.

Yes, he could be seen as an alledged domestic Terrorist possibly..

I want to know who was organizing and supplying the pallets of bricks during the riot's ???
I've always said this... Soros should be on the FBI's most wanted list in my opinion. The man is pure poison for this COUNTRY, otherwise if he is guilty of all that he is being accused of.

Yes, he could be seen as an alledged domestic Terrorist possibly..

I want to know who was organizing and supplying the pallets of bricks during the riot's ???
Do you realize how stupid you sound?

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