Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

Like I said, Trump is no saint and nobody ever claimed him to be. But when it comes to religious people, he's much closer to their values than Democrats. The last debate Hillary clearly voiced her support for abortion damn near right up to birth. Christians really look down on that--much more than somebody who made money from talent shows, casinos and golf courses.

So it isn't about religion (because Abortion is mentioned NOWHERE in the bible), it's about political considerations. Thank you for pointing out that the Conservative Christians have expended their last bit of credibility.

They have a lot to fear. What if we were at war with Canada who vowed to wipe the US off the face of the earth, and some powerhouse country supported them getting nuclear weapons? You bet we'd have to take some sort of action. I can't blame the Jews for being fearful.

If the Jews stayed in Europe where they belonged, they wouldn't have this issue.

But why is this MY problem again? Two groups arguing over who an imaginary pixie in the sky promised a strip of sand to?

Really? So how do you make the argument for oil companies since we get our oil elsewhere? After all, the US is the biggest consumer of oil products.

As for mass transit, nobody wants it. It would be money wasted away like what happened in California. What moron would choose to wait for a train, board it with hundreds of strangers, sit in a confined seat next to the fat guy who snores, compared to just starting your car and driving it to where you need to go.

If there were any money in mass transportation.....any money at all, you wouldn't need governments constantly subsidizing it. Private industry would have cornered the market years ago.

No, they wouldn't have. Mass transit doesn't have the profit potential, but it's actually more cost effective. Fact is, the banks,t he auto industry, the oil industry all make huge profits off pushing autos on even the poorest Americans.

We've designed our whole society around them to a degree most other countries haven't. WHich is why we consume 25% of the oil in the world only having 4% of the world's population.

Never said it was. Remember you were the one to insert guns into the Christian argument.

no, you were the one who did by saying Christians supported Trumpenfuhrer because of his current gun control position. (Just ignore that he supported gun control a few years ago.)

We have the highest homicide rate in the world because our prisons were liberalized years ago. We are also a multi-cultured country unlike many others. Blacks are the most violent people in our country. Take them out of the picture and you would have a much lower violent crime rate. Many don't have fear of going to prison, and certainly not the death penalty because it never takes place until 15, 18, 22 years after the sentence. And of course there are states that outlawed capital punishment to boot.

Guy, we lock up more people than any country in the world. Besides your obvious racism, we have a lot of you white trash going around shooting each other, too.

So it isn't about religion (because Abortion is mentioned NOWHERE in the bible), it's about political considerations. Thank you for pointing out that the Conservative Christians have expended their last bit of credibility.

Religion is a belief, and over half of the people in this country believe abortion is murder. If Christians believe abortion is murder, then to them it is murder, and murder is one of God's top 10 no-no's. Christians believe that a fetus is a human being:

Jeremiah 1:5

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
and before you were born I consecrated you;
I appointed you a prophet to the nations.

Psalm 139:13–16

For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them.

No, the Holy Bible does not speak about guns and abortion because there were no guns and abortion around at the time. I guess they couldn't get the taxpayers to open up Planned Parenthood's.

If the Jews stayed in Europe where they belonged, they wouldn't have this issue.

But why is this MY problem again? Two groups arguing over who an imaginary pixie in the sky promised a strip of sand to?

We support democracies all around the world. Israel is the only Democracy in the middle-east. During the Iraq war, Iran was sending all kinds of people to Iraq to kill our solders. And yet, DumBama gave them their money back which they will use for evil. They should have stayed in Europe? Where the hell do you think we came from? Not everybody is an anti-semite like you.

No, they wouldn't have. Mass transit doesn't have the profit potential, but it's actually more cost effective. Fact is, the banks,t he auto industry, the oil industry all make huge profits off pushing autos on even the poorest Americans.

We've designed our whole society around them to a degree most other countries haven't. WHich is why we consume 25% of the oil in the world only having 4% of the world's population.

Mass transit is subsidized by taxpayers all over the country. It's a losing game Joe. Yes, it may be more cost effective to the rider, but the inconvenience of using mass transit makes it more worthwhile to spend the extra money, and that's why few people use mass transit as an option. Here they charge a sales tax partly to support our busses, and we've been paying that tax for decades. That's why the private market wants nothing to do with it.

no, you were the one who did by saying Christians supported Trumpenfuhrer because of his current gun control position. (Just ignore that he supported gun control a few years ago.)

I never said anything like that. What I said is that Trump is closer to Christian values than Hil-Liar. You're the one who decided to bring up the subject of guns.

Guy, we lock up more people than any country in the world. Besides your obvious racism, we have a lot of you white trash going around shooting each other, too.

No, not a lot, just some. And I understand how facts and figures can be racist to a liberal, but the truth is blacks make up 13% of our population, but you are six times more likely to get killed by a black than a white.

So if you take 53% of the murders off the books, our murder rate is not all that bad. And again, since more and more states are adopting CCW laws and laws that protect the victim instead of the attacker, those violent crime rates are coming down and have been for a while.
The trick is to invest 'two pennies' in a thousand DIFFERENT enterprises. The key to making a lot of money is to keep your enterprises diversified and easy to manage.
A family member years ago started buying broken down vehicles for about $500 each. He knew what he was doing because he was a mechanic. It was a backyard operation. He'd fix whatever the major problems were and sell the car/truck for about $1200/1500 each.
Instead of taking the $1500 and investing it in a $1500 broken vehicle he put about $500/$800 in his pocket and bought another $500 broken vehicle. He did that hundreds of times.
He invested his net profits in buying small homes that just needed some plumbing and cosmetic work. He did that dozens of times.
He was a millionaire when a million bucks was worth something by the time he was forty.
The key to making net money on any investment is to 'buy right' as the Jews say. LOL

Economist Walter E Williams had a good take on this. He said students have often asked him what the key to financial success was. His answer? To make your fellow man happy.

If you make a great hamburger and somebody hires you to prepare your burger for a picnic, you made your fellow man happy by a dozen or so. Open up your own restaurant and make hamburgers, you made your fellow man happy by the thousands. Open up franchises, and you made your fellow man happy by the tens of millions.

If you're a very good singer, you can get jobs at a bar and make your fellow man happy by the hundreds. Sing for larger crowds, and you make your fellow man happy by the thousands. Make a recording and play concerts, you made your fellow man happy by the millions.

Money is proportional to how many of your fellow man you make happy.
BREAKING: Engaging in 'locker room talk' 11 years ago STILL NOT as bad as sexually assaulting, sexually harassing, and raping women then demonizing, bullying, threatening, and silencing the victims!
Bill and Donald are both on the exact same level, don't fool yourself. They are both disgusting pigs when it comes to respecting women
Ok your opinion, now what about the attack dog Hillary who chose to destroy her husband's accusers instead of leave his sorry ass in which you just agreed that he is a dog ????? No she wasn't going anywhere, because she is a power hungry obsessive who will do and say anything to keep the Clinton's (hers and Chelsea's name) in power.
The trick is to invest 'two pennies' in a thousand DIFFERENT enterprises. The key to making a lot of money is to keep your enterprises diversified and easy to manage.
A family member years ago started buying broken down vehicles for about $500 each. He knew what he was doing because he was a mechanic. It was a backyard operation. He'd fix whatever the major problems were and sell the car/truck for about $1200/1500 each.
Instead of taking the $1500 and investing it in a $1500 broken vehicle he put about $500/$800 in his pocket and bought another $500 broken vehicle. He did that hundreds of times.
He invested his net profits in buying small homes that just needed some plumbing and cosmetic work. He did that dozens of times.
He was a millionaire when a million bucks was worth something by the time he was forty.
The key to making net money on any investment is to 'buy right' as the Jews say. LOL

Economist Walter E Williams had a good take on this. He said students have often asked him what the key to financial success was. His answer? To make your fellow man happy.

If you make a great hamburger and somebody hires you to prepare your burger for a picnic, you made your fellow man happy by a dozen or so. Open up your own restaurant and make hamburgers, you made your fellow man happy by the thousands. Open up franchises, and you made your fellow man happy by the tens of millions.

If you're a very good singer, you can get jobs at a bar and make your fellow man happy by the hundreds. Sing for larger crowds, and you make your fellow man happy by the thousands. Make a recording and play concerts, you made your fellow man happy by the millions.

Money is proportional to how many of your fellow man you make happy.
. Great back and forth here, but there is only one thing wrong with both great entrepreneur stories here, and that wrong is that in an agenda riddled economy that is attempted to be controlled by the left, is that they have learned how to use or harness the power of regulations to keep a fellow American from engaging in the things that continue to empower Americans in these ways that you two speak of. You see once they control the doorway, then they only allow into the room the ones that sing their song in which is a different tune than most recognize anymore.
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Like I said, Trump is no saint and nobody ever claimed him to be. But when it comes to religious people, he's much closer to their values than Democrats. The last debate Hillary clearly voiced her support for abortion damn near right up to birth. Christians really look down on that--much more than somebody who made money from talent shows, casinos and golf courses.

So it isn't about religion (because Abortion is mentioned NOWHERE in the bible), it's about political considerations. Thank you for pointing out that the Conservative Christians have expended their last bit of credibility.

They have a lot to fear. What if we were at war with Canada who vowed to wipe the US off the face of the earth, and some powerhouse country supported them getting nuclear weapons? You bet we'd have to take some sort of action. I can't blame the Jews for being fearful.

If the Jews stayed in Europe where they belonged, they wouldn't have this issue.

But why is this MY problem again? Two groups arguing over who an imaginary pixie in the sky promised a strip of sand to?

Really? So how do you make the argument for oil companies since we get our oil elsewhere? After all, the US is the biggest consumer of oil products.

As for mass transit, nobody wants it. It would be money wasted away like what happened in California. What moron would choose to wait for a train, board it with hundreds of strangers, sit in a confined seat next to the fat guy who snores, compared to just starting your car and driving it to where you need to go.

If there were any money in mass transportation.....any money at all, you wouldn't need governments constantly subsidizing it. Private industry would have cornered the market years ago.

No, they wouldn't have. Mass transit doesn't have the profit potential, but it's actually more cost effective. Fact is, the banks,t he auto industry, the oil industry all make huge profits off pushing autos on even the poorest Americans.

We've designed our whole society around them to a degree most other countries haven't. WHich is why we consume 25% of the oil in the world only having 4% of the world's population.

Never said it was. Remember you were the one to insert guns into the Christian argument.

no, you were the one who did by saying Christians supported Trumpenfuhrer because of his current gun control position. (Just ignore that he supported gun control a few years ago.)

We have the highest homicide rate in the world because our prisons were liberalized years ago. We are also a multi-cultured country unlike many others. Blacks are the most violent people in our country. Take them out of the picture and you would have a much lower violent crime rate. Many don't have fear of going to prison, and certainly not the death penalty because it never takes place until 15, 18, 22 years after the sentence. And of course there are states that outlawed capital punishment to boot.

Guy, we lock up more people than any country in the world. Besides your obvious racism, we have a lot of you white trash going around shooting each other, too.
. Abortion is mentioned in the Bible... It's called - Thou Shalt not Kill -.
If the Jews stayed in Europe where they belonged, they wouldn't have this issue.

How about if Christians stayed in Europe where they belonged? Or how about whites stayed in Europe where they belonged? Or how about blacks stayed in Africa where they belonged? Or how about Chinese stayed in Asia where they belonged?

WTF is wrong with you?
BREAKING: Engaging in 'locker room talk' 11 years ago STILL NOT as bad as sexually assaulting, sexually harassing, and raping women then demonizing, bullying, threatening, and silencing the victims!
Bill and Donald are both on the exact same level, don't fool yourself. They are both disgusting pigs when it comes to respecting women

The difference is that one became President as a disgusting pig and the other is having a difficult time because of it.
I don't think Bills past actions or any other presidents for that matter, gives Trump an excuse for what he did. The issue with Trump isnt only his past actions it's his inability to carry himself in an honorable, disciplined, and presidential manner.

Makes for great entertainment but not for a suitable leader
I don't think any of this really matters but for shits and giggles I'll play... Donald borrowed approx 14 mill from daddy over the years and with numerous loans and bail outs.

Also, you very well know that growing 14 million is much easier than 20K. As the larger amount enables an individual to invest in revenue producing and higher appreciating assets like property, apartments, hotels, casinos, new products etc etc etc, none of which can be aquired, built or properly promoted with 20k

Well 'loan" means money borrowed that was paid back, so I don't call that a bailout. I borrowed money from my father when I was getting started in rental property. I paid back every dime, but I wouldn't consider it a bailout. To me a bailout is when you are in financial distress and somebody has to come to the rescue in an emergency.

I couldn't read the story because you have to be a subscriber. But there are many other reasons that might cause one to borrow money from family or friends.

Rental property is pretty much a long term investment. Sure, the property increases in value "over time" but it's not turnkey by any stretch of the imagination. It won't make a billionaire out of a millionaire.

If you take one penny and double that amount, it becomes two pennies. Double it again, it becomes four pennies. So if you start off with one penny, all you have to do is double the amount 25 times to become a millionaire. Easy enough the first couple of times, but as you get closer to your goal, it becomes much more difficult to double that amount.
Come on really? You seem to have some business accliment, you really don't agree with my statement?
BREAKING: Engaging in 'locker room talk' 11 years ago STILL NOT as bad as sexually assaulting, sexually harassing, and raping women then demonizing, bullying, threatening, and silencing the victims!
Bill and Donald are both on the exact same level, don't fool yourself. They are both disgusting pigs when it comes to respecting women
Ok your opinion, now what about the attack dog Hillary who chose to destroy her husband's accusers instead of leave his sorry ass in which you just agreed that he is a dog ????? No she wasn't going anywhere, because she is a power hungry obsessive who will do and say anything to keep the Clinton's (hers and Chelsea's name) in power.
Hillary doesn't have clean hands either and is not a candidate that I'm thrilled about, but her defending and standing by her husband isn't even close to the same level of what Bill and Donnie have done. On top of all Trumps words/actions it is the overall discipline and personality that falls way short of acceptable to be our president.
Come on really? You seem to have some business accliment, you really don't agree with my statement?

No I don't. That is unless you make some wild investment and it pays off. But for general business, it usually takes many years to make the big bucks.

You have to know what to do with money. You'd be surprised at how many people don't have that kind of talent.
I don't think Bills past actions or any other presidents for that matter, gives Trump an excuse for what he did. The issue with Trump isnt only his past actions it's his inability to carry himself in an honorable, disciplined, and presidential manner.

Makes for great entertainment but not for a suitable leader

Trump has been Trump since he first announced he was running. It is the comment he made on the bus that threw him off track. Other than that, he's been able to survive just about anything else he's said or done. So it does boil down to these women.
Come on really? You seem to have some business accliment, you really don't agree with my statement?

No I don't. That is unless you make some wild investment and it pays off. But for general business, it usually takes many years to make the big bucks.

You have to know what to do with money. You'd be surprised at how many people don't have that kind of talent.
Ok, I agree with that. But how can you claim that it is just as easy to grow 20k as it is to grow 14 Mil?? The more money you start with the more options for investment. And the better your chances for success.

For example... try and start a business with 20k... that might get you some product and a website. Start one with 14 mill. You get a website, team of execs, sales force, marketing budget and many more advantages. And if it fails you still have plenty more to try again.
I don't think Bills past actions or any other presidents for that matter, gives Trump an excuse for what he did. The issue with Trump isnt only his past actions it's his inability to carry himself in an honorable, disciplined, and presidential manner.

Makes for great entertainment but not for a suitable leader

Trump has been Trump since he first announced he was running. It is the comment he made on the bus that threw him off track. Other than that, he's been able to survive just about anything else he's said or done. So it does boil down to these women.
It's not just the comments on the bus. He's made demeaning comments to women for years now. The comments on the bus merely confirmed what a self-serving, classless, misogynistic pig he is. And in a twist of irony, the worst possible circumstance for him is he picked the wrong election to run in where his opponent is a woman. Especially since more women then men vote in presidential elections these days and he is getting killed in the polls by women. Equally ironic, he may have put it best -- he is getting schlonged.
I don't think Bills past actions or any other presidents for that matter, gives Trump an excuse for what he did. The issue with Trump isnt only his past actions it's his inability to carry himself in an honorable, disciplined, and presidential manner.

Makes for great entertainment but not for a suitable leader

Trump has been Trump since he first announced he was running. It is the comment he made on the bus that threw him off track. Other than that, he's been able to survive just about anything else he's said or done. So it does boil down to these women.
It's not just the accusations that tanked him, it is how he has handled it. In true Trump fashion he resorted to his bullying attacks and has been off message since debate 1. He can't control his tongue due to an enormous ego. He can't handle the presidency
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I don't think Bills past actions or any other presidents for that matter, gives Trump an excuse for what he did. The issue with Trump isnt only his past actions it's his inability to carry himself in an honorable, disciplined, and presidential manner.

Makes for great entertainment but not for a suitable leader

Trump has been Trump since he first announced he was running. It is the comment he made on the bus that threw him off track. Other than that, he's been able to survive just about anything else he's said or done. So it does boil down to these women.
It's. It just the accusations that tanked him, it is how he has handled it. In true Trump fashion he resorted to his bullying attacks and has been off message since debate 1. He can't control his tongue due to an enormous ego. He can't handle the presidency
That's exactly it. He doesn't possess the temperament for the job. America is not going to put some unhinged caricature like Crazy Donald in charge of our military, with his little hand on the nuclear button.
Ok, I agree with that. But how can you claim that it is just as easy to grow 20k as it is to grow 14 Mil?? The more money you start with the more options for investment. And the better your chances for success.

For example... try and start a business with 20k... that might get you some product and a website. Start one with 14 mill. You get a website, team of execs, sales force, marketing budget and many more advantages. And if it fails you still have plenty more to try again.

It's just like my one penny comparison. Money isn't the key, it's growing your money at the same rate as those billionaires.

It kinds of reminds me of what my father told me when I was young. He said that you can give a poor person a million dollars, and in most cases, they will be broke in a matter of time. But if you take every penny away from a millionaire, they will be a millionaire once again in a matter of time because they know how they did it the first time.

So I guess the question is, if somebody can grow their money (whatever the amount is) ten times larger, why should it apply to just the wealthy? Yes, they have more to invest, but they also have more to lose.
That's exactly it. He doesn't possess the temperament for the job. America is not going to put some unhinged caricature like Crazy Donald in charge of our military, with his little hand on the nuclear button.

Correct. I would much rather have this with her hands on the nuclear button:

Ok, I agree with that. But how can you claim that it is just as easy to grow 20k as it is to grow 14 Mil?? The more money you start with the more options for investment. And the better your chances for success.

For example... try and start a business with 20k... that might get you some product and a website. Start one with 14 mill. You get a website, team of execs, sales force, marketing budget and many more advantages. And if it fails you still have plenty more to try again.

It's just like my one penny comparison. Money isn't the key, it's growing your money at the same rate as those billionaires.

It kinds of reminds me of what my father told me when I was young. He said that you can give a poor person a million dollars, and in most cases, they will be broke in a matter of time. But if you take every penny away from a millionaire, they will be a millionaire once again in a matter of time because they know how they did it the first time.

So I guess the question is, if somebody can grow their money (whatever the amount is) ten times larger, why should it apply to just the wealthy? Yes, they have more to invest, but they also have more to lose.
I laid out a perfectly good example... there are dozens more. It's a pretty simple concept and it isn't partisan. if you still don't get it then I guess your not as business savvy as I thought you were
Religion is a belief, and over half of the people in this country believe abortion is murder. If Christians believe abortion is murder, then to them it is murder, and murder is one of God's top 10 no-no's. Christians believe that a fetus is a human being:

Jeremiah 1:5

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
and before you were born I consecrated you;
I appointed you a prophet to the nations.

Psalm 139:13–16

For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them.

No, the Holy Bible does not speak about guns and abortion because there were no guns and abortion around at the time. I guess they couldn't get the taxpayers to open up Planned Parenthood's.

Actually, they had abortions back in those days. Abortion dates to the ancient world.

Oh, you are misquoting the psalm..

139:13 For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb.
139:14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
139:15 My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
139:16 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.

But I like this Pslam... It emphasizes what hte Bible God is all about.

137:9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.

I never said anything like that.

Uh, yeah, you did. You have the nerve to call Hillary a liar.

No, not a lot, just some. And I understand how facts and figures can be racist to a liberal, but the truth is blacks make up 13% of our population, but you are six times more likely to get killed by a black than a white.

But that isn't true. As a white man, I am 86% likely to be killed by another white person, usually someone I know. We have a high murder rates because it's too easy to get a gun.

So if you take 53% of the murders off the books, our murder rate is not all that bad. And again, since more and more states are adopting CCW laws and laws that protect the victim instead of the attacker, those violent crime rates are coming down and have been for a while.

Uh, guy, 47% of our murders being commited by White Folks still adds up to 8000 homicides a year. compare that to the UK which has maybe 600 a year or Japan that has maybe 300, yeah, it's still pretty awful.

We support democracies all around the world. Israel is the only Democracy in the middle-east. During the Iraq war, Iran was sending all kinds of people to Iraq to kill our solders. And yet, DumBama gave them their money back which they will use for evil. They should have stayed in Europe? Where the hell do you think we came from? Not everybody is an anti-semite like you.

The world would have been better off if our ancestors stayed in Europe, too. But the world is almost over the infection of white people... so it's okay.

But to the point. Israel isn't a "Democracy" any m ore than South Africa was a "Democracy" under apartheid or the South was a Democracy under Jim Crow.

You don't disenfranchise half your population and still call yourself a democracy with a straight face.

So let me get this straight... we went halfway around the world to fight a war in a coutnry that wasn't a threat to us, failed to secure millions of tons of ordnance, pretty much managed to alienate all sides, and it's the fault of the neighboring country that our invasion was such a clusterfuck?

The only guy who got those soldiers killed in Iraq was THIS GUY


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