Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

you are right. They should vote for Hillary. Because Trump is a crazy person.

There's a certain point where you have to look past issues that aren't going to change, anyway (gays and abortions) and look at what is best for the country.

And it isn't a Nazi Game Show Host with a penchant for making things worse.

A Christian (or any other religious person) is looking for the candidate that best represents their religious point of view. Hillary is the exact opposite of that. So the only choice they do have is Trump.

Evil is part of the Democrat party. It's why Democrats always side with evil over good on most issues. They side with criminals over police, they side with terrorists over our military, they side with recreational narcotics over having them illegal, they side with killing babies over laws that allow them to live. They side with disarming the public over allowing people to protect themselves from evil. They side with men using women's bathrooms and showers over social decency.

So a true Christian will not support the party of the devil.
Really? Then who are they supposed to vote for? It's not like we have five or six realistic candidates. There are only two: Hil-Liar and Trump.

you are right. They should vote for Hillary. Because Trump is a crazy person.

There's a certain point where you have to look past issues that aren't going to change, anyway (gays and abortions) and look at what is best for the country.

And it isn't a Nazi Game Show Host with a penchant for making things worse.
. So your big worry is that Trump is an alledged racist, even though it is unproven?? You just drank the koolaid, and began spewing this rehtoric for fear of this man not representing your side or opinions of things. Well guess what, your not the only one being represented in this nation, and people like you have got to get that through your thick skulls.
you are right. They should vote for Hillary. Because Trump is a crazy person.

There's a certain point where you have to look past issues that aren't going to change, anyway (gays and abortions) and look at what is best for the country.

And it isn't a Nazi Game Show Host with a penchant for making things worse.

A Christian (or any other religious person) is looking for the candidate that best represents their religious point of view. Hillary is the exact opposite of that. So the only choice they do have is Trump.

Evil is part of the Democrat party. It's why Democrats always side with evil over good on most issues. They side with criminals over police, they side with terrorists over our military, they side with recreational narcotics over having them illegal, they side with killing babies over laws that allow them to live. They side with disarming the public over allowing people to protect themselves from evil. They side with men using women's bathrooms and showers over social decency.

So a true Christian will not support the party of the devil.
. The truth right here has been spoken again, when and everytime it ever is spoken.. Thanks Ray.
And that’s the GOP’s biggest problem: too few liberals.

There was a time when liberals made up much of the Party, before the advent of the bane of social conservativism and religious fundamentalism; Republicans who respected the right to privacy, the right to equal protection of the law, and the right of citizens to due process of the law, Republicans such as Earl Warren and Barry Goldwater.

Indeed, their advocacy of small government was consistently applied by respecting the rights of citizens, where the Constitution prohibits the states from compelling a woman to give birth against her will through force of law, for example.

Without liberals, the GOP has become extreme and authoritarian, seeking to violate the equal protection and privacy rights of citizens by increasing the size an authority of government.

Today the Republican party is about more government, bigger government, and more intrusive government interfering in citizens’ personal, private lives.

It’s no wonder actual, true Republicans and conservatives have been abandoning the Party for decades.

Abandoning the party and going where?

In case you haven't noticed, there is a large inter party feud going on. We have the Tea Party types vs the Establishment. So I'll have to agree with you on some of your points. There are people in our party for big government, and those are the Establishment Republicans.

The Tea Party types are for less government. That's not to say a lawless society, but a government where the feds are not cramming laws down our throats like Commie Care and forced queer marriages. The conservatives are for equal rights which is why we are against idiocy like Affirmative Action. We are against Hate Crime laws that gives more punishment to people that harm likely Democrat voters.
I didn't say I wasn't liberal I said I wasn't democrat and that I think the party system sucks. You've falsely accused me of being a partisan puppet a number of times.

There aren't many liberals in the Republican party. Liberals are all part of the Democrat party. Now you can say you are not a registered Democrat, but you're still a liberal.
And that’s the GOP’s biggest problem: too few liberals.

There was a time when liberals made up much of the Party, before the advent of the bane of social conservativism and religious fundamentalism; Republicans who respected the right to privacy, the right to equal protection of the law, and the right of citizens to due process of the law, Republicans such as Earl Warren and Barry Goldwater.

Indeed, their advocacy of small government was consistently applied by respecting the rights of citizens, where the Constitution prohibits the states from compelling a woman to give birth against her will through force of law, for example.

Without liberals, the GOP has become extreme and authoritarian, seeking to violate the equal protection and privacy rights of citizens by increasing the size an authority of government.

Today the Republican party is about more government, bigger government, and more intrusive government interfering in citizens’ personal, private lives.

It’s no wonder actual, true Republicans and conservatives have been abandoning the Party for decades.

A Christian (or any other religious person) is looking for the candidate that best represents their religious point of view. Hillary is the exact opposite of that. So the only choice they do have is Trump.

No, the thing is, Trump is a guy who made his fortune over gambling and vice... so he really doesn't. And when you talk about "Christians", um, Jesus never talked about the gays or abortion, if that's what you are worked up about.

Evil is part of the Democrat party. It's why Democrats always side with evil over good on most issues. They side with criminals over police, they side with terrorists over our military, they side with recreational narcotics over having them illegal, they side with killing babies over laws that allow them to live. They side with disarming the public over allowing people to protect themselves from evil. They side with men using women's bathrooms and showers over social decency.

Okay, let's look at your crazy list here.

1) So 12 year olds with guns are criminals, and cops who shoot them aren't. Really?
2) Not sure who is siding with "Terrorists" exactly. Last time I checked, Reagan funded Bin Laden and Obama KILLED him.
3) SO who is being hurt by people taking drugs, exactly, other than the people who take them?
4) Fetuses aren't babies, and I'd take you guys seriously if you weren't constantly trying to cut school lunches from actual poor children.

But here's the Gem
They side with disarming the public over allowing people to protect themselves from evil.

Uh, guy, where did Jesus talk about arming yourself... let's look at what Jesus ACTUALLY said.
But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy rightcheek, turn to him the other also. - 5:39

Those who use the sword will die by the sword. .- Matthew 26:52

And if someone wants to sue you and to take your tunic, give him your coat also. ... Luke 5:40

Wow. Really. What I don't see is "If the Homeboy Taketh Thy Big Screen, thou shall smite him with thy AR-15!"

So the idea that the Christians should support Trump (ignoring his gambling and womanizing and racism and misogyny) because Jesus loved him some guns, isn't going to find a lot of support in the bible.
So what's your point? It's fair game to align all my opinions with that party? Are you really that dense?

Nope, just pointing out that if it walks like a chicken, sounds like a chicken..........

Not only that, but it seems that most of your positions are liberal whether we discuss abortion or some other topic.
Many of my opinions are liberal, but I support small government and smart conservative spending when it comes to gov programs and think there is much work to be done to clean the mess and cut the fat. I dont subscribe to ANY part and play the petty partisan games. Each issue should be taken at face value
. Then vote Trump, because Hillary will be a disaster for you and me. I mean your a percentage guy or gal (?) right. So if you honestly look at what Hillary says and has supported, and then you vote for her, umm I'd say you are a liar with this speak about not being a liberal.
There are more elements to the equation and Trump fails the test in almost every category. I don't believe a word he says and would likely be embarrassed to call myself American if we elected a clown like Trump as our leader. He is the opposite of almost everything that I value when it comes to a persons character. My only hope is that the centrist Hillary will come back and be able to rally some bi partisan efforts to get our country moving again. I believe a landslide victory will give a mandate for that and hope enough Rs in congress get the message
A Christian (or any other religious person) is looking for the candidate that best represents their religious point of view. Hillary is the exact opposite of that. So the only choice they do have is Trump.

No, the thing is, Trump is a guy who made his fortune over gambling and vice... so he really doesn't. And when you talk about "Christians", um, Jesus never talked about the gays or abortion, if that's what you are worked up about.

Evil is part of the Democrat party. It's why Democrats always side with evil over good on most issues. They side with criminals over police, they side with terrorists over our military, they side with recreational narcotics over having them illegal, they side with killing babies over laws that allow them to live. They side with disarming the public over allowing people to protect themselves from evil. They side with men using women's bathrooms and showers over social decency.

Okay, let's look at your crazy list here.

1) So 12 year olds with guns are criminals, and cops who shoot them aren't. Really?
2) Not sure who is siding with "Terrorists" exactly. Last time I checked, Reagan funded Bin Laden and Obama KILLED him.
3) SO who is being hurt by people taking drugs, exactly, other than the people who take them?
4) Fetuses aren't babies, and I'd take you guys seriously if you weren't constantly trying to cut school lunches from actual poor children.

But here's the Gem
They side with disarming the public over allowing people to protect themselves from evil.

Uh, guy, where did Jesus talk about arming yourself... let's look at what Jesus ACTUALLY said.
But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy rightcheek, turn to him the other also. - 5:39

Those who use the sword will die by the sword. .- Matthew 26:52

And if someone wants to sue you and to take your tunic, give him your coat also. ... Luke 5:40

Wow. Really. What I don't see is "If the Homeboy Taketh Thy Big Screen, thou shall smite him with thy AR-15!"

So the idea that the Christians should support Trump (ignoring his gambling and womanizing and racism and misogyny) because Jesus loved him some guns, isn't going to find a lot of support in the bible.

No, the thing is, Trump is a guy who made his fortune over gambling and vice... so he really doesn't. And when you talk about "Christians", um, Jesus never talked about the gays or abortion, if that's what you are worked up about.

I'm talking about a lot of things including abortion. Trump made his money as a businessman. Hillary made her money selling influence. She and her husband used their power given to them by the people to make a lot of money.

Okay, let's look at your crazy list here.

1) So 12 year olds with guns are criminals, and cops who shoot them aren't. Really?
2) Not sure who is siding with "Terrorists" exactly. Last time I checked, Reagan funded Bin Laden and Obama KILLED him.
3) SO who is being hurt by people taking drugs, exactly, other than the people who take them?
4) Fetuses aren't babies, and I'd take you guys seriously if you weren't constantly trying to cut school lunches from actual poor children.

Yes, if a 12 year old has a gun and presents a threat to a police officer, the officer has every legal and moral right to defend himself.

DumBama gave over a billion dollars to the king of Terrorism which is Iran. He pulled all of our troops out of Iraq handing it over to ISIS. He traded five of our most valuable POW"s to the terrorists for a lowly private who deserted his country. Gitmo is nearly closed because he released our terrorist prisoners--some who have rejoined the Islamic state to kill more Americans. Yes, I would say that's evil.

The people being hurt by drug usage are the families. On top of that, the people who became victims of crime since drug users can't work and need money to buy drugs, so they steal. What do you think the gangs of Chicago fight and kill over? Drugs.

A fetus is considered a human life by most any religion. This isn't subjective since we are talking about how Christians see things. Trust me, I was raised in a Catholic environment. While I don't follow religion myself, my mother and sister are very involved. Not a week goes by they don't attend church unless it's due to illness or weather.

So the idea that the Christians should support Trump (ignoring his gambling and womanizing and racism and misogyny) because Jesus loved him some guns, isn't going to find a lot of support in the bible.

Never said Trump was perfect or a Christian. But given the choices, he's much closer than Hillary. Since we only have two choices, most real Christians will choose Trump over her.
I'm talking about a lot of things including abortion. Trump made his money as a businessman. Hillary made her money selling influence. She and her husband used their power given to them by the people to make a lot of money.

Trump made his money building casinos... promoting vice.

DumBama gave over a billion dollars to the king of Terrorism which is Iran. He pulled all of our troops out of Iraq handing it over to ISIS. He traded five of our most valuable POW"s to the terrorists for a lowly private who deserted his country. Gitmo is nearly closed because he released our terrorist prisoners--some who have rejoined the Islamic state to kill more Americans. Yes, I would say that's evil.

Okay, guy, that was Iran's money that we legally owed them... so quit bringing that shit up. Until you sign up for the military and go off to fight the bad old Muslims, I'm not going to take what you say seriously. My problem with Obama is the problem I have with all of them. They let the Jews and Oil Companies dictate our involvement over there. Don't stick you dick in a hornet's nest and then whine to me about getting stung.

The people being hurt by drug usage are the families. On top of that, the people who became victims of crime since drug users can't work and need money to buy drugs, so they steal. What do you think the gangs of Chicago fight and kill over? Drugs.

right. Because we treat addiction like a criminal problem and not a medical problem, which is how the rest of the world handles it. Oh, yeah, and we give those gangs easy access to guns.

A fetus is considered a human life by most any religion. This isn't subjective since we are talking about how Christians see things. Trust me, I was raised in a Catholic environment. While I don't follow religion myself, my mother and sister are very involved. Not a week goes by they don't attend church unless it's due to illness or weather.

So what? The thing is, there are almost no passages in the bible that support the "Fetuses are people" position, and quite a few that oppose it. This isn't about the fetuses, it's about women controling their own sexuality.

Always has been. And rich people manipulating stupid people into voting against their own economic interests.

Hey, I notice YOU TOTALLY AVOIDED the part where you think Christians should be all about shooting people and having guns.

A Christian (or any other religious person) is looking for the candidate that best represents their religious point of view. Hillary is the exact opposite of that. So the only choice they do have is Trump.

No, the thing is, Trump is a guy who made his fortune over gambling and vice... so he really doesn't. And when you talk about "Christians", um, Jesus never talked about the gays or abortion, if that's what you are worked up about.

Evil is part of the Democrat party. It's why Democrats always side with evil over good on most issues. They side with criminals over police, they side with terrorists over our military, they side with recreational narcotics over having them illegal, they side with killing babies over laws that allow them to live. They side with disarming the public over allowing people to protect themselves from evil. They side with men using women's bathrooms and showers over social decency.

Okay, let's look at your crazy list here.

1) So 12 year olds with guns are criminals, and cops who shoot them aren't. Really?
2) Not sure who is siding with "Terrorists" exactly. Last time I checked, Reagan funded Bin Laden and Obama KILLED him.
3) SO who is being hurt by people taking drugs, exactly, other than the people who take them?
4) Fetuses aren't babies, and I'd take you guys seriously if you weren't constantly trying to cut school lunches from actual poor children.

But here's the Gem
They side with disarming the public over allowing people to protect themselves from evil.

Uh, guy, where did Jesus talk about arming yourself... let's look at what Jesus ACTUALLY said.
But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy rightcheek, turn to him the other also. - 5:39

Those who use the sword will die by the sword. .- Matthew 26:52

And if someone wants to sue you and to take your tunic, give him your coat also. ... Luke 5:40

Wow. Really. What I don't see is "If the Homeboy Taketh Thy Big Screen, thou shall smite him with thy AR-15!"

So the idea that the Christians should support Trump (ignoring his gambling and womanizing and racism and misogyny) because Jesus loved him some guns, isn't going to find a lot of support in the bible.
. You are a spin-aholic.... lol
I'm talking about a lot of things including abortion. Trump made his money as a businessman. Hillary made her money selling influence. She and her husband used their power given to them by the people to make a lot of money.

Trump made his money building casinos... promoting vice.

DumBama gave over a billion dollars to the king of Terrorism which is Iran. He pulled all of our troops out of Iraq handing it over to ISIS. He traded five of our most valuable POW"s to the terrorists for a lowly private who deserted his country. Gitmo is nearly closed because he released our terrorist prisoners--some who have rejoined the Islamic state to kill more Americans. Yes, I would say that's evil.

Okay, guy, that was Iran's money that we legally owed them... so quit bringing that shit up. Until you sign up for the military and go off to fight the bad old Muslims, I'm not going to take what you say seriously. My problem with Obama is the problem I have with all of them. They let the Jews and Oil Companies dictate our involvement over there. Don't stick you dick in a hornet's nest and then whine to me about getting stung.

The people being hurt by drug usage are the families. On top of that, the people who became victims of crime since drug users can't work and need money to buy drugs, so they steal. What do you think the gangs of Chicago fight and kill over? Drugs.

right. Because we treat addiction like a criminal problem and not a medical problem, which is how the rest of the world handles it. Oh, yeah, and we give those gangs easy access to guns.

A fetus is considered a human life by most any religion. This isn't subjective since we are talking about how Christians see things. Trust me, I was raised in a Catholic environment. While I don't follow religion myself, my mother and sister are very involved. Not a week goes by they don't attend church unless it's due to illness or weather.

So what? The thing is, there are almost no passages in the bible that support the "Fetuses are people" position, and quite a few that oppose it. This isn't about the fetuses, it's about women controling their own sexuality.

Always has been. And rich people manipulating stupid people into voting against their own economic interests.

Hey, I notice YOU TOTALLY AVOIDED the part where you think Christians should be all about shooting people and having guns.

. We legally owed them (Iran) eh ???? No Iran owes us for the bombing of the marine barracks in Beirut 1983, where Iran backed Hezbollah in that bombing.. We didn't owe them sorry American killing bastards a dam dime. Are you siding with Iran against America & Americans Joe ??????
A Christian (or any other religious person) is looking for the candidate that best represents their religious point of view. Hillary is the exact opposite of that. So the only choice they do have is Trump.

No, the thing is, Trump is a guy who made his fortune over gambling and vice... so he really doesn't. And when you talk about "Christians", um, Jesus never talked about the gays or abortion, if that's what you are worked up about.

Evil is part of the Democrat party. It's why Democrats always side with evil over good on most issues. They side with criminals over police, they side with terrorists over our military, they side with recreational narcotics over having them illegal, they side with killing babies over laws that allow them to live. They side with disarming the public over allowing people to protect themselves from evil. They side with men using women's bathrooms and showers over social decency.

Okay, let's look at your crazy list here.

1) So 12 year olds with guns are criminals, and cops who shoot them aren't. Really?
2) Not sure who is siding with "Terrorists" exactly. Last time I checked, Reagan funded Bin Laden and Obama KILLED him.
3) SO who is being hurt by people taking drugs, exactly, other than the people who take them?
4) Fetuses aren't babies, and I'd take you guys seriously if you weren't constantly trying to cut school lunches from actual poor children.

But here's the Gem
They side with disarming the public over allowing people to protect themselves from evil.

Uh, guy, where did Jesus talk about arming yourself... let's look at what Jesus ACTUALLY said.
But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy rightcheek, turn to him the other also. - 5:39

Those who use the sword will die by the sword. .- Matthew 26:52

And if someone wants to sue you and to take your tunic, give him your coat also. ... Luke 5:40

Wow. Really. What I don't see is "If the Homeboy Taketh Thy Big Screen, thou shall smite him with thy AR-15!"

So the idea that the Christians should support Trump (ignoring his gambling and womanizing and racism and misogyny) because Jesus loved him some guns, isn't going to find a lot of support in the bible.

No, the thing is, Trump is a guy who made his fortune over gambling and vice... so he really doesn't. And when you talk about "Christians", um, Jesus never talked about the gays or abortion, if that's what you are worked up about.

I'm talking about a lot of things including abortion. Trump made his money as a businessman. Hillary made her money selling influence. She and her husband used their power given to them by the people to make a lot of money.

Okay, let's look at your crazy list here.

1) So 12 year olds with guns are criminals, and cops who shoot them aren't. Really?
2) Not sure who is siding with "Terrorists" exactly. Last time I checked, Reagan funded Bin Laden and Obama KILLED him.
3) SO who is being hurt by people taking drugs, exactly, other than the people who take them?
4) Fetuses aren't babies, and I'd take you guys seriously if you weren't constantly trying to cut school lunches from actual poor children.

Yes, if a 12 year old has a gun and presents a threat to a police officer, the officer has every legal and moral right to defend himself.

DumBama gave over a billion dollars to the king of Terrorism which is Iran. He pulled all of our troops out of Iraq handing it over to ISIS. He traded five of our most valuable POW"s to the terrorists for a lowly private who deserted his country. Gitmo is nearly closed because he released our terrorist prisoners--some who have rejoined the Islamic state to kill more Americans. Yes, I would say that's evil.

The people being hurt by drug usage are the families. On top of that, the people who became victims of crime since drug users can't work and need money to buy drugs, so they steal. What do you think the gangs of Chicago fight and kill over? Drugs.

A fetus is considered a human life by most any religion. This isn't subjective since we are talking about how Christians see things. Trust me, I was raised in a Catholic environment. While I don't follow religion myself, my mother and sister are very involved. Not a week goes by they don't attend church unless it's due to illness or weather.

So the idea that the Christians should support Trump (ignoring his gambling and womanizing and racism and misogyny) because Jesus loved him some guns, isn't going to find a lot of support in the bible.

Never said Trump was perfect or a Christian. But given the choices, he's much closer than Hillary. Since we only have two choices, most real Christians will choose Trump over her.
. You are absolutely correct... Joe is an anti-American radical.
I'm talking about a lot of things including abortion. Trump made his money as a businessman. Hillary made her money selling influence. She and her husband used their power given to them by the people to make a lot of money.

Trump made his money building casinos... promoting vice.

DumBama gave over a billion dollars to the king of Terrorism which is Iran. He pulled all of our troops out of Iraq handing it over to ISIS. He traded five of our most valuable POW"s to the terrorists for a lowly private who deserted his country. Gitmo is nearly closed because he released our terrorist prisoners--some who have rejoined the Islamic state to kill more Americans. Yes, I would say that's evil.

Okay, guy, that was Iran's money that we legally owed them... so quit bringing that shit up. Until you sign up for the military and go off to fight the bad old Muslims, I'm not going to take what you say seriously. My problem with Obama is the problem I have with all of them. They let the Jews and Oil Companies dictate our involvement over there. Don't stick you dick in a hornet's nest and then whine to me about getting stung.

The people being hurt by drug usage are the families. On top of that, the people who became victims of crime since drug users can't work and need money to buy drugs, so they steal. What do you think the gangs of Chicago fight and kill over? Drugs.

right. Because we treat addiction like a criminal problem and not a medical problem, which is how the rest of the world handles it. Oh, yeah, and we give those gangs easy access to guns.

A fetus is considered a human life by most any religion. This isn't subjective since we are talking about how Christians see things. Trust me, I was raised in a Catholic environment. While I don't follow religion myself, my mother and sister are very involved. Not a week goes by they don't attend church unless it's due to illness or weather.

So what? The thing is, there are almost no passages in the bible that support the "Fetuses are people" position, and quite a few that oppose it. This isn't about the fetuses, it's about women controling their own sexuality.

Always has been. And rich people manipulating stupid people into voting against their own economic interests.

Hey, I notice YOU TOTALLY AVOIDED the part where you think Christians should be all about shooting people and having guns.


So what? The thing is, there are almost no passages in the bible that support the "Fetuses are people" position, and quite a few that oppose it. This isn't about the fetuses, it's about women controling their own sexuality.

Always has been. And rich people manipulating stupid people into voting against their own economic interests.

Hey, I notice YOU TOTALLY AVOIDED the part where you think Christians should be all about shooting people and having guns.

Oh please, if these women could control their own sexuality, they wouldn't have gotten knocked up in the first place. And trust me, there are plenty of passages in the Holy Bible that does support the protection of pregnant women and the fetus.

Christians believe in the fight against evil. Outside of the New Testament, God ordered the slaughter of evil people. Inside the New Testament, it was taught not to challenge evil with violence, but it never taught to submit to violence either. Every human being should have the right to protect themselves which is why the gun laws have changed so dramatically in this country. And since that time, violent crime and gun murders have been on a steady decline.

right. Because we treat addiction like a criminal problem and not a medical problem, which is how the rest of the world handles it. Oh, yeah, and we give those gangs easy access to guns.

No we don't. It's illegal for any felon to buy a weapon in this country. They don't buy their guns from gun stores. They buy their guns off the street because there is no way to trace a bullet back to them.

I've known quite a few addicts in my time; all of them attending some form of rehabilitation. It didn't work for any of them. So this leftist fantasy that rehab works some or most of the time is just that--a fantasy. And I've been a victim of those drug addicts as well. Cost me thousands and thousands of dollars.

Okay, guy, that was Iran's money that we legally owed them... so quit bringing that shit up. Until you sign up for the military and go off to fight the bad old Muslims, I'm not going to take what you say seriously. My problem with Obama is the problem I have with all of them. They let the Jews and Oil Companies dictate our involvement over there. Don't stick you dick in a hornet's nest and then whine to me about getting stung.

Hey Joe, do you like driving your car? Do you like affordable gasoline, oil, and all the byproducts made with oil like car tires, roof shingles, asphalt roads, driveways and bike paths? Then we have to be involved in the middle-east, because those oil companies need oil to create products you depend on every day.

As for Iran, we don't have to do squat. We could have kept their money as long as we liked just like all the Presidents before DumBama. Iran is going to get nuclear weapons in the near future and your big-eared leader did nothing but sign an agreement with them saying they won't build those weapons until after he's out of office, and they are going to use the money DumBama gave them to advance their goals.

Trump made his money building casinos... promoting vice.

Trump made his money building a lot of things and hiring a lot of people. What did the Clinton's build besides a mound of lies?
I didn't say I wasn't liberal I said I wasn't democrat and that I think the party system sucks. You've falsely accused me of being a partisan puppet a number of times.

There aren't many liberals in the Republican party. Liberals are all part of the Democrat party. Now you can say you are not a registered Democrat, but you're still a liberal.
And that’s the GOP’s biggest problem: too few liberals.

There was a time when liberals made up much of the Party, before the advent of the bane of social conservativism and religious fundamentalism; Republicans who respected the right to privacy, the right to equal protection of the law, and the right of citizens to due process of the law, Republicans such as Earl Warren and Barry Goldwater.

Indeed, their advocacy of small government was consistently applied by respecting the rights of citizens, where the Constitution prohibits the states from compelling a woman to give birth against her will through force of law, for example.

Without liberals, the GOP has become extreme and authoritarian, seeking to violate the equal protection and privacy rights of citizens by increasing the size an authority of government.

Today the Republican party is about more government, bigger government, and more intrusive government interfering in citizens’ personal, private lives.

It’s no wonder actual, true Republicans and conservatives have been abandoning the Party for decades.

Yes indeed

I agree that "Today the Republican party is about more government, bigger government, and more intrusive government interfering in citizens’ personal, private lives. "

So which one of the fascists is the BEST candidates?


He will respect our right to Bear arms

He will NOT get the nation involved in another WW against Russia.

We legally owed them (Iran) eh ???? No Iran owes us for the bombing of the marine barracks in Beirut 1983, where Iran backed Hezbollah in that bombing.. We didn't owe them sorry American killing bastards a dam dime. Are you siding with Iran against America & Americans Joe ??????

Uh, that's nice and everything, but Reagan is the guy who sent those guys into Lebanon to prop up a government nobody wanted.

ON the legal issue, though. The international courts have ruled - consistantly - that the money we returned was legally the property of Iran for weapons contracts signed by the Shah and never completed.
Oh please, if these women could control their own sexuality, they wouldn't have gotten knocked up in the first place. And trust me, there are plenty of passages in the Holy Bible that does support the protection of pregnant women and the fetus.

Really? Name one!

Here's what I've got.

Abortion is not murder. A fetus is not considered a human life.

If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life. --Exodus 21:22-23

The Bible places no value on fetuses or infants less than one month old.

And if it be from a month old even unto five years old, then thy estimation shall be of the male five shekels of silver, and for the female thy estimation shall be three shekels of silver. -- Leviticus 27:6

Fetuses and infants less than one month old are not considered persons.

Number the children of Levi after the house of their fathers, by their families: every male from a month old and upward shalt thou number them. And Moses numbered them according to the word of the LORD. -- Numbers 3:15-16

God sometimes approves of killing fetuses.

And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive? ... Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. -- Numbers 31:15-17
(Some of the non-virgin women must have been pregnant. They would have been killed along with their unborn fetuses.)

Give them, O LORD: what wilt thou give? give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts. -- Hosea 9:14

Yea, though they bring forth, yet will I slay even the beloved fruit of their womb. -- Hosea 9:16

Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up. -- Hosea 13:16

God sometimes kills newborn babies to punish their parents.

Because by this deed thou hast given great occasion to the enemies of the LORD to blaspheme, the child also that is born unto thee shall surely die. -- 2 Samuel 12:14

God sometimes causes abortions by cursing unfaithful wives.

The priest shall say unto the woman, The LORD make thee a curse and an oath among thy people, when the LORD doth make thy thigh to rot, and thy belly to swell. And this water that causeth the curse shall go into thy bowels, to make thy belly to swell, and thy thigh to rot: And the woman shall say, Amen, amen. ...
And when he hath made her to drink the water, then it shall come to pass, that, if she be defiled, and have done trespass against her husband, that the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her, and become bitter, and her belly shall swell, and her thigh shall rot: and the woman shall be a curse among her people. And if the woman be not defiled, but be clean; then she shall be free, and shall conceive seed. -- Numbers 5:21-21, 27-28

God's law sometimes requires the execution (by burning to death) of pregnant women.

Tamar thy daughter in law hath played the harlot; and also, behold, she is with child by whoredom. And Judah said, Bring her forth, and let her be burnt. -- Genesis 38:24
I'm talking about a lot of things including abortion. Trump made his money as a businessman. Hillary made her money selling influence. She and her husband used their power given to them by the people to make a lot of money.

Trump made his money building casinos... promoting vice.

DumBama gave over a billion dollars to the king of Terrorism which is Iran. He pulled all of our troops out of Iraq handing it over to ISIS. He traded five of our most valuable POW"s to the terrorists for a lowly private who deserted his country. Gitmo is nearly closed because he released our terrorist prisoners--some who have rejoined the Islamic state to kill more Americans. Yes, I would say that's evil.

Okay, guy, that was Iran's money that we legally owed them... so quit bringing that shit up. Until you sign up for the military and go off to fight the bad old Muslims, I'm not going to take what you say seriously. My problem with Obama is the problem I have with all of them. They let the Jews and Oil Companies dictate our involvement over there. Don't stick you dick in a hornet's nest and then whine to me about getting stung.

The people being hurt by drug usage are the families. On top of that, the people who became victims of crime since drug users can't work and need money to buy drugs, so they steal. What do you think the gangs of Chicago fight and kill over? Drugs.

right. Because we treat addiction like a criminal problem and not a medical problem, which is how the rest of the world handles it. Oh, yeah, and we give those gangs easy access to guns.

A fetus is considered a human life by most any religion. This isn't subjective since we are talking about how Christians see things. Trust me, I was raised in a Catholic environment. While I don't follow religion myself, my mother and sister are very involved. Not a week goes by they don't attend church unless it's due to illness or weather.

So what? The thing is, there are almost no passages in the bible that support the "Fetuses are people" position, and quite a few that oppose it. This isn't about the fetuses, it's about women controling their own sexuality.

Always has been. And rich people manipulating stupid people into voting against their own economic interests.

Hey, I notice YOU TOTALLY AVOIDED the part where you think Christians should be all about shooting people and having guns.


So what? The thing is, there are almost no passages in the bible that support the "Fetuses are people" position, and quite a few that oppose it. This isn't about the fetuses, it's about women controling their own sexuality.

Always has been. And rich people manipulating stupid people into voting against their own economic interests.

Hey, I notice YOU TOTALLY AVOIDED the part where you think Christians should be all about shooting people and having guns.

Oh please, if these women could control their own sexuality, they wouldn't have gotten knocked up in the first place. And trust me, there are plenty of passages in the Holy Bible that does support the protection of pregnant women and the fetus.

Christians believe in the fight against evil. Outside of the New Testament, God ordered the slaughter of evil people. Inside the New Testament, it was taught not to challenge evil with violence, but it never taught to submit to violence either. Every human being should have the right to protect themselves which is why the gun laws have changed so dramatically in this country. And since that time, violent crime and gun murders have been on a steady decline.

right. Because we treat addiction like a criminal problem and not a medical problem, which is how the rest of the world handles it. Oh, yeah, and we give those gangs easy access to guns.

No we don't. It's illegal for any felon to buy a weapon in this country. They don't buy their guns from gun stores. They buy their guns off the street because there is no way to trace a bullet back to them.

I've known quite a few addicts in my time; all of them attending some form of rehabilitation. It didn't work for any of them. So this leftist fantasy that rehab works some or most of the time is just that--a fantasy. And I've been a victim of those drug addicts as well. Cost me thousands and thousands of dollars.

Okay, guy, that was Iran's money that we legally owed them... so quit bringing that shit up. Until you sign up for the military and go off to fight the bad old Muslims, I'm not going to take what you say seriously. My problem with Obama is the problem I have with all of them. They let the Jews and Oil Companies dictate our involvement over there. Don't stick you dick in a hornet's nest and then whine to me about getting stung.

Hey Joe, do you like driving your car? Do you like affordable gasoline, oil, and all the byproducts made with oil like car tires, roof shingles, asphalt roads, driveways and bike paths? Then we have to be involved in the middle-east, because those oil companies need oil to create products you depend on every day.

As for Iran, we don't have to do squat. We could have kept their money as long as we liked just like all the Presidents before DumBama. Iran is going to get nuclear weapons in the near future and your big-eared leader did nothing but sign an agreement with them saying they won't build those weapons until after he's out of office, and they are going to use the money DumBama gave them to advance their goals.

Trump made his money building casinos... promoting vice.

Trump made his money building a lot of things and hiring a lot of people. What did the Clinton's build besides a mound of lies?

trump made his money because he kept ripping off others. and every time he failed, his daddy bailed him out.

did you not pay attention to the people who actually do know how to run businesses... like bloomberg and mark cuban?

or do you not understand why dumb donald won't turn over his tax returns?

the dumb of donald supporters... it's HUUUUUGE.
Christians believe in the fight against evil. Outside of the New Testament, God ordered the slaughter of evil people. Inside the New Testament, it was taught not to challenge evil with violence, but it never taught to submit to violence either. Every human being should have the right to protect themselves which is why the gun laws have changed so dramatically in this country. And since that time, violent crime and gun murders have been on a steady decline.

Uh, guy, we have the highest homicide rates in the industrialized world because guns are too easy to get.

And yeah, God ordered the slaughter of gays, foreigners, women who had sex, people who worked on the sabbath and a whole bunch of "evils" we don't fucking murder people for today.

Point is, the Gun Fetish is not a Christian Issue.

Hey Joe, do you like driving your car? Do you like affordable gasoline, oil, and all the byproducts made with oil like car tires, roof shingles, asphalt roads, driveways and bike paths? Then we have to be involved in the middle-east, because those oil companies need oil to create products you depend on every day.

Uh, no we could just pay those people a fair wage for their natural resources. Or we could take the 900 Billion we spend a year playing Hall Monitor of the Hormuz and invest it into mass transit, then we wouldn't need so much gasoline. (Most of the oil from the Middle East ends up in China, Japan and Europe, not the US, BTW.)

No, we don't HAVE to be involved in the middle east.

As for Iran, we don't have to do squat. We could have kept their money as long as we liked just like all the Presidents before DumBama. Iran is going to get nuclear weapons in the near future and your big-eared leader did nothing but sign an agreement with them saying they won't build those weapons until after he's out of office, and they are going to use the money DumBama gave them to advance their goals.

Again, no, we couldn't have kept the money. The international courts ruled against us. As far as the Iran deal goes, it's going to keep Iran from getting nukes for at least a decade.

I should also point out that the Jews have been telling us the Iranians are going to get nukes any minute now for 20 years.

Trump made his money building a lot of things and hiring a lot of people. What did the Clinton's build besides a mound of lies?

Guy, stop changing the subject. The primary source of Trump's income is promoting vice- sexuality through his pagents and gambling through his casinos.

And yet this is the guy "Christians" are getting behind, because except for the Mormons, you guys have no principles.
We legally owed them (Iran) eh ???? No Iran owes us for the bombing of the marine barracks in Beirut 1983, where Iran backed Hezbollah in that bombing.. We didn't owe them sorry American killing bastards a dam dime. Are you siding with Iran against America & Americans Joe ??????

Uh, that's nice and everything, but Reagan is the guy who sent those guys into Lebanon to prop up a government nobody wanted.

ON the legal issue, though. The international courts have ruled - consistantly - that the money we returned was legally the property of Iran for weapons contracts signed by the Shah and never completed.
. All that was cancelled when Iran decided to kill Americans everywhere it could over the years now. Giving a billion dollars to your enemy just don't get any dumber than that.

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