Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

I don't think Bills past actions or any other presidents for that matter, gives Trump an excuse for what he did. The issue with Trump isnt only his past actions it's his inability to carry himself in an honorable, disciplined, and presidential manner.

Makes for great entertainment but not for a suitable leader

Trump has been Trump since he first announced he was running. It is the comment he made on the bus that threw him off track. Other than that, he's been able to survive just about anything else he's said or done. So it does boil down to these women.
It's not just the accusations that tanked him, it is how he has handled it. In true Trump fashion he resorted to his bullying attacks and has been off message since debate 1. He can't control his tongue due to an enormous ego. He can't handle the presidency

Trump is innocent of the accusations until proven otherwise in civil or criminal court, based on objective, documented evidence.

Trump destroyed himself by reacting poorly and inappropriately with regard to the accusations – and he continues to do so, with his ridiculous threats to ‘sue’ the women accusing him in an effort to silence them and prevent others from coming forward.
. I think he was smart to call these women's possible bluff like that.. Hey they keep on hammering Trump thinking he won't defend himself because he is in a presidential race, but anyone understands multi-tasking, and how you can fight on a few fronts while keeping the eye on the prize.
Are some Republicans seeing Hillary as the safest bet, but it's all because they see in this woman a lying weak pandering character who will keep their dam corruption going also ??????? How many dam corrupt politicians are there in Washington ?????? Carl Rove and Chris Wallace make me sick. Is Chris Wallace a closet Demon-crat ????
No Wallace is a conservative that leans right but does his best to be objective. You are a hard line partisan which by definition means you are not objective
BREAKING: Engaging in 'locker room talk' 11 years ago STILL NOT as bad as sexually assaulting, sexually harassing, and raping women then demonizing, bullying, threatening, and silencing the victims!
Bill and Donald are both on the exact same level, don't fool yourself. They are both disgusting pigs when it comes to respecting women

The difference is that one became President as a disgusting pig and the other is having a difficult time because of it.
I don't think Bills past actions or any other presidents for that matter, gives Trump an excuse for what he did. The issue with Trump isnt only his past actions it's his inability to carry himself in an honorable, disciplined, and presidential manner.

Makes for great entertainment but not for a suitable leader
. No president in the past gives Hillary the reason to attack women in order to protect her perverted husband.
Ok, true statement. So worse case scenario if trump and Hillary are guilty of what their attackers accuse them of... we have a first degree offender and an enabler. Both suck. Trump is way worse
. How can you say Trump is a first degree offender with no proof ??
Are some Republicans seeing Hillary as the safest bet, but it's all because they see in this woman a lying weak pandering character who will keep their dam corruption going also ??????? How many dam corrupt politicians are there in Washington ?????? Carl Rove and Chris Wallace make me sick. Is Chris Wallace a closet Demon-crat ????
No Wallace is a conservative that leans right but does his best to be objective. You are a hard line partisan which by definition means you are not objective
. You say I am not objective, but that is because you are the partisan here, and you defending Chris Wallace is amazing if one thinks about that for a second.
Ok your opinion, now what about the attack dog Hillary who chose to destroy her husband's accusers instead of leave his sorry ass in which you just agreed that he is a dog ????? No she wasn't going anywhere, because she is a power hungry obsessive who will do and say anything to keep the Clinton's (hers and Chelsea's name) in power.
Hillary doesn't have clean hands either and is not a candidate that I'm thrilled about, but her defending and standing by her husband isn't even close to the same level of what Bill and Donnie have done. On top of all Trumps words/actions it is the overall discipline and personality that falls way short of acceptable to be our president.
. Her attacking her husband's accusers is A-ok in your way of thinking eh ?
What's wrong with a wife sticking up for her husband?
. Just a wife eh, but not a woman in power who can destroy the victims lives like this woman had the power to do ? Come on, now you know better than that.
Frame it however you like -- she was a wife sticking up for her husband.
. Well then we are poised to elect the TV character Rosanne as our president eh ?? LOL. If think about it she has the same laugh.
With Trumps connections and brand recognition of course he can do more with $20k than the average person. He can afford to leverage all of it without fear of loss... he can support it with more investment if the venture needs it... he can utilize his teams of high paid professionals to consult, market, and sell the product. Bottom line, wealth, connections, and access to capital provide enormous advantages in the business world.

What provides the most advantage is experience, persistence, and the drive for success.

If Trump was only worth 20K, he couldn't afford all those high paid professionals you speak of. Nor would he have access to capital only being worth that kind of money. He would be no different than you or I.
True, but he didn't come from nothing. He inherited his dad's relationships, got a million from his dad to start, then borrowed 13 million more as he tried and failed... im not saying that he is a bad business man. I don't like his lawsuit bullying style but I'm not going to deny his success and accomplishments. I just don't respect the way he achieved it.
I don't think Bills past actions or any other presidents for that matter, gives Trump an excuse for what he did. The issue with Trump isnt only his past actions it's his inability to carry himself in an honorable, disciplined, and presidential manner.

Makes for great entertainment but not for a suitable leader

Trump has been Trump since he first announced he was running. It is the comment he made on the bus that threw him off track. Other than that, he's been able to survive just about anything else he's said or done. So it does boil down to these women.
It's not just the accusations that tanked him, it is how he has handled it. In true Trump fashion he resorted to his bullying attacks and has been off message since debate 1. He can't control his tongue due to an enormous ego. He can't handle the presidency

Trump is innocent of the accusations until proven otherwise in civil or criminal court, based on objective, documented evidence.

Trump destroyed himself by reacting poorly and inappropriately with regard to the accusations – and he continues to do so, with his ridiculous threats to ‘sue’ the women accusing him in an effort to silence them and prevent others from coming forward.
. I think he was smart to call these women's possible bluff like that.. Hey they keep on hammering Trump thinking he won't defend himself because he is in a presidential race, but anyone understands multi-tasking, and how you can fight on a few fronts while keeping the eye on the prize.
He can't keep his eye on the prize for more than a few seconds before his ego makes him chase all the shiney objects his opponent are throwing at him. He literally acts like a 5th grade school yard bully. It's so pathetic it's laughable
Bill and Donald are both on the exact same level, don't fool yourself. They are both disgusting pigs when it comes to respecting women

The difference is that one became President as a disgusting pig and the other is having a difficult time because of it.
I don't think Bills past actions or any other presidents for that matter, gives Trump an excuse for what he did. The issue with Trump isnt only his past actions it's his inability to carry himself in an honorable, disciplined, and presidential manner.

Makes for great entertainment but not for a suitable leader
. No president in the past gives Hillary the reason to attack women in order to protect her perverted husband.
Ok, true statement. So worse case scenario if trump and Hillary are guilty of what their attackers accuse them of... we have a first degree offender and an enabler. Both suck. Trump is way worse
. How can you say Trump is a first degree offender with no proof ??
Re read my post and think real hard.
Are some Republicans seeing Hillary as the safest bet, but it's all because they see in this woman a lying weak pandering character who will keep their dam corruption going also ??????? How many dam corrupt politicians are there in Washington ?????? Carl Rove and Chris Wallace make me sick. Is Chris Wallace a closet Demon-crat ????
No Wallace is a conservative that leans right but does his best to be objective. You are a hard line partisan which by definition means you are not objective
. You say I am not objective, but that is because you are the partisan here, and you defending Chris Wallace is amazing if one thinks about that for a second.
I thought Wallace did a great job at the debate. Asked fair and tough questions to both candidates. Also, the "I know you are but what am I" retort you just tried stopped working in grade school
The difference is that one became President as a disgusting pig and the other is having a difficult time because of it.
I don't think Bills past actions or any other presidents for that matter, gives Trump an excuse for what he did. The issue with Trump isnt only his past actions it's his inability to carry himself in an honorable, disciplined, and presidential manner.

Makes for great entertainment but not for a suitable leader
. No president in the past gives Hillary the reason to attack women in order to protect her perverted husband.
Ok, true statement. So worse case scenario if trump and Hillary are guilty of what their attackers accuse them of... we have a first degree offender and an enabler. Both suck. Trump is way worse
. How can you say Trump is a first degree offender with no proof ??
Re read my post and think real hard.
. Didn't catch that huge big ole word......... IF........ but why speculate like that in order to make your point ?
I don't think Bills past actions or any other presidents for that matter, gives Trump an excuse for what he did. The issue with Trump isnt only his past actions it's his inability to carry himself in an honorable, disciplined, and presidential manner.

Makes for great entertainment but not for a suitable leader
. No president in the past gives Hillary the reason to attack women in order to protect her perverted husband.
Ok, true statement. So worse case scenario if trump and Hillary are guilty of what their attackers accuse them of... we have a first degree offender and an enabler. Both suck. Trump is way worse
. How can you say Trump is a first degree offender with no proof ??
Re read my post and think real hard.
. Didn't catch that huge big ole word......... IF........ but why speculate like that in order to make your point ?
Because the evidence against Clinton and trump is the same... both are accused but not convicted, both claim their accusesers are lying. So instead of argument about situatuions that we know nothing about, I'm going to assume they are both guilty... and an abuser is worst than an enabler... and beyond that Trump is just a pompous dipshit who lacks respect and ediquite. He's done
Are some Republicans seeing Hillary as the safest bet, but it's all because they see in this woman a lying weak pandering character who will keep their dam corruption going also ??????? How many dam corrupt politicians are there in Washington ?????? Carl Rove and Chris Wallace make me sick. Is Chris Wallace a closet Demon-crat ????
No Wallace is a conservative that leans right but does his best to be objective. You are a hard line partisan which by definition means you are not objective
. You say I am not objective, but that is because you are the partisan here, and you defending Chris Wallace is amazing if one thinks about that for a second.
I thought Wallace did a great job at the debate. Asked fair and tough questions to both candidates. Also, the "I know you are but what am I" retort you just tried stopped working in grade school
. You would think he did a great job, because he was for Hillary in his bull crap... Him bringing up the women, when the people had moved on from that, uhh was highly biased and partisan on his part. People wanted to hear both candidates on the issues, and then he went and interjected that bull crap. It was petty and pathetic.. It really showed where Chris Wallace was in the debate, but Trump handled it well... They are on Trump's case about saying he was going to sue his accusers, but then people like Chris Wallace can surprise or bring up such bull crap during a debate between the two candidates were trying to speak on the issues for the people, and were being good ???
. No president in the past gives Hillary the reason to attack women in order to protect her perverted husband.
Ok, true statement. So worse case scenario if trump and Hillary are guilty of what their attackers accuse them of... we have a first degree offender and an enabler. Both suck. Trump is way worse
. How can you say Trump is a first degree offender with no proof ??
Re read my post and think real hard.
. Didn't catch that huge big ole word......... IF........ but why speculate like that in order to make your point ?
Because the evidence against Clinton and trump is the same... both are accused but not convicted, both claim their accusesers are lying. So instead of argument about situatuions that we know nothing about, I'm going to assume they are both guilty... and an abuser is worst than an enabler... and beyond that Trump is just a pompous dipshit who lacks respect and ediquite. He's done
. The enabler is just as bad, and how you can't see that is just amazing really.
Are some Republicans seeing Hillary as the safest bet, but it's all because they see in this woman a lying weak pandering character who will keep their dam corruption going also ??????? How many dam corrupt politicians are there in Washington ?????? Carl Rove and Chris Wallace make me sick. Is Chris Wallace a closet Demon-crat ????
No Wallace is a conservative that leans right but does his best to be objective. You are a hard line partisan which by definition means you are not objective
. You say I am not objective, but that is because you are the partisan here, and you defending Chris Wallace is amazing if one thinks about that for a second.
I thought Wallace did a great job at the debate. Asked fair and tough questions to both candidates. Also, the "I know you are but what am I" retort you just tried stopped working in grade school
. You would think he did a great job, because he was for Hillary in his bull crap... Him bringing up the women, when the people had moved on from that, uhh was highly biased and partisan on his part. People wanted to hear both candidates on the issues, and then he went and interjected that bull crap. It was petty and pathetic.. It really showed where Chris Wallace was in the debate, but Trump handled it well... They are on Trump's case about saying he was going to sue his accusers, but then people like Chris Wallace can surprise or bring up such bull crap during a debate between the two candidates were trying to speak on the issues for the people, and were being good ???
I guess it was bull crap to bring up wiki leaks and the Clinton foundation then, right?? Most Dems would say they have moved on from those issues. Agreed? Be objective now, it's gotta work both ways
Ok, true statement. So worse case scenario if trump and Hillary are guilty of what their attackers accuse them of... we have a first degree offender and an enabler. Both suck. Trump is way worse
. How can you say Trump is a first degree offender with no proof ??
Re read my post and think real hard.
. Didn't catch that huge big ole word......... IF........ but why speculate like that in order to make your point ?
Because the evidence against Clinton and trump is the same... both are accused but not convicted, both claim their accusesers are lying. So instead of argument about situatuions that we know nothing about, I'm going to assume they are both guilty... and an abuser is worst than an enabler... and beyond that Trump is just a pompous dipshit who lacks respect and ediquite. He's done
. The enabler is just as bad, and how you can't see that is just amazing really.
They are both wrong, the abuser is much much worse that the wife who defends her cheating husband. The fact you can't see that shows your blinders
Are some Republicans seeing Hillary as the safest bet, but it's all because they see in this woman a lying weak pandering character who will keep their dam corruption going also ??????? How many dam corrupt politicians are there in Washington ?????? Carl Rove and Chris Wallace make me sick. Is Chris Wallace a closet Demon-crat ????
No Wallace is a conservative that leans right but does his best to be objective. You are a hard line partisan which by definition means you are not objective
. You say I am not objective, but that is because you are the partisan here, and you defending Chris Wallace is amazing if one thinks about that for a second.
I thought Wallace did a great job at the debate. Asked fair and tough questions to both candidates. Also, the "I know you are but what am I" retort you just tried stopped working in grade school
. You would think he did a great job, because he was for Hillary in his bull crap... Him bringing up the women, when the people had moved on from that, uhh was highly biased and partisan on his part. People wanted to hear both candidates on the issues, and then he went and interjected that bull crap. It was petty and pathetic.. It really showed where Chris Wallace was in the debate, but Trump handled it well... They are on Trump's case about saying he was going to sue his accusers, but then people like Chris Wallace can surprise or bring up such bull crap during a debate between the two candidates were trying to speak on the issues for the people, and were being good ???
I guess it was bull crap to bring up wiki leaks and the Clinton foundation then, right?? Most Dems would say they have moved on from those issues. Agreed? Be objective now, it's gotta work both ways
. Do you know the difference between job related and not job related ?
. How can you say Trump is a first degree offender with no proof ??
Re read my post and think real hard.
. Didn't catch that huge big ole word......... IF........ but why speculate like that in order to make your point ?
Because the evidence against Clinton and trump is the same... both are accused but not convicted, both claim their accusesers are lying. So instead of argument about situatuions that we know nothing about, I'm going to assume they are both guilty... and an abuser is worst than an enabler... and beyond that Trump is just a pompous dipshit who lacks respect and ediquite. He's done
. The enabler is just as bad, and how you can't see that is just amazing really.
They are both wrong, the abuser is much much worse that the wife who defends her cheating husband. The fact you can't see that shows your blinders
. You love that word defend don't you ??? Makes it all nice and clean sounding, but why don't you use the more appropriate word here (DESTROY), because that was what Hillary was up to.... Ohhh, and so your a blame the victims kind of person I see. So sad.
No Wallace is a conservative that leans right but does his best to be objective. You are a hard line partisan which by definition means you are not objective
. You say I am not objective, but that is because you are the partisan here, and you defending Chris Wallace is amazing if one thinks about that for a second.
I thought Wallace did a great job at the debate. Asked fair and tough questions to both candidates. Also, the "I know you are but what am I" retort you just tried stopped working in grade school
. You would think he did a great job, because he was for Hillary in his bull crap... Him bringing up the women, when the people had moved on from that, uhh was highly biased and partisan on his part. People wanted to hear both candidates on the issues, and then he went and interjected that bull crap. It was petty and pathetic.. It really showed where Chris Wallace was in the debate, but Trump handled it well... They are on Trump's case about saying he was going to sue his accusers, but then people like Chris Wallace can surprise or bring up such bull crap during a debate between the two candidates were trying to speak on the issues for the people, and were being good ???
I guess it was bull crap to bring up wiki leaks and the Clinton foundation then, right?? Most Dems would say they have moved on from those issues. Agreed? Be objective now, it's gotta work both ways
. Do you know the difference between job related and not job related ?
All is job related when it comes to the presidency... how he handles adversity, how he speaks in the public forum, the level of dignity he carries himself with and the respect he shows others are all very important elements for who we elect. Most of those Trump fails at
Re read my post and think real hard.
. Didn't catch that huge big ole word......... IF........ but why speculate like that in order to make your point ?
Because the evidence against Clinton and trump is the same... both are accused but not convicted, both claim their accusesers are lying. So instead of argument about situatuions that we know nothing about, I'm going to assume they are both guilty... and an abuser is worst than an enabler... and beyond that Trump is just a pompous dipshit who lacks respect and ediquite. He's done
. The enabler is just as bad, and how you can't see that is just amazing really.
They are both wrong, the abuser is much much worse that the wife who defends her cheating husband. The fact you can't see that shows your blinders
. You love that word defend don't you ??? Makes it all nice and clean sounding, but why don't you use the more appropriate word here (DESTROY), because that was what Hillary was up to.... Ohhh, and so your a blame the victims kind of person I see. So sad.
I could use the word destroy but I'm. It a manipulative partisan hack so I'll stick to the facts. And for the record however you characterize what Hillary did you have to do the same for Trump. I guess it's fine for him to DESTROY the women that he assaulted? Do you know what double standard means?

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