Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

So the state department got hacked and wikileaks spread classified info all over during Clintons appointment, while her private emails stayed nice and safe on her dangerous server. You just assume it was hacked to make your argument sound stronger, but there is no evidence and none of these missing emails have been leaked... Interesting.

The only lie i've heard her accused of is saying that she didn't send or receive classified emails. She was either lying or she was mistaken and thought she had only used that server for private business... Seeing that out of tens of thousands of emails only a couple incorrectly marked emails were found, I believe most people are going to chalk that one up to a mistake, not a lie.

As to your bleach bit comment... Look at the frenzy over these WikiLeaks emails. She is running for president and has millions of people trying to dig up whatever kind of dirt they can on her, so now that her emails are up for grabs, I assume the order was send anything work related to the FBI and erase all personal emails.

Was there likely a cover up and other classified emails deleted... I'd say probably. Is there evidence of anything? No.

Do I give her a free pass? No. I think she is shady and secretive and i wish there was a better candidate to vote for... But there just isn't

I know what Wiki does, but this is the first time anybody claimed what they spread around was classified.

Hil-Liar said she turned over all her work related emails. She lied. In fact, Comey said "thousands." She even destroyed government cell phones (over a dozen of them) at times using just a hammer. She said she never sent or received classified emails, she lied.

You bring up the point that thus far, nobody has leaked anything coming from Hil-Liars server. I would rather they did to be honest, because if she does become our President, then whoever might have those documents can use them to blackmail our new President. Some of those enemies could include Iran (who is working tirelessly for nuclear arms) China, Russia, North Korea, just to name a few.

But lets not worry about that. Let's worry that Trump said he grabbed some women over 11 years ago.

Sorry, but Hillary has repeatedly proven herself to be irresponsible, dishonest, unhealthy, and very unfriendly according to people that worked for her. She has said she's for open borders. She has never denied that she will put justices on the Supreme Court that will violate our second amendment thus disarming the public.

I'll vote for the candidate that has no threat havnging over his head that could force him to make precarious decisions on behalf of our country. You can vote for Hillary.
There are plenty of Christians who don't support abortion but also don't think the federal government needs to outlaw it.

But I never said anything about outlawing it. Hillary's positions on abortion are unconscionable, she supports the idea of aborting the child on the 8th month, 29th day, 23rd hour.

That makes me sick to my stomach.

No she doesn't.
They could open investigations, holding hearings, write reports, publicly lambaste her.

They can't because she didn't lie.

It wouldn't do any good because the justice department is just as corrupt as everybody else in this administration.
They could open investigations, holding hearings, write reports, publicly lambaste her.

They can't because she didn't lie.

It wouldn't do any good because the justice department is just as corrupt as everybody else in this administration.
Of course it would do good for the right. It would sway public opinion and it would pressure the DOJ to do something. If nothing else, it would cost her votes. They're not doing shit about it because she didn't lie.
Don't be so fucking stupid. If she had lied to Congress, which is run by Republicans, they'd be stringing her up alive right now.

Don't be so fucken stupid. The only one that can bring charges is the Justice Department.
They could open investigations, holding hearings, write reports, publicly lambaste her.

They can't because she didn't lie.
That's not what Comey said when he testified before Congress.
Don't be so fucking stupid. If she had lied to Congress, which is run by Republicans, they'd be stringing her up alive right now.

Don't be so fucken stupid. The only one that can bring charges is the Justice Department.
They could open investigations, holding hearings, write reports, publicly lambaste her.

They can't because she didn't lie.
That's not what Comey said when he testified before Congress.
When Comey was asked whether Hillary Clinton lied or misled the investigation in any way, his answer was “We have no basis to conclude she lied to the FBI.”

Fact check: FBI Director confirmed under oath that Hillary Clinton never lied about her email
Comey Testifies Clinton Email Claims ‘not True’ At Heated Hill Hearing

1. At that hearing, Clinton had claimed that nothing she sent or received was marked classified. ... “That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed,” Comey said.

1. On her claim that she used one device, Comey also said, “She used multiple devices.”

2. And on her claim that she turned over all work-related emails, he said, “No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”

Despite the Testimony, despite the transcripts, despite the evidence, and despite the TRUTH, liberals keep repeating the same lies that earned Hillary 1 x 'FALSE', 1 x 'PANTS ON FIRE', and 4 x 'PINOCCHIOS' from 3 separate Fact Check sites.
I know what Wiki does, but this is the first time anybody claimed what they spread around was classified.

Hil-Liar said she turned over all her work related emails. She lied. In fact, Comey said "thousands." She even destroyed government cell phones (over a dozen of them) at times using just a hammer. She said she never sent or received classified emails, she lied.

So what?

What does any of that have to do with the price of Tea in China?

Okay, guy, this might be an interesting discussion, if your side hadn't nominated a dangerous Nazi crazy person.

But since you did, I'm just not going to get worked up over how many e-mails weren't retained or turned over... because it isn't that important.
When Comey was asked whether Hillary Clinton lied or misled the investigation in any way, his answer was “We have no basis to conclude she lied to the FBI.”

Fact check: FBI Director confirmed under oath that Hillary Clinton never lied about her email

Thank you for demonstrating how Liberals twist things (a la 'definition of 'Is') to make it APPEAR they did not lie, cheat, steal, or break the law.

Comey specifically said Hillary did not lie TO THE FBI
, but he proved / answered that her responses UNDER OATH to Congress were LIES! Hillary PERJURED herself before Congress...ACCORDING TO COMEY!

According to Comey, Hillary DID lie to Congress, DID send/receive classified, DID use more than 1 device, DID withhold State Department-related documents in violation of the FOIA and The Federal Records Act. His testimony and link I provided prove that.

She had nothing to lose by telling the FBI the truth, as we all know now that the FBI was PAID OFF to NOT recommend Indictment.
Comey Testifies Clinton Email Claims ‘not True’ At Heated Hill Hearing

1. At that hearing, Clinton had claimed that nothing she sent or received was marked classified. ... “That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed,” Comey said.
Although there is much disagreement about his conclusions, Director Comey made it clear during his testimony last week that the FBI did not believe Clinton had the sophistication to understand the classification system.

1. On her claim that she used one device, Comey also said, “She used multiple devices.”
However, Director Comey also testified about Clinton’s lack of technical sophistication in understanding email technology. Thus, it is arguable that Clinton may not have understood that multiple servers were used during her time at the State Department.

2. And on her claim that she turned over all work-related emails, he said, “No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”

Despite the Testimony, despite the transcripts, despite the evidence, and despite the TRUTH, liberals keep repeating the same lies that earned Hillary 1 x 'FALSE', 1 x 'PANTS ON FIRE', and 4 x 'PINOCCHIOS' from 3 separate Fact Check sites.
This statement was not true, as Director Comey explained in his statement on July 5. “The lawyers doing the sorting for Secretary Clinton in 2014 did not individually read the content of all of her e-mails, as we did for those available to us; instead, they relied on header information and used search terms to try to find all work-related e-mails…,” Comey said. At the hearing last week, Comey reaffirmed this finding in response to questioning from Congressman Trey Gowdy, stating that her lawyers did not read every email.

The key issue will be whether Clinton knew the statement was false at the time she made it — or if the statement was made with a reckless disregard for the truth.
Hil-Liar said she turned over all her work related emails. She lied. In
So what?

So what?

It means Hillary broke the law - both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act.
- Comey said he found thousands of documents not turned over. That means she could be charged 1 count of violating FOIA and the FRA for each document - 2 violations per document/email. Thousands of documents = thousands of counts of breaking the law.

It means Hillary committed Perjury before Congress, more crimes that should have resulted in her sharing Scooter Libby's old jail cell with Eric Holder, who was already protected from his Perjury crimes prior to his stepping down.

It means Hillary Clinton is not only a liar but a criminal. Because she is being protected from those crimes does not mean they aren't crimes that were committed. Comey made it clear they were crimes and that she did commit them.
Hil-Liar said she turned over all her work related emails. She lied. In
So what?

So what?

It means Hillary broke the law - both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act.
- Comey said he found thousands of documents not turned over. That means she could be charged 1 count of violating FOIA and the FRA for each document - 2 violations per document/email. Thousands of documents = thousands of counts of breaking the law.

It means Hillary committed Perjury before Congress, more crimes that should have resulted in her sharing Scooter Libby's old jail cell with Eric Holder, who was already protected from his Perjury crimes prior to his stepping down.

It means Hillary Clinton is not only a liar but a criminal. Because she is being protected from those crimes does not mean they aren't crimes that were committed. Comey made it clear they were crimes and that she did commit them.

Since when do you rightards give a shit about perjury??

Y'all sure as hell didn't care when you cheered Bush for commuting Libby's sentence after he was convicted of lying to the FBI.
Comey Testifies Clinton Email Claims ‘not True’ At Heated Hill Hearing

1. At that hearing, Clinton had claimed that nothing she sent or received was marked classified. ... “That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed,” Comey said.
Although there is much disagreement about his conclusions, Director Comey made it clear during his testimony last week that the FBI did not believe Clinton had the sophistication to understand the classification system.

1. On her claim that she used one device, Comey also said, “She used multiple devices.”
However, Director Comey also testified about Clinton’s lack of technical sophistication in understanding email technology. Thus, it is arguable that Clinton may not have understood that multiple servers were used during her time at the State Department.

2. And on her claim that she turned over all work-related emails, he said, “No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”

Despite the Testimony, despite the transcripts, despite the evidence, and despite the TRUTH, liberals keep repeating the same lies that earned Hillary 1 x 'FALSE', 1 x 'PANTS ON FIRE', and 4 x 'PINOCCHIOS' from 3 separate Fact Check sites.
This statement was not true, as Director Comey explained in his statement on July 5. “The lawyers doing the sorting for Secretary Clinton in 2014 did not individually read the content of all of her e-mails, as we did for those available to us; instead, they relied on header information and used search terms to try to find all work-related e-mails…,” Comey said. At the hearing last week, Comey reaffirmed this finding in response to questioning from Congressman Trey Gowdy, stating that her lawyers did not read every email.

The key issue will be whether Clinton knew the statement was false at the time she made it — or if the statement was made with a reckless disregard for the truth.

Why Hillary Clinton Will Not be Charged for Lying to Congress — Even Though She Did
I am not arguing with you that Hillary Clinton is STUPID; however, ignorance is no excuse for the law. She was supposed to have received training. She signed a document saying she understood and accepted the responsibility. Now she / you want to claim her ignorance releases her of that responsibility? :p

And thank you for making the case why she should NOT be President - she's too stupid and technology-challenged.

BTW, are you saying Hillary is too stupid to COUNT? She testified she only used 1 (ONE) device - as Comey pointed out she used MULTIPLE! (That's BULLSHIT you smell - claiming she is ;technology-challenged, doesn't understand, etc!)

Comey made it clear over and over regarding what Hillary stated: 'THAT'S NOT TRUE!'

LIE, DENY, & JUSTIFY...all on display in her defense!
Comey Testifies Clinton Email Claims ‘not True’ At Heated Hill Hearing

1. At that hearing, Clinton had claimed that nothing she sent or received was marked classified. ... “That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed,” Comey said.
Although there is much disagreement about his conclusions, Director Comey made it clear during his testimony last week that the FBI did not believe Clinton had the sophistication to understand the classification system.

1. On her claim that she used one device, Comey also said, “She used multiple devices.”
However, Director Comey also testified about Clinton’s lack of technical sophistication in understanding email technology. Thus, it is arguable that Clinton may not have understood that multiple servers were used during her time at the State Department.

2. And on her claim that she turned over all work-related emails, he said, “No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”

Despite the Testimony, despite the transcripts, despite the evidence, and despite the TRUTH, liberals keep repeating the same lies that earned Hillary 1 x 'FALSE', 1 x 'PANTS ON FIRE', and 4 x 'PINOCCHIOS' from 3 separate Fact Check sites.
This statement was not true, as Director Comey explained in his statement on July 5. “The lawyers doing the sorting for Secretary Clinton in 2014 did not individually read the content of all of her e-mails, as we did for those available to us; instead, they relied on header information and used search terms to try to find all work-related e-mails…,” Comey said. At the hearing last week, Comey reaffirmed this finding in response to questioning from Congressman Trey Gowdy, stating that her lawyers did not read every email.

The key issue will be whether Clinton knew the statement was false at the time she made it — or if the statement was made with a reckless disregard for the truth.

Why Hillary Clinton Will Not be Charged for Lying to Congress — Even Though She Did
I am not arguing with you that Hillary Clinton is STUPID; however, ignorance is no excuse for the law. She was supposed to have received training. She signed a document saying she understood and accepted the responsibility. Now she / you want to claim her ignorance releases her of that responsibility? :p

And thank you for making the case why she should NOT be President - she's too stupid and technology-challenged.

BTW, are you saying Hillary is too stupid to COUNT? She testified she only used 1 (ONE) device - as Comey pointed out she used MULTIPLE! (That's BULLSHIT you smell - claiming she is ;technology-challenged, doesn't understand, etc!)

Comey made it clear over and over regarding what Hillary stated: 'THAT'S NOT TRUE!'

LIE, DENY, & JUSTIFY...all on display in her defense!
It is an excuse when you're trying to convict someone of perjury. To accomplish that, you have to be able to prove they had knowledge they were lying.
Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)
Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005
The tape obtained by the Post includes audio of Bush and Trump’s conversation inside the bus, as well as audio and video once they emerge from it to begin shooting the segment.

In that audio, Trump discusses a failed attempt to seduce a woman, whose full name is not given in the video.

“I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it,” Trump is heard saying. It was unclear when the events he was describing took place. The tape was recorded several months after he married his third wife, Melania.

“Whoa,” another voice said.

“I did try and f--- her. She was married,” Trump says.

Trump continues: “And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, ‘I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.’”

“I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married,” Trump says. “Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.”

At that point in the audio, Trump and Bush appear to notice Arianne Zucker, the actress who is waiting to escort them into the soap opera set.

“Your girl’s hot as s---, in the purple,” says Bush, who’s now a co-host of NBC’s “Today” show.

“Whoa!” Trump says. “Whoa!”

“I’ve gotta use some tic tacs, just in case I start kissing her,” Trump says.“You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful -- I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.”

“And when you’re a star they let you do it,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

“Whatever you want,” says another voice, apparently Bush’s.

“Grab them by the p---y,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

Wow, is all I will say!

boys will be boys

Apparently some boys never grow up.
Since when do you rightards give a shit about perjury??

- Eric Holder was BUSTED for 3 Felony Counts of Perjury before Congress trying to help cover-up Barry's ON-GOING Fast and furious Scandal. Congress played back his own testimony to him to show he lied. Barry kept him from being indicted...when Holder should have been put in the very same jail cell in which HE placed Scooter Libby for Perjury.

- John Koskinen, current head of the IRS, was ALSO busted for Felony Perjury before Congress - same story. Koskinen was protected from indictment AND from being fired.

- Hillary Clinton, as proven through the testimony of FBI Director Comey, Perjured herself before Congress...and was ALSO protected from indictment....

....proving Barak Hussein Obama has run the most lawless Presidency in US history!
It is an excuse when you're trying to convict someone of perjury. To accomplish that, you have to be able to prove they had knowledge they were lying.
Hillary testified before Congress that she was only using 1 device.... AGAIN, are you saying Hillary was / is so stupid she can't count?

Again, thank you for providing the argument as to why Hillary should be disqualified to run for President - too stupid to count above '1'. :p
It is an excuse when you're trying to convict someone of perjury. To accomplish that, you have to be able to prove they had knowledge they were lying.
Hillary testified before Congress that she was only using 1 device.... AGAIN, are you saying Hillary was / is so stupid she can't count?

Again, thank you for providing the argument as to why Hillary should be disqualified to run for President - too stupid to count above '1'. :p
Read it again ... this time, try absorbing Comey's testimony....

However, Director Comey also testified about Clinton’s lack of technical sophistication in understanding email technology. Thus, it is arguable that Clinton may not have understood that multiple servers were used during her time at the State Department.

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