Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

So what?

What does any of that have to do with the price of Tea in China?

Okay, guy, this might be an interesting discussion, if your side hadn't nominated a dangerous Nazi crazy person.

But since you did, I'm just not going to get worked up over how many e-mails weren't retained or turned over... because it isn't that important.

Dealing with the nations most sensitive information is of the utmost importance when taking a job like the presidency. If she didn't have the smarts to dot he job of SOS, she certainly isn't qualified to handle the job of President.
When Comey was asked whether Hillary Clinton lied or misled the investigation in any way, his answer was “We have no basis to conclude she lied to the FBI.”

Fact check: FBI Director confirmed under oath that Hillary Clinton never lied about her email

That's exactly what he said. It only goes to prove they didn't ask her (or said they didn't ask her) any of the same questions Congress did. Don't you think that's a bit strange???? I would think those would be the very first questions one would ask. It's not a wonder why the FBI is in such disarray now. Agents and former agents are extremely upset with Comey and his decision to not do his job.
Of course it would do good for the right. It would sway public opinion and it would pressure the DOJ to do something. If nothing else, it would cost her votes. They're not doing shit about it because she didn't lie.

No, they're not doing anything about it because nothing can be done. It's "the buck stops here" situation. Add to that the media hype of Republicans on another witch hunt, it would only hurt them more than help.
Ummm ... Libby did NOT go to jail.

You claim you meant what you said -- and then proceed to prove me right as you make excuses for Libby.

He was sentenced to jail. He was also pardoned.
He was not pardoned. You don't know what you're talking about. Regardless, he was convicted and Bush saved him from going to jail. Many om the right cheered Bush for that, proving that perjury means nothing to them.
Mis-direction, manipulation of the American people - political sleight of hand in changing the focus to protect the crooked / it. Agree

Not all. If Reagan didn't go to jail for selling weapons to Iran and diverting the profits to drug-dealing contras that flooded our streets with cocaine, then Hillary shouldn't go to jail for using the wrong e-mail.

You wingnuts have a selective view of what constitutes a crime.
Mis-direction, manipulation of the American people - political sleight of hand in changing the focus to protect the crooked / it. Agree

Not all. If Reagan didn't go to jail for selling weapons to Iran and diverting the profits to drug-dealing contras that flooded our streets with cocaine, then Hillary shouldn't go to jail for using the wrong e-mail.

You wingnuts have a selective view of what constitutes a crime.

You proved Reagan did something ?

Predatory sexual assault, sexual harassment, rape, AND bullying, demonizing, attacking, and slandering criminal sexual misconduct victims STILL worse than 'locker room talk' over a decade ago. :p
You proved Reagan did something ?

there's no debate Reagan did something. The thing was that even though he broke the law, he was given a pass because his intentions were good. (He was, after all, trying to save American lives.)


Predatory sexual assault, sexual harassment, rape, AND bullying, demonizing, attacking, and slandering criminal sexual misconduct victims STILL worse than 'locker room talk' over a decade ago.

Yeah. Um, Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars trying to prove all of that and couldn't.

He couldn't even get a Grand Jury of White people in VA to indict, after a Grand Jury of black folks in DC got sick of his shit.
That is a nice POTUS candidate you have there a shame if We the People were to be informed about him
'Not Wanted': Black Applicants Rejected for Trump Housing Speak Out
Source: NBC News

It wasn't just a gut feeling. After Fortt was turned away from the Queens apartment building twice, the New York City Human Rights Commission sent a white person to the property to apply for an apartment — and the tester was offered the apartment, according to court papers.

The commission took on Fortt's case, and she says a young Donald Trump appeared with a lawyer at a hearing on behalf of the family real estate company, Trump Management.

Her case also became part of a federal racial discrimination lawsuit filed by the Justice Department against Donald and Fred Trump that was resolved with a consent decree two years later in which they agreed to terms aimed at preventing discrimination.

That lawsuit is the basis of a new video from Hillary Clinton's campaign, released Tuesday. The video, which features a tearful interview with a retired nurse who says she was denied an apartment, notes that while the racial discrimination allegations began when Fred Trump was running the company, they persisted after his son became president of the firm.

Read more: 'Not Wanted': Black applicants turned down for Trump housing speak out

Yeah. Um, Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars trying to prove all of that and couldn't.

He couldn't even get a Grand Jury of White people in VA to indict, after a Grand Jury of black folks in DC got sick of his shit.

....I wonder if THE ENABLER will get a chance to join him on that extremely short list of Presidents who have been...


....I wonder if THE ENABLER will get a chance to join him on that extremely short list of Presidents who have been...

unfortunately, I wouldn't be surprised if the dying GOP would try such a stupid stunt...

But probably impeachment has lost any credibility as a process thanks to what you guys did with it in 1999.
Damn, over two thousand posts about something tacky Trump maybe said. Not a word about how the clinton crime duo rapped Haiti. Maybe it was the crime trio, because the beast's brother hugh got in on the get rich on the haiti tragedy also. How could any honest and decent person vote for clinton?

u tube clinton cash - Google Search
You proved Reagan did something ?

there's no debate Reagan did something. The thing was that even though he broke the law, he was given a pass because his intentions were good. (He was, after all, trying to save American lives.)


Predatory sexual assault, sexual harassment, rape, AND bullying, demonizing, attacking, and slandering criminal sexual misconduct victims STILL worse than 'locker room talk' over a decade ago.

Yeah. Um, Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars trying to prove all of that and couldn't.

He couldn't even get a Grand Jury of White people in VA to indict, after a Grand Jury of black folks in DC got sick of his shit.

Really, did they ever charge him.
Damn, over two thousand posts about something tacky Trump maybe said. Not a word about how the clinton crime duo rapped Haiti. Maybe it was the crime trio, because the beast's brother hugh got in on the get rich on the haiti tragedy also. How could any honest and decent person vote for clinton?

u tube clinton cash - Google Search
Not something tacky he might have said... something criminal he did say and might have acted on, which later brought real accusations that he did assault women from a dozen accusers. Your pivot to the Clinton foundation is in a different thread. It's been covered and discussed... this one apparently has more legs
Damn, over two thousand posts about something tacky Trump maybe said. Not a word about how the clinton crime duo rapped Haiti. Maybe it was the crime trio, because the beast's brother hugh got in on the get rich on the haiti tragedy also. How could any honest and decent person vote for clinton?

u tube clinton cash - Google Search
Not something tacky he might have said... something criminal he did say and might have acted on, which later brought real accusations that he did assault women from a dozen accusers. Your pivot to the Clinton foundation is in a different thread. It's been covered and discussed... this one apparently has more legs

I pivoted to another subject of what low lifes clintons are. I would say criminal, but it seems they're above the law.
Let's not hear any more crying about Bill Clinton, who btw, newsflash! is not running for president.

bill clinton will be first lady though. Maybe. huma abedin and him might have to fight over that billet.
Damn, over two thousand posts about something tacky Trump maybe said. Not a word about how the clinton crime duo rapped Haiti. Maybe it was the crime trio, because the beast's brother hugh got in on the get rich on the haiti tragedy also. How could any honest and decent person vote for clinton?

u tube clinton cash - Google Search
Not something tacky he might have said... something criminal he did say and might have acted on, which later brought real accusations that he did assault women from a dozen accusers. Your pivot to the Clinton foundation is in a different thread. It's been covered and discussed... this one apparently has more legs

I pivoted to another subject of what low lifes clintons are. I would say criminal, but it seems they're above the law.
Let's not hear any more crying about Bill Clinton, who btw, newsflash! is not running for president.

bill clinton will be first lady though. Maybe. huma abedin and him might have to fight over that billet.
Bill and trump are scum when it comes to women... I'd rather have acum as First Lady than as prez. Attack Hillary all you want about her comments about Bills accusers but fact is she has done a ton for women throughout her political career and is running on many women friendly policy issues. That's why it is a losing argument when you retort with the Clinton pivot
Damn, over two thousand posts about something tacky Trump maybe said. Not a word about how the clinton crime duo rapped Haiti. Maybe it was the crime trio, because the beast's brother hugh got in on the get rich on the haiti tragedy also. How could any honest and decent person vote for clinton?

u tube clinton cash - Google Search
Not something tacky he might have said... something criminal he did say and might have acted on, which later brought real accusations that he did assault women from a dozen accusers. Your pivot to the Clinton foundation is in a different thread. It's been covered and discussed... this one apparently has more legs

I pivoted to another subject of what low lifes clintons are. I would say criminal, but it seems they're above the law.
Let's not hear any more crying about Bill Clinton, who btw, newsflash! is not running for president.

bill clinton will be first lady though. Maybe. huma abedin and him might have to fight over that billet.
Bill and trump are scum when it comes to women... I'd rather have acum as First Lady than as prez. Attack Hillary all you want about her comments about Bills accusers but fact is she has done a ton for women throughout her political career and is running on many women friendly policy issues. That's why it is a losing argument when you retort with the Clinton pivot
Apparently, it's ok for Trump to attack accusers; but not for Hillary.

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