Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

Since when do you rightards give a shit about perjury??
You mean always as long as the perjurer is not a Republican. :badgrin:
No, I said what I meant. Once again Liberals have to create FALSE NARRATIVES so they can have something to argue against.

Funny how you side-stepped the 3 BLATANT cases where Obama protected his Cabinet members / appointees and the ENABLER.

Libby was the scape-goat for a long, lengthy witch hunt of Bush, which resulted in NOTHING except Libby going to jail for perjury...for not remembering exact dates and events...of things that had nothing to do with Bush. Libs were pressured for results of their investigations, though - Libby was it. Compared to Holder, Koskinen, and Hillary, he was 4th in that line of Perjurers. Still, he DID lie under oath and paid the price. Liberals have no idea what that means because 'accountability' is not in their dictionary.
Read it again ... this time, try absorbing Comey's testimony....

However, Director Comey also testified about Clinton’s lack of technical sophistication in understanding email technology. Thus, it is arguable that Clinton may not have understood that multiple servers were used during her time at the State Department.

Read THIS again...slowly...comprehend it this time....

Hillary's STUPIDITY does not eliminate HER responsibility to obey the law. She signed documents stating she understood and would comply. She didn't.

AGAIN, are you suggesting 'Clinton’s lack of technical sophistication in understanding email technology' means she is TOO STUPID TO COUNT HIGHER THAN 1 (ONE)? She testified she only used 1 device...and Comey clearly stated this was a lie, that she used 'MULTIPLE'. Her own staff testified how they destroyed cell phoneS / ComputerS with hammers.


...but thanks again for making the case why she should not be President:

'Clinton’s lack of technical sophistication in understanding email technology'
Technology-challenged President who can't even understand how to operate 2 e-mails on 1 phone, yet Liberals want to put her in charge of drone technology / assassination programs, NSA surveillance, and / or the nuclear arsenal of the US.

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Since when do you rightards give a shit about perjury??
You mean always as long as the perjurer is not a Republican. :badgrin:
No, I said what I meant. Once again Liberals have to create FALSE NARRATIVES so they can have something to argue against.

Funny how you side-stepped the 3 BLATANT cases where Obama protected his Cabinet members / appointees and the ENABLER.

Libby was the scape-goat for a long, lengthy witch hunt of Bush, which resulted in NOTHING except Libby going to jail for perjury...for not remembering exact dates and events...of things that had nothing to do with Bush. Libs were pressured for results of their investigations, though - Libby was it. Compared to Holder, Koskinen, and Hillary, he was 4th in that line of Perjurers. Still, he DID lie under oath and paid the price. Liberals have no idea what that means because 'accountability' is not in their dictionary.
Ummm ... Libby did NOT go to jail.

You claim you meant what you said -- and then proceed to prove me right as you make excuses for Libby.
Read it again ... this time, try absorbing Comey's testimony....

However, Director Comey also testified about Clinton’s lack of technical sophistication in understanding email technology. Thus, it is arguable that Clinton may not have understood that multiple servers were used during her time at the State Department.

Read THIS again...slowly...comprehend it this time....

Hillary's STUPIDITY does not eliminate HER responsibility to obey the law. She signed documents stating she understood and would comply. She didn't.

AGAIN, are you suggesting 'Clinton’s lack of technical sophistication in understanding email technology' means she is TOO STUPID TO COUNT HIGHER THAN 1 (ONE)? She testified she only used 1 device...and Comey clearly stated this was a lie, that she used 'MULTIPLE'. Her own staff testified how they destroyed cell phoneS / ComputerS with hammers.


...but thanks again for making the case why she should not be President:

'Clinton’s lack of technical sophistication in understanding email technology'
Technology-challenged President who can't even understand how to operate 2 e-mails on 1 phone, yet Liberals want to put her in charge of drone technology / assassination programs, NSA surveillance, and / or the nuclear arsenal of the US.

Dayam, you're so stupid, you can't comprehend what Comey said .... I'll translate it for ya ... to prove Hillary lied about having only one server, it would have to be proven she knew there was more than one server. That's the bar you can't lift.
You claim you meant what you said -- and then proceed to prove me right as you make excuses for Libby.
I didn't make excuses for Libby. Re-read where I say 'He did break the law'.


"...the presiding trial judge, Reggie B. Walton, sentenced Libby to 30 months in federal prison, a fine of $250,000, and two years of supervised release, including 400 hours of community service, and then ordered Libby to begin his sentence immediately. On July 2, 2007, when Libby's appeal of Walton's order failed, President Bush commuted Libby's 30-month prison sentence, leaving the other parts of his sentence intact."

Eric holder, Obama's Attorney General was caught red-handed 'obstructing justice' and committing multiple Felony Counts of Perjury - just like Libby was - saw to it that Scooter Libby was indicted and whose case went to trial.

Bush allowed Justice to run it's course in Libby's case, something that Barry refused to do. Barry, instead, stepped in and refused to allow his Attorney General to be indicted. Barry refused to allow Hillary to be indicted for her crimes. Barry also refused to allow Julian Castro and hartry Reid to be indicted for their crimes, saying the reason he did so was because 'they are sorry'. Obama helped negotiate the Non-indictment and firing of his Head of the IRS, John Koskinen for his crimes of Obstruction of justice and Perjury.

Part of the reason why, in my opinion, is his own 'Legacy': Libby, former advisor to the VP, is the highest-ranking White House official convicted in a government scandal. Eric Holder was Obama's Attorney General. Hillary Clinton was his Secretary of State. Julian Castro was / is Barry's Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Harry Reid - Senate Majority Leader & Democrat. Not only would the indictment of Holder and Hillary set a new record for the highest ranking WH officials convicted but to have SO MANY Obama cabinet members / appointees indicted would cement him as having the most lawless administration evuh.
Dayam, you're so stupid, you can't comprehend what Comey said .... I'll translate it for ya ... to prove Hillary lied about having only one server, it would have to be proven she knew there was more than one server. That's the bar you can't lift.
The only way Comey does NOT say Hillary Perjured herself and did NOT break the law is when Libs like you try to TRANSLATE what he said. :p

"At that hearing, Clinton had claimed that nothing she sent or received was marked classified. "
- That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed,” Comey said.

WHO THE HELL needs translation, other than a Liberal trying to argue Hillary did not Perjure herself before Congress / did nothing wrong.

"On her claim that she used one device, Comey also said, “She used multiple devices.”

Again, who the hell needs what Comey said translated, unless you're an illegal, a 'refugee', or a desperate Liberal trying to argue Crooked Hillary did not Perjure herself?!

"And on her claim that she turned over all work-related emails, he said, “No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”

Thanks for the offer of your own personal Liberal translation of what Comey said under oath before congress, but I think I will stick with EXACTLY what Comey said. If you find what he said hard to comprehend then I suggest you find a 10yo read it and explain it to you.
You claim you meant what you said -- and then proceed to prove me right as you make excuses for Libby.
I didn't make excuses for Libby. Re-read where I say 'He did break the law'.


"...the presiding trial judge, Reggie B. Walton, sentenced Libby to 30 months in federal prison, a fine of $250,000, and two years of supervised release, including 400 hours of community service, and then ordered Libby to begin his sentence immediately. On July 2, 2007, when Libby's appeal of Walton's order failed, President Bush commuted Libby's 30-month prison sentence, leaving the other parts of his sentence intact."

Eric holder, Obama's Attorney General was caught red-handed 'obstructing justice' and committing multiple Felony Counts of Perjury - just like Libby was - saw to it that Scooter Libby was indicted and whose case went to trial.

Bush allowed Justice to run it's course in Libby's case, something that Barry refused to do. Barry, instead, stepped in and refused to allow his Attorney General to be indicted. Barry refused to allow Hillary to be indicted for her crimes. Barry also refused to allow Julian Castro and hartry Reid to be indicted for their crimes, saying the reason he did so was because 'they are sorry'. Obama helped negotiate the Non-indictment and firing of his Head of the IRS, John Koskinen for his crimes of Obstruction of justice and Perjury.

Part of the reason why, in my opinion, is his own 'Legacy': Libby, former advisor to the VP, is the highest-ranking White House official convicted in a government scandal. Eric Holder was Obama's Attorney General. Hillary Clinton was his Secretary of State. Julian Castro was / is Barry's Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Harry Reid - Senate Majority Leader & Democrat. Not only would the indictment of Holder and Hillary set a new record for the highest ranking WH officials convicted but to have SO MANY Obama cabinet members / appointees indicted would cement him as having the most lawless administration evuh.
He broke the law and didn't go to jail. The right cheered Bush for that.

So don't waste any more of my time pretending like you righties give a shit about perjury.
Dayam, you're so stupid, you can't comprehend what Comey said .... I'll translate it for ya ... to prove Hillary lied about having only one server, it would have to be proven she knew there was more than one server. That's the bar you can't lift.
The only way Comey does NOT say Hillary Perjured herself and did NOT break the law is when Libs like you try to TRANSLATE what he said. :p

"At that hearing, Clinton had claimed that nothing she sent or received was marked classified. "
- That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed,” Comey said.

WHO THE HELL needs translation, other than a Liberal trying to argue Hillary did not Perjure herself before Congress / did nothing wrong.

"On her claim that she used one device, Comey also said, “She used multiple devices.”

Again, who the hell needs what Comey said translated, unless you're an illegal, a 'refugee', or a desperate Liberal trying to argue Crooked Hillary did not Perjure herself?!

"And on her claim that she turned over all work-related emails, he said, “No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”

Thanks for the offer of your own personal Liberal translation of what Comey said under oath before congress, but I think I will stick with EXACTLY what Comey said. If you find what he said hard to comprehend then I suggest you find a 10yo read it and explain it to you.
I already responded to this in post #2151. And I quote Comey, not my own "personal Liberal translation."
I already responded to this in post #2151. And I quote Comey, not my own "personal Liberal translation."
At that hearing, Clinton had claimed that nothing she sent or received was marked classified. "
- That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed,” Comey said.

"On her claim that she used one device, Comey also said, “She used multiple devices.”

"And on her claim that she turned over all work-related emails, he said, No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”

They aren't even really trying now-
Donna BrazileVerified account
2 weeks out from Election Day, Pence will be in normally solidly red Utah & Trump will be in solid blue DC at the opening of his new hotel.
Libby was the scape-goat for a long, lengthy witch hunt of Bush, which resulted in NOTHING except Libby going to jail for perjury...for not remembering exact dates and events...of things that had nothing to do with Bush. Libs were pressured for results of their investigations, though - Libby was it.

Libby never went to jail. And while I agree his case was a sham and a travesty, the guy who carried it out, Patrick Fitzgerald was a Republican appointee.

In fact, the whole Plame affair was one Republican Circle Jerk.
And while I agree his case was a sham and a travesty...
Then we agree on something.

But you miss the point of why it was a travesty.

I think this E-mail Investigation and Monica-Gate are travesties for the same reason why I htink that Iran Contra and Plame-gate were travesties. It's trying to find a technical violation of the law to undo what you lost at the ballot box.

So an investigation into weapons for hostages turned into one about whether Cap Weinberger kept a diary or not.

An investigation into a failed land deal turned into an investigation about whether or not Bill Clinton thinks a blow job is sex. (13% of men don't.)

An investigation into who leaked the name of Valerie Plame turned into whether or not Scooter Libby remembered a conversation the same way as Tim Russert.

An investigation into Benghazi turned into whether or not MRs. Clinton used the right kind of email server..

This is silly.
No matter how much the Libs declare it to be so, the WHITE BILL COSBY was NOT Impeached over Lewinski.

Bill Clinton is the 1st sitting President to be dragged into court, and the case involved his Sexual Harassment of a US citizen. During that case he was found by a judge to be engaged in acts of deceit and unethical behavior designed to strip that US citizen of her right to a fair trail and was found in Contempt of Court. For this he was stripped of his license to practice law.

His intentional deceit in trying to win this case was a violation of ethical behavior the legal code of ethics and, again, was an attempt to strip an American of their rights, which he swore an oath to protect and uphold...yet violated. This violation was far more important / pertinent / consequential that an adulterous affair in the WH. Many people did not want to acknowledge Bill did this, that it happened.

Hillary wasn't the only one who attacked Bill's victim. One liberal described her as what one would get oif they dragged a dollar bill through a trailer park - the comment was digusting and an assault on women and sexual assault victims.
And while I agree his case was a sham and a travesty...
Then we agree on something.

But you miss the point of why it was a travesty.

I think this E-mail Investigation and Monica-Gate are travesties for the same reason why I htink that Iran Contra and Plame-gate were travesties. It's trying to find a technical violation of the law to undo what you lost at the ballot box.

So an investigation into weapons for hostages turned into one about whether Cap Weinberger kept a diary or not.

An investigation into a failed land deal turned into an investigation about whether or not Bill Clinton thinks a blow job is sex. (13% of men don't.)

An investigation into who leaked the name of Valerie Plame turned into whether or not Scooter Libby remembered a conversation the same way as Tim Russert.

An investigation into Benghazi turned into whether or not MRs. Clinton used the right kind of email server..

This is silly.
Mis-direction, manipulation of the American people - political sleight of hand in changing the focus to protect the crooked / it. Agree
I already responded to this in post #2151. And I quote Comey, not my own "personal Liberal translation."
At that hearing, Clinton had claimed that nothing she sent or received was marked classified. "
- That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed,” Comey said.

Again... answered im post #2151.

Weren't you paying attention?
No matter how much the Libs declare it to be so, the WHITE BILL COSBY was NOT Impeached over Lewinski.

Bill Clinton is the 1st sitting President to be dragged into court, and the case involved his Sexual Harassment of a US citizen. During that case he was found by a judge to be engaged in acts of deceit and unethical behavior designed to strip that US citizen of her right to a fair trail and was found in Contempt of Court. For this he was stripped of his license to practice law.

His intentional deceit in trying to win this case was a violation of ethical behavior the legal code of ethics and, again, was an attempt to strip an American of their rights, which he swore an oath to protect and uphold...yet violated. This violation was far more important / pertinent / consequential that an adulterous affair in the WH. Many people did not want to acknowledge Bill did this, that it happened.

Hillary wasn't the only one who attacked Bill's victim. One liberal described her as what one would get oif they dragged a dollar bill through a trailer park - the comment was digusting and an assault on women and sexual assault victims.
Actually what your post reveals is just how desperate the right is. This thread is about Donald Trump and here you are, desperately trying to derail it towards Bill Clinton. The guy's not even running for president. Meanwhile Trump's hopes towards the White House are going down the drain because his past is coming back to haunt him.

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