Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

Yeah, bragging about Sexual Assault is nothing. Again, a Trump supporter demonstrates how little you understand the electorate. To call Ms. Clinton a "traitor" is over the top stupidity.

Right. She and her old man became multi-millionairs because they speak so well. That begs the question: if Hillary is so great at speaking where she made all that money, why is it nobody attends her rallies when she's speaking for free?
You obviously don't understand the speaking circuit... they all do it. Our local water company hired Leon Panetta to give a talk for their company event last summer. His hourly rate was $50k
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Yeah, bragging about Sexual Assault is nothing. Again, a Trump supporter demonstrates how little you understand the electorate. To call Ms. Clinton a "traitor" is over the top stupidity.

Right. She and her old man became multi-millionairs because they speak so well. That begs the question: if Hillary is so great at speaking where she made all that money, why is it nobody attends her rallies when she's speaking for free?
You obviously don't understand the speaking circuit... they all do it. Our local water company hired Leon Panetta to give a talk at a company event last summer. His hourly rate was $50k

Giuliani makes almost as much as does Powell, Kissenger, etc...
Yeah, bragging about Sexual Assault is nothing. Again, a Trump supporter demonstrates how little you understand the electorate. To call Ms. Clinton a "traitor" is over the top stupidity.

Right. She and her old man became multi-millionairs because they speak so well. That begs the question: if Hillary is so great at speaking where she made all that money, why is it nobody attends her rallies when she's speaking for free?
You obviously don't understand the speaking circuit... they all do it. Our local water company hired Leon Panetta to give a talk at a company event last summer. His hourly rate was $50k

Giuliani makes almost as much as does Powell, Kissenger, etc...
Here's an article from 2012, look who tops the list
10 Highest-Paid Public Speakers In the World
Agreed, Trumps sex life is about is irrelevant as Hillary's emails. Let's all move on to more serious stuff!

Exactly. Who cares if we put trust in a person to handle and protect our national secrets and she betrayed us? It's just as non-important as Trumps sex life.

Thank you God for not making me a liberal.
Dude, she wanted to use her old address [email protected] as her email address for the state department and she set up a private server to protect her communications. Not the best judgement call but also not as big of a deal as yall are making it out to be. Months of FBI investigation led to nothing. I'll give you one thing. You've been yelling criminal over this BS for so long it has sunk in and become the narrative. I know you are proud of yourselves for this but it really is disgraceful how this rhetoric degrades our political system. Class and respect is out the window
Why was this thread necromancied?


Oh, it must be more deflection regarding the fact that Hillary is under FBI investigation.

But Trump did say the word "pussy"...
Dude, she wanted to use her old address [email protected] as her email address for the state department and she set up a private server to protect her communications. Not the best judgement call but also not as big of a deal as yall are making it out to be. Months of FBI investigation led to nothing. I'll give you one thing. You've been yelling criminal over this BS for so long it has sunk in and become the narrative. I know you are proud of yourselves for this but it really is disgraceful how this rhetoric degrades our political system. Class and respect is out the window

There is only one reason to have your own server, and that is to destroy evidence in the event you're called on it which she did. Nobody has their server bleach bitted to destroy wedding invitations and yoga class lessons without a trace. The safest place to protect your communications is the government servers and encryption which her server didn't even come close to having.

The FBI investigation revealed that she lied several times to Congress under oath. She did transfer classified and sensitive information on that unsecured server. She did not return all information on that server (which is government property) when she left. If you call that nothing, then there is nothing she could do that you would consider a risk to this country. Yes, she is a criminal, and criminals belong in prison.
Dude, she wanted to use her old address [email protected] as her email address for the state department and she set up a private server to protect her communications. Not the best judgement call but also not as big of a deal as yall are making it out to be. Months of FBI investigation led to nothing. I'll give you one thing. You've been yelling criminal over this BS for so long it has sunk in and become the narrative. I know you are proud of yourselves for this but it really is disgraceful how this rhetoric degrades our political system. Class and respect is out the window

There is only one reason to have your own server, and that is to destroy evidence in the event you're called on it which she did. Nobody has their server bleach bitted to destroy wedding invitations and yoga class lessons without a trace. The safest place to protect your communications is the government servers and encryption which her server didn't even come close to having.

The FBI investigation revealed that she lied several times to Congress under oath. She did transfer classified and sensitive information on that unsecured server. She did not return all information on that server (which is government property) when she left. If you call that nothing, then there is nothing she could do that you would consider a risk to this country. Yes, she is a criminal, and criminals belong in prison.
You're full of shit... the FBI investigation directly contrardicts your claims and your only retort is that the FBI is in the bag for Clinton or there is a conspiracy being executed by the administration to control their investigation. What a joke
You're full of shit... the FBI investigation directly contrardicts your claims and your only retort is that the FBI is in the bag for Clinton or there is a conspiracy being executed by the administration to control their investigation. What a joke

So where is the contradiction and where is the BS at?
Here's an article from 2012, look who tops the list
10 Highest-Paid Public Speakers In the World

As I pointed out earlier, those fees were paid for people just leaving the spotlight--not paid 15 years after they were out of sight from the public.

Apples and oranges.
Bullshit... Clinton is on that list in 2012 and has never left the spotlight. He was the fucking president... that is always going to hold a spotlight
You're full of shit... the FBI investigation directly contrardicts your claims and your only retort is that the FBI is in the bag for Clinton or there is a conspiracy being executed by the administration to control their investigation. What a joke

So where is the contradiction and where is the BS at?
The BS and contradiction is in your incessant claims that Clinton is a criminal. It is overbloated rhetoric
Bullshit... Clinton is on that list in 2012 and has never left the spotlight. He was the fucking president... that is always going to hold a spotlight

It will? Good enough for a challenge. Find me any other President that's been out of office that long and got paid that kind of money repeatedly; even somebody close.
Bullshit... Clinton is on that list in 2012 and has never left the spotlight. He was the fucking president... that is always going to hold a spotlight

It will? Good enough for a challenge. Find me any other President that's been out of office that long and got paid that kind of money repeatedly; even somebody close.

Add the fact that Clinton has been more proactive with speaking engagements and the fact his wife is carving her own notch in history, that increases his value and relevancy

Add the fact that Clinton has been more proactive with speaking engagements and the fact his wife is carving her own notch in history, that increases his value and relevancy

Easy? Then why could't you do it?

I asked for you to show me a President that's been out of office as long as Billy Boy that makes the kind of money Clinton did. You gave me the last President that made about a third to a half less than Bill Clinton.

Add the fact that Clinton has been more proactive with speaking engagements and the fact his wife is carving her own notch in history, that increases his value and relevancy

Easy? Then why could't you do it?

I asked for you to show me a President that's been out of office as long as Billy Boy that makes the kind of money Clinton did. You gave me the last President that made about a third to a half less than Bill Clinton.
I showed you exactly what I needed to to prove my point, and I explained why Clinton has made more than bush and the other presidents. I don't expect you to concede the argument, as you never have in the past, but the evidence is there.
I showed you exactly what I needed to to prove my point, and I explained why Clinton has made more than bush and the other presidents. I don't expect you to concede the argument, as you never have in the past, but the evidence is there.

You explained nothing of the sort. You gave me a link proving my point. I asked that you show me evidence of any President out of office as long as Bill that made similar money, and you couldn't. Instead, you give me a link to a site showing Bush (a later President) making much less.

This has been my point all along. No President has made as much money repeatedly as Bill while his wife was SOS and now running for President herself. And if Hillary isn't forced out of the race or otherwise loses, they will be lucky to get 25K a speech because their influence can no longer be bought.
I showed you exactly what I needed to to prove my point, and I explained why Clinton has made more than bush and the other presidents. I don't expect you to concede the argument, as you never have in the past, but the evidence is there.

You explained nothing of the sort. You gave me a link proving my point. I asked that you show me evidence of any President out of office as long as Bill that made similar money, and you couldn't. Instead, you give me a link to a site showing Bush (a later President) making much less.

This has been my point all along. No President has made as much money repeatedly as Bill while his wife was SOS and now running for President herself. And if Hillary isn't forced out of the race or otherwise loses, they will be lucky to get 25K a speech because their influence can no longer be bought.
Haha, 25k? Penetta makes $50k an hour. You don't like Bush 2? So basically you are asking if Bush senor or Regan made as much as Clinton for speeches? What about Regans $2 million for 2 speeches that he gave in Japan after his presidency? Does that qualify as compatible or are you gonna come up with another excuse?

10 Highest-Paid Public Speakers In the World

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