Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

Haha, 25k? Penetta makes $50k an hour. You don't like Bush 2? So basically you are asking if Bush senor or Regan made as much as Clinton for speeches? What about Regans $2 million for 2 speeches that he gave in Japan after his presidency? Does that qualify as compatible or are you gonna come up with another excuse?

Being a public school victim is a real shame. I reiterated several times, and you still can't figure it out. Plain English language too. Instead of me wasting my time again, I suggest you go back and reread what I asked for SEVERAL times before responding. That way you won't look so lost.
Haha, 25k? Penetta makes $50k an hour. You don't like Bush 2? So basically you are asking if Bush senor or Regan made as much as Clinton for speeches? What about Regans $2 million for 2 speeches that he gave in Japan after his presidency? Does that qualify as compatible or are you gonna come up with another excuse?

Being a public school victim is a real shame. I reiterated several times, and you still can't figure it out. Plain English language too. Instead of me wasting my time again, I suggest you go back and reread what I asked for SEVERAL times before responding. That way you won't look so lost.
My bad, you wanted me to find an ex president who is as old or older than Clinton, that's been out of office as long or longer than Clinton, who makes more money. You should put more criteria in there... how about he needs to be born in Arkansas and have a politician as a wife.

You asked a loaded question and fail to get the point. Ex presidents and politicians in general make a shit ton of money off speeches and book deals. Regan made 2 mill off two speeches, bush made millions, Clinton has made a ton. I said in my original post why Clinton has made the most of all presidents. He has been more proactive in his fund raising and has stayed more relevant in the spotlight because his wife has been actively advancing her political career and is now close to becoming the first female prez of the USA.

There is no big corrupt conspiracy... it is what it is

11 years ago Trump talked lewedly about women - well Holy Shit! Why didn't you say so?!


The OP, and millions of snowflakes trying to condemn Trump for this accusation of lewd talk 11 years ago are the SAME EXACT hypocritical, partisan snowflakes who defended Bill Clinton during his Impeachment be declaring he could do / say anything he wanted in his personal life and doing so does/did not disqualify him from being President.

So those snowflakes can take a dose of their own 'medicine', and :anj_stfu:.

Regarding 'having eyes for a 10yo, though....this latest accusation is coming from snowflake perverts who see a daughter on a father's lap and immediately think 'lap dance' while getting a 'stiffy'. Sick freaks...
11 years ago - well Holy Shit! Why didn't you say so?!


The OP, and millions of snowflakes trying to condemn Trump for this accusation of lewd talk 11 years ago are the SAME EXACT hypocritical, partisan snowflakes who defended Bill Clinton during his Impeachment be declaring he could do / say anything he wanted in his personal life and doing so does/did not disqualify him from being President.

So those snowflakes can take a dose of their own 'medicine', and :anj_stfu:.
We don't care, but hypocrite GOPers may...
"2005 story - 'BREAKING'...."

On the day Comey DESTROYS snowflake / Democratic false accusations of collusion, crime, obstruction, etc, exposes US AG Lynch obstructed justice, pressured Comey to kill the investigation, and how Obama and his DOJ protected Hillary from prosecution.....

Desperate to draw focus on how the Democrats' entire last 10+ month seditious fake news / accusations effort was just nuked and reduced to ash, are we?


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