Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

I don't any guy that hasnt bragged or talked shit about women when the subject comes up. Just the way it is. newsflash: men love pussy, and they like other guys to know they love pussy.
he was a newlywed, just married Melania....what kind of respect for his marriage did he have....? is melania simply a piece of ass or conquest to of the many pussies he's grabbed...?

Oh yeah I get it. I love my wife, married 18 years never cheated. I don't like what he said I'm not cheering him on but reality is dems and libs love them some Bill Clinton and Bill has actually done a lot of heinous shit. So bill is great and Donald is not? Lol at the hypocrisy.
GOP Sen. Mike Lee calls on Trump to step down
Just shared on Twitter.
I don't any guy that hasnt bragged or talked shit about women when the subject comes up. Just the way it is. newsflash: men love pussy, and they like other guys to know they love pussy.
he was a newlywed, just married Melania....what kind of respect for his marriage did he have....? is melania simply a piece of ass or conquest to of the many pussies he's grabbed...?

you keep saying that...........newlywed? he had single habits to break? put a LINK on it sister or stuff a sock in it. Dates.......times..........places.......when where how. Like ya'all try to stall others with asking.....LINK LINK LINK. like a big green hook-beaked parrot.
he was a newlywed, just married Melania....what kind of respect for his marriage did he have....? is melania simply a piece of ass or conquest to of the many pussies he's grabbed...?

His relationship with Melania is none of my business or yours.
Within days they are going to start popping up. As this video goes viral, his little indiscretions are going bite him in the ass. As Republicans know quite well from all their many attacks on Hillary and Bill, no proof is required, the accusation does the damage.

Nothing is going to pop up that isn't orchestrated by the Democrat party. Trump is a big BS'r, and most of what he said probably never happened. It's just guy talk that any of us guys heard from braggers our entire lives.
There's a difference. Us guys are not presidential candidates. We're not trying to represent this country before the world and set and example.
So you think HIllary is the ideal candidate to set an example?

Are you really trying to say all the discussion before they got off the bus was faked?------really?

You claimed you have "video tape" of him making those comments....stand and DELIVER!

Trump admitted it is real.

Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005
Late Friday night, following sharp criticism by Republican leaders, Trump issued a short video statement saying, “I said it, I was wrong, and I apologize.” But he also called the revelation “a distraction from the issues we are facing today.” He said that his “foolish” words are much different than the words and actions of Bill Clinton, whom he accused of abusing women, and Hillary Clinton, whom he accused of having “bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims.”
Spiteful LOSERS like Paul Ryan, Mittens, and Jeb! have never used it (yeah sure) so they're free to condemn Trump, act all offended, and try to hand the country over to the diaper-wearing epileptic criminal Hillary Rodham. Yet we haven't heard about Trump actually grabbing one when not invited to ( women do like their "p" grabbed on occasion) so now what? Any fella who's ever been in a locker room, barracks, bachelor party or deer camp can't pretend to be offended so I guess that leaves us with Hillary's type of guy.

I've heard several women say things in private that make Trump's bawdy talk sound like choir practice...give me a break. Also in the news today, Wiki leaked Hillary's Goldman Sachs speeches detailing how she LIES to her voters with a "public position" not intended to be confused with her "private position" which is what she follows. So there you have it.....a guy in middle-age crisis mode bragging about his supposed exploits with some soap opera dipshit who kept the tape and is now trying to get Trump dumped. But then let's remember what the alternative to the Donald is, eh?

Above is one pussy Trump wouldn't grab, on his worst day.
The big orange clown, the gift who just keeps the pantsuit bulldyke. I'm not sure, you think his coffin needs another nail?

I'm sure the religious-right aren't real pleased with this...but then, they live in the real world too and Hillary in the WH isn't something anybody with a brain wants to see. This too will pass.

It sure will, shortly afterHellary makes her victory speech.
he was a newlywed, just married Melania....what kind of respect for his marriage did he have....? is melania simply a piece of ass or conquest to of the many pussies he's grabbed...?

His relationship with Melania is none of my business or yours.

You think she was OK with him grabbing random women's pussys? That's what he said he did.
It's over, Tom.

Finally. You can keep pretending Hillary is actually Bill Clinton. But she is not.

So get some rest. You can try again in 4 years.

I appreciate your concern but I'll be fine and so will America with Trump in the WH....Who will the Rats run against him in 2020.....Kerry again?
One can't be a christian conservative and want to elect this man.
Lol..applies to Hillary as well

What did Hillary do? She was the one that was hurt but she worked it out. What has Trump done? Oh'yesss, he fucking cheated on two wife's and probably did on the third. The guys disgusting.
Correct me if I'm wrong but,
Is she not pro choice, doesn't she support same sex marriage

Men who cheat out weigh men who don't

Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone.

I don't care about any of this,
just like I didn't care about bill getting a bj from ml.
The crazies chose a crazy to represent them. What did you expect?

The first husband will be coming back to continue his escapades if yours is selected. how about you stuff a sock in it too, hypocrite #2. We got every right to be equally critical.

your only hope is that BJs' 70yr old wanker don't play no more.........ain't enough Viagra in DC to keep him going anymore?
I highly doubt Romney has used that word in that context.

Obviously its the context at issue this time. It was perfectly alright when he was using the word to call Cruz names.

Mitt is a Detroit boy same as me....I can assure you Mitt can riff a blue-streak and has many times.
He didn't "admit" to anything and find us a woman he's actually "sexually assaulted". Meanwhile I'll name a half dozen that Billy actually did sexually assault with Hillary trashing their reputations for going public with it. Deal?
She was a willing participant, unlike the women who had no Idea Trump was going to grab their pussy and then brag about it to anyone who would listen.

BJ was married. And President. All the staff new. All the SS. Nice example. Now you want to bash the great Donald for talking silly one day? get outa here.
The big orange clown, the gift who just keeps the pantsuit bulldyke. I'm not sure, you think his coffin needs another nail?

Your right. It won't bother me..........I know real life. But the media will make it seem as if he has Townhomes full of young kept women hidden for 20 years.

I will bet he has said the N-word many many times too. I will bet Hillary has yelled MOFO and N-word many times. Maybe not anymore.......but they have.

Of course they have, and slick Willie has said more vulgar things about women. Now all we gotta do is find the tapes and get them on air. He's toast.

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