Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

I happened to catch "Mr Smith Goes to Washington" a few nights back and while I'm not saying for a second that Donald Trump is a modern day Jeff Smith...the way that the Taylor political machine operated in that movie seemed an awful lot like how the Clinton machine operates now! Just saying...

Grandpa, I TOLD you to stay off these message boards! You are not going to find another wife at 95 years of age!

Happily single...but thanks for the thought. I'll let you know about how things are at 95 in another forty years or so!

Seen any good Andy Hardy movies lately?
He was a newlywed at the time to Melania. Sick piece of shit!
Lol and Hillary was still married to Willie when he decided to bang an intern. She decided to reward his infidelity by staying with him.

But nothing out of you.

Words or actions, which mean more to you?
what about melania, she's had to have known about Donald cheating on her with these younger women that he forces himself on....yet she still stayed with him....? Is Melania an enabler of Donald's predatory actions?
You seem to have forgiven Bill for his marital transgressions, how come you don't posses that same forgiving attitude for Trump?

Might it because you're a stark raving hypocrite? You focus on Trump's marital affairs yet ignore Clinton's. Both of the Clintons have a total disregard for the sanctity of marriage and yet you're focused on something Trump said. Said. Not what he's done, SAID.

What a load of crap. If marriage means that much to you, you should be just as equally upset with Bill and Hillary! You're condemning deplorable behavior from one while permitting it from the other.

Don't bother me with your double standards. People like you seriously piss me off.
Hey! News Alert! Bill Clinton IS NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT.

As well, all the allegations, and that is all they were, happened 20 some years ago. Give it up. Clinton is not running for office.

And, if we want to look at sleaziness in partners of those running, how about Trump's sleazy wife who did soft porn photoshoots and married a man 30 years her senior for his money?

Haven't you heard, Esmeralda? The Clinton's have always been a "two for one" deal! Hillary has already stated that she wants Bill to handle the economy for her.

Trump's wife was a fashion model. Their photo shoots aren't porn. If you don't know the difference between the two then you're showing either that you're wearing blinders or you're not that bright!

or perhaps both
Oh right, an $850,000 settlement say at least one wasn't unfounded. He diddled Monica with a cigar, and DNA or her dress proves that wasn't unfounded either.
Bill isn't running for president.
Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)
Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005
The tape obtained by the Post includes audio of Bush and Trump’s conversation inside the bus, as well as audio and video once they emerge from it to begin shooting the segment.

In that audio, Trump discusses a failed attempt to seduce a woman, whose full name is not given in the video.

“I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it,” Trump is heard saying. It was unclear when the events he was describing took place. The tape was recorded several months after he married his third wife, Melania.

“Whoa,” another voice said.

“I did try and f--- her. She was married,” Trump says.

Trump continues: “And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, ‘I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.’”

“I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married,” Trump says. “Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.”

At that point in the audio, Trump and Bush appear to notice Arianne Zucker, the actress who is waiting to escort them into the soap opera set.

“Your girl’s hot as s---, in the purple,” says Bush, who’s now a co-host of NBC’s “Today” show.

“Whoa!” Trump says. “Whoa!”

“I’ve gotta use some tic tacs, just in case I start kissing her,” Trump says.“You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful -- I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.”

“And when you’re a star they let you do it,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

“Whatever you want,” says another voice, apparently Bush’s.

“Grab them by the p---y,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

Wow, is all I will say!

You really are a pussy!!!!
I've had worse discussions with girlfriends at a sex toy party by far.. Give it a rest.. NO ONE, and I mean no one but you liberals buy your load of crap and lies.

OBAMA USED THE P WORD and took God's name in vain.. WHERE'S THE MELTDOWN?
Here's the thing that really makes me vomit with progressives - when Bill Clinton sexually assaulted dozens of women, they vehemently defended him. When Donald Trump talks about sexually assaulting women, they feign outrage for political purposes. If progressives cared the least bit about women, they would have run Slick Willy's ass out of the U.S. three decades ago.
I happened to catch "Mr Smith Goes to Washington" a few nights back and while I'm not saying for a second that Donald Trump is a modern day Jeff Smith...the way that the Taylor political machine operated in that movie seemed an awful lot like how the Clinton machine operates now! Just saying...

Grandpa, I TOLD you to stay off these message boards! You are not going to find another wife at 95 years of age!

Happily single...but thanks for the thought. I'll let you know about how things are at 95 in another forty years or so!

Seen any good Andy Hardy movies lately?

Don't think I've ever seen an Andy Hardy to recommend one?
I happened to catch "Mr Smith Goes to Washington" a few nights back and while I'm not saying for a second that Donald Trump is a modern day Jeff Smith...the way that the Taylor political machine operated in that movie seemed an awful lot like how the Clinton machine operates now! Just saying...

Odd, I don't remember 'Jeff Smith' alluding to the size of his dick in a nationally televised debate, encouraging all of his supporters to check out a sex tape, or insist that since he's a star he can get away with grabbing women by the pussy.

Just sayin'.

Gee Skylar...what do you think the private conversations of the Kennedy's were like when they were talking about women? But you'd vote for them...wouldn't you? Think Bill Clinton didn't use exactly that kind of locker room talk when he was sending his Arkansas State Police bodyguards out to pick him up some woman he thought was hot? Nah, Bill would never do something like THAT!
It's pathetic that you Clinton supporters are resorting to THIS to try and get people to hold their noses and vote for Hillary!
I happened to catch "Mr Smith Goes to Washington" a few nights back and while I'm not saying for a second that Donald Trump is a modern day Jeff Smith...the way that the Taylor political machine operated in that movie seemed an awful lot like how the Clinton machine operates now! Just saying...

Grandpa, I TOLD you to stay off these message boards! You are not going to find another wife at 95 years of age!

Happily single...but thanks for the thought. I'll let you know about how things are at 95 in another forty years or so!

Seen any good Andy Hardy movies lately?

Don't think I've ever seen an Andy Hardy to recommend one?

"Andy's Dilemma about Judy". Should he try to give her a goodnight kiss at the end of the date, or just grab her p.....?"
Gee, seem to have an issue with pussy! How long have you been having thoughts like that about Judy Garland?
Hey! News Alert! Bill Clinton IS NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT

But his "wife" is.

Shut it.

Funny how you value the fidelity of marriage until it comes to the person you're voting for. Hillary is just as guilty as Bill is. She stood by and let it happen. Neither one has apologized for it.

I don't condone Trump's comments, but Trump had the guts to apologize to the American people for it. On the same day.
You call that an apology? Seriously? He didn't even apologize for what he did and said and his attitude about women, didn't apologize to us women for making us only out to be fuck machines, he didn't apologize to his wife, who was a new bride at the time he was bragging about trying to f*** other married women and talked about groping other women and how he just couldn't stop himself....from kissing other beautiful women, prepping for such with his tic tacs....He didn't apologize for shit.... Gawd you men are SLOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.....! :lol:
I happened to catch "Mr Smith Goes to Washington" a few nights back and while I'm not saying for a second that Donald Trump is a modern day Jeff Smith...the way that the Taylor political machine operated in that movie seemed an awful lot like how the Clinton machine operates now! Just saying...

Odd, I don't remember 'Jeff Smith' alluding to the size of his dick in a nationally televised debate, encouraging all of his supporters to check out a sex tape, or insist that since he's a star he can get away with grabbing women by the pussy.

Just sayin'.

Gee Skylar...what do you think the private conversations of the Kennedy's were like when they were talking about women? But you'd vote for them...wouldn't you? Think Bill Clinton didn't use exactly that kind of locker room talk when he was sending his Arkansas State Police bodyguards out to pick him up some woman he thought was hot? Nah, Bill would never do something like THAT!

There wasn't anything particularly private about Trump's 3 am twitter rant calling on his supporters to check out a sex tape. Or alluding to the size of his dick on a nationally televised debate.

You can try the furious turd polishing on this latest Trump Dump, but you're only trading credibility for a lot of wasted effort. Trump is no Jeff Smith.
Gee, seem to have an issue with pussy! How long have you been having thoughts like that about Judy Garland?

Ever since I started reading the news on my home page about Trump this morning..... he is inspiring, you know!
No kidding, Oldstyle. the lifeboats are filling fast, and the Titanic is starting to list. I highly recommend that you find a seat on one.
Trump is not being denounced for using a word. He is being denounced for the way he used it. He admitted to both attempting adultery and assaulting a woman as being acceptable. His excuse was that he has celebrity status as a rich person and therefore, it is OK for him to break both religious law and criminal law.

Hey, it's one of Hillary's boys now!
He didn't "admit" to anything and find us a woman he's actually "sexually assaulted". Meanwhile I'll name a half dozen that Billy actually did sexually assault with Hillary trashing their reputations for going public with it. Deal?

Unfounded accusations vs a video tape. A presidential candidate vs someone not running. Keep trying. You'll still fall on your ass, but at least you can say you tried.

Oh right, an $850,000 settlement say at least one wasn't unfounded. He diddled Monica with a cigar, and DNA or her dress proves that wasn't unfounded either.
it wasn't his money it was the Clinton Defense Fund, which came from donations and he could either let her drag it out with appeals or end it once and for all....

Once he was caught lying he ended it as fast a possible so it wouldn't go to a judgment of a lot more. Also he had to pay personal income taxes on the 850K, if it came form others. Back then it was what 45% top rate? So they didn't escape unscathed.
Hey! News Alert! Bill Clinton IS NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT

But his "wife" is.

Shut it.

Funny how you value the fidelity of marriage until it comes to the person you're voting for. Hillary is just as guilty as Bill is. She stood by and let it happen. Neither one has apologized for it.

I don't condone Trump's comments, but Trump had the guts to apologize to the American people for it. On the same day.
You call that an apology? Seriously? He didn't even apologize for what he did and said and his attitude about women, didn't apologize to us women for making us only out to be fuck machines, he didn't apologize to his wife, who was a new bride at the time he was bragging about trying to f*** other married women and talked about groping other women and how he just couldn't stop himself....from kissing other beautiful women, prepping for such with his tic tacs....He didn't apologize for shit.... Gawd you men are SLOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.....! :lol:
Ahem... moving on...
Hey! News Alert! Bill Clinton IS NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT

But his "wife" is.

Shut it.

Funny how you value the fidelity of marriage until it comes to the person you're voting for. Hillary is just as guilty as Bill is. She stood by and let it happen. Neither one has apologized for it.

I don't condone Trump's comments, but Trump had the guts to apologize to the American people for it. On the same day.
Sticking by your partner, despite infedilties is, in fact, the Christian thing to do: 'till death do you part. She did the right thing. She has nothing to apologize for. She has been a faithful wife. She is not in the wrong because she stayed in her marriage.
He was a newlywed at the time to Melania. Sick piece of shit!
Lol and Hillary was still married to Willie when he decided to bang an intern. She decided to reward his infidelity by staying with him.

But nothing out of you.

Words or actions, which mean more to you?
what about melania, she's had to have known about Donald cheating on her with these younger women that he forces himself on....yet she still stayed with him....? Is Melania an enabler of Donald's predatory actions?
You seem to have forgiven Bill for his marital transgressions, how come you don't posses that same forgiving attitude for Trump?

Might it because you're a stark raving hypocrite? You focus on Trump's marital affairs yet ignore Clinton's. Both of the Clintons have a total disregard for the sanctity of marriage and yet you're focused on something Trump said. Said. Not what he's done, SAID.

What a load of crap. If marriage means that much to you, you should be just as equally upset with Bill and Hillary! You're condemning deplorable behavior from one while permitting it from the other.

Don't bother me with your double standards. People like you seriously piss me off.
Hey! News Alert! Bill Clinton IS NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT.

As well, all the allegations, and that is all they were, happened 20 some years ago. Give it up. Clinton is not running for office.

And, if we want to look at sleaziness in partners of those running, how about Trump's sleazy wife who did soft porn photoshoots and married a man 30 years her senior for his money?

Haven't you heard, Esmeralda? The Clinton's have always been a "two for one" deal! Hillary has already stated that she wants Bill to handle the economy for her.

Trump's wife was a fashion model. Their photo shoots aren't porn. If you don't know the difference between the two then you're showing either that you're wearing blinders or you're not that bright!
Fashion model. LMAO She did soft core porn. She's a sleaze.

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