Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

You've made your point but don't let that stop you!

It's a tough job, Ice but I'll do my best! :)
How come it matters for Trump?
It does not.

Trump supporters are so abundantly stupid that they don't realize that the only way their position is the least bit credible is if they demand Melania comes out calls Donald a pig and divorces him.

If she deals with this behind closed doors and stays with him, she will be EXACTLY like Hillary.
Hey! News Alert! Bill Clinton IS NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT.

As well, all the allegations, and that is all they were, happened 20 some years ago. Give it up. Clinton is not running for office.

And, if we want to look at sleaziness in partners of those running, how about Trump's sleazy wife who did soft porn photoshoots and married a man 30 years her senior for his money?

Haven't you heard, Esmeralda? The Clinton's have always been a "two for one" deal! Hillary has already stated that she wants Bill to handle the economy for her.

Trump's wife was a fashion model. Their photo shoots aren't porn. If you don't know the difference between the two then you're showing either that you're wearing blinders or you're not that bright!
Fashion model. LMAO She did soft core porn. She's a sleaze.
This is NOT what a fashion model does. 'Fashion' refers to clothing: she isn't wearing any. It's pornograpy. How many of you men would like your wife, sister, mother or daughter to do this kind of thing? Few I think. You'd have to say you would be more than fine with your loved ones doing this, or adimit you realize it is porn. Men jerk off looking at this kind of picture. It's porn.,


That's EXACTLY what a fashion model does and I can prove that point by posting pictures of virtually EVERY SINGLE TOP FASHION MODEL POSING IN EXACTLY THE SAME MANNER! Would you like me to do so?

I normally just scroll by your posts but your caps and what you said caught my eye.

I'm a professional photographer.

I've worked with Victoria Secret and Vogue Magazine models.

What you posted is a lie.

I know because I would have gotten copies of the photos.

I get copies of a lot of the work models do before I photograph them. Most photographers who shoot classy women in classy photos get told if they're going to photograph a skank so they can avoid that and not ruin their reputation as a photographer.
How come it matters for Trump?
It does not.

Trump supporters are so abundantly stupid that they don't realize that the only way their position is the least bit credible is if they demand Melania comes out calls Donald a pig and divorces him.

If she deals with this behind closed doors and stays with him, she will be EXACTLY like Hillary.

Like Jackie Kennedy did with JFK, right?
I mean seriously think about what the Clinton campaign is doing...they are trying to paint Donald Trump as an abuser of women! The sheer chutzpah of that is breathtaking! It would be like Oprah accusing someone else of being overweight...
Like Jackie Kennedy did with JFK, right?
Correct. Blaming a wife for the man's infidelity (if she had only satisfied him sexually, he would not have needed to get some strange) couldn't possibly be more sexist, except perhaps if chastity belts came back in style.
Why is this even an issue? It's obviously because the Clinton camp can't run on policy because they have nothing but failed progressive polices to offer. They can't run on competency because Hillary couldn't handle running the State Department. They can't run on what a swell person she is because she lies so much she should be doing a Saturday Night Live skit with Jon Lovitz. So what's left? You start throwing mud and you start throwing it hard which is what we're seeing now.
I'm still waiting for Dana or Esmeralda or anyone else to name me a high fashion model who hasn't posed in a provocative manner. My guess is that they've both realized how full of shit they are on that accusation and have tucked tail and run.
This kind of turns me off, but I'll post it anyways since you guys seem to like them:
You sort of get the feeling that this thread is the breaking point for this supporters. They no longer defend what he says. There has been a shift. It's now more or less, a matter of, "Yeah, he said it and at least you know he wants to bang this woman instead of making you wonder about it" if we sit around and wonder about how much Donald lusts after someone.

For most Americans, the point of Trump being indefensible was crossed several weeks back. For those in his camp, I think we finally crossed that barrier now.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if his kids are behind the latest round of leaks. There seems to be a mark of precision to them... No hidden microphones, or I-Phone videos, no sruveilance camera footage, no ambiguity or wiggle room for dismissal. Either Hillary has a mole in the Trump organization (which is entirely possible) or it's an inside job trying to bring the campaign down before he blows whatever personal credibility he has left.

If you look at his brand; all there is left is a name. Other companies pay for the bricks and mortar of the buildings, the glass and steel, and the workers who shape them. His contribution is his name and maybe management of the property. Thats it. Moving forward, fewer and fewer developers will want this association and you'll see it slapped on the sides of lesser properties by his kids. The curtain has been drawn and people are getting a good look at the man behind it.

I don't think there is a line for those in his camp.

Everyone has a line....
For the hardest core of supporters, it's probably radio silence on whether they are supporting this small fraction of a man any longer.
For one level out from there, it's "Well, at lest he's not Hillary" still showing disdain for her as rationale of voting for him.
For one level out from there, it's "anyone but Hillary"
For one leve out from there, you start to see non-voting
From see peeling away. I have friends back in Texas who just giggle when I bring it up.

On 10/22, I'll be at a wedding down there and have been in contact with several red meat Trump supporters. They are pretty much speechless at this point when the topic comes up.
. Both Trump and Hillary should be disqualified... This has turned into a freak show from hades. When all we can do is produce this kind of caliber of human beings to represent this nation, it's a crying shame is what it is.
The Democrats run Hillary, and in brilliant response to such a flawed opponent, the GOP runs Trump.

You can't make this shit up.
In facing the first woman in history to run for President.......Republicans run the President of the He-Man Woman Haters Club
You sort of get the feeling that this thread is the breaking point for this supporters. They no longer defend what he says. There has been a shift. It's now more or less, a matter of, "Yeah, he said it and at least you know he wants to bang this woman instead of making you wonder about it" if we sit around and wonder about how much Donald lusts after someone.

For most Americans, the point of Trump being indefensible was crossed several weeks back. For those in his camp, I think we finally crossed that barrier now.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if his kids are behind the latest round of leaks. There seems to be a mark of precision to them... No hidden microphones, or I-Phone videos, no sruveilance camera footage, no ambiguity or wiggle room for dismissal. Either Hillary has a mole in the Trump organization (which is entirely possible) or it's an inside job trying to bring the campaign down before he blows whatever personal credibility he has left.

If you look at his brand; all there is left is a name. Other companies pay for the bricks and mortar of the buildings, the glass and steel, and the workers who shape them. His contribution is his name and maybe management of the property. Thats it. Moving forward, fewer and fewer developers will want this association and you'll see it slapped on the sides of lesser properties by his kids. The curtain has been drawn and people are getting a good look at the man behind it.

I don't think there is a line for those in his camp.

Everyone has a line....
For the hardest core of supporters, it's probably radio silence on whether they are supporting this small fraction of a man any longer.
For one level out from there, it's "Well, at lest he's not Hillary" still showing disdain for her as rationale of voting for him.
For one level out from there, it's "anyone but Hillary"
For one leve out from there, you start to see non-voting
From see peeling away. I have friends back in Texas who just giggle when I bring it up.

On 10/22, I'll be at a wedding down there and have been in contact with several red meat Trump supporters. They are pretty much speechless at this point when the topic comes up.
. Both Trump and Hillary should be disqualified... This has turned into a freak show from hades. When all we can do is produce this kind of caliber of human beings to represent this nation, it's a crying shame is what it is.

yeah----but we got one of the other for the next four years-----I vote hoof in mouth TRUMP -----over big time liar and self aggrandizer HILLCAT
Both Trump and Hillary should be disqualified... This has turned into a freak show from hades. When all we can do is produce this kind of caliber of human beings to represent this nation, it's a crying shame is what it is.

Between the two, which one do you think has WAAAAAAY more audio and video footage of the other one saying just despicable things that women especially will shy away from behind the privacy of the voting curtain? That's question #1.

Question #2 is "do you think Hillary is playing her aces first, saving her two of clubs and four of diamonds for last? ... :popcorn:
Jesus Christ, what kind of 'boys' do you hang out with?

Straight one apparently. The gay ones talk about grabbing dick, or so I'm told.
Missing the point dodo head.

Pssstttttt, a dude will know what dudes talk about in private much more than a dudette will.

Now run along dear
People who only hang around with assholes think everyone is an asshole. Not all men are disgusting haters of and objectifiers of women.

You wouldn't know that because your perspective on the world is to talk about, listen to, and engage in the objectification of women.

Do you think these high level Republicans, like Paul Ryan,do the kind of thing they are hearing Trump do? They wouldn't be able to denounce him if they did. You will say of course they do, but you only see the world from your own classless point of view.

Bill Clinton
Bill Cosby

One trusted, the other not


You know, hack, bill left office with almost a 70% approval rating.

You loons don't get it
I mean seriously think about what the Clinton campaign is doing...they are trying to paint Donald Trump as an abuser of women! The sheer chutzpah of that is breathtaking! It would be like Oprah accusing someone else of being overweight...

Ummm...yes that is what they are doing

Just by playing back Trumps own words
Within days they are going to start popping up. As this video goes viral, his little indiscretions are going bite him in the ass. As Republicans know quite well from all their many attacks on Hillary and Bill, no proof is required, the accusation does the damage.

Nothing is going to pop up that isn't orchestrated by the Democrat party. Trump is a big BS'r, and most of what he said probably never happened. It's just guy talk that any of us guys heard from braggers our entire lives.
. I do agree that there are those who talk a mean deal around other guy's, but in reality they are toothless lions trying to look and appear as if they can feed the whole pride with one swoop of their claw. How many guy's were virgins actually, but talked a mean deal around the other guy's just to fit in ? Toad on American Graffiti comes to mind... lol... Someone needs to post his clip where he was talking big, but we knew the deal.. lol... Hollywood has illustration after illustration of this scenario. Now if Trump is a Toad that's one thing, but if he actually represents what he speaks is another thing... Trump has some splaining to do. Now we'll just have to see if their is anyone left out there listening anymore. Julian Asange ain't got nothing on this cat who sprung this October surprise.. wow.
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