Breakint News: Noot's Ex-Wife Claims He Wanted An "Open Marriage"

Gutter politics and liberal-Democrat-Progressives go hand in hand..

some of them seem to almost have a orgasm over it.

we all saw the Palin loving Chocolate thread..

I read some of that palin loving chocolate thread. It seems as though some on the right said she was going to sue.

Whatever came of that?
Yeah, Stephanie! What ever happened to that Palin lawsuit? :lol:
but clinton can fuck his intern in the oval office and it's nobody's business, is that right libtards?

What took you so long??? :rolleyes: You just do not see that what Gingrich did was so much worse, do you??? Bill Clinton was not a hypocrite, just a skirt chaser. Gingrich pushed his family values on us despite the kind of life he led. He didn't think it was really hypocrisy for him to persecute Clinton for what he was doing himself. In Gingrich's reality, Clinton had lied under oath about a bj. But Gingrich thought that what he was doing was perfectly okay. He was a family values man, conservative, and Christian. Do you ever remember Clinton preaching family values??

Liberals really did not care about Gingrich's cheating or Bill Clinton's bj. We were and are angry at the hypocricy and delusion exhibited by Gingrich and his party.
:lol::lol::lol: THis always makes me laugh...when people like you want us to forget that Obama was completely vetted before Nov 2008 and all these things were known then.

Pure Horse shit. Obama vetted are you for real. Aside from Fox News and Right wing Talk Radio Obama was the least Vetted president in History. The Liberal Press not only ignored the stories, they down played them, Dismissed them.

Vetted my ass.

You are admitting that he was vetted!

Whassamatta? Your own vetting needs validation from the real reporters? :lol:

Vetting includes interviewing past realtionships....such as Newts wife.....such as victims of Bain Capital failures.....

Who was interviewed from Obamas past?
Gutter politics and liberal-Democrat-Progressives go hand in hand..

some of them seem to almost have a orgasm over it.

we all saw the Palin loving Chocolate thread..
Steph! You're late! :lol:

Now start spreading that bullshit - it's your job!

spreading bullshit is you lefties jobs...
we saw it in the Palin thread just as we are seeing it here..
but carry on
It's just bait. You are a master fisherman today. Congrats, you have hooked some big ones.

I don't give a fuck about someone's personal sex life. I care about the economy and the future of our country.

Kudos to you for a well played thread though.

Bill Clinton, Womanizer Proven = Honorable
Newt accused of wanting an Open Marriage = Scum of the earth

Gotta love how Liberals think.

What happened to all you fucking assholes who were screaming it was none of our business when Clinton had our Scandal? I guess it's only none of our Business when a Liberal Democrat is the Target right?
So, tell should Clinton have been treated.

This is how he WAS treated: impeached, prosecuted for perjury, disbarred, never elected for any office again.

Again, how should Clinton HAVE BEEN treated?

The same way you would have treated George W. Bush had he done the exact same thing.
the bulk of the reporting on Obamas negatives was more about how Fox News is a right wing talking head who is trying to make a biug deal out of nothing.

I recall Matt Lauer on the morning show say something along the lines of...

'We at NBC will not discuss the Bill Ayers situation as it is not important to the American People. We prefer to use our broadcast time to discuss issues that are much more important such as the economy and the two wars we are engaged in".

The irony?

IN the very next shot, his co-host said...(cant recall her name...Meredith maybe?)....

"And coming up after the update on Madonnas pending divorce"

I couldnt stop laughing at that one.

Are you asserting that that one NBC example was the ONLY discussion of Obama's connection to Bill Ayers before the election?

No. I cited it as an example of how all but Fox news presented Obamas negatives.

Obama swore he did not kow of Wrights sentiments.....and the media never asked him to explain how that is possible.

Obama refused to discuss the details of his deal with Resko and the media didnt press him on the contrary, most of the media simply said "he made a great deal for himself"

It is not that it wasnt was how it was discussed.

ABC has Newts ex wife being interviewed right before a primary....

Did anyone sit down with Wright during the primaries? Did anyone sit down with Ayers? Did anyone sit down with anyone who did drugs with Obama...any of his classmates?

Heck....was there any interview with ANYONE from Obamas past?

Let's not forget that Gingrich was demanding Clinton's impeachment for lack of moral leadership after the Lewinsky Affair - while at the same time he was conducting his own 6 year affair with wife #3 but still married to wife #2.

Gingrich also has the dubious "honor" of being the only Speaker, in American history, that has been formally sanctioned and fined $300 000 for ethics violations by a vote in the House.

Gingrich should make an interesting standard bearer for "family values."
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No. I cited it as an example of how all but Fox news presented Obamas negatives.

Obama swore he did not kow of Wrights sentiments.....and the media never asked him to explain how that is possible.

Obama refused to discuss the details of his deal with Resko and the media didnt press him on the contrary, most of the media simply said "he made a great deal for himself"

It is not that it wasnt was how it was discussed.

ABC has Newts ex wife being interviewed right before a primary....

Did anyone sit down with Wright during the primaries? Did anyone sit down with Ayers? Did anyone sit down with anyone who did drugs with Obama...any of his classmates?

Heck....was there any interview with ANYONE from Obamas past?
You have a rather selective memory. I was a Hillary supporter and believe me, the allegations (that turned out to be false) of an Obama relationship with Ayers were all over the news. As was Reverend Wright.

Yes...the Ayers thing was definitely blown out of proportion. I know.

The Wright thing however was not dug into.

Obama knew the man for 20 years. He claimed to know nothing of Wrights questionable sermons.

But think of how the media dealt with it.

It became all about Wright...not about Obama. Plenty of stories about Wright....but NONE about how it is possible for a man to know someone for 20 years and not know of his sermons.

Let me ask you this....what do you know about Obamas relationship with Wright? What was Obamas excuse for not knowing of Wrights sermons? What did other parishoners say about Obamas relationshoip with Wright? How many of his parishoners were interviewed?

You see....I am just talking about how the media vetts..

For Palin?
They interviewed her school principal...but it didnt air...must have been nothing bad
Her town librarian...something about "banning of books"
her opposition in her state they were going to say nice things?
Her high school friends...just the ones that didnt like her
Her mayoral that was going to be anything positive?

Who did they interview from Obamas past?
Did they interview his senate opponent?
Anyone at all?

Can you name one person from his past they interviewed?
ABC News, part of your "liberal media" is the one that reviewed his sermons and released them to the public and put him on the national radar.

So, you are incorrect.
Bill Clinton, Womanizer Proven = Honorable
Newt accused of wanting an Open Marriage = Scum of the earth

Gotta love how Liberals think.

What happened to all you fucking assholes who were screaming it was none of our business when Clinton had our Scandal? I guess it's only none of our Business when a Liberal Democrat is the Target right?
So, tell should Clinton have been treated.

This is how he WAS treated: impeached, prosecuted for perjury, disbarred, never elected for any office again.

Again, how should Clinton HAVE BEEN treated?

Never Elected to Any office again?

You do know that it is EXTREMELY rare that a president, 1 or 2 term, Goes on to be elected to any office.

In fact I only know of one case of a former US president running for Office after he was President. That was for Senate.
You have a rather selective memory. I was a Hillary supporter and believe me, the allegations (that turned out to be false) of an Obama relationship with Ayers were all over the news. As was Reverend Wright.

Yes...the Ayers thing was definitely blown out of proportion. I know.

The Wright thing however was not dug into.

Obama knew the man for 20 years. He claimed to know nothing of Wrights questionable sermons.

But think of how the media dealt with it.

It became all about Wright...not about Obama. Plenty of stories about Wright....but NONE about how it is possible for a man to know someone for 20 years and not know of his sermons.

Let me ask you this....what do you know about Obamas relationship with Wright? What was Obamas excuse for not knowing of Wrights sermons? What did other parishoners say about Obamas relationshoip with Wright? How many of his parishoners were interviewed?

You see....I am just talking about how the media vetts..

For Palin?
They interviewed her school principal...but it didnt air...must have been nothing bad
Her town librarian...something about "banning of books"
her opposition in her state they were going to say nice things?
Her high school friends...just the ones that didnt like her
Her mayoral that was going to be anything positive?

Who did they interview from Obamas past?
Did they interview his senate opponent?
Anyone at all?

Can you name one person from his past they interviewed?
ABC News, part of your "liberal media" is the one that reviewed his sermons and released them to the public and put him on the national radar.

So, you are incorrect.

And then they let Obama say he was not aware of it all, and didn't press him on what was an Obvious Lie.
Yes...the Ayers thing was definitely blown out of proportion. I know.

The Wright thing however was not dug into.

Obama knew the man for 20 years. He claimed to know nothing of Wrights questionable sermons.

But think of how the media dealt with it.

It became all about Wright...not about Obama. Plenty of stories about Wright....but NONE about how it is possible for a man to know someone for 20 years and not know of his sermons.

Let me ask you this....what do you know about Obamas relationship with Wright? What was Obamas excuse for not knowing of Wrights sermons? What did other parishoners say about Obamas relationshoip with Wright? How many of his parishoners were interviewed?

You see....I am just talking about how the media vetts..

For Palin?
They interviewed her school principal...but it didnt air...must have been nothing bad
Her town librarian...something about "banning of books"
her opposition in her state they were going to say nice things?
Her high school friends...just the ones that didnt like her
Her mayoral that was going to be anything positive?

Who did they interview from Obamas past?
Did they interview his senate opponent?
Anyone at all?

Can you name one person from his past they interviewed?
ABC News, part of your "liberal media" is the one that reviewed his sermons and released them to the public and put him on the national radar.

So, you are incorrect.

And then they let Obama say he was not aware of it all, and didn't press him on what was an Obvious Lie.
Wrong again. He was hounded until he threw Wright under the bus.
You have a rather selective memory. I was a Hillary supporter and believe me, the allegations (that turned out to be false) of an Obama relationship with Ayers were all over the news. As was Reverend Wright.

Yes...the Ayers thing was definitely blown out of proportion. I know.

The Wright thing however was not dug into.

Obama knew the man for 20 years. He claimed to know nothing of Wrights questionable sermons.

But think of how the media dealt with it.

It became all about Wright...not about Obama. Plenty of stories about Wright....but NONE about how it is possible for a man to know someone for 20 years and not know of his sermons.

Let me ask you this....what do you know about Obamas relationship with Wright? What was Obamas excuse for not knowing of Wrights sermons? What did other parishoners say about Obamas relationshoip with Wright? How many of his parishoners were interviewed?

You see....I am just talking about how the media vetts..

For Palin?
They interviewed her school principal...but it didnt air...must have been nothing bad
Her town librarian...something about "banning of books"
her opposition in her state they were going to say nice things?
Her high school friends...just the ones that didnt like her
Her mayoral that was going to be anything positive?

Who did they interview from Obamas past?
Did they interview his senate opponent?
Anyone at all?

Can you name one person from his past they interviewed?
ABC News, part of your "liberal media" is the one that reviewed his sermons and released them to the public and put him on the national radar.

So, you are incorrect.

Yes...and he said he knew nothing about it.
The next step of vetting would be to go to the congregation and interview the congregation to find out if Obama was being truthful.
Did they do that?
Or did they take Obama for his word?
WOAH WOAH WOAH. hold on just a second...

why are liberals and progressives upset that Newt wanted an open marriage? Wouldn't that in itself make him progressive? You know...going outside the conservative stereotype of the traditional marriage? Liberals should love this guy now! Threesomes are very progressive.
Yes...the Ayers thing was definitely blown out of proportion. I know.

The Wright thing however was not dug into.

Obama knew the man for 20 years. He claimed to know nothing of Wrights questionable sermons.

But think of how the media dealt with it.

It became all about Wright...not about Obama. Plenty of stories about Wright....but NONE about how it is possible for a man to know someone for 20 years and not know of his sermons.

Let me ask you this....what do you know about Obamas relationship with Wright? What was Obamas excuse for not knowing of Wrights sermons? What did other parishoners say about Obamas relationshoip with Wright? How many of his parishoners were interviewed?

You see....I am just talking about how the media vetts..

For Palin?
They interviewed her school principal...but it didnt air...must have been nothing bad
Her town librarian...something about "banning of books"
her opposition in her state they were going to say nice things?
Her high school friends...just the ones that didnt like her
Her mayoral that was going to be anything positive?

Who did they interview from Obamas past?
Did they interview his senate opponent?
Anyone at all?

Can you name one person from his past they interviewed?
ABC News, part of your "liberal media" is the one that reviewed his sermons and released them to the public and put him on the national radar.

So, you are incorrect.

Yes...and he said he knew nothing about it.
The next step of vetting would be to go to the congregation and interview the congregation to find out if Obama was being truthful.
Did they do that?
Or did they take Obama for his word?

I think we should look into Obama's past and see if he was black as a child!
ABC News, part of your "liberal media" is the one that reviewed his sermons and released them to the public and put him on the national radar.

So, you are incorrect.

And then they let Obama say he was not aware of it all, and didn't press him on what was an Obvious Lie.
Wrong again. He was hounded until he threw Wright under the bus. it all became about wright.....not Obama.

But tell me.....what was the reason he was able to say the man was a great friend, his mentor, a close relationship for 20 years....but he never knew of his sermons.

Lets see what happens with Newt and his wife....

After the interview...will it be all about Newts wife ...or will it be all about Newt?
WOAH WOAH WOAH. hold on just a second...

why are liberals and progressives upset that Newt wanted an open marriage? Wouldn't that in itself make him progressive? You know...going outside the conservative stereotype of the traditional marriage? Liberals should love this guy now! Threesomes are very progressive.

Because Newt is the hope of a good number of Christian evangelicals. Among them, it is a no no.
Read it and weep:
Investigative Reporting by Brian Ross and the ABC News Investigative Unit | Blotter - ABC News

And right now, I'm watching Rick Perry's resignation speech on msnbc and him backing Noot.

Oh boy...Republican politricks are so much FUN!!!

This GOP nomination fight is perhaps the finest political demonstration of a circular firing squad.

yeah, and what would you call what the Obama did to Hillary Clinton...a love fest?

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