BREITBART: Obama's 10 State of the Union LIES

Number seven is a whopper. The man lies at every turn and his idiot base is too stupid to realize they are being lied to.

President Barack Obama promised his final State of the Union address would be short. Dana Bash of CNN called it “low-energy.” One thing it was not was accurate–or honest. Here are Obama’s top ten lies, in chronological order.

Fact Check: Top 10 Lies in Obama's State of the Union - Breitbart

Just another duplicate OP fail.


Run along meme King, you're incapable of coherent thought and resort to pictures, sad

I swear these Obot trolls reminds me of a cult member to someone like Jim Jones, who talked 900 people to literally DRINK THE KOOL-AIDE to their Deaths. they are as scary as he is

They are certainly an uninformed and stupid lot
The poor CRA bigots are completely unaware this was a global crash.

They are unaware the cause of the crash is the polar opposite of banks being forced to make loans. The exact opposite.
Nobody care's what he has to say anymore. he done wore himself OUT on the people, because all he did was SPEW day in and day out. I was waiting for his labdogs in the media to give us updates on when the little man took a dump.
The poor CRA bigots are completely unaware this was a global crash.

They are unaware the cause of the crash is the polar opposite of banks being forced to make loans. The exact opposite.

Gawd you're an ignorant soul
Lehman Brothers was not subject to the CRA. In fact, Dick Fuld bought up as many brokers as he could in order to keep his supply chain open since the competition was so fierce to find borrowers to take out loans.

Merrill Lynch was not subject to the CRA.

Bear Stearns was not subject to the CRA.

Goldman Sachs was not subject to the CRA.

JP Morgan was not subject to the CRA.

What did all five of these broker-dealers have in common besides not being subject to the CRA?

Three of them failed, and two of them converted to bank holding companies so they could be bailed out.

And how did they get to this condition?

They received a capital reserve waiver from the Bush Administration in 2004.
Number seven is a whopper. The man lies at every turn and his idiot base is too stupid to realize they are being lied to.

President Barack Obama promised his final State of the Union address would be short. Dana Bash of CNN called it “low-energy.” One thing it was not was accurate–or honest. Here are Obama’s top ten lies, in chronological order.

Fact Check: Top 10 Lies in Obama's State of the Union - Breitbart
I stopped reading after #1 do you know why? Because you, and whoever wrote that shit, doesn't know the difference between debt and deficit. So why the fuck should I read the other 6 when number 1 is already WRONG?

Ok, so I read # 7. What a joke you are. We crossed over into Iranian territory. They captured our sailors and then already gave them back. It isn't like when Turkey shot down that russian plane when it crossed into their territory. Iran could have shot those boats out of the water.

So I read 2 of 7 and both are bullshit. WHy would I read the other 5? You sir are a stupid fuck.
Other collapsed banks which were not subject to the CRA:

Royal Bank of Scotland.

Allied Irish Bank.

Anglo Irish Bank.


Bradford & Bingley.




The Spanish cajas.
Number seven is a whopper. The man lies at every turn and his idiot base is too stupid to realize they are being lied to.

President Barack Obama promised his final State of the Union address would be short. Dana Bash of CNN called it “low-energy.” One thing it was not was accurate–or honest. Here are Obama’s top ten lies, in chronological order.

Fact Check: Top 10 Lies in Obama's State of the Union - Breitbart
I stopped reading after #1 do you know why? Because you, and whoever wrote that shit, doesn't know the difference between debt and deficit. So why the fuck should I read the other 6 when number 1 is already WRONG?

Ok, so I read # 7. What a joke you are. We crossed over into Iranian territory. They captured our sailors and then already gave them back. It isn't like when Turkey shot down that russian plane when it crossed into their territory. Iran could have shot those boats out of the water.

So I read 2 of 7 and both are bullshit. WHy would I read the other 5? You sir are a stupid fuck.

Yawn....Sealydildo chimes in with the usual rubbish
Again, the CRA meme is thoroughly debunked. And Fannie and Freddie's US market share SHRANK as the bubble grew, dumbass. That article is way outdated. That meme was started by idiot's who knew nothing and just wanted to blame negroes for the GLOBAL crash.

Again, this was a GLOBAL banking crash. Something which does not penetrate you and your grandkid's thick skulls.

So...nice try.
Number seven is a whopper. The man lies at every turn and his idiot base is too stupid to realize they are being lied to.

President Barack Obama promised his final State of the Union address would be short. Dana Bash of CNN called it “low-energy.” One thing it was not was accurate–or honest. Here are Obama’s top ten lies, in chronological order.

Fact Check: Top 10 Lies in Obama's State of the Union - Breitbart
I stopped reading after #1 do you know why? Because you, and whoever wrote that shit, doesn't know the difference between debt and deficit. So why the fuck should I read the other 6 when number 1 is already WRONG?

Ok, so I read # 7. What a joke you are. We crossed over into Iranian territory. They captured our sailors and then already gave them back. It isn't like when Turkey shot down that russian plane when it crossed into their territory. Iran could have shot those boats out of the water.

So I read 2 of 7 and both are bullshit. WHy would I read the other 5? You sir are a stupid fuck.

Yawn....Sealydildo chimes in with the usual rubbish
You have to admit that list is weak as fuck.

Don't show us bullshit from
Andrew Breitbart

So far we haven't found any real lies Obama said. NONE.

Our latest fact-checks | PolitiFact
Number seven is a whopper. The man lies at every turn and his idiot base is too stupid to realize they are being lied to.

President Barack Obama promised his final State of the Union address would be short. Dana Bash of CNN called it “low-energy.” One thing it was not was accurate–or honest. Here are Obama’s top ten lies, in chronological order.

Fact Check: Top 10 Lies in Obama's State of the Union - Breitbart
I stopped reading after #1 do you know why? Because you, and whoever wrote that shit, doesn't know the difference between debt and deficit. So why the fuck should I read the other 6 when number 1 is already WRONG?

Ok, so I read # 7. What a joke you are. We crossed over into Iranian territory. They captured our sailors and then already gave them back. It isn't like when Turkey shot down that russian plane when it crossed into their territory. Iran could have shot those boats out of the water.

So I read 2 of 7 and both are bullshit. WHy would I read the other 5? You sir are a stupid fuck.

Yawn....Sealydildo chimes in with the usual rubbish
You have to admit that list is weak as fuck.

Don't show us bullshit from
Andrew Breitbart

So far we haven't found any real lies Obama said. NONE.

Our latest fact-checks | PolitiFact

Sealydildo running around flapping his arms hysterically LOL
Sub prime was under Bush's watch. What a mess Obama inherited.
Bush made the loans and obama fixed it huh? LOL, libs!

Hey Bush was in the oval office , he had to know, or maybe not, he was too involved in the ME.

What was Clinton's excuse? Hummers in the Oval office distracted him?
The ME, war in Iraq, which he started along with his side kicks.

I think you better reread my comment and try again
Sub prime was under Bush's watch. What a mess Obama inherited.

The sub prime mess started under Bill Clinton, get your timeline straight
Yea but predatory lending started under Bush.

What opened the door to predatory lending? Be honest
Deregulations? Corporate greed?
Reckless lending practices?

The latest federal lawsuit over alleged mortgage fraud paints an unflattering picture of a doomed lender: Executives at Countrywide Financialurged workers to churn out loans, accepted fudged applications and tried to hide ballooning defaults.

The suit, filed Wednesday by the top federal prosecutor in Manhattan, also underscored how Bank of America's purchase of Countrywide in July 2008, just before the financial crisis, backfired severely.

[FONT=adelle-sans, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]From what I heard, they started bundling mortgages and selling them on the stock market. It was a safe investment before Bushanomics. Who would have thought so many would lose their jobs and their homes?

And to bundle all the bad mortgages together and sell them as safe? Oh stfu.

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