BREITBART: Obama's 10 State of the Union LIES

Sub prime was under Bush's watch. What a mess Obama inherited.
Irish beat me to it.
Now deltex, are you saying you don't trust Breitbart to fact-check Obama? Seriously though, let them wallow. Just sit back and snicker at the list.. Ex: the update on cutting the deficit cancels the original slam. The econ IS recovering, but the Republican crusade to destroy the middle-class power they shifted to the top, by destroying employee protections and wages and turning our former industrial manufacture into imports, is the source of the slow return to our glory days of consumerism before Bush. After ACA, who cancelled employee health insurance? I don't think it was Obama, I think it was employers who felt over-burdened. Every assumption on that hater's list can be challenged. But the reality is that most of the opposition to Obama will choose the lie.
Sub prime was under Bush's watch. What a mess Obama inherited.
Irish beat me to it.
Now deltex, are you saying you don't trust Breitbart to fact-check Obama? Seriously though, let them wallow. Just sit back and snicker at the list.. Ex: the update on cutting the deficit cancels the original slam. The econ IS recovering, but the Republican crusade to destroy the middle-class power they shifted to the top, by destroying employee protections and wages and turning our former industrial manufacture into imports, is the source of the slow return to our glory days of consumerism before Bush. After ACA, who cancelled employee health insurance? I don't think it was Obama, I think it was employers who felt over-burdened. Every assumption on that hater's list can be challenged. But the reality is that most of the opposition to Obama will choose the lie.

^^^^One of those Obamabots who are clueless
In the link posted by the parrot who started this topic, Breitbart dredges up that tired and utterly debunked myth that the worldwide crash was caused by American negroes on food stamps. The CRA.

Holy shit. It just doesn't get more stupid than that. These bigoted fucks are stuck in some weird retard loop that does not allow truth or reality to penetrate.

I guess when all their middle class white neighbors were foreclosing, they said to themselves, "I had no idea Biff was a food stamp negro!" :lol:

I guess when the banks of Ireland, Iceland, Germany, England, and Italy were collapsing at the same time, they said to themselves, "Boy, those negroes of Iceland sure are assholes!" :lol:
Paul Ryan told me everything I need to know about the Gop, what a jerk, I wish someone would of said "hey go home".
Number seven is a whopper. The man lies at every turn and his idiot base is too stupid to realize they are being lied to.

President Barack Obama promised his final State of the Union address would be short. Dana Bash of CNN called it “low-energy.” One thing it was not was accurate–or honest. Here are Obama’s top ten lies, in chronological order.

Fact Check: Top 10 Lies in Obama's State of the Union - Breitbart

I totally called it! See here:

Don't know and I won't even be watching Ears talk about himself, time doing laundry is better spent
We know you rubes won't be watching it. You will wait for your propaganda organs to manufacture bullshit about what he said, and then you will unquestioningly bleev it.

"He snacked on a dead baby during the speech!"

Thank you. Thank you very muuuuuuch. :banana::banana::banana:
It was worse than snacking on a dead baby...(there's plenty of those around...ty pp). He appointed Joe Biden to cure cancer. That's as dumb as nominating Hillary.
In the link posted by the parrot who started this topic, Breitbart dredges up that tired and utterly debunked myth that the worldwide crash was caused by American negroes on food stamps. The CRA.

Holy shit. It just doesn't get more stupid than that. These bigoted fucks are stuck in some weird retard loop that does not allow truth or reality to penetrate.

I guess when all their middle class white neighbors were foreclosing, they said to themselves, "I had no idea Biff was a food stamp negro!" :lol:

I guess when the banks of Ireland, Iceland, Germany, England, and Italy were collapsing at the same time, they said to themselves, "Boy, those negroes of Iceland sure are assholes!" :lol:

G1000 rambling about negroes
Number seven is a whopper. The man lies at every turn and his idiot base is too stupid to realize they are being lied to.

President Barack Obama promised his final State of the Union address would be short. Dana Bash of CNN called it “low-energy.” One thing it was not was accurate–or honest. Here are Obama’s top ten lies, in chronological order.

Fact Check: Top 10 Lies in Obama's State of the Union - Breitbart

Just another duplicate OP fail.

Sub prime was under Bush's watch. What a mess Obama inherited.
Irish beat me to it.
Now deltex, are you saying you don't trust Breitbart to fact-check Obama? Seriously though, let them wallow. Just sit back and snicker at the list.. Ex: the update on cutting the deficit cancels the original slam. The econ IS recovering, but the Republican crusade to destroy the middle-class power they shifted to the top, by destroying employee protections and wages and turning our former industrial manufacture into imports, is the source of the slow return to our glory days of consumerism before Bush. After ACA, who cancelled employee health insurance? I don't think it was Obama, I think it was employers who felt over-burdened. Every assumption on that hater's list can be challenged. But the reality is that most of the opposition to Obama will choose the lie.

^^^^One of those Obamabots who are clueless
Ms Sassy, it WAS during the Bush admin that the "for Sale" signs popped up like dandelions. The hemorrhage of manufacturing leaving our shores for cheap coolie labor was also in full swing in those days too.
Number seven is a whopper. The man lies at every turn and his idiot base is too stupid to realize they are being lied to.

President Barack Obama promised his final State of the Union address would be short. Dana Bash of CNN called it “low-energy.” One thing it was not was accurate–or honest. Here are Obama’s top ten lies, in chronological order.

Fact Check: Top 10 Lies in Obama's State of the Union - Breitbart

Just another duplicate OP fail.


Run along meme King, you're incapable of coherent thought and resort to pictures, sad
The Right is plagued with fearful, pessimistic, whiners. It makes them foam at the mouth to talk about America's greatness and number one status. This just kills them.

They remind me so much of the whiny, pessimistic, pants shitting liberals of the 70s.

Don't you dare say anything good about America around them!
Sub prime was under Bush's watch. What a mess Obama inherited.
Irish beat me to it.
Now deltex, are you saying you don't trust Breitbart to fact-check Obama? Seriously though, let them wallow. Just sit back and snicker at the list.. Ex: the update on cutting the deficit cancels the original slam. The econ IS recovering, but the Republican crusade to destroy the middle-class power they shifted to the top, by destroying employee protections and wages and turning our former industrial manufacture into imports, is the source of the slow return to our glory days of consumerism before Bush. After ACA, who cancelled employee health insurance? I don't think it was Obama, I think it was employers who felt over-burdened. Every assumption on that hater's list can be challenged. But the reality is that most of the opposition to Obama will choose the lie.

^^^^One of those Obamabots who are clueless
Ms Sassy, it WAS during the Bush admin that the "for Sale" signs popped up like dandelions. The hemorrhage of manufacturing leaving our shores for cheap coolie labor was also in full swing in those days too.

Keep going the Community Reinvestment Act, there is why it started. It wasn't a Bush bill
Sub prime was under Bush's watch. What a mess Obama inherited.
Irish beat me to it.
Now deltex, are you saying you don't trust Breitbart to fact-check Obama? Seriously though, let them wallow. Just sit back and snicker at the list.. Ex: the update on cutting the deficit cancels the original slam. The econ IS recovering, but the Republican crusade to destroy the middle-class power they shifted to the top, by destroying employee protections and wages and turning our former industrial manufacture into imports, is the source of the slow return to our glory days of consumerism before Bush. After ACA, who cancelled employee health insurance? I don't think it was Obama, I think it was employers who felt over-burdened. Every assumption on that hater's list can be challenged. But the reality is that most of the opposition to Obama will choose the lie.

^^^^One of those Obamabots who are clueless
Ms Sassy, it WAS during the Bush admin that the "for Sale" signs popped up like dandelions.

I've actually seen some of these rubes retroactively blame Obama for the crash as President before he even took office!
Sub prime was under Bush's watch. What a mess Obama inherited.
Bush made the loans and obama fixed it huh? LOL, libs!

Hey Bush was in the oval office , he had to know, or maybe not, he was too involved in the ME, fighting wars, Not him personally.
Yes, he knew and warned it was getting out of control It was Barney Franks that called it bull. What should Bush have done exactly? Send the National Guard to take over the banks?
Sub prime was under Bush's watch. What a mess Obama inherited.
Irish beat me to it.
Now deltex, are you saying you don't trust Breitbart to fact-check Obama? Seriously though, let them wallow. Just sit back and snicker at the list.. Ex: the update on cutting the deficit cancels the original slam. The econ IS recovering, but the Republican crusade to destroy the middle-class power they shifted to the top, by destroying employee protections and wages and turning our former industrial manufacture into imports, is the source of the slow return to our glory days of consumerism before Bush. After ACA, who cancelled employee health insurance? I don't think it was Obama, I think it was employers who felt over-burdened. Every assumption on that hater's list can be challenged. But the reality is that most of the opposition to Obama will choose the lie.

^^^^One of those Obamabots who are clueless
Ms Sassy, it WAS during the Bush admin that the "for Sale" signs popped up like dandelions. The hemorrhage of manufacturing leaving our shores for cheap coolie labor was also in full swing in those days too.

Keep going the Community Reinvestment Act, there is why it started. It wasn't a Bush bill

The CRA meme is the best litmus test to see how ignorant someone is of the crash.

The CRA had fuck-all to do with it.

Not one CEO of any bank anywhere on the planet blamed the CRA. You won't find a one who says they were forced to make the toxic loans they were making like hotcakes to stuff into their CDOs.

Not one.

Number seven is a whopper. The man lies at every turn and his idiot base is too stupid to realize they are being lied to.

President Barack Obama promised his final State of the Union address would be short. Dana Bash of CNN called it “low-energy.” One thing it was not was accurate–or honest. Here are Obama’s top ten lies, in chronological order.

Fact Check: Top 10 Lies in Obama's State of the Union - Breitbart

Just another duplicate OP fail.


Run along meme King, you're incapable of coherent thought and resort to pictures, sad

I swear these Obot trolls reminds me of a cult member to someone like Jim Jones, who talked 900 people to literally DRINK THE KOOL-AIDE to their Deaths. they are as scary as he is

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