BREITBART: Obama's 10 State of the Union LIES

Irish beat me to it.
Now deltex, are you saying you don't trust Breitbart to fact-check Obama? Seriously though, let them wallow. Just sit back and snicker at the list.. Ex: the update on cutting the deficit cancels the original slam. The econ IS recovering, but the Republican crusade to destroy the middle-class power they shifted to the top, by destroying employee protections and wages and turning our former industrial manufacture into imports, is the source of the slow return to our glory days of consumerism before Bush. After ACA, who cancelled employee health insurance? I don't think it was Obama, I think it was employers who felt over-burdened. Every assumption on that hater's list can be challenged. But the reality is that most of the opposition to Obama will choose the lie.

^^^^One of those Obamabots who are clueless
Ms Sassy, it WAS during the Bush admin that the "for Sale" signs popped up like dandelions. The hemorrhage of manufacturing leaving our shores for cheap coolie labor was also in full swing in those days too.

Keep going the Community Reinvestment Act, there is why it started. It wasn't a Bush bill

The CRA meme is the best litmus test to see how ignorant someone is of the crash.

The CRA had fuck-all to do with it.

Not one CEO of any bank anywhere on the planet blamed the CRA. You won't find a one who says they were forced to make the toxic loans they were making like hotcakes to stuff into their CDOs.

Not one.


Yeah, it is a litmus test see how ignorant people are. You failed the test.

No Bank CEO is going to criticize the government which has the power to shut that bank down at the stroke of a pen.
Again, the CRA meme is thoroughly debunked. And Fannie and Freddie's US market share SHRANK as the bubble grew, dumbass. That article is way outdated. That meme was started by idiot's who knew nothing and just wanted to blame negroes for the GLOBAL crash.

Again, this was a GLOBAL banking crash. Something which does not penetrate you and your grandkid's thick skulls.

So...nice try.
Your negro wasn't to blame...

New Study Finds CRA 'Clearly' Did Lead To Risky Lending
In the link posted by the parrot who started this topic, Breitbart dredges up that tired and utterly debunked myth that the worldwide crash was caused by American negroes on food stamps. The CRA.

Holy shit. It just doesn't get more stupid than that. These bigoted fucks are stuck in some weird retard loop that does not allow truth or reality to penetrate.

I guess when all their middle class white neighbors were foreclosing, they said to themselves, "I had no idea Biff was a food stamp negro!" :lol:

I guess when the banks of Ireland, Iceland, Germany, England, and Italy were collapsing at the same time, they said to themselves, "Boy, those negroes of Iceland sure are assholes!" :lol:

G1000 rambling about negroes
G lubs de neeeeeegoes...
During the recession of the early Bush years, the only business sector which was performing well was the housing sector. It was for this reason that all that investor money began pouring into that sector.

You wanted above average returns on your 401ks, and so your money managers went out and demanded high returns. They were suckered into buying exotic derivative products they did not comprehend. They believed proximity to other people's money made them smart. It didn't. They were idiots. They were bought with hookers and blow and box seats.

If you read the find print of your 401k portfolios, you would have seen that even the "Conservative" bond funds your financial services company managed invested in bond derivatives.

Derivatives. Way down there in the fine print.

College endowment funds, insurance companies, state and local treasuries, 401k funds, trust funds, public employee pension funds, private pension funds, sovereigns. It all added up to $70 trillion of investor money, all demanding above average returns.

The brokers get a middle man fee for connecting that $70 trillion to people who want to borrow that money. The more connections a broker makes, the more fees he collects.

$70 trillion That's a HUGE incentive to keep connecting investors to borrowers. And after you have gotten the good risk borrowers to borrow the maximum amount of cash you can throw at them, then you start going after not so good risk borrowers. And your quants are telling you their derivative products are eliminating risks. And you want to bleev them because you want the music to keep playing.

No one was forcing these brokers to do this. In fact, their attitude was "if we don't do it, our competition will". Which was true, and is why the big broker-dealers were grabbing up as many brokers at the retail level they could find to keep their supply lines open.

This was a global phenomenon in the financial sector.

This is common knowledge except for the retards stuck in the "let's blame the negroes" rut.
Nobody care's what he has to say anymore. he done wore himself OUT on the people, because all he did was SPEW day in and day out. I was waiting for his labdogs in the media to give us updates on when the little man took a dump.
Stephanie, I'm so mean I'd wish you get Trump as President if it didn't mean I'd have to suffer the bloviating, if vague, dude myself.
Lehman Brothers was not subject to the CRA. In fact, Dick Fuld bought up as many brokers as he could in order to keep his supply chain open since the competition was so fierce to find borrowers to take out loans.

Merrill Lynch was not subject to the CRA.

Bear Stearns was not subject to the CRA.

Goldman Sachs was not subject to the CRA.

JP Morgan was not subject to the CRA.

What did all five of these broker-dealers have in common besides not being subject to the CRA?

Three of them failed, and two of them converted to bank holding companies so they could be bailed out.

And how did they get to this condition?

They received a capital reserve waiver from the Bush Administration in 2004.

Don't forget repeal of the Glass Stegal act. This allowed the bad home loans to be packaged up and buried and sold.
This is that sorry asshole Obama as he was preparing to go tell his lies to the American people and Congress. Of course he was screwing around like this yesterday rather than doing his job as Commander in Chief as our sailors were held by the Iranians.

Number seven is a whopper. The man lies at every turn and his idiot base is too stupid to realize they are being lied to.

President Barack Obama promised his final State of the Union address would be short. Dana Bash of CNN called it “low-energy.” One thing it was not was accurate–or honest. Here are Obama’s top ten lies, in chronological order.

Fact Check: Top 10 Lies in Obama's State of the Union - Breitbart
I stopped reading after #1 do you know why? Because you, and whoever wrote that shit, doesn't know the difference between debt and deficit. So why the fuck should I read the other 6 when number 1 is already WRONG?

Ok, so I read # 7. What a joke you are. We crossed over into Iranian territory. They captured our sailors and then already gave them back. It isn't like when Turkey shot down that russian plane when it crossed into their territory. Iran could have shot those boats out of the water.

So I read 2 of 7 and both are bullshit. WHy would I read the other 5? You sir are a stupid fuck.

FactChecking the State of the Union
The poor CRA bigots are completely unaware this was a global crash.

They are unaware the cause of the crash is the polar opposite of banks being forced to make loans. The exact opposite.

They are uneducated morons. Really pitiful.
Lehman Brothers was not subject to the CRA. In fact, Dick Fuld bought up as many brokers as he could in order to keep his supply chain open since the competition was so fierce to find borrowers to take out loans.

Merrill Lynch was not subject to the CRA.

Bear Stearns was not subject to the CRA.

Goldman Sachs was not subject to the CRA.

JP Morgan was not subject to the CRA.

What did all five of these broker-dealers have in common besides not being subject to the CRA?

Three of them failed, and two of them converted to bank holding companies so they could be bailed out.

And how did they get to this condition?

They received a capital reserve waiver from the Bush Administration in 2004.

Don't forget repeal of the Glass Stegal act. This allowed the bad home loans to be packaged up and buried and sold.
The Glass-Steagal Act had been eroded over a long period of time. Some of it needed to go away. Some didn't. Constricting banks to small geographical areas needed to go. It made them vulnerable to regional economic fluctuations.

I think the biggest beneficiary, and ultimately the biggest victim, of the death of Glass-Steagall was Citibank. I made a killing off their downfall, though. When Bernanke announced he was not going to let any more big banks fail, why...that was like free money in the street that day.

The SEC did allow the public execution of Washington Mutual by the big broker-dealers, though. If people only knew what a criminal act that was, with police protection of the murderers! Those of us who understood what was happening were sick to our stomachs as we watched it in real time.
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I've actually seen some of these rubes retroactively blame Obama for the crash as President before he even took office!
It just shows the level of stupidity we are dealing with here.
So we should find the dumbest libs here to represent the "rubes" on the left?
I think some of the dumbest rubes on the Left are those who call the involuntarily uninsured "freeloaders". It requires a level of Orwellian doublethink that is profoundly painful to observe.

So don't succumb to your need to commit a tu quoque fallacy. I'm all over the left wing rubes when they do their thing, too.

But the ratio of parroting idiocy between Right and Left these days is way out of balance. The Right is way ahead.

The sad fact is that Obama could have been beaten, easily, with the truth and facts. Instead, the Gnu Right herd worked double-overtime to ensure his success by parroting non-stop manufactured bullshit like we we see in the OP.
I've actually seen some of these rubes retroactively blame Obama for the crash as President before he even took office!
It just shows the level of stupidity we are dealing with here.
So we should find the dumbest libs here to represent the "rubes" on the left?
I think some of the dumbest rubes on the Left are those who call the involuntarily uninsured "freeloaders". It requires a level of Orwellian doublethink that is profoundly painful to observe.

So don't succumb to your need to commit a tu quoque fallacy. I'm all over the left wing rubes when they do their thing, too.

But the ratio of parroting idiocy between Right and Left these days is way out of balance. The Right is way ahead.

The sad fact is that Obama could have been beaten, easily, with the truth and facts. Instead, the Gnu Right herd worked double-overtime to ensure his success by parroting non-stop manufactured bullshit like we we see in the OP.
Your bias is showing while feigning objectivity. But you brought up the extreme examples, not me. So your purpose was what if not to broad brush the right?
I've actually seen some of these rubes retroactively blame Obama for the crash as President before he even took office!
It just shows the level of stupidity we are dealing with here.
So we should find the dumbest libs here to represent the "rubes" on the left?
I think some of the dumbest rubes on the Left are those who call the involuntarily uninsured "freeloaders". It requires a level of Orwellian doublethink that is profoundly painful to observe.

So don't succumb to your need to commit a tu quoque fallacy. I'm all over the left wing rubes when they do their thing, too.

But the ratio of parroting idiocy between Right and Left these days is way out of balance. The Right is way ahead.

The sad fact is that Obama could have been beaten, easily, with the truth and facts. Instead, the Gnu Right herd worked double-overtime to ensure his success by parroting non-stop manufactured bullshit like we we see in the OP.
Your bias is showing while feigning objectivity. But you brought up the extreme examples, not me. So your purpose was what if not to broad brush the right?
I am not broad brushing the Right. I am trying to clean out the festering malignancies which have infected it.

The conservative movement has been hijacked by retards, liars, hypocrites, bigots, and psychopaths. They have destroyed the GOP and everything their betters built for them over decades.
Lehman Brothers was not subject to the CRA. In fact, Dick Fuld bought up as many brokers as he could in order to keep his supply chain open since the competition was so fierce to find borrowers to take out loans.

Merrill Lynch was not subject to the CRA.

Bear Stearns was not subject to the CRA.

Goldman Sachs was not subject to the CRA.

JP Morgan was not subject to the CRA.

What did all five of these broker-dealers have in common besides not being subject to the CRA?

Three of them failed, and two of them converted to bank holding companies so they could be bailed out.

And how did they get to this condition?

They received a capital reserve waiver from the Bush Administration in 2004.

Don't forget repeal of the Glass Stegal act. This allowed the bad home loans to be packaged up and buried and sold.
The Glass-Steagal Act had been eroded over a long period of time. Some of it needed to go away. Some didn't. Constricting banks to small geographical areas needed to go. It made them vulnerable to regional economic fluctuations.

I think the biggest beneficiary, and ultimately the biggest victim, of the death of Glass-Steagall was Citibank. I made a killing off their downfall, though. When Bernanke announced he was not going to let any more big banks fail, why...that was like free money in the street that day.

The SEC did allow the public execution of Washington Mutual by the big broker-dealers, though. If people only knew what a criminal act that was, with police protection of the murderers! Those of us who understood what was happening were sick to our stomachs as we watched it in real time.
yes they were. So was Clintons treasury sec. I hope he is enjoying that 100M dollar bonus!
As Obama was praising his deal with Iran last night our Navy was surrendering to the Iranians .

Obama, worst Commander in Chief ever!

Lehman Brothers was not subject to the CRA. In fact, Dick Fuld bought up as many brokers as he could in order to keep his supply chain open since the competition was so fierce to find borrowers to take out loans.

Merrill Lynch was not subject to the CRA.

Bear Stearns was not subject to the CRA.

Goldman Sachs was not subject to the CRA.

JP Morgan was not subject to the CRA.

What did all five of these broker-dealers have in common besides not being subject to the CRA?

Three of them failed, and two of them converted to bank holding companies so they could be bailed out.

And how did they get to this condition?

They received a capital reserve waiver from the Bush Administration in 2004.

Don't forget repeal of the Glass Stegal act. This allowed the bad home loans to be packaged up and buried and sold.
The Glass-Steagal Act had been eroded over a long period of time. Some of it needed to go away. Some didn't. Constricting banks to small geographical areas needed to go. It made them vulnerable to regional economic fluctuations.

I think the biggest beneficiary, and ultimately the biggest victim, of the death of Glass-Steagall was Citibank. I made a killing off their downfall, though. When Bernanke announced he was not going to let any more big banks fail, why...that was like free money in the street that day.

The SEC did allow the public execution of Washington Mutual by the big broker-dealers, though. If people only knew what a criminal act that was, with police protection of the murderers! Those of us who understood what was happening were sick to our stomachs as we watched it in real time.

Yes poor Citi, took the money and split it between their top people, Citi made out like a bandit.

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