Brennan And Clapper Now in Durham's Sights

If you don't believe in equal application of the law, you don't believe in law.
If you are going to keep avoiding giving a direct answer to my questions the. I’m going to keep asking.
I am sorry you have such a problem with reading comprehension - I even used small words, anticipating your actually being stupid. Attempting to communicate at a level beneath what I already have is not a talent I possess. Please try to find a snowflake with higher than a 3rd grade level education to explain what I wrote....and congrats on the complete avoidance of everything I posted. Facing reality is a bitch, but you side-stepped it in true cowardly snowflake fashion.

of course I’m not going down your rabbit holes. Think I was born yesterday?! I know the tactic. You can’t address my questions directly so you spew out dozens of random points to avoid the heart of the issue. Nice try but that’s not gonna fly.
If you are going to keep avoiding giving a direct answer to my questions....

I'm not easyt65 but I'll answer your question with the same question. Why hasn't Hillary been charged? There is no dispute that she transmitted classified materials through her private server, well over 100 times. Each transmission is a felony. So why hasn't she been charged? Hillary destroyed evidence that was under a congressional subpoena. What was the consequence for that? Nothing.

If Mike Pompeo had done such a thing you and I both would be calling for his prosecution. But since it's Hillary, you don't seem interested in seeing justice done. Why is that?
I think what Hillary Clinton did was against the rules but whether it was criminal activity, I don’t know. With the limited amount of intel I have I have to defer to the FBI who actually investigated the matter. They deemed it careless but not criminal. I don’t believe deep state conspiracies. Now that trumps state department did their own investigation and came to the same conclusions it clearly reenforces those conclusions.

I’ve spoken to a few people who worked for the government and have heard that their email system is buggy and bounces messages all the time so it wouldnt surprise me if many officials use private accounts For general correspondence. That’s not excusing it but just trying to give it a realistic look. Weren’t there reports of Ivanka and Jared using their private accounts?!

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